Friday, April 2, 2010
what is a prophet??
On It’s Supernatural:
John Paul Jackson knew Benjamin Netanyahu would be the next Prime
Minister of Israel.
He also knows supernatural information about President Obama. Find out
what he knows!
Can ancient secrets of the supernatural be rediscovered? Do angels exist? Is there life after death?
Are healing miracles real?
Can you get supernatural help from another dimension?
Has the future been written in advance? Sid Roth has spent 30 years researching the strange world of the supernatural.
Join Sid on this edition of It’s Supernatural.
SID: Hello. Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world where it’s naturally supernatural. My guest,
John Paul Jackson, is a proven prophet.
As a matter of fact, John Paul, before we tell them of
what you’ve seen, which is the next 10 years and what’s going to happen in the future, just so
they get to know you a little bit better, the space shuttle, Challenger--
SID: What did you see about that?
JOHN PAUL: I saw it actually exploding before it ever was launched. And so I actually called
NASA and told them were some problems, told them what I saw, and the answer was,
“Well Mr.
Jackson, thank you very much for your concern. Thank you for calling. There’s thousands of
check and balances, and failsafe systems, and nothing is going to happen.
SID: That must have been pretty frustrating.
JOHN PAUL: It was frustrating. I thought, well, you know, it’s probably me. They’re probably
right. I’m probably wrong. Probably my dream really wasn’t a real vision, or it wasn’t really
what I thought it was. And then, so when it hit the next day, I was just shocked. My whole staff was shocked, because I told them. I drew it out.
I drew pictures of it. Everything.
SID: Listen, when you were on my radio broadcast, we talked about Netanyahu, from Israel.
SID: What did you say?
JOHN PAUL: Well the last time I was on your program, we talked about Netanyahu and who
would be the next Prime Minister of Israel.
SID: Right.
JOHN PAUL: And you helped me reveal that Netanyahu was going to be the next Prime
Minister of Israel, and that he was chosen by God to make very, very difficult decisions.SID: And as I recall, you said it was going to be in a difficult period of time.
JOHN PAUL: Yes, a very difficult period of time for Israel.
SID: Now when you were 13, you should have died. What happened?
JOHN PAUL: Well when I was 13, I had encephalitis. I came down with encephalitis, which is
a swelling of the lining of the brain. You can take a look online and you’ll find out that there’s
been several people, well known people, just in the last ten years that have died from it. And I
should have died from it. In fact, I did die from it. I left my body, had an out-of-body experience.
I saw my mother and father, and doctor, and pastor crying, look down at me laying there on the
bed, and I wasn’t there. I mean, my body was there, but I wasn’t there.
SID: You were observing it.
SID: What was your mother doing?
JOHN PAUL: My mother was crying out to God reminding him of a promise that he made to
her before I was even conceived, that I would speak the plans of God. I would have an 11th hour
ministry, that I would proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ to people.
SID: And actually, as you explain it, an angel came to her.
JOHN PAUL: Right. She had had a miscarriage. And so an angel came to her and spoke to herand said, “Grieve no longer. You’re going to have a child. You’ll name him John Paul, and he will have an 11th hour ministry, and even your pregnancy will be a sign of that 11th hour ministry.” And she was pregnant with me 11 months, documented, 11 months.
SID: In my opinion, the purpose that John Paul Jackson is on Planet Earth, the reason that his life was spared, the reason that an angel visited his mother is for him to reveal what is going to
happen in the next 10 years, and it’s going to happen in a number of areas.
In fact, John Paul
Jackson, you only spoke privately of it, and just recently, you started speaking about it. And
almost as fast as you’re speaking, things are coming to pass. But there’s so many--
SID: In fact, let’s take a look right now at them.
Female Reporter: Russian Prime Minister, Vladimir Putin, said the war has started, as Georgian’s
president accused its neighbor of a well planned...
Male Reporter: Tensions are still simmering in the Xinjiang region of China, and the death toll
now stands at 184 from last weeks riots, according to state officials.
