SID: U.S. debt is worse than the Great Depression of 1929. Fear: it’s epidemic.
My guest was
downloaded a strategy from Heaven that will allow you to win every battle supernaturally.
SID: Hello. Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world where it’s naturally supernatural. I love
inhaling the rarified air of Heaven. How about you? Take a deep breath.
Just inhale it.
That is if
the Messiah of Israel, Yeshua, Jesus the Messiah, lives inside of you, he lets you inhale the
rarified air of Heaven.
My guest, Michael Galiga, was mentored by Sam Walton, and he has been
involved in real estate, instructing real estate deals for over 25 years.
He’s worked for companies
that are household names: Cigna, Citicorp, J.P. Morgan. Mike, give me an idea, since you’re in
real estate, and I know what’s going on in the real estate market. Give me a snapshot of what’s
going on in your life in real estate right now.
MIKE: Well right know it’s very counter what you would see generally in the real estate
industry. The real estate industry is really on its back. But my business, in four weeks from
tomorrow I’m closing $300 million dollars of real estate. I have the financing lined up. I have the
properties in contract. That just doesn’t happen. Four weeks from then I close on $2.1 billion
worth of real estate.
SID: Did you say billion?
MIKE: I did, yes.
SID: That’s what I thought you said. That’s unreal.
MIKE: And for your listeners that are in the real estate business it is very unusual to have that
kind of financing lined up for any kind of project.
SID: Well that’s because of this supernatural download that Michael had from Heaven. Now
Mike, when you were five years old, you’re just a normal kid, you’re playing marbles. What
MIKE: On the day we played marbles, I’m 54 years old, so that was 49 years ago, I’m playing
marbles with my buddies in the first grade in Phoenix, Arizona, minding my own business.
standing up watching them shoot their marbles. And, Sid, I went somewhere. You know it was
like if you’ve ever had surgery and you had an anesthesiologist--
SID: Now were you raised as a Christian?
SID: Did you understand Jesus? Tell me a bit about your background before that.
MIKE: Good parents. But we didn’t go to church. We didn’t know God. We didn’t know Jesus.
We didn’t know Messiah. We didn’t know anything. But good people; okay, and brother and
sister were good people. But I didn’t know God. But I was put in first grade when I was five. I
was a preemie when I was born. I was in first grade with seven, maybe even eight-year-olds and
was very slow, did not make good grades, and so I was kind of afraid. But I would walk to
school, 20-minute walk, and honest to goodness, I would worship the Living God. And I don’t
know where that came from.
SID: I was gonna ask you, how would you know? Listen, I was raised in an Orthodox Jewish
home. I wouldn’t have known to do that.
MIKE: Yeah. I was surprised myself. But there was kind of this envelope around me of Him and
I didn’t know His name. I didn’t know all the names of God. I didn’t know any of the religious
talk or church talk. I knew nothing. I just knew He was real and I needed Him.
SID: Okay. So we’re taking you back. You’re playing your marbles and all of a sudden you had
no paradigm for this, no reference whatsoever. What happened to you?
MIKE: Well one second I was there and the next second I was gone, and I did not know where I
went. We can pick up later on that. But I didn’t know where I went at the time. I didn’t know
exactly how long I was gone. I felt like I was gone seven or eight minutes. I found out later it
was much longer than that. But at the time I felt it was seven or eight minutes, and then all of a
sudden I was back.
SID: Now what did the other kids playing marbles with you think of this?
MIKE: They didn’t know anything had happened. I was so shocked. I was utterly shocked that
they didn’t, you know I felt they would look up at me and say, “Hey Galiga, where have you
been?” And I would have said, “I don’t know, but I went some place and it was great.” But they
didn’t say anything. They didn’t know anything had happened. Time just stood still.
SID: Now every six months or so thereafter you hear from God and what does He tell you?
MIKE: Yeah. Every six months, plus or minus, from that time when I was five until July of
2008, He would show up a few times audibly, mostly just in my journaling, and in my heart
would say, “Mike”. He would say my name, “Mike, don’t forget that day.” And sometimes I
would weep at His presence and say, “God, I could never, ever forget that day.” Sometimes I
would just say, “Yes Sir, I will never forget that day.”
