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Great Discernment Tools!
A Whole Lot Of Wishful Thinking These Days!
by Sandy Simpson
This DVD series is a teaching based on this article.
In this DVD series I want to detail a number of beliefs people have these days that have no basis in Scripture. I am going to roam all over the map, so to speak, and try to give fairly short answers on a number of topics and also give you useful links to articles that will help you deal with any particular issue. It is truly amazing how many false ideas people cling to without giving a thought to what the Bible has to say on the subject.
Only $10. plus s/h. for US. Go here for ordering details.
Companion CD!
by Sandy Simpson
Bible Studies in Discernment
contains the PDF text to the book BIBLE STUDIES IN DISCERNMENT plus extra studies by Sandy & Juanita Simpson covering many issues of apologetics and discernment.
Go here for more information or click on the "Add To Cart" below. The price is $10. per cd plus s/h.
Signs Of Apostasy In The Churches In The End Times
by Sandy Simpson
This 2-DVD series is a teaching based on this article.
There are many signs of the great Apostasy, or falling away (2 Thes. 2:3) indicating we are living in the end times (Mt. 24: 3-14) I am going to go through some indications of the Apostasy in the churches as a follow up to the signs of the times in the world.
Only $10. plus s/h. for US. Go here for ordering details.
The Responsibilities of a
Good Shepherd
by Sandy Simpson
This CD is a message based on this article.
Go here for ordering details!
What's Up With Christian Bookstores?
by Sandy Simpson
This DVD is a message based on this article.
Go here for ordering details!
The ElijahList
The biggest promoter of false prophecies in cyberspace!
by Sandy Simpson
This 2-DVD set is a message based on this article.
Go here for ordering details!
The ElijahList
The biggest promoter of false prophecies in cyberspace!
by Sandy Simpson
This 2-DVD set is a message based on this article.
Go here for ordering details!
The Extreme Prophetic
by Sandy Simpson
This DVD is a message based on this article.
Go here for ordering details!
Emerging Church CD & Free DVD
All the links to resources and articles we have on the Emerging Church on one CD.
by Sandy Simpson
When you purchase the "Resource Tools - Emerging Church" CD for $5. plus s/h you will also receive a brand new free DVD called "The Emerging Church" that features Gary Gilley, Ray Yungen, Joanna Michaelson, Mike Oppenheimer and Sandy Simpson.
Go here for ordering details!
From Church To Emerging Church DVD Series
by Sandy Simpson
The issue of the Emerging Church and it's introduction into many churches and mission organizations has reached a critical point. Many do not undersand what is being leavened into churches by the EC leadership. Many would be shocked to know their belief systems involve Universalism, New Age, defense of postmodernism, Interfaithism, and many other false doctrines. In order to reach out to this generation the EC leadership is proposing a whole new "map" to deal with what they perceive is a lack of understanding on the part of the churches on how to communicate. EC proponants believe the "scripture" for today is evolving and must change in order to reach postmoderns.
Go here for ordering details on this 2-part DVD series!
Idolatry In Their Hearts
Landmark Book!
by Sandy Simpson & Mike Oppenheimer
Does having eternity in your heart mean that you know God and are His child? Could Gentile cultures understand the Gospel from the stars? Did God create man’s cultures? Has God always been in the process of redeeming cultures from the time of Babel by placing in them a true revelation of Himself? Is there the worship of YHWH in all cultures and religions through the names of “supreme beings”? Have all cultures always had a way to make things right between them and God? These questions and many more are answered in this book that addresses the false teachings of The New Apostolic Reformation regarding missiological methods as being carried out by many agencies including the World Christian Gathering on Indigenous People, YWAM, and many Bible societies.
Go here for ordering details.
The New Apostolic Reformation - What is it and where is it going?
Every Pastor Needs This!
by Bill Randles, Arnold Fruchtenbaum, Jacob Prasch, Mike Oppenheimer, Orrel Steinkamp, Gary Gilley, Dave Hunt, Sandy Simpson and others.
What is it and where is it going?
is a DVD /VHS expose of the NAR and it's leadership of C. Peter Wagner, Cindy Jacobs, Chuck Peirce, Dutch Sheets, Bill Hamon, Jack Deere and others.
Go here for ordering details!
Lessons In Forgiveness
Great Study!
by Sandy Simpson
Through the years I have been presented with many opportunities to forgive. Sometimes the situation was so severe that it took me some time to forgive and start the process of healing for myself, and eventually for others. I learned that a Christian needs to forgive other people even if they have not repented of their sins. That can be really hard if we let it be hard. But if we give our burdens over to the Lord, He will carry them and that frees us up to treat other people with love, compassion, and be in the right frame of mind and heart to set them up for reconciliation with Jesus Christ. That does not mean we tolerate their sin. We simply forgive them for what they have done to us, whether perceived or real, and move on to looking for ways to redeem them. We can then present to them the “truth in love” even when we have to rebuke them.
Go here for ordering information.
Companion DVD Series to "Idolatry in Their Hearts"!
by Sandy Simpson & Mike Oppenheimer
Deceiving the Nations!
This DVD video series features Mike Oppenheimer and Sandy Simpson and their in depth research regarding the World Christian Gathering on Indigenous People which is backed by the New Apostolic Reformation. This is an issue that pastors and missionaries need to be informed of because it goes to the core of evangelism and preaching the Gospel.
Go here for ordering details!
Finish The Race!
Go On To Maturity!
by Sandy Simpson
was written to help believers to realize the absolute necessity of growing to maturity in Christ. Many churches are urging Christians to push aside discernment in favor of experience. It is our hope that this book will inspire many believers to fight the good fight, finish the race, and keep the faith (2 Tim. 4:7).
Go here for ordering details.
The New Apostolic Reformation - What is it and where is it going?
Companion Book!
by Sandy Simpson
is now available in book form. This is the DVD script plus commentary by Sandy Simpson. The commentary of the DVD series is not in the book, but there are many more quotes available than in the video series. Good reference material. Also available on CD-ROM.
Go here for ordering details.
Letters To The Church
by Sandy Simpson
is a fitting manual for the Revelation Christian. All the precepts are in the seven letters in Revelation 1:9 - 3:22 to help us keep the faith, stay in sound doctrine, and reach out to those who are perishing. I hope and pray that this book will help the reader to be an “overcomer”.
Go here for more details and how to order!
