Monday, January 10, 2011

The Roman Catholic Charismatic Movement – More Christian or Less?

The Roman Catholic Charismatic Movement – More Christian or Less?

As many of you know, I was brought up a Roman Catholic, and am from a very long line of Roman Catholics dating back many centuries. I was led out of Roman Catholicism just after I was gloriously saved when I heard the TRUE life-giving life-changing gospel for the very first time.

[Yes. for the first time, despite all my years at Roman Catholic school, going through first Holy Communion, the obligatory mass attendance, and the confessions to a priest behind a screen in a wooden booth, the eating of fish only on Fridays, the religious medals and statues scattered all around the house and even a visit to see the pope ....etc]

The true gospel was as chalk and cheese to everything I have been taught. [Chalk and cheese means 'Two things that are might possibly be confused but which are in fact very different.'] It was very hard for me to understand at first because it was so very different.

Sadly, my family still cannot grasp its simplicity and freedom because it is alien to everything they have been indoctrinated with – and they refuse to believe that a church can be so off for hundreds of years.

You see Catholics know it is another Jesus they worship – why can’t protestants see it?

I have written a number of times about some of my experiences, these comments are scattered all around the site – but I just wanted to try and get all the comments on the Catholic Charismatic movement into one single thread for greater accessibility.

Particularly as a major lie going around in these days [spread by C Peter Wagner and many others] is that ”spirit-filled” Catholics within the Catholic Charismatic Movement are not like other Roman Catholics, and are more biblical etc.

However, as I have previously noted, if anything the Catholic Charismatics are more idolatrous, and not less so.

My own experience with Catholic Charismatics is they as readily worshipped Mary as they spoke in tongues.

I found them far more fervent and idolatrous and superstitious, not less so. They are more loving of the rosary, religious pictures and icons and statues, not less so. They are more aware of the saints to pray to, not less so.

They still partake of the same antichrist and gospel denying Mass while they praised Mary in tongues and love it ever more. Needless, to say, one wonders what spirits they were dabbling in.

They had a foreign spirit on them, and they were just as ignorant, alien and opposed to real Christianity as the traditional wing of the church.

Despite the claims to the contrary that people in the Catholic Charismatic fringe are finding ‘Christ ‘and are different to the old school pre Vatican II,

I found the charismatic ’spirit filled’ meetings more blasphemous and more idolatrous than in the traditional wing of the church, as they were far more zealously blasphemous!

They were no more enlightened by the Charismatic spirit they had received, rather they were more blinded by it!

They still loved candles, grottos, medals, rosary beads, shrines and idols. They prayed also to the Saints and the dead.

They still felt need of a priest to confess to and partook of Mass with the same superstitious mindset.

They still crossed themselves etc.

Their gospel was still one of works and they had no more hope of salvation.

They still believed in purgatory. They were still superstitious – even more so.

They still idolised the pope.

They still blasphemed against God and practiced spiritual whoredom.

The leader of these meetings said that when Jesus returned he would give all the credit to Mary.

So it was not, and cannot have been, the Spirit of Truth that led them.

What does this say about some Charismatic experiences and Charismatic spirits? – it is they do not belong to truth. Another insight is this – when I came into a meeting as a visitor, they welcomed me, especially when they heard that I was brought up a ‘good’ RC. However far from being delighted that I had since been saved after responding to the true gospel, and rejoicing that I had found Jesus and my life had turned around, they were only interested in me coming back to Rome as they saw me as a backslider and not a convert or disciple of Jesus. That was their version of conversion – conversion to Rome! I refused to take mass with them – and went away much grieved in my spirit.

The Catholics don’t compromise in the ecumenical movement, it’s everyone else (eg the protestants) who compromise – who are supposed to put aside essential major doctrinal differences and agree it’s OK to call Catholics Christians now, as the twisted Catholic gospel is correct if Catholics are now Christians as they must be if the differences millions have died defending are no longer important! For when you say, yes they’re Christians, we all agree, you agree with what the Roman church teaches or do not think it is important.

So its Ok to worship Mary, blaspheme against God, kiss idols, pray to Saints, deny the work of the cross, pay indulgances, accept papal infallibility and all its corruptions, attribute names to the pope that only God Himself owns and should be called, deny the gospel of grace, partake in the heretical and blasphemous and gospel denying mass, keep the word of God from the common man, as well as have such wealth stolen by corruption and evil etc etc – this is all now suddenly Christian and not antichrist?

Let’s all come back to ‘mother church’.

I don’t think so. Over my, I mean, millions of others’ dead bodies.

Have you read the description of the whore in Revelation who is sat on seven hills (as Rome is).

Dripping with wealth, holding a gold cup dripping with the blood of martyrs, and dressed in scarlet and purple, and crowned with blasphemous names that has world leaders eating out of her pockets and vice versa. Ring any bells yet? Yet these guys are ‘Christian’? Yeah, right.

I’m an EX Roman Catholic who even went to see Pope John Paul II. Note the EX.

I’m an EX for a reason, if the RC church taught the true gospel I’d still be Catholic.

I know the true Christian gospel and the Catholic one is just not compatible and is chalk and cheese – even among Catholic charismatics who are just heretics who speak in other tongues.

Mormons speak in other tongues, shall we embrace them too and call them Christians?


Though some (like me) get genuinely saved in spite of the church, they are soon led out of it by God.

Besides which, the fact that a minority within an institution may or may not be saved, does not make the RC dogma or the church valid

Of course the differences between Roman Catholicism and the Bible are immense and important and millions have been martyred because of it.

They reject the paganism and idolatry and heresy of Rome and rightly so.

I’m not knocking the millions of Catholics bound in ignorance – they know no better, I was one once too (but I was not a Christian) – BUT the institution itself stinks and is spiritually adulterous and repellent and an ENEMY of the true gospel.

Remember it is not flesh and blood we fight, I do not fight Catholic individuals themselves, I love them and weep for them, but it is against the spiritual powers and every vain thing that sets itself up in the high places in opposition against Christ…that is RC dogma and ‘Rome’ that is to be fought.


Some other associated threads on Catholicism -

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