SID: Okay. Then you had another interesting encounter with God interceding in your life when
you were 14 with your dog.
MIKE: Yeah. Well in some families their animals are like, you know, people, members of the
family. And our own dog Dogie was and he ran away. And I looked for him for three days on my
little Honda Mini Trail, my Honda mini bike. And with tank after tank of gas, I had this elaborate
plan and a scheme on how to find him, and search every place, and I couldn’t. I didn’t find him.
And three days had gone by. I was going through this field near our house and I cried out for the
first time to my Maker. I said, I screamed aloud in my voice, “God, help me find my dog!”
‘Cause I was at the total end of my rope. It was over. I knew it was over. And I said, “God, help
me find that dog!” And that’s the time when God spoke to me audibly, and he said one word:
“Stop.” It shook me. It shook me. And I let off the gas and put on the break, and came to a gentle
stop. And there was a bush, more like a tree-type bush, probably 12-foot tall, 12-foot wide, thick.
You couldn’t see into it. And because my mini bike was now at a slow idle, I could hear a
whimpering coming from that bush probably 20, 25 feet away. I threw the mini bike down, ran
into the bush, fought my way into the inside and there was my dog. He had run away with his
leash on and his leash was wrapped around the inside of that bush. So I unleashed him and he ran
home, and we had a big party that the dog had come home.
SID: But did you realize what a miracle that was? If you hadn’t stopped your dog was stuck. He
might have even died.
MIKE: Yeah, Sid, I knew. I was 14, but I have been back there as little as just a few months ago
to that same spot. The bush is there and it’s a sacred spot for me. I go back there from time to
SID: But the question I have is what happened to him that God says, “Remember” every six
months? What happened to him at age five? He cries out at a certain point in his life and gets an
answer. We’ll be right back after this word.
SID: Hello. SID Roth here with Michael Galiga.
And when Michael was just five years of age
he was playing marbles with his friends and all of a sudden he wasn’t there. He left his body.
When you came back at age five what did you feel?
MIKE: I felt stronger. I felt much, much, much older. In fact, I said something that I couldn’t
say a few minutes earlier, and that is I looked at my buddies and I said to myself, I said, “I’m no
better than you, but I’m much, much different now.”
SID: So every six months God says to him, “Remember what happened when you were age
five.” Then much later in life he’s in his office. He’s had a success in real estate and what
MIKE: Yeah. This is about 48 years later. It was July of 2008. I’m in my office working on a
real estate transaction and the presence of God shows up. It’s hard to describe what that’s like.
But when it happens you know it. And it was very thick. It was very real. And I got out of my
chair, and I went over and I felt like I absolutely had to lay down on the carpet in my office. And
so I laid down. I laid down on this once before. I laid down on the carpet in my office with my
arms out. And it was if words were pushed out of my mouth. And I said something, and I said,
“God if you don’t tell me what happened and what you did to me that day when I was five, I’m
gonna die on the carpet right now.”
SID: You really felt that way.
MIKE: I absolutely felt that way, yes.
SID: And what happened?
MIKE: There was about a two, three, four-second delay and then I heard His voice say, “Now
you’re ready and so are they.”
SID: Who’s they?
MIKE: Well I was journaling a few days later and I said, “God, I think I understand they me, but
who are they?” And this is a direct quote, the best I can remember it.
He said, “They, Mike, is
everyone? The battle has intensified exponentially. The heavenlies have shifted and there’s now
no more middle ground.”
And at that, then the following few days he began to download to me
almost like a fiber optic cable connection this battle plan on how to win every battle.
SID: Which I have in my hand right now, is the title of your book, “Win Every Battle:
Conquering Fear and Claiming Victory for Success in Life”. You also found out that at age five,
you were given a mantle.
What was that?
MIKE: That was the mantle of leadership and at that point--
SID: That’s why you felt wiser back then.
