Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Robin Harfouche became involved in the psychic realm, she was aided by a spirit guide
Guest: Robin Harfouche
March 15-21, 2010 - Show 1687
As Robin Harfouche became involved in the psychic realm, she was aided by a spirit guide that opened doors to success in Hollywood.
But when a bizarre incident left Robin crippled -- perhaps for life -- she called to her spirit guide only to find a chilling silence. Hear about Robin’s amazing story, as well as her recent visitation to Heaven.
SID: Shirley Maclaine’s manager was grooming my guest to be a Hollywood superstar and a
leading spokeswoman for the New Age religion. When she wanted out New Age spirits tried to
kill her.
Can ancient secrets of the supernatural be rediscovered? Do angels exist? Is there life after
death? Are healing miracles real? Can you get supernatural help from another dimension? Has
the future been written in advance? Sid Roth has spent 30 years researching the strange world of
the supernatural. Join Sid on this edition of It’s Supernatural.
SID: Hello. Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world where it’s naturally supernatural. My guest,
Robin Harfouche, was trained as an infant to be a leader in the New Age religion. She didn’t
even know what the word “new age” was. But at age five you were able to tell what people were
thinking. Did you think this was strange or did you think this was normal?
ROBIN: Well I was told by my parents actually that, you know, I was an unusual child, and I
knew from about four years old that I had been gifted with what my mom called “the veil”. My
great-grandmother was into witchcraft and so they prey down on the generations that there would
be a child born with the veil, which is ESP, extrasensory perception.
SID: Well you know what I find interesting, on one side of your family there were witches, but
on the other side there were Pentecostal Christians. So it was almost like a tug of war--
SID: --that was going on your life. I’ll bet you suffered the repercussion of that tug of war.
ROBIN: I really had no idea, of course, that that was going on. That was an invisible war going
on. I didn’t know about it. But I thought that what I had been given or born with was a special
gift from God and that that was what my heart was filled with, was being able to express that,
help people with that.
SID: Okay. So let’s fast forward. You’re 18 and you have an encounter with, I don’t know, I
know it was a spirit, but I don’t know what you thought it was. But tell me about it.
ROBIN: Well I was 18. I was going to a university to get a major in writing, and I was walking
down the street in the middle of the day and I heard a whistle behind me, and I turned around and
I saw probably a 9- to 13-foot tall, it looked like an angel. And it spoke to me and I could tell no
one else could hear it. And it told me that it had been watching me since I was born and that I
was chosen to be a mouthpiece or a prophet for a new religion called the New Age. And so from
then, you know, I was completely led by this spirit guide.
SID: And you were led to become a dancer, and you actually got on a top television show. Tell
me what that was.
ROBIN: Solid Gold.
SID: You became a dancer but in a supernatural fashion. Someone that gets there has been
training their whole life, but this spirit guide was kind of grooming you to be a top star. And then
you’re at a friend’s house. Get this, she’s at a friend’s house and she gets a phone call and what
did this man say to you?
ROBIN: Well it was really odd. I was at my girlfriend’s house and I get this, she got the call
actually, and the man asked for me. So I get on the phone and he said, “Your name was on the
top of my phone sheet to call today.” And it just had my name and it said “dancer/actress”. And
he said, “Who are you and how did you get on my list, because nobody gets on my list.” Because
he was a major Grammy-award winner producer/director. And so I said, “Well I don’t know how
you got my number. I don’t even know how you knew I was here. I don’t know how that number
got there.” And then he paused and he said, “I really think it’s God. We need to meet.” And so I
went to his office immediately.
SID: Okay. And he had this long meeting with you and then he hooks you up with an agent that
was Marilyn’s Monroe’s agent and Dean Martin’s agent, and Michael Jackson. And, I mean, and
you were ready to explode as a superstar. But he sees a spirit with you. What does he say?
ROBIN: Well the manager that this director/producer hooked me up with, when I went into his
office the director told me, you know, if he gives you five minutes, you know, that’s incredible
because he’s like a power man, you know, in Hollywood. And I was in there three and half
hours. And when we began to speak he said, “You have this spirit guide.” And I said yes. And by
this time the spirit guide had revealed itself to me as Marilyn Monroe.
