Wednesday, January 19, 2011

NDE --

Jesus took me through many visual learning experiences.

The following is another.

Jesus took me to this great room filled with the masses. As Jesus and I stood there, as if we were spirits looking through the veil, Jesus was also on that Other Side of the veil with these masses (this could lead some to believe he is omnipresent, rather virtual reality, in its perfect form!) Everyone in the room knew he was about to honor someone in this room. I saw at the front of these masses many preachers & evangelists, all being very pleased with the "work" that they had done on Earth for God. Jesus walked right past them all to their shock. He wandered through the crowds way to the back. There he stopped by an old woman. You could hear the buzz. "What's he doing? Who is this woman?" No one knew who she was. The woman herself was suddenly understanding that he was by her and not someone close to her.

She said, "Oh surely not me Lord?"

He placed his hand on her shoulder and said, "You did exactly what I told you to do. You did not do what man told you or, what you thought you 'should' do. But you did the very works that you were on Earth to do -- nothing more -- which would crowd out what you were here to do. These works had great effect as a result. Without them many other planned works would be jammed."

I'm not saying that this actual event takes place on the Other Side. This was a learning tool for me like the parables. I can forego the public honoring. That without a doubt. My sole desire is to do only what I am here to do and that by love. If it is only one word, so be it. The least is the greatest. This "greatest" is not always publicly known. But very much the simplicity of doing what seems to man to be the least, yet one is greatly fulfilled by fulfilling this perfect plan that the Father has pre-ordained for us. Small acts, if led from obedience to God, are involved in a ripple effect. Again, "My word does not go out void." This would not exempt great scaled works either. But all are as nothing if manmade in any shape or form. Love is central to this all. We all must learn to be "abased" and also to "abound" Perhaps I am also stuck on the small things and I must allow my vision to broaden.

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