MIKE: Yes, that’s why. Yeah, and I found that throughout my life whenever I was put in charge
or volunteered to be in charge of something, that it came natural to me, and I was better than
most people at it. More energy came into me than had to go out to accomplish something. And I
look back at it now and I can see that.
SID: Some of the principles that you teach on, I mean, each one is a key and you put an amazing
warranty, if you will, for major corporations.
MIKE: Yes.
SID: What do you challenge them with?
MIKE: Yes. And I really want somebody to challenge me on this. I dare people. It’s called the
corporate challenge. Nobody has taken me up on this yet, but I know they will. The corporate
challenge is as if there is large American corporation that is generally widely known and it’s
dying, and we can think of some off the top of our heads, but we won’t name names. But if one
of those companies will do what I wrote about in this book and they agree to do that I will go at
my own expense to their headquarters and walk them through this process with a guarantee that
their company will be revived.
SID: Michael, you talk about curses here. And curses pass on from generation to generation, to
generation. And you talk about some of the companies, General Motors and Ford. And there was
a story about that you talk about, about a car that I was not familiar with called the Tucker
Torpedo. What was that?
MIKE: Yeah. The Tucker Torpedo was created by a man that used to work for one of the big
three automobile companies, and it was really a breakthrough, highly innovative, technologically
advanced automobile. And we don’t know, Sid, whether, you know, some of these things that
were said about what maybe some of the big three did to Mr. Tucker did are true or they’re not
true. The point is that every person in every company has baggage, things they’ve done wrong,
things they’ve said wrong; things they’ve thought wrong. And when that happens it creates a
break in their prosperity. And so if you--
SID: So let’s assume that what Tucker said was true. What did he say?
MIKE: Basically, that his company was poised to take a significant market share from the
current automobile manufactures, Chrysler, Ford, General Motors, and they didn’t want that to
happen. So if that’s true, that would have hurt them and they, through political connections and
lawsuits and different things, they basically strung him out and diverted his attention from his
company into the lawsuits and the political maneuvering and testifying in Congress. And by the
time he could get back to looking at his business, his company was bankrupt.
SID: Well it certainly makes logical sense to me. So assuming that was true and if it is true, his
company was bankrupt. It is true that he had a superior vehicle. So it kind of rings a bell of truth
to me. So assuming that’s true, what would someone like Ford or General Motors have to do to
get that cloud off of them?
MIKE: Well, you know S, I’m a businessman. I’m not a prophet. I’m not a preacher. I didn’t go
to seminary. I’m strictly involved in making large dollar decisions and I cannot afford a mistake.
Okay. I want to clarify that. But with a company like General Motors, assume this was true, and I
can’t prove it, but if it was true or something like it was true and there could be hundreds, if not
thousands of these sorts of things that have to be dealt with. And when they’re dealt with and
you go basically to your Maker and say, “Hey, I’m sorry we did that.” Well I didn’t do it. The
guys that ran the company 50 years ago did it, but still, I’m responsible. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.
We’re turning away from that. Okay. We admit our guilt. We’re gonna move on. At that point
those curses then are broken and the prosperity can flow. There’s a spirit called lack. It’s very
real. I’ve experienced it, Sid. I’ve been on both sides of these deals. And so the spirit of lack has,
because you’ve opened a door, you’ve opened that door of that curse because you’ve done
something wrong that the spirit of lack comes in and chokes you. It chokes off your finances. It
hurts retirees and pensions, and health benefits. All those things melt down. Everything goes
wrong until that core thing is fixed.
SID: I’m speaking to Michael Galiga, and the principles that were downloaded to him from
Heaven will cause people to win every battle, will cause you to win every battle. Be right back
after these words.
We’ll be right back to It’s Supernatural.
We now return to It’s Supernatural.
SID: Hello. Sid Roth here with Mike Galiga. And Mike, you’ve had certain points in your life
that were called milestones. One milestone occurred when you were watching a documentary
about King David. Tell me about that.