Male Reporter: Rocked by a one-two punch of an economic downturn and the loss of half its
congregation, due to the divorce of its celebrity pastor, the future is uncertain of this once
Female Reporter: President Barak Obama said, in Turkey last week, that we Americans do not
consider ourselves a Christian nation or a Muslim nation, but rather...
Male Reporter: It was said in the Senate of Illinois when Governor Ron Blagojevich was arrested
Tuesday for a corruption crime spree...
Female Reporter: Vice Presidential hopeful, John Edwards has admitted to an ongoing affair
with a 42-year-old aspiring actress turned political documentarian named Rielle Hunter.
Female Reporter: Stocks slid, Monday, with the Dow slumping nearly 778 points in the biggest
single-day point loss ever. This, after the House said...
Male Reporter: ...this morning, as news spread that New York investor, Bernie Madoff, may
have bilked billions of dollars from investors using a so-called...
Male Reporter: ... ten Texas earthquakes occurred over a three-day period, this last week, have
left many to ask one question: Why? The two faults in Texas...
Female Reporter: ... today, as the public health authorities worry about the new flu strain that can
prove more dangerous than at first expected.
SID: Now what you don’t know is I have a DVD here in which John Paul Jackson is
prophesying all these events that you’ve just seen, and so many more. He has been given a
window into the next 10 years. John Paul Jackson, some of the things that you’ve seen about our
economy, I’m sure everyone is interested in that. Tell us a few.
JOHN PAUL: Well some of the things I saw was the issue of the corruption that would be taking place, and there’s way more corruption still going to happen, and will be exposed. There were some things regarding the bail-out program that was announced last Fall.
Before it happened, the Lord showed me that that was going to be happening, and there would be even more bail-outs that would happen. There would programs that would be implemented that would be more injurious to our economic structure than had previously been thought, but there would be a surprise element in them, and they would not help our economy at all. In fact, it would be
very destructive to the economy.
The Lord began to talk to me about this man who would be
elected, who would be a savior. He would see himself as a savior, a liberator of some type, and
that in that, he would then seek forth to put in programs that would be, again, injuriously,
injurious to the economic structure of the United States. And those programs would be designed
to help the people he was trying to liberate, and that would not be a good thing.
SID: Now you saw some specific dates. What were they?
JOHN PAUL: I saw the year 2010 was going to be very difficult, especially as you get further
into 2010.
I saw the year, I kept hearing an angel saying in a deep loud voice, “The woes of
2012. The woes of 2012.
The woes of 2012.” I don’t know what those woes are, Sid. The angel
did not tell me about those woes.
But there was more emphasis on those woes than almost
anything else that I was given.
SID: I can’t wait for you to hear some of the other areas that he found out, especially
geophysical and wars. Don’t go away. We’ll be right back after this word.
We’ll be right back to It’s Supernatural.
We now return to It’s Supernatural.
SID: Hello. Sid Roth here with John Paul Jackson, and John, who’s been given a vision from
God of what will happen in the next 10 years. And in the geophysical, there are some amazing
things about ready to happen. What did you see?
JOHN PAUL: Some of the things I saw that were going to be coming or were quite shaking.
And one of them was the issue of drought and the issue of water becoming very, very expensive,
and at some point in the future, there will be cities that water from tap, right from your kitchen
faucet will be more expensive than oil is. So it’s not like talking about going to the store and
buying a gallon of water. We’re talking about water that’s normally fairly inexpensive becoming
very expensive. In fact, some of the things that I saw was there would be various cities in the
United States that would have to evacuate thousands of people because there wasn’t enough
water in the reservoirs and in the aquifers that they get the water from, to get water to all the
SID: What about food?