Demolish Arguments!
by Sandy Simpson
Want to be able to see your way through to clear biblical discernment? Want a set of tools that will allow you to disciple your loved ones so they will stand firm in the Faith? Want to sort out many of the false arguments and teachings that have invaded the churches? Then DISCERNMENT TOOLKIT book is for you!
Go here for more details and how to order!
DVD Study Series!
by Sandy Simpson
is taken from the book but includes a lot of footage of false teachers and false prophets. It covers the core doctrines, how we can use them to test, and examples on the DVD that can be paused for discussion. Also includes a teacher guide and links to resources on the web. This 3-DVD series is available now!
Go here for ordering details!
Important Video Information
On Benny Hinn!
by Sandy Simpson, Mike Oppenheimer & Jacob Prasch
features tons of video showing the teachings and prophecies of Benny Hinn. This is a proven tool to keep people away from heresy.
Go here for more details and how to order!
Discernment Conference
Featuring Bill Randles, Gary Gilley
& Ray Yungen
3-DVD Set & 2-VHS Set Now Available!
Featuring Bill Randles, Gary Gilley
& Ray Yungen
Go here for information!
Featuring Dave Hunt, Duane Magnani, Mike Oppenheimer, Jacob Prasch, Jewel Grewe & Bill Randles
6-DVD Set & 2-VHS Sets
Go here for information!
Highly Recommended!
by Mike Oppenheimer
What is Christianity? What significance does the cross have? Are there teachings that can wreck our faith? We live in an age unlike any other in the history of man. To follow the Lord among the unique challenges we must understand Scripture and live by it. Available for $20- includes shipping. Apologetics Coordination Team HIGHLY recommends this book. It deals with many crucial issues for the Church today.
Go here to order the book by Mike Oppenheimer, Let Us Reason Ministries, P.O. Box 860683, Wahiawa, HI 96786.
Articles by Sandy Simpson for Deception In The Church. You can also find these articles throughout the web site in their appropriate article subject categories. Read a notice on bio information at the end of this page.
Micronesian Music - Reflections Of Change by Sandy Simpson, 1994
A video script for a project I did with a grant from the NEA on Guam. It is also available theough Micronesia Area Research Center (MARC) on Guam. It was never produced but the narration script has a lot of interesting information about Micronesia. Now available in eBook format. Only $8. Click on the button below to order. This book, Micronesian Music - Reflections Of Change, is in Adobe PDF (.pdf) format and will be delivered in a WinZip (.zip) file. Simply unzip it and read it with Adobe Reader.
A Different Gospel? by Sandy Simpson, 1997
Does the Brownsville, Pensacola/Toronto "Blessing" phenomenon in Micronesia square with Scripture?
Answering "Counterfeit" Revival Leader, Rev. John Kilpatrick by Sandy Simpson, 1997
"This is an article by Rev. John Kilpatrick of the Brownsville Assembly of God, Pensacola, FL. It was a letter in response to critics of what is going on at his church. First, I will give you the full text of his article. Then I will give you my side-by-side answers to his questions and comments."
Kilpatrick's Deceitful "Apology" To Hank Hanegraaff by Sandy Simpson, 1997
Here is a perfect example of why no one should sit under the teaching of this false prophet and liar. The original text of the letter by Rev. John Kilpatrick of Brownsville AOG that is offered as a public apology to Hank Hanegraaff for cursing him and his ministry is offered here with my comments as well as quotes from his original message.
Another Story Is Exposed To The Light by Sandy Simpson, 1997
"Another Veil Is Torn In Two" is an article about an event that took place at a Toronto "Blessing" type church in Houston that has been passed around since October 1996. What I would like to do is quote from the article and give you my comments in bold as we go along. There are some factors involved in this "sign and wonder" that make it very hard for me to believe that this is a sign from God."
Unbiblical Doctrines, Teachings and Phenomena of the Third Wave Counterfeit Revival Movement compiled by Sandy Simpson, 1997
A document compiled from a few sources to give Christians a resource to cut through the issues involved in the "counterfeit" revival. This paper includes a short list of unbiblical doctrines, teachings and phenomena observed and documented in the Toronto "Blessing"/Pensocola "Outpouring" movement. Please refer to the document called "Influence Links Of The Third Wave Movement" for a more comprehensive list of the heretical doctrines of the Third Wave. This paper also features guiding principles on how to determine unbiblical doctrines, whether or not we are to test and judge as Christians, and practical guidelines on how to counsel people who have had emotional, physical and spiritual damage from this movement or have been demonized as a result of being "slain in the spirit" or at the "laying on of hands".
Scriptures That Confirm That Christians Can Be Demonized by Sandy Simpson, 1997
Many Bible references to Jews and Christians who were demonized or warned of demonization. This supports the theory that many of the manifestations evident in the "counterfeit" revivals may well be of satanic origin.
John Kilpatrick Of Brownsville AOG, Pensacola, FL Is Now OFFICIALLY A False Prophet! by Sandy Simpson, 1997
July 4, 1997 has come and gone and Hank Hanegraaff is still alive and his ministry is doing fine. Here is how Hanegraaff responded to this ugly false prophesy. Brothers and sisters in Christ -- now is the time to decide.
For those of you attending Brownsville "Outpouring" meetings in Pensacola ... are you going to continue to willingly sit under the teaching and prophesy of this man in this church or allow people under your accountability to do so? Is the Assemblies of God going to take scripturally appropriate action in this matter? Here is their official response when asked recently to comment on the Pensocola "Outpouring" in a letter from Thomas E. Trask, General Superintendant of the Assemblies Of God (this letter is no longer available.
It was orginally located at: Here is another one in support of Brownsville from Trask. What about the rest of the false teaching and prophesy of this "counterfeit" revival movement? Check out my compilation of quotes in an article called "By Your Words" - Quotes From Third Wave Leaders" for just a small dose of the false teaching from the leaders of this movement. It's time to take a stand on this matter, fellow Christians! Time to be counted.
No more wishy-washy "well, there are good and bad things in this movement but it's basically good" or "I'd rather see the devil and flesh manifested in church than nothing discernable happening at all". This is not an issue that can be "balanced" away by a good old American sense of "fair play". We as Christians are to hold to the objective truth of God's Word, or else we cannot call ourselves Christians. It's time for the true body of Christ to be heard on this matter. Where is the outcry? Where is the indignation that this man has dared to make false prophesies about the demise of a fellow Christian and attribute them to a conversation he had with God Almighty?
