Wednesday, January 26, 2011
the Latter Rain Movement.
Transcribed From Messages Delivered in Chicago on August 23rd 2001
There was a mighty outpouring in this country in the 1940’s known as the Latter Rain Movement. Great pioneers of that movement got the revelation of immortality and the ‘Coming of Christ in the Now’. Most of them had incredible faith and were used even to raise the dead. They believed they were going to live, and not die. One of them was Franklin Hall a friend of mine. They are not here anymore and we have begun to ask the question, why? If Jesus completed the work 2000 years ago where is the evidence? He said ‘Wake Up’. Adam has been sleeping all these years and nobody woke him up. Why do you think Jesus went to Lazarus and said Lazarus my friend is a sleep. He didn’t say he was dead? No he said He was asleep. I call this Operation Lazarus
He is knocking on our heads and saying wake up. There’s a whole universe inside of us that needs to wake up. If it had been a finished work, how come there is no evidence? It was finished for Him. He said it is finished for me. Unless you hear the Son of God say to you it is finished, it isn’t finished for you yet. He said ‘Take up your cross and follow me’ because He was the ‘Pattern Son’. Somebody had to come here and be the pattern. Do you know what the pattern is? Remember what God said to Moses, ‘Build the Tabernacle according to pattern’ this is because others would have to follow the pattern. I am here to tell you that Jesus was the template and He showed us how to do it, but even He couldn’t do it for us. The scripture says ‘Work out your salvation with fear and trembling’. I am not referring here to the common salvation mentioned in the book of Jude, or about the remission of sins. We are talking about the rewards of salvation. Immortality is the reward of salvation. If you want to reap the reward there is a sacred path you have to follow
For six years my wife and I were in the desert but once in awhile God sent a messenger of light. As we have been on this path of discovery the Lord has led us to fast and pray. About a month ago, the messenger that came to us was Enoch, the seventh from Adam. He appeared to us and told us he was going to give us the ways to transfiguration. I will return to this later
I have been in the Five-Fold Ministry and used to heal and even raise the dead. There is however a greater work. Jesus said ‘For two days shall I do miracles, cures, and cast out demons, and on the third day I shall be perfected’. We are now in the third day, the day for the manifestation of the perfection of God in the flesh
A week after this, Jesus appeared to and put his finger on the head of my wife and said to her ‘I’m going to take away everything you know, it has to go, and when it is all gone you’ll fall asleep but when you awake you will be like a little child’.
You have to enter into this realm of silence if you are to be born from the man kingdom into the God kingdom. We know we are elohyms in spirit but that god-ship has to manifest in the soul and in the flesh. You are a saviour that has come upon Mt Zion, Heb.12: 22-23, to save this whole man. We have been trying to save what’s outside and that is not wrong. But there is something better. Every one of us is an evangelist. You have eight billion cells in the brain alone that have to be evangelized so stop looking outside. That’s what is killing you. There are nations living inside of you. Can you understand what is happening? Don’t go from this realm, if you do, someone will have to resurrect you. The book of Jude refers to the angels that left their first estate. This is it; here is your first possession (your body). If you leave here you are put in everlasting chains and trapped back in the flesh. The word chain means the same as a tendon of the muscle.
Heb.12 :22-23 says ‘But ye are come unto mount Zion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels, To the general assembly and Church of the firstborn, which are written in heaven, and to God the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect.
There has to be a perfecting, it does not matter in which realm.