JOHN PAUL: I saw a blight coming to hybrid seeds, and that would bring a type of famine to
the United States. So the hybrid seeds that have been propagated by various large, huge
corporations, supposedly resistant to all kinds of things, there’s something in the DNA structure
of how they propagated everything, and it will actually allow for a blight to come. Some of the
seeds won’t break the ground. Some of the seeds will break the ground but never bear fruit, and
so you’ll end up seeing maybe green out in the fields. There will be enough rain for them in
certain areas, but they won’t come to seed. So there won’t be the corn that will be normally in
the ear. There won’t be the wheat that is normally in the head of wheat. So that creates a major
food shortage.
SID: Will that increase crime?
JOHN PAUL: Which would increase crime. Right.
SID: What did you see?
JOHN PAUL: Well crime, I saw crime increasing for several reasons. One, economically
because there’s so many people unemployed. We’re at double-digit unemployment. And I’ve
been talking about as high as over 12 percent unemployment before it’s all said and done. And
that was way before, you know, at that time it was 4.5 percent, I believe, when I started talking
about. But I also saw unemployment because of the economic decisions that are going to be
made. I also saw the food shortages further harming the unemployed because food will be so expensive they couldn’t afford to get it. And so then, you end up seeing people actually robbing
food trucks that would carry food to grocery stores. And when they would come and there would have to be armed guards riding the food trucks in order to keep the food truck waylaid or hijacked.
SID: It sounds to me like there’s going to be a great deal of fear going on.
JOHN PAUL: Yeah. One of the plans of the enemy--There’s going to be fear because of just
God saying, “I’m God, you’re not,” and one of return of the fear of God to the church, first and
foremost, and then to the nation. But one of the plans of the enemies is going to try to capitalize
on that fear. So you have enemies of the United States that are going to be doing issues. Both
China as well as the Islamic community are doing things to the United States. They’re going to
begin to generate fear. And so they’re going to be doing things with the school systems. They’re
going to be doing things with malls, shopping malls. There will be explosions in shopping malls
that will make people afraid to go to high-traffic areas like malls would be.
SID: As a matter of fact, you saw a lot of malls closing down.
JOHN PAUL: I did. I saw a lot of malls closing down, and interestingly enough, because of the
storms that happen in some of the cities, the malls were actually used as housing for the people
who didn’t have homes.
SID: Hmm. And then you saw a migration of people out of the big cities.
JOHN PAUL: I did. I saw a migration of people out of big cities because of the fear that was
there. There was fear of what would happen in the school systems. There was fear of what was
going to be happening in just high-traffic volume areas. Various bombs will go off and people
would be killed, and so people were afraid to be going, almost like suicide bombers in Israel,
when they had suicide bombers on the buses and things, which, by the way, is going to be
increasing. But it’s going to be happening here in America, not just suicide bombers, but actually
bombs that would be left in various places that would detonate at a certain time. People are going
to be moving to rural areas in order to keep their children safe from the urbanization and fear
SID: You literally saw people digging up pavement to plant. Explain.
JOHN PAUL: Yes. There was a couple of cities where people in various inner city areas would
actually try to dig up the pavement. They would get unused back hoes and use that to try to pull
the asphalt streets up, and try to then plant seeds in the dirt underneath the asphalt streets.
SID: What about the areas of war?
JOHN PAUL: Well the areas of war is going to become increasingly more and more hostile.
The issue with North Korea is not as trite as a lot of Americans might think it is. And what
they’re going to be doing, especially in furnishing materials to other nations is scary, and will
actually lead to some detonation of some thistle material. The issue of Pakistan is probably the
most serious of them, other than Egypt. I saw Pakistan turning into a terrorist community, that it
will cease being friendly to the United States. It will be overthrown in some way. I’m not sure
whether that’s a military overthrow or coup, or how all that works. I saw bits and pieces, you see
the result, but you don’t know sometimes exactly what the process was.
SID: And you saw a dirty bomb going off in America. Tell me.
JOHN PAUL: I did. I saw more than one dirty bomb going off in American. And the first one I
saw was in a port in a coastal city. And the city, I didn’t see the name of the city, but I saw
tunnels underground in the city, and I saw those tunnels full of water.
SID: And you saw a nuclear type of material being secretly brought into the United States.