Has the Christian community been silenced in fear of being labeled "mockers" by Steve Hill in his book "The God Mockers" when, in fact, all Christians should hold to and defend sound doctrine as did the Bereans when they tested what was being taught to them?
Where is the disgust at the fact that Kilpatrick made a deceitful apology denying that he prophesied and published it all over the Internet? Where is the outrage that he now continues to spread false stories in his church about Hank Hanegraaff? Where is the ire of God's people when this man dared to presume to order God around by speaking false "proclamations" "into God's ears"? What is your response, people of God? We had better start cleaning house before thousands of children and youth are exposed to the ugly manifestations, deceitful testimonies, false teaching and false prophesy of this "counterfeit" revival movement!
Reinhard Bonnke - Prophesy Of The False Prophet by Sandy Simpson, 1997
There is a possible, yet somewhat tenuous connection between Lord Maitreya and the "counterfeit" revival. The connection hinges on the following prophesy by evangelist and healer, Reinhard Bonnke, who has been doing crusades in Africa for quite some time. Bonnke was the evangelist in Uhuru park in Nairobi who prophesied on a Thursday, three days before Maitreya's appearance in a Muslim Village, Kawangware, Nairobi, ... that God had, on Thursday, informed him that the Nairobi Muslim citizens would "experience the presence of Jesus and great miracles on Saturday..." It is interesting that Rodney Howard-Browne got his "anointing" from Bonnke. Howard-Browne then laid hands on most of the leaders of the current "counterfeit" revival. If this chain is accurate, this casts a very disturbing light on the reasons for all the mind numbing, eastern-religion-type tactics of this movement. This may indeed be part of an overall plan to seduce Christians to receive the False Prophet when he declares himself.
Maiterya's New Logo Symbol by Sandy Simpson, 1997
This is purportatdly Maitreya's new logo. Here's the animated version.You will notice that it can be seen as having 666 elements. The basic six-pointed star is made up of two pyramids. On each six point are six logos. The first seal is the I-Ching/yin-yang as the center for a lotus flower with an embedded swastika. This is the same as the center seal. The second seal is a star of David of Israel. The third seal is the cross of Christianity, the fourth seal is the cresent moon of Islam with an I-Ching in the middle of the star. The fifth seal is the nine-pointed star of Baha'i. The sixth seal is allegedly the seal of the "Elects" which is basically a star of David with a rising sun embedded with a swastika. You will notice that he I-Ching symbol itself is made up of six elements. The lotus flower petal represents the seventh level of "chakra" called the Soma/Sahasrara Chakra where a person allegedly becomes one with the universe. "The seventh trumpet is representative of the event when the Aquarian experiences the Soma/Sahasrara Chakra activation." On the day of declaration Maitreya will likely announce himself with the blast of a "shofar", the Jewish "Jubilee" trumpet, signaling the year of Jubilee 2000. At the blast of this "shofar", all who have been initiated into Kundalini-type experiences and manifestations, such as Hindu mystics, Tibetan monks, channelers, mediums, witches, witch doctors, voodoo preists, satanists, transcendental meditationists, "counterfeit" revivalists and many others will have their highest "chakra", the Soma/Sahasrara Chakra, "activated" and will hear Maitreya speaking to them in unison in their minds. When they realize that people from many religions are hearing the same thing, they will assume that the "anointing" is on "all men" and that Christ has returned to earth. This will unify them together as the world church under Maitreya, the False Prophet. This will likely usher in the Tribulation.
Unbiblical Doctrines, Teachings and Phenomena of the Third Wave Counterfeit Revival Movement compiled by Sandy Simpson, 1997
A document compiled from a few sources to give Christians a resource to cut through the issues involved in the "counterfeit" revival. This paper includes a short list of unbiblical doctrines, teachings and phenomena observed and documented in the Toronto "Blessing"/Pensocola "Outpouring" movement. Please refer to the document called "Influence Links Of The Third Wave Movement" for a more comprehensive list of the heretical doctrines of the Third Wave. This paper also features guiding principles on how to determine unbiblical doctrines, whether or not we are to test and judge as Christians, and practical guidelines on how to counsel people who have had emotional, physical and spiritual damage from this movement or have been demonized as a result of being "slain in the spirit" or at the "laying on of hands".
"By Your Words" - Quotes From Third Wave Leaders by Sandy Simpson, 1997
Here is a list of quotes from leaders in the Third Wave and "counterfeit" revival movements. This page will provide you the documented evidence you need to determine whether or not the people listed on this page are teaching false doctrine and/or making false prophesies. This is a dynamic document -- it will continue to grow as new quotes are made and other leaders added. So stop by and check this paper from time to time for more quotes from Third Wave leaders. Don't miss the new quotes on William Branham and Kathryn Kuhlman, two of the key mentors who passed along their "anointing" to the Third Wave "counterfeit" revival movement.
Influence Links Of The Third Wave Movement by Sandy Simpson, 1997
This is a comprehensive look at the roots, branches and fruit of the Third Wave movement. It traces the heretical doctrines all the way back to gnosticism and mystical eastern religions to churches, individuals and movements within what is termed the "Third Wave" or "counterfeit revival" movement. This is a work in process, bringing together quotes and information from a wide array of sources. Hopefully this will give the reader a clearer picture of what the doctrines are that are driving the Third Wave. It is a large document, so you will have to wait for it to load!
The Battle of the Hinnites by Sandy Simpson, 1998
"The man of iniquity is about to be revealed. False teachers like Benny Hinn are merely setting the stage for the final apostasy that is coming. All the world's religions will join together in the "anointing" that is not of the Holy Spirit, and have one big millennium party. The sad thing is that, over the shoulder of the Third Wave, even while they are fiddling their lives away, the rest of the world will be crashing and burning in sin and doomed to ultimate damnation."
Benny Hinn Claims "A Dead Man Raised" In Ghana by Sandy Simpson, 1998
Here's an e-mail we recently received about Benny Hinn's appearance in Ghana, where he claims a dead man was raised from the dead. Upon closer inspection, it never happened.