The reason why people are still sick and feeble is because they have not discerned the body of Christ. When you discern the body of Christ you are going to find a whole new horizon opening up in you. What has been experienced up to now is the common salvation according to Jude the brother of Jesus. In Egypt, to prevent the angel of death from taking the lives of the children of Israel, the blood was put on the outside. The common salvation only puts the blood on the outside. This gives you the remission of sins. The problem however is not what’s on the outside. When Jesus said ‘It is not what comes from the outside that defiles but that which is from within’, this is what he meant. Your problem is not what is on the outside but that which is on the inside of you
I would like to clarify why I believe that people are sick and death still working. With all my heart I believe the message. What the revelation does is, it tells you what is available to you and every one of us. The question is how to get there, so I went to the Bible to see who had made it. I found the names of three men, but there may be more not recorded in the sixty six books. The first is Enoch. About Enoch, the seventh from Adam, all it says is he pleased God and walked with God. Now in the word ‘ Walk’ is the clue that there is a path to this. That is why it says he walked with God. He walked the path that was laid before him. The second is Elijah who went into the glory realm without seeing death according to the Bible. He is one who went through some interesting experiences about whom we do have information. The third is Jesus. We have very little information of the formative years of Jesus. It is recorded that he was born of a virgin, was taken to the temple to be dedicated, and he had to go to Egypt to get away from Herod. Now Egypt was a land that already knew about resurrection. They had this knowledge that is why they built those massive pyramids. He was brought back at the age of two, ‘And out of Egypt have I called my son’, appears in the temple at 12, and then we haven’t a clue as to what happened till he reached the age of thirty, the level of maturity. Although I love the three and a half years, what a flame-shot path that culminated at Calvary. I do wish we knew about those eighteen years that got him to the thirtieth because in that time is the revelation of what must happen to you and Today I really want to expose Satan because a lot of you are having problems with him. We have just returned from the mountains where we went to fast. The reason we went to the mountains was in order to get away from the house where everything that surrounded me would keep me trapped. That is where Jesus went. When we go to the mountain we are also elevated within. That was the Heb.2:14 Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil. It does not matter what you are experiencing but do you believe the devil is destroyed? It says in the word, that once and for all Jesus destroyed him that had the power of death so if this spirit, which could be multiple, appears and begins to trouble you, just remind him that he does not exist anymore. His power has been disannulled. That spirit might not remember and it might need reminding that it is written He destroyed him that hath the power of death, which is the devil. This is when you have to deal with every thought form and every fallen power. If you don’t remember this you are going to be chasing ghosts out there. Remember this is your carnal mind
While I was waiting for God to speak, He said ‘I want you to study about the serpent’, and so I did. In the Greek the word serpent comes from the word ophthalmia, or acute vision. God then started to give me revelation. Sometimes you can know things and yet it is not a reality to you. He said the serpent operates in the five senses. Jesus has already destroyed him but he operates inside. Remember what the Bible says ‘And that devil which is called Satan has been cast out of the heavens into the earth’ Where do you think the earth is? I don’t intend to scare you, as a matter of fact this is going to be liberating. While studying about how the children of Israel had to conquer the nations as they entered into the Promised Land by cutting off the heads of thirty one kings, I found the typology wonderful because the fact is, there are thirty one nerve centres in your body that gives you the five senses. Unless you cut the heads of these kings, you are going to be under the satanic influence that is the carnal mind. That is why we are going to expose him now so you won’t have problems again. You got to know what you are dealing with. This is why fasting is so important
In Mark: 9 we read of the how the disciples could not cast the spirit out of the boy. Jesus rebuked their unbelief and said ‘This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting’. Here the word ‘Kind’ is very important because it comes from the word genos and is the same as genetic. There is a whole universe inside of us. The book of Jude has opened out a whole lot to us because when Enoch came, he told us he was going to teach us the ways, the paths to immortality. The spirit of Enoch was guiding us to see what there was in the Book of Jude. Jude refers to the spirits that were trapped that left their first estate; the first estate is your first possession, your physical body. The ones who have been martyred are heard crying ‘How long?’ They are waiting for a physical body to come right here. He says I have sent saviours on Mt. Zion. Sickness is happening inside of us because we are not doing it. We are carrying nations inside of us ever since the days of Adam. The generations are all in here in us. Every one of my cells has a molecular memory, a programme in my molecules that carry the spirit of all these people. They are crying out ‘How long shall I be trapped, please release me and resurrect me?’ In the book of Jude is the prophecy of Enoch. I know that it was partly fulfilled on Mt. Hermon. What is important is that it says ‘The Lord commeth with ten thousands of His saints’. Ten thousand in the Hebrew mind is the same as myriads. That goes back to another word meaning the Lord of Hosts (Adonai Sabayoth). What he was saying was, He is coming with ten thousands of His angels out of you and I. As these thought forms that are in us are transformed. You have to understand that this is a process. Become your own observer and start observing every thought coming out of you like Jesus