SID: I bet it was that same spirit that was connected with the Marilyn Monroe.
ROBIN: Well he was her manager.
SID: Right.
ROBIN: So he was the vice president of the largest theatrical agency in the world.
SID: But then he progresses with mentoring in the new age--
SID: --because he wants you to be a spokeswoman for this new religion.
SID: He sent you to a place called, like a place where you learn how to channel. That’s where
you have a spirit come inside of you and the spirit speaks through you. But you saw something
awful. What did you see?
ROBIN: Well, you know, he also managed Shirley Maclaine and she was like kind of a mentor
to me. And so they said, you need to go to Mill Valley. There will be 24 psychics there and there
will be one woman who has, you know, channels, a spiritual teacher and you need to go there to
be trained to channel. And this lady walked in. She looked completely normal, you know, like
somebody who next door would make you brownies, you know, a really sweet looking lady. And
when she began to speak a deep guttural male voice came out. Now up until that point through
everything I had studied, you know, Edgar Cayce and all the different clairvoyants and things
like that, I had never encountered anything like that, and so to me, it freaked me out.
SID: I understand.
ROBIN: It reminded of like “The Exorcist” or something like that. And so I just got so
frightened. I went back to Hollywood and I went in and told my manager, “Look, you know, I’m
cool with the dancing, acting and singing, but I’m not gonna do this new age deal.”
SID: And what did he say?
ROBIN: He said, “Well you have to do it.” He said, “You have no choice, you know, that’s
what your destiny is. You know, you have to be able to teach this and so you have to learn to do
SID: Listen, I can imagine her being upset over seeing something take control over another
woman to the point where the voice is. Robin would have lost who she was. She could not do it
and she turned him down, and when she did the spirits tried to take her life. Be right back after
this word.
We’ll be right back to It’s Supernatural.
We now return to It’s Supernatural.
SID: Hello. Sid Roth here with Robin Harfouche, and Robin has been groomed from a very
young age to be a reader of the New Age religion, her manager, in fact, the manager of Shirley
Maclaine. So she goes to a special school in teaching on how to channel where a spirit guide
comes into her. She sees a woman speaking with a man’s voice. She gets freaked out. She
realizes she’s going to lose total control of whoever she is, and she doesn’t want this. She breaks
from this manager. She goes to work as a waitress at Sonny Bono’s restaurant and, if I
understood right, you heard like a voice direct you to go by a door. Explain that.
ROBIN: Yeah. Well I was in Sonny Bono’s restaurant when it was in Hollywood. And I had
gone to this table and there were some famous actors there and they knew who I was. They knew
I was a dancer. And so they made some kind of remarks to me, and I was upset about it. So I
went in the kitchen and I told this other sweet girl, I said, “You bring the drinks to the table
‘cause I don’t want to do it.” And I was leaning against the wall and I heard my spirit guide say,
“Are you gonna let over on you, you know, you can’t let this happen. You have to be
confrontive. You have to be aggressive.” So I just ran from the kitchen to the bar area. And when
I took the drink tray out of this girl’s hands, which kind of startled her, this 150-pound utility
door stuck on its hinges on the bottom, 25 feet high, came down and hit me in the back of the
skull. And that was the last thing I remember. And, I don’t know, six weeks later I woke up in
Cedar Sinai Hospital in L.A.
SID: Okay. What was the prognosis for you?
ROBIN: After months of therapy and rehab I was in a wheelchair. I was told by 23 doctors that I
would never walk again, that I would live my life in a wheelchair. I mean, it was just death, you
SID: You’re a dancer. You’re ready to bust into Johnny Carson. You were gonna be on his
show, I believe.
ROBIN: Yeah.
SID: It’s all ready to happen for you, and now you’re confined to a wheelchair. You’ll never be
able to function as a dancer or anything like that. So you’re really in despair and she decides to
take her life, and she gets a phone call. Robin, it’s almost like a movie.
ROBIN: I know. I know. But I was in my apartment and a lot of people know where the
Hollywood sign is ‘cause they show it all the time. My apartment was right down from that, and
then three blocks straight down from my apartment there was Hollywood Presbyterian Church.