The Dangers Of The Alpha Course by Sandy Simpson, 1998
"The Alpha Course, though teaching some truth, also lays truth alongside error. The wooing of people using the gospel message, only to later enslave them in ritualism, works salvation, and occult manifestations is one of the great deceptions of our time. One of the cleverest ploys of the enemy in our day is to allow "unprincipled" men to use the salvation message as an enticment to unsuspecting and untrained people, thereby enabling "the devil a foothold" for fleshly manifestations and temptations in their lives. The men who designed this course are laying error alongside truth, introducing error secretly ("pareisaxousinin" in Greek) the result of which will ruin the faith of the believer in the end. The Bible says of this process: "But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them--bringing swift destruction on themselves." (2 Pet. 2:1) Beware of the Alpha Course!" Read this article also by Chris Hand.
Ecumenism - Where Do You Draw The Line? by Sandy Simpson, 1998
"This is a short essay to illustrate just how unbiblical, subjective and relativistic Ecumenism really is. Ecumenism starts innocently enough. Is begins with a tolerant perspective of other denominations. Then it moves on to cults. Finally it ends in an acceptance of other religions, evolving into what is called "Inter-Faith".
Pacific Revival Center - Wolves Among The Flock by Sandy Simpson, 1998
"There is a church that is trying desperately to ingratiate itself with the rest of the body of Christ on Guam. This article is a warning that they are hiding behind the fact that they "went out from us" long ago (1 Jn. 2:19). The church is affiliated with the UPCI (United Pentecostal Church International). It has recently changed its name to Pacific Revival Center. They have managed to get their church prominently displayed in the Pacific Daily News in the Lifestyle section, have advertised "miracle" and "revival" meetings at which unseemly pleas for money were made, and have started a semi-regular "Worship & Praise" event that they are inviting all churches on Guam to participate in."
Kenneth Copeland Leads Believers In A Dangerous Prayer Of Salvation by Sandy Simpson, 1998
"The Kenneth Copeland Ministries web site (would Paul have named a ministry after himself?) has a page called "A Prayer For Salvation And Baptism In The Holy Spirit". This is a classic study on how NOT to preach the gospel, which I will detail line for line."
Youth Alive Alert! by Sandy Simpson, 1998
An alert to churches, particularly in Micronesia, about a group called Youth Alive that is a ministry of the A/G and has close ties to the Third Wave church Brownsville A/G. UPDATE! The Youth Alive N.S.W. concert was held and there were no wierd manifestations, at least not in the main auditorium! We praise the Lord that our alert caused this Brownsville A/G affiliated group to hold itself back from doing what they intend to do sooner or later ... give a gnostic fleshly "impartation" to our youth in Guam and Micronesia. Our youth have been protected for the time being. However, pastors and youth leaders need to be aware that this is the introductory show. Youth Alive clubs in schools and more events are scheduled. The false doctrines of the Third Wave out of Brownsville, Toronto, RHEMA, Rodney Howard-Browne and Benny Hinn will manifest themselves more fully as time goes by. Sound doctrine is not important to people in the Third Wave. This is because the Word is not their final authority.
Brownsville Revival School Of Ministry - Occult Teachings & Practices by Sandy Simpson, 1998
"Here is an e-mail of a first hand account of a phone conversation with a teacher at the Brownsville "School Of Ministry" regarding Brownsville's sale and use of shofars in "spiritual warfare". If there are any of you that still have any doubt that what is being taught at Brownsville A/G is outright heresy and occult in nature, this should put that issue to rest."
Rebuttal To The Defense Of The Term "Christian Hedonism" by Sandy Simpson, DITC, 1998
This is a paper about the term "Christian hedonism" which author John Piper is trying to coin in books such as "Desiring God" and "Future Grace". Though there is no doubt good material in the books, there is a danger here. This danger flows into the gnostic revivals out of RHEMA, Toronto and Brownsville. I believe these books and their message will be, and in fact are being, taken the wrong way. The term "Christian hedonism" is an oxymoron using the standard dictionary definitions of both "Christianity" and "hedonism". "The following is a summary of John Piper's use of the term "Christian hedonism". I will rebut each item as they appear in his official defense of the term "Christian hedonism".
Obedience To God (Uzzah's Disobedience) by Sandy Simpson, 1998
"The first obedience we should show is confessing our sins, believing on the Lord Jesus Christ for our salvation, and making Him the Lord of our life. The second obedience is to serve Him the way He wants us to serve Him. Worship without obedience is futile. In fact it makes the Lord angry. Getting excited and zealous for the Lord without obedience to God by living in accordance with His law and the doctrine of Scripture is futile and meaningless, and in fact, dangerous. There's a famous hymn that says it all: "When we walk with the Lord, in the light of His Word, what a glory He sheds on our way! While we do His good will, He abides with us still, and with all who will trust and obey. Trust and obey, for there's no other way, to be happy in Jesus. but to trust and obey."
Jesus Cares For All Your Needs by Sandy Simpson, 1998
One of the main things that Jesus is... is compassionate. He cares for His people. He was compassionate then and He is still compassionate today. Jesus came and saw the needs of the people. So He did two things. He met their physical need of hunger for bread, and He also met their spiritual hunger for the bread of life.
Benny Hinn - A "New" Dark "Anointing" by Sandy Simpson, 1999
"I have been receiving e-mails and watching Benny Hinn for the last few nights on TV. This new turn toward the "dark side" of the "force" with Benny and his wife is revealing, disturbing, and saddening."
Pope John Paul II Receives The Mark of "Aarti", A Prayer To The Hindu Goddess Durga by Sandy Simpson, 1999
This is a photo of the pope receiving the mark of a prayer "aarti" to the Hindu female godess Durga by a professing Christian Hindu woman. By the time this photo was taken, however, the pope had already been involved in a number of pagan rituals on his trip to India in 1986, including taking the mark of Shiva. Here is the documented quote: "Still at Madras on February 5, 1986, 'A sugarcane, fashioned into the form of a cross, signifying a Hindu offering to a carnal god, was brought into the presence of the Pope. A little later, during the offertory procession, a coconut was carried to the altar, a typical Hindu offering, which they offer to their idols. Finally, a man placed sacred ashes on his forehead. IT WAS NOT A MATTER OF TILAC BUT OF SACRED ASHES OR VIBHUTI. (*164) THREE DAYS EARLIER, ON FEBRUARY 2, HE HAD RECEIVED ON HIS FOREHEAD THE TILAC OR TIKA, THE RED POWDERY PASTE OF THE HINDUS, THE SIGN OF THE ADORERS OF SHIVA. (*165) *164 ‘Msgr.’ Lefebvre, op. cit. p.177. *165 La Croix of February 6, and 'I' Express' of February 7/13, 1986, with photo." The Catholic objections to this photo, and their deceptive tactics to try to hide what the pope did on the web, have unearthed even further evidence of the interfaith dabbling with demons by the papacy.