We continued to fast and on the third day every imaginable food appeared before me. I could literally hear my stomach talking to me. Then I heard God say, ‘Look at your intestines, it looks like a giant anaconda’. Did you get it? When Adam started to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, remember the word knowledge comes from the word that relates to perception through site. This is equivalent to the Greek opthalmia meaning acute vision, perceiving through the senses, that is what they started to do. They then got trapped in their senses, and man has been trapped ever since. That is why the last nation to be conquered in the Promised Land was the Philistines. There were five lords of the Philistines, which are the five senses. David took five stones to slay Goliath the Philistine. You have to do this yourself
Who do you think Paul was talking of when he said he was fighting the beasts of Ephesus? He was referring to his beastly nature, the five senses manifested through this thing called Adam, the generations of Adam. Every one of the cells has a program that goes on for millions of years. You were a spirit being that came in a physical form, that acquired a body. The brain needs sugar to keep it going. This world of senses would mean nothing to you without the brain. I call it the virtual reality cap. The moment you are born you put a brain on and it becomes the virtual reality cap and that is what makes things real to you. You got to get your head cut off so that a cloud of witnesses can descend on you. This is what Jesus was talking about when explaining to His disciples as to why they could not cast the spirit out of the boy.
Here is what fasting does. It cuts the brain off. I am giving you the scientific reason. There’s no more sugar molecules coming in when fasting on water. Fasting on fruit juice is a partial fast and better than nothing. On the third day of fasting on water, you start to battle hunger. If you go on to the fourth day, nothing seems to be happening and you begin to ask yourself ‘Why am I fasting’? When you go into a fast you are expecting a spiritual experience and you want it as quickly as possible. Jesus fasted forty days not four. Now why would Jesus who knew so much need to fast forty days? He is the pattern son. You want immortality but are you willing to follow the pattern. He was led into the wilderness by the Spirit. What right do you have unless you are willing to follow the pattern? ‘For he that cometh any other way is a robber a thief and a destroyer’. You got to follow the pattern there is no other way and only you can do it. Once you get to the fourth day of fasting you begin to feel weak. At this point you got to speak to your body and tell it ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but from every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. I am now talking to you about the keys that Jesus gave us. You need all three keys, the key of knowledge, the key of wisdom, and the key of understanding without which it is superstition. There is something that is far better called ‘Knowing’, when you know. ‘You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free. If you carry on fasting after the fourth day, you have all kinds of thoughts coming in your head and you have to command your mind to be still because all the fallen demons begin talking to you, and you will experience the most awful battle of your life. As you progress to the fourteenth day, you begin to see the angels ascending and descending right in you. You will see things from which point you won’t want to return to the visible realm because the invisible realm appears to you more real
Remember I told you that the serpent is in the five senses. Every spirit trapped inside is a fallen spirit. It could have come from your genetic structure. Look at the word we used to imprison people. Isn’t it called a prison cell. Well now can you see what our cells hold. Unless you release these spirits that have been imprisoned in us their dualistic thought forms are going to cause disease. As you come through your resurrection just like Jesus did the graves inside of you will open and those saints that were committed to you that have been imprisoned in your cells will walk out of you, just like they did 2000 years ago. First you must lose your head. The feast you are trying to fulfil is the Feast of Tabernacles, the third feast. The typology is in the caterpillar. Before it becomes a caterpillar it is one little larva. He makes his own cocoon. Nobody else does it for him. He goes inside and stays there till he emerges as a butterfly. Likewise no one can do it for you
You are the chariot of the cherubim. Cherubim means imagination. That is the first creature the cherubim, then the seraphim. The definition of seraphim is fiery serpent but the real meaning is fiery. When the children of Israel kept asking for flesh, it says He sent serpents, not ones that came from outside. They came from the inside of them. The same word is used for the seraphim, which says ‘Holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty ‘ who appeared to Isaiah the day king Uzziah died. Isaiah said ‘Woe is me of unclean lips’. The seraphim is the fire of God, a six winged messenger, which you have to become, because if you don’t the fire will destroy you through old age or disease. Of the six wings four wings will cover the 4 natures of man, and with two left we will have the power of TRANSLATION. There is a burning fire inside of you, the fire of the seraphim and death has been judged. Remember the words of St. Paul? ‘Many of you are sick because you have not discerned the body of Christ.’ We thought it was the corporate body, and at one level that is true, but your body is the real body so don’t speak evil to it.
