Is Perry Stone Biblically Sound?
I have been asked several times about Perry Stone, whether he is biblically ’sound’ or not. So I have decided to start a new thread on this specific subject.
I have to say I’ve not researched Perry Stone much – but I’m sure others here have so please do comment below.
I do remember I read one of Perry Stone’s prophecies before on the recommendation of another and was not only troubled by it, but concluded for the sake of my own personal understanding that he and the spirit he prophesied by was ’off’. And this was without my knowing about all the merchandising he does, or the ‘judaising’, or some of the people he hangs with such as the terrible pulpit pimps Morris Cerullo and Paula White, or his appearing on the even more terrible TBN.
Perry Stone’s teachings are mingled with some truth but there is a lot of dangerous heresy packaged in there such as the erroneous pre tribulation rapture doctrine.
I also since discovered that Perry Stone sells a meal package on his Voice of Evangelism ministry website, calls it the Lord’s Supper, and claims if you buy it from him and take it daily you’ll be healed of any sickness or disease. This is bad enough in and for itself, but there also seems to be some ideas more akin to Roman Catholicism within his teaching on ‘communion’ [eg of the Roman Catholic eucharist, and the pagan idea of the actual "real presense" of Christ being manifest in the bread and wine and a mystical connotation that was never ever meant by what is meant to be a symbolic meal. Breaking bread is also about communion with others, and is not to be done alone as then some of the main symbolism is lost!]
Look below how this idea is then ruthlessly pimped by Paula White and Perry Stone. This is despicable.
Paula White: “I believe that as you take communion that there is protection through that blood. Then the bible declares that the blood not only saves us, not only protects us, but it also provides for us. You said there’s a couple that we know very dear that had a financial need.”
Perry Stone: “Yes!”
Paula White: “And their father, a great pastor, pastor Scott told them God gave him a revelation.”
Perry Stone: “Yes.”
Paula White: “To take communion once a day.”
Perry Stone: “He said, ‘Take it everyday and as you’re praying thank God for blessing you financially. Thank Him that that’s part of the provision. They needed $50,000 and they got an amazing, remarkable $50,000 miracle, this couple did!”
Paula White… “Call that toll free number! We want you to get the ‘Meal That Heals!’”
(Paula White and Perry Stone, “Paula White Show,” October 9, 2004) source
December 31, 2008 - Posted by endtimespropheticwords | End Times Eschatology, False Prophets and Teachers, John Hagee, Judaism, Messianic, Mike Murdock, Morris Cerullo, Paula White, Perry Stone, Prophecy, Prosperity Gospel/Seed Faith, Pulpit Pimps, Rapture, Word of Faith, Zionism | christianity, church, manna fest, Pam Stone, prophetic, religion, theology | 241 Comments
1.I have picked up a few comments already left about Perry on this site.
Emi asked:
“I have been seeing Perry Stone a lot on tv lately. I don’t know a lot about him, but what I’ve seen doesn’t impress me. He seems to make some pretty wild and presumptuous claims about biblical prophecy (he is a dispensational premillenialist, I think, but goes way way beyond all that), he’s a staunch Judiazer, and he sells a plethora of products and CDs/DVDs/etc on his website(and quite a bit of it) and a huge list of books he’s written (one in particular disturbed me, “The Meal That Heals” stating that the Lord’s Supper was implemented to heal people…not as, “do this in rememberance of Me…”and he sales a “The Meal that Heals Communion Kit”).
He sells more Stars of David than crosses on his site store. He talks about the “mysteries” of this and the “secrets” of that, which he says are to be found all over the Bible. He seems to be a Word/Faith subscriber. He takes part in prophecy conferences with some mighty suspect people, too (look at the speaker list of Morris Cerullo’s 2009 Conference – Musey, Monroe and Murdock (oh my!). Paula White, John Hagee and the list continues.
From what I’m seeing this Perry Stone doesn’t seem to do anything but make a name for himself by making outrageous claims about mysteries and secrets that no one but he has been shown. However, I do not think I’ve the full story. Tell me, what is your take on Perry Stone?”
Comment by endtimespropheticwords | December 31, 2008
2.Double Grace responded -
Emi: I’ve also had questions about Perry Stone since getting out of Charismania this summer. I have always found his teaching on OT and the Temple insightful and interesting. I haven’t heard everything he teaches however.