It’s a very large church. And I got this phone call from a friend of mine who was a Jewish guy
who had gotten born again at the Presbyterian Church. But he was a bass player in a rock and roll
band called The Knack, and they had a hit, and I was dating the drummer at that time, even
though, you know, I’m in a wheelchair. But I had been six months in the wheelchair. And so I
had decide that day that I would take an overdose of drugs and just go to sleep because I didn’t
believe, you know, I just thought life ended. And so he called me and he said, “Will you go to
church with me tonight?” And it’s so weird, Sid, because, I’m like the last person you would ask
to go to church.
SID: But not only, forget that. You were ready to commit suicide. What do you want to go to
church for? Why did you go? Why, why, why?
ROBIN: I don’t know. I really don’t know. I mean, I think it’s like what you said, that on one
side of my family there were people that were praying for me that knew God and on the other
side there were people that were praying for me that were on the dark side.
SID: Okay. Really supernaturally, it’s a long story. You’ll find out later more about that. She
gets to this church and what happened?
ROBIN: Well, you know, I got to the church. I left my wheelchair back at the apartment. It was
like I was kind of in this supernatural bubble. And these people saw me. So they helped me and
they literally, you know, carried me into the sanctuary. And when I got just to the doors of the
sanctuary I felt like a power come all over my body. And then I got super hot. I had just started
dripping wet. And then I started crying from somewhere, you know, like super deep that I didn’t
even know existed, you know. And they sat me down in the meeting. And my friend, you know,
he’s such a great guy, but he had never seen anybody touched or gone through that kind of a
thing, he said, “Robin, are you in terrible pain? Do you want me to take you home?” And I
couldn’t even speak, you know. And so when they called for the preacher, which I had never
been a church in my life. So the preacher said, “Do you want to know God and that Jesus is the
way to God?” I knew that that was why I had been brought there because my whole life I had
been looking for God. And I had studied everything trying to find Him. But I had a revelation in
my heart that Jesus is God. And so they helped me up towards the front and the preacher that was
there who was team-ministering along with Christian Harfouche, he just went like that, like
waved at me, and he said, “Jesus is healing you.” And I fell backwards onto the ground. And this
woman came and wrapped her arms around me because I was crying and shaking, and I was
dripping wet, and this fire kind of heat was all over me. I had nothing experienced anything like
that. I had never seen anything like that. I wasn’t scared, but this woman grabbed me, put her
arms around me and kind of rocked me gently back and forth, and she, “It’s okay, baby. It’s just
Jesus. Just let him do what he’s gonna do. You’re gonna be all right.” She just stayed with that.
And about 45 minutes later I got up off the ground. Now I had been in pain 24 hours a day and
my body above my waist didn’t move. I was like an arthritic victim. Everything was stuck.
Instantaneously, there no pain in my body. You know, I was on a lot of medication that day. I
was instantaneously straight, which the doctors said could have killed me, you know, that kind of
going from being on all this medication to being on nothing. And then I knew that Jesus was
God. I knew that I had been used for 28 years of my life. I knew that everything that I thought
was God, thought would help people, thought would make you more positive about life and all
that was just a counterfeit, you know, an illusion of the reality.
SID: You know what’s so wonderful? Someone that has experienced that side which they
thought was God, they thought was good, and then found out they were deceived, and then had
an encounter with God. I mean, 23 doctors said she’d never walk again. She was going to
commit suicide. There was no hope. And all the pain was gone and she’s able to be carried in to
the church and walk out on her own totally healed. She ends up marrying that preacher and
moves in the supernatural power of God like few people I know. Don’t go away. We’ll be right
back after this word.
We’ll be right back to It’s Supernatural.
We now return to It’s Supernatural.
SID: Hello. Sid Roth here with Robin Harfouche. Well Robin was groomed from an infant to
be a leader of the New Age. They called it a religion, the New Age religion. Sort of like Shirley
Maclaine was a spokeswoman, Robin was being groomed by the manager of Shirley Maclaine to
be a spokeswoman for the New Age. But when she said no, the spirits tried to kill her and she, on
the worst day of her life, after she was confined to a wheelchair and the doctors said there was no
hope for her, she went to this church. She had an experience with the Lord, walked in a lifetime
cripple. She would spend the rest of her life in that wheelchair, and walked out totally normal.