MIKE: It was in 2005. I was sitting in my TV room. We have a flat panel and I was just flipping
channels, and there was a documentary that was extraordinarily well done about King David. So
I was glued to it. I wanted to learn more about him. It was the scene where King David, of
course, he had committed adultery, and the prophet came to him and pointed his finger at him
and said, “You’re the guy.” Well what he did was, this actor was so good, he got down on his
face, on the ground with his arms out and he cried out to God, and he just surrendered. He just let
it all go because he had been carrying all this baggage for a long period of time and had
committed some heinous things, murder, adultery; all these things. How could it be worse, you
know? And so I was watching this guy and he was so good, this actor, it was real. It looked real.
And so I was just glued to it. And I said, that is the missing ingredient for me and most people I
know. We don’t know how to surrender. We say something like, oh I surrender, but do we? And
so I got up off the couch, went in my closet and I was in there for over two hours.
SID: Literally in a closet?
MIKE: Literally. And I did it just like him. I got on my face and I put my arms out and I
unloaded the baggage right there in that closet, and I told Him all the things that I wanted and all
the things that were wrong, and all the things that I’ve done wrong, and all the things I wish I had
done that I didn’t do, and I came out of the closet a different person.
SID: What you did is you repented for your sins. What difference did it make in your business?
MIKE: The business was very quickly different because that spirit of lack that we talked about
was removed, because the door, the rights for it to be there had been removed. So the spirit of
prosperity was able to function. Now this is just a business principle, Sid. This is like, get rid of
the bad stuff and go with the good stuff. A businessman or woman can understand that, and
that’s what I did. These things are actually more real than a balance sheet that I can hold in my
hand or a corporate board meeting, or an annual shareholders meeting. These things are way
more important than that because the invisible, the supernatural controls the natural. You deal
with the supernatural, the natural is just fine.
SID: Speaking of the supernatural controlling the natural, wait ‘til you find out about the man
that owed you, what was it a half a million dollars.
MIKE: $515,000.
SID: Tell me about him.
MIKE: We’ll call him Bob from Colorado, although that’s not his name and that’s not where
he’s from. But it was early on in my business. I had left the corporate world and started my own
business, and we concluded a real estate transaction. And for those in real estate know that when
you finish you dissolve the LLC, the lending liability corporation, and you make distributions of
profits to all the partners, and everybody rides off into the sunset. It’s great. Well it didn’t
happen. We finished the deal and we made a lot of money. Now I called Bob in Colorado and
said, “Hey Bob, you know, it’s Mike.” “How are you Mike?” “Just fine”, I said, “I was
wondering when you were gonna wind up the LLC and make a distribution?” And he goes,
“Well we wound up the LLC, but I’m not gonna pay.” And I go, “Oh,” ‘cause I’m an attorney as
well, “there must be just misinterpretation in contracting.” “No, I understand the contract. I’m
not gonna pay you.” I said, “Oh, you have a cash flow problem.” He goes, “No, I have lots of
money.” I didn’t understand.
SID: So why isn’t he going to pay you?
MIKE: Well Bob was, and as far as I know, is a very difficult man. He’s very big. He’s about
six-foot-seven. He has a red face. He looks like he’s gonna nuclear and ballistic, and kill
everybody within range.
SID: Yeah but you’re an attorney. You could just sue him.
MIKE: That was not people that are involved in lawsuits and know the law or work with a lot of
attorneys know that suing somebody and getting sued is the absolutely worse case scenario. It
doesn’t work very well.
SID: So you move into the supernatural. What did you do?
MIKE: I had to, Sid. I had no choice. I was the tiny and he was the titan. I just go on my face
again and I said, “God, you called me into this business. You did. And I’m not a weirdo. I
believe in you and I know you’re real. And so you are gonna have to defend me.” And I’m
journaling. And He’s saying, “I will defend you. You just stay clean and you stay with me. I will
take care of this.” So I called Bob, and I kind of Chinese water tortured him frankly, and called
him many days in a row and finally, he went nuclear. On the last called he goes, “I’ll tell you
how much I’m not gonna pay you, Mike. I’m gonna fly--”
SID: Wait. Why did you keep calling him?