The power of blessing and cursing is in your tongue. When you speak it hits your crown and messengers of light are sent inside of you called neural messengers. These start to program the cells which tell the cells to make certain types of molecules, so be careful. St. Paul said, ‘I’ve given him over to Satan that his soul may be saved but his flesh will be cast into the fire’ that is the seraphim. This is why it is so important that you come not into the judgment, because the judgment is happening daily in your body. Everyday you age; it is a form of judgment. It is the work of the Seraphim because it has not been allowed to be conformed to CHRIST, which is to burn THE CHAFF off, for now the axe is laid upon the tree, and the fire is being sent to burn off the chaff. That is the work of the seraphim. ‘For our God is a consuming fire’. I am not trying to scare you, and there is no duality. This is reconciliation of spirit and thought. Yes Thought originates from Spirit Its the Chicken that came first and not the egg.
You hear a lot about Christ- consciousness, but I ‘m here to tell you that your carnal mind cannot save you. If it were up to your physical mind to save you, forget it. I’ve tried it and it does not work. You have to become a partaker of the work of the seraphim for the seraphim to work inside of you and start to burn and purify you. It begins with the thought process, ‘For the spirit of Christ has set me free from the law of sin and death’. The word Christ comes from the word anointing. It is the anointing that breaks the yoke. The spirit of truth that descends inside you will now start to reveal all the addictions within. We have protected the devil or fallen thought forms that have been inherited through at the cellular level for too long by saying ‘that’s my nature’. Stop saying this, you do not have any nature but that of Christ. You are trying to persuade your cells that you the Spirit being has no beginning nor end, you have no identity, and that you came to save all the trillions of cells and make them the BODY OF HAVEN in its CLARITY. Things now begin to happen and as they happen, you will see the fulfillment of the prophecy of Enoch, the seventh from Adam, who said that the Lord returns with myriads of his angels, and where is that? Right here inside of you. You are looking at it reflecting every face of God’s nature, coming out of every cell of the body programming the light programme, evangelizing all of the trillions of cells, starting at the level of the stem cell, the ancestral cell. Why do you think there is such a big issue today about stem cells in the news? This is because the scientists know that if you program the cell right everything is going to be ok. The stem cell is the ancestral cell, and that is what produces all the cells including the red and white blood cells. If you clean up your act in the stem cell, it will start to reproduce the right stuff. Remember you have inherited the stem that has come out of Jesse. He brought back the perfect program, and is giving it to you. So if you can believe this you already have some perfect messengers inside of you waiting for you to speak the command of CELLULAR RESURRECTION. Start speaking to your cells now. There is no more darkness but the divine light of Christ. SAY Let There Be LIGHT, LET THERE BE LIGHT. For surely now the father has a temple full of light that he can walk around in.
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