The Cell Church Model - Alpha Course Lite? by Sandy Simpson, 1999
"The cell group model out of Singapore is Alpha Course Lite! It is simply another front for the Third Wave, another way to seduce churches, looking for a more personal approach, to be more like the house churches of the first century ... and to subtly introduce heresy. Remember the M.O. of false teachers: 2 Pet. 2:1 But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them--bringing swift destruction on themselves."
The Five Basic Doctrines compiled and written by Sandy Simpson, 1999
A thorough examination of the five basic doctrines of the Church and how they compare to the teachings of other religions, cults and the Third Wave false teachers. This is a paper you will want on file as a reference. It also forms the basis for the Deception In The Church web site apologetics.
What Should I Say? by Sandy Simpson, 1999
Learn how to answer people who invite you to revival meetings where there are different teachings. Learn to discern! This booklet was written for use by Pacific island churches to provide a quick little resource in answering common statements made by Third Wave adherants. Though there are a few references to the islands, it may also be a useful resource for other churches and individuals. It is set up as a 4.25x5.5 sixteen page booklet printed front and back laid out on 8.5x11 paper and folded. It can be easily reproduced from this version on the web. It is free to distribute as long as the content is not altered in any way. Use the little arrow links at the bottom each page to navigate the booklet! For those of you who need help, do not have the equipment to reproduce copies, or are not very computer saavy, you can order copies of this booklet by going here. Online Ordering Now Activated!
Jack Deere's Doctrinal Confusion by Sandy Simpson, 1999
"Thanks to mentors like John Wimber, C. Peter Wagner, Chuck Kraft from Fuller as well as Paul Cain and others, Jack Deere had his orthodox view of theology systematically dismantled. He then became instrumental in introducing the Third Wave to millions of Christians who trusted him because he had been a professor at Dallas Theological Seminary through his books "Surprised By The Power Of The Spirit" and "Surprised By The Voice Of God." Though these books have some precious truths in them, they also contain heresy. That is how false teachers ply their trade. They lay error alongside truth so that the unsuspecting and undiscerning will not be able to tell the difference between what is true and what is not. Following are a few examples of just how far away from orthodoxy Deere has gone."
Dear Saint, Don't Believe What They Say! by Sandy Simpson, 1999
"The love of God will bring us through this life, not our faith in the "force of faith", nor the words from our lips. Kenneth Copeland teaches people to put their faith in their words, in what their tongue proclaims."
Everybody Walks Away With Gold! by Sandy Simpson, 1999
Brownsville and Toronto have recently received a much needed shot in the arm to revive their ailing "revivals", but this time it is laced with gold! "A "holy woman" from Brazil that shakes gold dust from her hair and has oil appear on her skin? Where is this woman from? Is she a Catholic or Protestant? I guess it doesn't matter anymore, folks. If she can exhibit this kind of magic, then she must be truly "anointed"! Dreams of Jesus giving flowers and out of body experiences? Could there be any clearer evidence that the New Age has completely taken over the Third Wave "River"? These following stories are not for the faint of heart, and not for baby Christians. Always remember when reading or viewing occult material that there is a real spiritual deception at work and you can be deceived. These "miracles" are nothing more than demonic manifestations that have nothing whatsoever to do with true biblical manifestations of the gifts of the Spirit." Let's expose this ploy of the enemy for what it is. With all the new talk in "The River" about "cross-pollination" between movements such as Toronto, Brownsville and Word Faith, these gold "miracles" are nothing more than a plot by the enemy to try to cement the "health and wealth" gospel people with the "transferable manifestation" Third Wavers. What better way to bring these people together (as if they hadn't been from the beginning!) than to have people get their dental work changed into legal tender?
"Stigmata" In A Kenneth Copeland Meeting by Sandy Simpson, 1999
Is "stigmata" now being endorsed by Kenneth Copeland?
Salvation Sold For A Donation To TBN by Sandy Simpson, 1999
"The Balaam Network (TBN) has really been raking in the cash lately. With The Omega Code movie in the top ten of money making movies (thanks to discerning Christians everywhere) and their regular Praise-A-Thon, they are rolling in dough. So much so that they can now afford to beam utter heresy, like what you are about to read, to all of China. I have been watching their fund raising antics the last three nights. I never thought they could top John Avanzini's "Jesus and the disciples were rich", "one hundred fold return" and "the widow's mite" (she "wonted" something) ploys, but R.W. Shambach has just hit a new low. This e-mail confirmed what viewers heard Shambach say the other night raising funds for TBN. He has been on solidly for the last three days."
Heresy .. The Result Of The Toronto "Blessing" Revival In Britain? by Sandy Simpson, 1999
The Belfast Berean News reported on 12/27/99 the following story.
Youth Alive And Alpha Course Team Up by Sandy Simpson, 1999
"How lucky can we be? Now we not only have the Alpha Course produced by the Toronto "Blessing" and Youth Alive, a program of the Assemblies Of God with strong ties to Brownsville A/G and Awake America, but now Youth Alive is using a new course called "Youth Alpha". This is really not a surprise, but it will be to many young people who have no idea what they are being "softened up" to. Youth Alive and Alpha Course, as well as this new Youth Alpha Course are simply entry points to the counterfeit revival 'river'."
Lies And Deception - A Brownsville Legacy by Sandy Simpson, 1999
"The following news story in 1997 can now, in 1999, be analyzed to see how much truth there was in John Kilpatrick's statements."
Leaven In The Bread by Sandy Simpson, 1999
"It's time to expel the leaven from among us and separate ourselves to God."
The Letters To The Seven Churches compiled and written by Sandy Simpson, 1999
A Bible study of Revelation 1:9 – 3:22, the letters to the seven churches. This study is especially timely for all Christians today.
Servant Authority by Sandy Simpson, 10/99
"The church does not have the same system as the world. No lords, no kings, no dictators. Our only King, Lord and Master is Jesus Christ. The rest of us are servants -- slaves."
Review Of "The Many Faces Of Benny Hinn" by Sandy Simpson, 2000
Read the DITC review of this excellent video. Get the video here.
