Monday, January 31, 2011

gee..are u a "fallen away" roman catholic..

I had a good Catholic education and can only say good things about the nuns and priests I have met... they seem to be sincere, dedicated people. And I like the idea that they repeated at least a few words from Jesus Christ every sunday. I was always inspired by those words.

But as another response mentioned, the theology seems to come more from Paul and from early "theologians" rather than from Jesus himself. I got away from Churches after reading the Gospels for myself. It appears to me that Jesus did not ask anyone to go out and build churches where people can worship. In the Parable of the Sower, Jesus was simply sowing seeds that save (Luke) and I think his Apostles did likewise.

They were sowing seeds, not building churches. And moreover, he said to the Woman at Jacob's Well to "worship in Spirit." So I think the seeds he was sowing had something to do with how to worship (how to be in spirit) and eventually be transformed. And of course the Sermon on the Mount is all about how we have to be transformed.

So I think that the Christianity we see today is nothing at all like the original. If you want references and a more detailed explanation for my point a view, this is a good source:

Read more: Are you a "fallen away" Catholic? why? | Answerbag

I am a convert who joined the Church more than 30 years ago when I married. I believe almost all things taught by the Church and my faith gives me great strength and comfort in my life. I struggle deeply over a few of the teachings, however. I listen every day to Catholic radio and yesterday one of the most famous theologians and priests of our day called President Obama the "anti Christ." I actually shut the radio off -- whether or not you believe in his politics, this was so over stated and so outrageous that it hurt me deeply, not because I so strongly believe in Obama but rather because I do not believe that God says you have to be a conservative Republican. God teaches to love everyone and not to pass judgment on others for such things but rather leave it to Him to know the right thing. I also struggle with the teaching on using contraception. I used contraception for a good portion of my younger life -- does this mean I will go to Hell? It just seems preposterous to even think that. Lastly, I don't believe in abortion -- but there are circumstances where while I would not solve a problem with abortion, I can at least understand that others who do not believe might see things differently. One other issue troubles me as well -- so many of the priests are out of touch with their flock. I go to Mass to feel close to God and Jesus, to recharge my batteries, to say thank you and also to be inspired to face another week. More often than not, I leave Mass and don't feel that inspiration. It makes me very sad. I feel this pull back to the Church and it runs deep in my spirit, but just about when I am about to take action, I hear the man on Catholic radio say some dumb thing and it reminds me that I am not quite there yet.

Read more: Are you a "fallen away" Catholic? why? | Answerbag

when i started studying the bible, i came to realize i had to make changes if i wanted to please God. the religion that he approves of has to be the one that bases all its teachings on his Word the Bible. the catholic church is only an example of how religion has conformed to man made teachings and traditions. i know of many that left the catholic church to become members of so called "christian" churches (actually they are the protestant churches, and since when did they start calling themselves christian?)why go to another religion, if they pretty much believe in the same doctrines, customs, practice the same holidays of pagan origin, etc? might as well stay put. the true religion will require first of all that that person gain certain scriptural knowledge to enable him/her to make the kind of decision needed to conform to God's standards. also, the true religion will require changes to conform to God's will. that person will have to abandon certain practices and customs that the bible disaproves of. for more information go to

Read more: Are you a "fallen away" Catholic? why? | Answerbag

I am no longer Catholic so I guess I've fallen away from Catholicism. I just didn't have my own relationship with God growing up and when I was old enough to make my own choices I just stopped believing in God at all. Now that I am a believer I go to an Assemblies of God church. I don't think the Catholic church is alive in America anymore and I want to be in a church that is alive.

Read more: Are you a "fallen away" Catholic? why? | Answerbag

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