MIKE: I felt like I was supposed to. I’m not gonna sue him, but I will call him and remind him
of his obligations to me.
SID: What did he say to you after three or four calls?
MIKE: Oh he got madder and madder. I mean, he would just say, “I’m not gonna pay you.
Leave me alone. I know I’m supposed to pay you. I’m not going to pay you. Period.” He just
didn’t want to.
SID: So the last call, what did he say?
MIKE: He went nuclear. I mean, he just started, you know, like he took the phone out and
started screaming at it and saying, “This is how much I’m not gonna pay you.” Can you imagine
that? “This is not how much I’m not gonna pay you. I’m gonna fly to Oklahoma City. I’m gonna
tell it to yourself, get a room, and we’re gonna through it, and then I’m gonna tell you that, and
then I never want to hear from you again!” I said, “Okay, Bob. I’ll get the room. This is when
we’ll meet.” We hung up. He shows up in Oklahoma City just like he said.
SID: Now wait a second. This is a pretty big guy, from what you just told me. How big was he?
MIKE: About six-seven. That day he looked about seven-six, let me tell you.
SID: So how could you go there?
MIKE: Well driving to the airport was very difficult, I have to tell you, because, again, I was the
tiny and he was the titan. You know, he had the resources. I had nothing. He had the resources.
He had the size. You know, he was a big wig in the real estate business and I had just started my
own company. But God assured me, this is one of those stretching points, Sid, where, you know,
you have to step out. It’s not comfortable. It feels bad, but you know that you have to do it and
God is taking you there and He’s defending you. So it was a very difficult drive to the airport.
And frankly, I remember parking at the airport and walking into the terminal and it was all I
could do was to put one foot in front of the other one to get into the building. And then when I
saw him, I thought this is what David felt like when he saw Goliath, you know. And I got a little
inspiration actually. I thought David ran towards Goliath. I needed to suck it up here. And so I
did. I kind of sucked it up and said hi to him, and he mumbled something to me. And we went
into this little room. It was about a 12 by 12 room that I had rented at the airport. And but,
remember, his face was beet red. So we go in the door. I shut the door, sit down. Probably 12
seconds has expired. And I’m looking at him and he’s looking above me. He’s looking at the
wall in back of my head and this is about 12 seconds between beet red and white as a sheet of
paper. He is as white as 10,000 sheets of Xerox paper. And then his shoulders drop. And I
thought, he’s having a heart attack. He’s gonna die on my shift. I don’t think this is good. Or he’s
having a stroke or both. And I start to talk, and I feel this check. It’s almost like a hand went in
front of my mouth. “Mike, don’t say a word. I’m taking care of this.” And so four or five
minutes go by; it seems like an eternity. I don’t say a word and he doesn’t either. Then he starts
to mumble and he says, “We’ll pay you.” And I thought, did I hear what I think I just heard? And
he goes,
“We’ll pay you.” And then about four or five minutes later the color comes back to his face, his
shoulders come up and he just looks at me, and for the first time somewhat friend, and he goes,
“I think I’ll go back to Colorado.” And I said, “Bob, okay.” Those are the words, the only words
I said were, “Bob, okay.” He got up. He left. I watched him. I have never seen him to this day
since. And the next day I checked my checking account and there was a $515,000 wire transfer.
SID: Well what did you think this man saw behind Mike? I believe he saw an angel or the Lord.
He obviously saw something. Maybe you should do what Mike did. Maybe you should repent of
your sins and tell God you’re sorry, not to get something. But you know what? There’s
something called favor with God. I want to walk in His favor. If you tell God you’re sorry for
your sins and believe the blood of Jesus washes it away and then say, “Jesus, I make you my
Lord” and you ask Jesus to come and live inside of you, you’ll be as favored as King David.
That’s pretty favored. God forgave King David. He’ll forgive you.
SID: Next week on It’s Supernatural, Shirley Maclaine’s manager was grooming my guest to be
a Hollywood superstar and a leading spokeswoman for the New Age religion. When she wanted
out New Age spirits tried to kill her.
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