by Mysticalorigins on Thu Dec 04, 2008 2:49 pm
Hello everyone,
Got the sbns bulletin on myspace about Azna's day and thought I would stop by and see how you all were doing.
In response to your question Psi, I looked up Azna's feast day in the Novus JOS book on God and this is what it says;
" December 8th is Azna's Feast Day. It is strange because... [the churches] borrowed that for Mary's Feast Day.
Feast Day means a day in which you honor the God.
In ancient times Her feast day was a day in which, whether
it was Isis or Theadora or Hara or by whatever name She went, whatever culture,
would bring flowers, would burn candles...
because it does something for you and She both...
Your petitioning Her changes many things in your life, many many things[Francine]
Coming together really brings about a power that protects you... Religions have always said you must come to church because God will be angry if you do not. That is ridiculous! The power that exudes from coming to a church or professing your Gnosticism, brings power unto you and protection... The only reason why there is any homage paid on a certain feast day is because it brings power to you!"
This will be my first year celebrating this day.
I'm just going to light a candle in her honor and send my love and thanks her way. By the way Psi, you may want to rephrase your petitions.
I didn't think mine were working until I did that.
I also found that although the exact thing I wanted wasn't happening the petitions were being answered, just in another way. I think the reason for this is that what I was asking for was something that couldn't be changed because it would negate my reasons for being here.
But I found that doors were suddenly being opened in other areas that were still prevalent to the initial petition.
So even though that part of my chart could not be changed other things could to make life a little easier and more enjoyable. What's been happening since I first started to notice all of this has been amazing.
Anyway love to all and enjoy Azna's very special day.
Pay attention to the little things. It may be a sign from someone you love.
Posts: 62
Location: Utah
Joined date: 2008-02-21
thanks for bringing this celebration up again
.... though each prayer I say either begins or
ends with an appeal to Azna; she is definitely not forgotten
throughout the year.
she is the busy feline always on the move ....
I really like the Gnostic way of thinking about our symbolic
elders - Azna, Om, Archangels, etc....because gnosticism is
so positive and caring about the past, present, and future lifetime.
It pays to be honestly good.
Truely, have a calm and knowledgable weekend as well as an
endearing December 8th -Azna's Day.
Posts: 168
Joined date: 2008-02-21
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