Wake Up, Bright, And Early! by Sandy Simpson, 2000
"Here again we have more evidence, for those Christians who are skeptical about the ecumenical and interfaith agenda of Bill Bright and Campus Crusade For Christ, that he is well off the path of orthodoxy."A story about Bill Bright and his participation in Awakening 2000.
Report From Singapore On FCBC & Cell Church by Sandy Simpson, 2000
Regarding FDBC, the main source of Cell Church materials to the world.
Jesus Christ Slated To Star With Benny Hinn ... IN PERSON! by Sandy Simpson, 4/00
"I received these e-mails confirming that Benny Hinn has announced that Jesus Christ will appear bodily in Hinn's crusades. This was "prophesied" by Ruth Heflin, now famous for serving up gold teeth and gold dust all over Christendumb (and I am not misspelling that word!)."
Celebrate Jesus 2000? by Sandy Simpson, 4/17/2000
"Hot on the heels of the Benny Hinn/Ruth Heflin prophesy that Jesus will appear bodily in Hinn's crusades and other Third Wave meetings comes the following information ... For those of you who hang on every word and action of your "anointed" Third Wave leaders, this news may come as a shock. Did you know that they have all decided to get together with the Roman Catholic Church?"
Satanic Crosses ... A Stamp Of Approval? by Sandy Simpson, 4/17/2000
"The items we will be discussing here, though, are highly unlikely to be the product of any normal human conspiracy. But we know from that Word that our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers (Eph. 6:12). It is very curious to see satanic symbols popping up in some very prominent places lately."
Third Wave Impartations And Manifestations compiled by Sandy Simpson, 1997
This short video contains clips of many Third Wave teachers. It shows them attempting to do some sort of impartation and the resulting effects of their touch. Quotes are also included. This is a short concise video that can be used to wake people up the presence of New Age Gnosticism in the church today. If you want to order copies of this video, go here. Online Ordering Now Activated!
Benny Hinn - False Prophet by Sandy Simpson, 5/6/00
This article contains many of the audio clips and transcripts from Hinn's recent outburst of heresy about Jesus appearing "physically" in Hinn's upcoming meetings.
Benny Hinn The Puppet Master by Sandy Simpson, 5/8/00 Hinn claims that Jesus Christ moves when Hinn moves.
An Open Letter About Benny Hinn by Sandy Simpson, Deception In The Church, 5/16/00
"This open letter is to urge your immediate action, as a minister of the gospel, in declaring publicly that Benny Hinn is teaching heresy."
Getting To Know Godby Juanita Simpson, 2000
This excellent little tract was written by my mother and we still use it today in witnessing. It explains the Gospel message from the beginning in short form. You can download or print this online tract and use it for yourself. It is sure to be a blessing to many people.
Luring People To Destruction By The Unscrupulous Use Of The Gospel Message by Sandy Simpson, 6/8/00
"I already know that this article will be unpopular. The idea that people can be seduced by the unscrupulous use of the Gospel message may sound heretical in and of itself. People like Benny Hinn have been credited from time to time with having preached the Gospel pretty straight and people seem to be professing faith in Christ. I have heard the argument from Phil. 1:14-18 used over and over in this regard. Let me pose some questions that will hopefully help you focus on this issue before launching into my short thesis."
Steve Hill Leaves Brownsville The Way He Changed It by Sandy Simpson, 6/22/00
"Steve Hill is finally leaving Brownsville the way he changed it -- a place of disorder and "pandemonium" as John Kilpatrick termed it back when it started."
Did You Buy A Used Vehicle From This Man? by Sandy Simpson, 7/00
"C. Peter Wagner has been writing books for a long time. Some people never change their sales pitch. The same used vehicle still sits on the same lot."
Brownsville A/G ... Where's The Rest Of The Money? by Sandy Simpson, 7/27/00
If Brownsville A/G is now a member of the ECFA, then the reported total income figures do not match the estimated 1.9 million people who came through their doors from 1996-1997. If they are not fully reporting, why not and where is the rest of the money?
Third Wave Neo-Pragmatism - Christianity's New White Witchcraft? by Sandy Simpson, 8/00
A paper dealing with the rash of materials on the Christian market on "How To". Shouldn't the Word of God be our playbook?
Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA)
Promotes Alpha Course with comments by Sandy Simpson, 8/00
"The BGEA is now apparently openly promoting Alpha Course. Read the following news story from Amsterdam 2000."
Letter To Billy Graham by Sandy Simpson, Deception In The Church, 8/00
"I am writing this letter to you to ask you to respond to a number of statements you have made, some very recently, that are of concern to the body of Christ."
A Sad Epitaph For Ruth Helflin by Sandy Simpson, 9/16/00
"Not long before she died, Ruth Heflin made a false prophesy in the extreme with regard to Jesus Christ."
Pacific Waves Newsletter - Archive edited by Sandy Simpson
This newsletter is a ministry of Sandy Simpson and is sent out to pastors and Christian leaders in the Micronesian islands. It is not available for paper subscription except to that target group, but you can access all the issues of Pacific Waves Newsletter online here. You are free to make copies as long as the content is not altered in any way.
A Few Interesting Stories compiled by Sandy Simpson, 9/00
"I have heard a few fascinating accounts lately involving some Third Wave false teachers."
Testing Music In The Church by Sandy Simpson, 10/00
"Music is a very powerful medium, perhaps even more powerful in terms of what and how much a person remembers than sermons. So it must be treated with the same kind of discernment. We need to be very much aware of the songs that are being used in the church."
Walking With God by Sandy Simpson, Sermon Notes, 11/00
"What would it be like if you have a friend but no contact, no walking with him? (1) lose touch (2) lose track - lose understanding (3) no longer moving in the same direction (4) ultimately friendship grows cold - lose friendship."
Healer? Heal Thyself! by Sandy Simpson, 11/14/00
"A good subtitle for this article might be "Practice What You Preach!" There is no doubt that God can and does heal people today. But the false doctrines of the Word-Faith Movement about "declaring" healing, "name-it-and-claim-it", etc. have been proven to be lies by the very people who sell this deceit. If you don't know about where these famous "faith healers" go when they need healing, you may be surprised. Do the math. Be a Berean. Learn to discern!"
DITC Commentary On The Story: "Heaven Open To Everyone, Says Pope" by Sandy Simpson, 12/00
"Recently the comments from the pope in the story Heaven Open To Everyone, Says Pope raises many questions."