Married the preacher, as she likes to say. And one day after she had been mentored for a while,
and discipled and learned the difference between the counterfeit power and the real thing, I like
the real McCoy, I like the real thing, she had a vision. Her husband comes into the room. And
what did your husband Christian see?
ROBIN: Well it was like a cloud. You know, it’s like really intense, like a cloud you’d see in the
sky if you’re flying an airplane. You couldn’t see through it. He couldn’t see through it. And I
was caught up in a vision.
SID: And he sat down and started just like a scribe writing down what you were reporting.
SID: Where were you taken?
ROBIN: Well I was caught up to Heaven and but somehow I was able to speak what I was
saying even though I was there. I mean, it was Heaven underneath my feet, Heaven all around
me, Heaven in front of me.
SID: I mean, the experience you have is so amazing. It’s breathtaking, literally. But according to
my notes, this was in, what year did this occur?
ROBIN: I was healed in ’85 and I was taken to Heaven in ’86.
SID: Okay. You saw something that’s ready to happen now. What did you see?
ROBIN: Jesus took me to this incredibly gigantic, I would say worship center and I saw people
dancing and praising the Lord. And then I saw balconies that went up as high as you could
imagine and people praising the Lord. And then when I stood there Jesus said, “I’m tuning you
in to the worship and prayer of Heaven,” and he said, “in the last revival, the final move of God
because the Lord cares for people to know Him. And the final move of God,” he said, “there will
be times where Earth and Heaven will come together so that worship and that prayer that you
heard will meet the worship and prayer of Earth. And when it comes together there will people
that are in cots that will just get up. There will be people who have amputated limbs that will
grow out, that have been born blind, maybe without eyes and he’ll replace their eyes, because,”
he said, “Satan, the enemy has been able to counterfeit all of my gifts” or all the things that he
gives us that are supernatural up until that move, which will be created. And he said, “You
cannot create. That’s the one thing you cannot do.”
SID: When will this move start?
ROBIN: I believe we’re in the beginnings of it.
SID: Listen, I’m seeing some of these happen in your ministry, for instance, the woman with the
steel rod and the boy that was born deaf and mute, and the woman with the lump. Let’s take a
look at that now.
[begin video]
WOMAN: [crying] Titanium in my back. It’s got six bolts. And so I just can’t move. I can’t
move my back at all.
ROBIN: Every bit of titanium get out of this back! Every bit of battle get out of this ! Every
nerve be restored right now! Stay there. You’re good. I want you to lift your hands up. I want
you to bend forward.
ROBIN: Now in the operation what did they do to your back? Tell us about the titanium?
WOMAN: They put in a six-inch, six-by-two-inch plate curved with three-inch bolts or screws.
So I had six screws and a plate, and it’s gone. It’s gone.
[cheers, applause]
ROBIN: You saw her not able to walk. She didn’t have feeling from her knees down. And now,
how do your legs feel?
WOMAN: This is a little sore on this side.
ROBIN: A little sore, but you can feel it.
WOMAN: I can feel it. I can feel it all.
ROBIN: Say Jesus.
MAN: Jesus.
[cheers, applause]
ROBIN: There’s a woman here and you’ve got a lump. I believe it’s on the left side and it’s
getting bigger and hurting. Go!
WOMAN: [screaming]
ROBIN: Out! Feel. Push hard. Push! I don’t want to make you do this, but some people have
never seen a miracle.
WOMAN: [crying]
ROBIN: I want you to tell me what just happened, baby.
WOMAN: [crying] Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh thank God.
[end video]
SID: I’m just tingling with the Holy Spirit watching those. But Robin, in Heaven, was instructed
by Jesus how to get rid of the spirit of pain. Would you pray right now?
ROBIN: Yes. We have the right in the name of Jesus, which is above every other name, that’s
what the Lord told me in Heaven, I bind the spirit of pain right now off of your body and I
command it to leave you and be gone in the name of Jesus, which is above every other name.
Now what you need to do is you need to begin to move whatever direction you couldn’t move,
go that way and you will find out right now that the Holy Spirit is right where you’re at. There’s
no distance with the realm of the spirit and Jesus has already healed you. And you need to let us
know. You need to speak it out of your mouth
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