JOHN PAUL: Right. In underground passageways. In underground passageways.
SID: Can you be more specific? Where were they coming from?
JOHN PAUL: It looked like it was coming in an arid area. So it looked like it would be from the
Mexican border. And so I would assume that it would be from that direction, versus the
Canadian border, because of the area that I saw it coming through. I also saw things like some
type of biological warfare coming through that the Islamic community would pay some of the
people in Mexico, like mules, to carry biological and chemical weaponry in these tunnels to the
United States, and then release them in certain areas, or deliver them to somebody who would
release them in a large populated area.
SID: I tell you, I wish we had more time to cover all of the things and all of the areas that he
saw. But the most important area, we’re about to ready to cover, and that is a visitation of the
glory of God, that if you have one iota of fear, all you have to do is get on God’s team and fear
will vanish. We’ll be back right after this word.
We’ll be right back to It’s Supernatural.
We now return to It’s Supernatural.
SID: Hello. Sid Roth here with John Paul Jackson. And John Paul Jackson has been shown a
window into the next 10 years of what is going to happen in the world. And John Paul Jackson,
what’s going to happen here in the United States in the political area?
JOHN PAUL: Well, the Islamic community is going to continue to make inroads into the
political arenas. They’ve got a multiplication project that is designed specifically on their part.
It’s a hundred-year plan. At least that’s what the Lord showed me, a hundred-year plan that they
have that, and I’m not saying that it’s going to be a hundred years before the Lord comes back.
SID: I understand that.
JOHN PAUL: It’s their hundred-year plan.
SID: Right.
JOHN PAUL: So, but they’re hundred-year plan is basically to have a president in the office, a President of the United States in office by 2024, that their plan is to have, before that date, to have mayors of cites, governors of states, elected and in place before then, to have congressmen and senators in place before then, and then after that, to have judge, more than one judge on the Supreme Court in order to change the laws and implement more of an Islamic law into the United States.
SID: Now what did you see happening in schools in the United States, as far as Islamic prayer?
JOHN PAUL: Islamic prayer would be allowed and Christian prayer would not be allowed.
SID: That is outrageous!
JOHN PAUL: It’s unbelievable. When I saw it, I thought surely not. Surely not, Lord. But they
will. They will allow it because of the fear factor. They’re going to allow Islamic prayer in the
school system of the United States, but not Christian prayer in the United States. They will allow
time for Islamic children to pray, but not time for Christian children to pray.
SID: What did you see about President Obama?
JOHN PAUL: I saw that there was going to be an attempt upon his life.
SID: By who?
JOHN PAUL: I saw that it was going to be by the Islamic community, but make it look like it
was racially motivated.
SID: And of course, we should pray that this not happen. But if it happens, what would occur?
JOHN PAUL: Then there would be incredible race riots in the streets like we’ve never seen
before in this nation, and it would be worse than Rwanda.
SID: And with all this devastation that you see--
SID: You saw the glory of God invading Planet Earth.
SID: Tell me what you saw.
JOHN PAUL: Well the Bible talks about a time of Jacob’s trouble, a time of incredible
hardships, incredible difficulties. But a lot of people don’t look at what the Lord said about the
Jacob generation. The generation that’s going to see that trouble, is also going to see His glory.
For in Psalms 24, it talks about the glory of God that’s going to come in. Who is this king of
glory? That is the chapter that asks that incredible question. And it talks about what is going to
happen. “He who ascends to the mountain the Lord with clean hands and a pure heart has not
lifted up his soul to vanity.” These type of people are going to see incredible things of God. And
what I saw, was I saw the glory of God invading His church again. I saw the glory of God
invading homes again. I saw the glory of God invading places of worship.
SID: Get specific.