The Lord's Prayer, Our Prayer by Sandy Simpson, 2000
But this prayer is more than an outline. It is not some thing we are to repeat mindlessly to get what we want from God. It is a prayer that should be at the very heart of our faith in the Lord. We show our complete worship and submission to our Father. We ask Him to meet our needs. We don't just expect Him to forgive us but we also forgive others. We ask Him to protect and deliver us from the evil one. We are completely dependant on Him for everything.
Tommy Tenney's Background & Connections by Sandy Simpson, DITC, 2/01
For those of you who have been duped into believing that Tommy Tenney is a perfectly harmless believer by Christian Book Distributors who just featured his books and videos on the entire back cover of their latest catalog (CBD 2/00), here's a little history lesson on Tenney. First of all read up on his UPC roots (you know, the guys who deny the Triunity of the Godhead and teach baptismal regeneration!). For more info on UPC check out this article. Though Tommy left the UPC over its legalism he has never flat out denied his UPC anti-Trinitarian beliefs to our knowledge. Then peruse the trumped up "broken pulpit in Houston" story, and finish off looking at some pictures from a recent Pastors Conference 2000 at TACF with John Arnott and others. I guess the "laughter" movement isn't dead after all and Tenney is a "shoe" in.
T.B. Joshua -To Deceive Even The Elect ... by Sandy Simpson, Deception In The Church, 3/01
"An expose' on T.B. Joshua of The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations."
The New Powerless Gospel by Sandy Simpson, Deception In The Church, 4/19/01
"I have been challenged lately to think again about what the Gospel message is all about. This has come as a result of hearing what I consider to be, at the very least, "gospel lite" and at the most no gospel at all being presented by a number of neo-evangelicals, Third Wavers and outright heretics. The interesting thing is that many seem to be preaching the same message. What is most intriguing is that false teachers like Benny Hinn, ecumenicals, and even some preachers I would consider to be orthodox in their theology are preaching a "gospel" that is very similar. The question is: Is this new gospel message really the Gospel at all?"
Reinhard Bonnke - Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind by Sandy Simpson, DITC, 4/26/01
Reinhard Bonnke, a German evangelist who does a lot of his preaching in the Two Thirds world, was recently investigated by HBO on their show "A Question Of Miracles" aired 4/15/01.
The Prayer Of Jabez & The Prayer Of James by Sandy Simpson, 5/01
"Do you want your rewards now or later? Would you rather ask for abundance or wisdom? Did Solomon ask for abundance or wisdom? Would you rather lay up treasures in heaven or on earth?"
Biblical New Testament Prayers by Sandy Simpson, Deception In The Church, 5/7/01
"With all the talk about "praying the Jabez prayer" making the rounds in so many churches, I thought it was time to revisit a short section I wrote in a booklet called "What Should I Say". It talked about biblical New Testament prayers. These are prayers that the apostles and Christians prayed. Since Christ and the apostles are our foundation, we ought to be emulating what they prayed and not some guy who prayed a prayer in the Old Testament that was never meant to be a model prayer. If you are interested in a model prayer then go to the Disciple's Prayer (most often called the Lord's Prayer) in Matthew 6:9-13."
More Magical "Jabez" Type Prayers - A Prayer For Every Occasion And For Everything You Want
by Sandy Simpson, 5/7/01
Tongue in cheek commentary on the Prayer Of Jabez.
Will The Real Blasphemers Please Stand Up? by Sandy Simpson, DITC, 6/6/01
"This subject is one so serious that I do it with great fear and trepidation. Nonetheless, because I get so many e-mails accusing me and other Bereans of blasphemy, among other serious charges, I felt it was necessary to clear up some issues on this topic. Because of my stand for the truth of God's Word juxtaposed against all the false teaching that is going on today, I think it is important to do a quick study on what blasphemy is actually all about from a biblical standpoint. There are many references to blasphemy in the Bible and from them we can find out how and why that term was used."
Upgrade Your Old Hymns For The New Paradigm! by Sandy Simpson, 9/01
"Time for a rewrite of the old hymns. In this day and age of Third Wave revival movements and Word-Faith dominion, the old hymns just aren't cutting it anymore. Not only are they old fashioned musically, but the lyrics are, for the most part, particularly depressing. They talk of sin, death, repentanace, the cross, the blood of Jesus and a whole host of other disgusting subjects. There are also too many lyrics in them, frankly, which takes away from the "worship" atmosphere. Repetitiveness is what we need, not dead doctrinal concepts. The old hymns are just too biblical. Give us a beat to move our feet, not concepts to move our hearts and minds!"
The Message Of The Terrorist Attacks On The U.S.? REPENT! by Sandy Simpson, 9/14/01
"We all need to take a good long look at our relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and REPENT! If we are too weak and ineffectual to judge those inside the church, then God will have to judge those outside (1 Cor. 5:13) and inside as well!"
Globalism & Interfaith - Here We Come! by Sandy Simpson, 9/16/01
"As the days wear on in the aftermath of the attack on the World Trade Towers and the Pentagon, we are watching a globalist, interfaith agenda unfold on worldwide television. I am here to say that if this continues the full wrath of God is bound to come upon our nation and the world!"
Is Allah The Same As YHWH? by Sandy Simpson, 9/16/01
"Is the god of Islam, Allah, the same as the God of Israel and Christianity, YHWH? Does Allah have a son? Does YHWH have a Son? What other teachings from the Koran show that Islam is a different religion than biblical Christianity? Here is a side by side chart that might prove helpful in your research on this subject."
C. Peter Wagner - Quotes & Notes compiled by Sandy Simpson & Mike Oppenheimer, 9/01
You need to read this page to see exactly where C. Peter Wagner is leading the apostate church!
The New Apostolic Government ... What Earthly Good Is It? ... An expose' of the "Open Memorandum Addressing The Twin Towers War" by C. Peter Wagner
commentary by Sandy Simpson, 9/27/01
"That he and a few others want to be the papal voice of Christianity (as if we needed a larger cacophony of voices at this point) is an indictment on Christianity as a whole."
Where Are The Faith Healers Now? by Sandy Simpson, 10/01
"In the wake of the terrorist attacks on the U.S. one question begs to be answered. Where are the faith healers now? Are they hiding?"
Harry Potter Christians by Sandy Simpson, 11/16/01
"With the release of the Harry Potter movie expecting the largest revenue for any movie released to date and the sales in the multiple millions of Harry Potter series books, I think it's time to make some comparisons. This article is not a review of the Harry Potter movie or the book, and for that you can find a number of articles that do a careful analysis of the dangers of teaching our children that sorcery is something that is good and desirable.