What is the difference between acknowledging the Jewish roots of the Bible, first Christians and “Judiazers”? Are they the same and is it wrong to support Israel?
Is Perry Stone a false teacher or just a little off in some areas? I’d like some opinions on this also. Thanks.
Comment by endtimespropheticwords | December 31, 2008
3.Eve said previously on another comment
The church we run is Messianic and we meet on Saturdays. I must confess that i feel the Hebrew Roots movement in general, and these folk in particular are into some weird stuff. There is so much in the Bible as it stands. I just do not understand why they have to pay so much attention to men who have no relationship with God.
Of course, we need to understand the mind and culture of the people who wrote Scripture, but we do not have to espouse the superstition of those the lived amongst.
God nowhere tells us there are secret codes or mystic interpretations of His word. Even the Rabbis tell their people not to study Kabbalah or it will send them mad. We wonder if this is behind much of the madness in the church today.
There seems to be a feeling that the Bible is not enough. It takes many forms and is very dangerous. Christians seem to hang on every word of such people and do not weigh what is said. Teachers like Perry Stone take Kabbalistic and Jewish tradition and impose them on the church.
We celebrate Biblical festivals, but do not include Jewish tradition. Many Messianics seem unaware there is a difference and that Jewish tradition can just as easily have pagan roots as can that we find in the church.
Comment by endtimespropheticwords | December 31, 2008
4.Marybee said:
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You are wrong.Your catholic/orthodox idolatry of intercession/veneration of saints does amount to idolatry according to scriptures Exodus20:3-5,Revelations9:20,Romans1:16-32,Revelations21:8,1Corinthians10:14,Acts15:20 etc.
ReplyDeleteAccording to Revelations 21:8 all those who do idolatry will burn in eternal lake of fire and sulfur.
Pre-Tribulation rapture is the truth.Why?-Because Jesus said the day of the Lord will come like a thief in night-1Thessalonian5:2.
In 1Thessalonians4:14-18 and in 2Thessalonians2:7 pre tribulation rapture is clearly detailed.Of the 8 annual Jewish feasts that God ordained in Leviticus 23,first Passover signifies Crucifixion of Lord Jesus as the lamb of God for the sins of all mankind.
2-Week of unleavened bread signifies why Jesus died for our sins and ressurected 3 days after-to cleanse all our sins/leaven.
3-Day of First Fruits and 4-Harvest festival/Pentecost-signifies the apperance of ressurected Jesus to his disciples early in the first day of the weak,which signifies the coming great Harvest aka Birth of God's Church on the day of Pentecost after 7 weeks-50th day on the upper room as recorded in the book of Acts.
5-Trumpet festival-signifies coming of Lord Jesus Christ with the trump of archangel in mid-heavens to take all true christians to heaven and leave the hypocrites/namesake christians on earth(as at the time of rapture all people on earth will be christians atleast for namesake) for great tribulation of 7 years.
6-Atonement festival-signifies coming of Lord Jesus with 10,000 of saints and defeating satanic forces and setting up millenial kingdom ,which happens at the end of the 7 year tribulation period.
7-Week of Tabernacles/Shelters-signifies peace and prosperity of the millenial reign of Lord Jesus Christ.
8-Signifies final judgement of all people who aren't included in the rapture according to their works,and New heavens,New Earth and New Jerusalem for all eternity after that.
You can clearly see that festival of Trumpets come before the Atonement festival as rapture(trumpet) comes before the coming of Lord Jesus with power and glory to establish his millenial kingdom(atonement).
Also in the book of Revelations,first 3 chapters deals with the church,after that in 4th chapter we see 24 elders with crowns.Crowns /rewards are not given untill ressurection of the dead-rapture occurs-Luke14:14.Thus we see that rapture will occur before the 7 year tribulation period .7 year tribulation period is described in Revelations4-20:4.
The people who are included in the rapture a great multitude from every nation ,language and family on earth is described in Revelations7:9-17.
So may God bless you to see the truth and reality and come out of your false teachings and idolatry(of intercession/veneration of saints).
For more info,kindly visit my site and /or read the scriptures-Bible with an open mind.
God bless you.