JOHN PAUL: The glory of God, what I saw was like it was thick, it was honey-like, it was like
you see on the road. On a hot day, you look down the road and you’ll see a shimmering on the
highway. Well this happened in the churches that I saw and the places where the Lord came
down. There was a shimmering like a cylinder, a large cylinder, and varying sizes of cylinders of
this shimmering, honey-colored, amberesque-colored light. But it was very thick. It was thicker
than what you thought. When you got into it, you found it very difficult to move, not because
you were paralyzed, but because of the thickness of the presence of the Lord. And whoever
entered, Sid, anybody who walked into that glory was healed. Anybody. Anybody.
SID: Oh I love it. Let’s have it on this show.
JOHN PAUL: Amen. And I watched people; I watched mothers and fathers cry out for their
children in that cylinder of glory, in the glory of God. I watched them cry out. And before they
were done praying, the children ran into the sanctuary, ran into the place of worship, ran into the
home declaring that they had been touched by God, and they were giving their life to Yeshua,
and giving their life to the Messiah who they had now seen.
SID: You saw multiplication of food. Explain.
JOHN PAUL: I saw multiplication of food. I saw where there’s no food on tables, people, this
Jacob generation would close their eyes and pray, and they would hold hands in unity, and while
they were praying, food would be put into the pots that were the table. They took the lids off the
pots, and there was the food, and they delivered and dished out the food to the people who were
praying there. And this didn’t happen at one location. It was multiple, multiple locations. God is
drawing us back to a purity of relationship with Him through Jesus.
SID: Speaking of purity, you saw in the Church no absolutes. What did you mean?
JOHN PAUL: Well I saw a growing time where the Church failed to realize the absolutes of
God. They began to diminish the Word. And so there was no absolute way to get to God. And
then there became no absolute one God. So then, it ended up being more of a polytheistic view of
God or many types of God. And each one of us have our God...
SID: You saw horrible immorality in the church.
JOHN PAUL: I saw horrible, horrible immorality in the church. It was going to be--
SID: Some of the things you talk about here, it’s difficult to even express.
JOHN PAUL: It is. It is so vile. It is so ugly.
SID: But there’s got to be a separation of God’s people, of Jacob’s generation.
SID: And everyone else.
JOHN PAUL: It’s a Malachi 3 passage. It says, “And there’s a clear distinction between those
who know God and those who don’t know their God.” And that’s what we’re going to begin to
see, Sid. We’re going to see a clear separation, a clear distinction. We’re going to see leaders
arise in the midst of turmoil. We’re going to see people with ideas that meet the needs of people
in the midst the turmoil. We’re going to see people with innovations that meet and facilitate the
delivery systems, and systemization of things. And these will be the believers that God shows his
secrets to.
SID: Supernatural wisdom.
JOHN PAUL: Supernatural wisdom. Exactly.
SID: It’s the Issachar.
JOHN PAUL: Here’s a verse that’s very important. It’s found in Psalms 25:14. “The secret of
the Lord is with those who fear Him.” Now what is the secret of the Lord? It’s anything that God
hasn’t revealed. Meaning, how do you do this? What is the secret to DNA? What is the secret to
this particular type of healing process? What is the secret to various things? And you’re going to
have people being given secrets from the Lord, because He’s going to keep his covenant with
SID: And I have a word for you: Psalm 91. “You shall not be afraid of the terror by night, nor of
the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence that walks in darkness, nor of the destruction that
lays waste at noonday. A thousand may fall at your side, 10,000 at your right hand, but it shall
not come near you.” Why? “Because you have made the Lord, who is your refuge, even the most
high, your dwelling in place.” Listen to this. “No evil shall befall you, nor shall any plague come
near your dwelling. For He shall give his angels charge of you to keep you in all of your ways.
You shall call upon me and I will answer you. I will be with you in trouble. I will deliver you. I
will honor you. With long life I will satisfy you and show you my salvation.” You know, a lot of
people have long life today because of medical science. But they’re not satisfied. There’s only
one satisfaction, and that is to have God say, “You’re my friend.” The only satisfaction is
intimacy with God. The only place for you is to know God. The only way is through Jesus. If
you get right with God, repent of your sins, and tell Jesus you want forgiveness, you want him to
live inside of you, you want him to become your Lord, do it now
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