For Harry Potter books and movie reviews from a Christian perspective, read the following articles. This article, however, is about what I am terming "Harry Potter Christians". Whether or not Third Wavers approve of Harry Potter books and the movie, they are living, practicing Harry Potters nonetheless. "
Copeland Claims One Billion Muslims Will Be Saved Within Months by Sandy Simpson, 12/5/02
"False prophet extraordinaire Kenneth Copeland, in a dedication service on 12/02/01 for the new 2000 seat Word of Life church auditorium in Honolulu, predicted that one billion Muslims would be saved in the next few months. Audio and exact transcript will soon be available in this article so you can hear it for yourself. This false prediction tops all his previous false prophecy records."
Benny Hinn In Oahu, HI 1/02 -
A Report From The Outside by Sandy Simpson, 1/12/02
"This is a short report on my observations at the Benny Hinn crusade meetings in Oahu, HI held on 1/10/02 & 1/11/02. There were a few other discernment ministry people inside the event, which was recorded, and you can go here for a report on the event from the inside."
Benny Hinn -
A Prototype Cult Leader? by Sandy Simpson, 1/24/02
"This article is a continuation of an article called Benny Hinn In Oahu, HI 1/02 - A Report From The Outside on the crusade in Oahu, HI. In this article I will share with you my conclusions about Benny Hinn and his followers. Is Benny Hinn a prototype cult leader and his followers cultists? You be the judge."
Biblical Divine Healing Versus Other Types Of Healing by Sandy Simpson, 1/25/02
"There are basically five types of healing in the world today. Biblical Divine, Natural, Medicinal/Medical, Psychological, and Paranormal/Demonic healing. This paper is an attempt to study these various types of healings, to identify their characteristics, to show their biblical support, and then to make comparisons with some of the healing claims of televangelists like Benny Hinn and others."
Joy Dawson Of Youth With A Mission (YWAM)
Joins Forces With Benny Hinn by Sandy Simpson, 1/28/02 "In Benny Hinn's Honolulu, HI crusade at the Blaisdel Arena on 1/11/02 Joy Dawson of YWAM appeared on stage with Benny. Prior and subsequent to this appearance she was also featured on his TV programs. Onstage Joy Dawson was highly complimentary of Benny Hinn and his ministries. They made plans to reach out to the youth of HI together officially that night."
Open Letter To The Leadership Of YWAM by Sandy Simpson, 2/8/02
This is an open letter that was sent out to all the leadership of YWAM asking them why they are now endorsing and working with false prophet Benny Hinn. We are waiting for a response from ANY of YWAM's leadership. No Answer From YWAM As Of: December 7, 111
"Raised From The Dead" by Reinhard Bonnke - Oh Really? by Sandy Simpson, 2/26/02
"This article is an initial reaction to the video "Raised From The Dead!" by Reinhard Bonnke, the testimony of Daniel Ekechukwu on the CfAN site, and the Charisma News Service story."
Mistake Or Sin? by Sandy Simpson, 3/13/02
"Words have meanings. Third Wave false teachers are currently in the process of redefining both the English language and the truths of God's Word, and calling it "new revelation" and a "paradigm shift". Let's all be careful that we don't take a paradigm shift into foolishness and accept new revelation that drags us further into sin."
The Fruit Of The Spirit by Sandy Simpson, 3/02
"A Bible study on the fruit of the Spirit. I hope this will be a blessing and a challenge to all who read it!"
* Lesson 1 - Love
* Lesson 2 - Joy
* Lesson 3 - Peace
* Lesson 4 - Patience
* Lesson 5 - Kindness
* Lesson 6 - Goodness
* Lesson 7 - Faithfulness
* Lesson 8 - Gentleness
* Lesson 9 - Self-control
Indigenous People Issues - A Warning About The World Christian Gathering Of Indigenous People by Sandy Simpson, Pacific Waves Newsletter, 5/02
"But I do not endorse movements that, for all their good intentions, are a mixture of good, unbiblical and heretical theology. How can we effectively bring the gospel if that gospel is tainted by the world, the flesh and the devil. We as Christians must stand firm in the faith once for all delivered to the saints. We must not get involved in ecumenical movements that look like the world, act like the world, and instead of bringing the Word to the world are bringing the world to the world." Go here for a commentary on the full transcript of the "Word To The World" radio programs 541-550.
Is It Possible To Believe In Jesus And NOT Be Saved? by Sandy Simpson, 5/02
It matters what a person believes!
How To Discern, Test & Judge Rightly by Sandy Simpson, 7/30/02
Let me start this article by telling you what methods are being used for "discernment" today that have no biblical support, then I will move on to the ways in which the Bible does tell us to test teaching, prophesy and actions.
Brand New Book!
Go here for more details and how to order!
Why Were The Grace Gifts Of Servant Leadership Given? by Sandy Simpson, 9/26/02
An examination of Ephesians 4:11-16 and a reminder of what grace gifts of servant leadership are all about.
The Third Wave "New Apostolic Reformation" - Heretical doctrines and ideas that have fused together to form the teachings of the movement by Sandy Simpson, 10/02
Reinhard Bonnke
- Unbiblical Teachings And Actions by Sandy Simpson, DITC, 10/02
This article consists of quotes from a number of different sources. These quotes and accounts are offered as proof the Reinhard Bonnke has been teaching heresy and promoting a false transferable anointing for many years. He is an ecumenist, teaches prosperity doctrines, says every Christian must speak in tongues as a sign of the "baptism" of the Spirit, claims that faith is a force, and preaches a gospel devoid of the power to save. He has also lied about healings and dead raising.
Comparison Chart Of Daniel Ekechukwu Dead Raising Stories by Sandy Simpson, 10/17/02
This is a comparison chart noting the divergent details in five major sources of information regarding the alleged dead raising of Daniel Ekechukwu in Nigeria in a church where Reinhard Bonnke was visiting.
The Third Wave "New Apostolic Reformation" - Heretical doctrines and ideas that have fused together to form the teachings of the movement by Sandy Simpson, 10/02
"If there is anything I want you to come away with from this article is to know who the false teachers are so that you can stay away from them and help others to avoid them as well. My general advice is to turn off TBN, get into the Word of God daily, get down on your knees and pray for people in your sphere of influence who may be falling into the Third Wave, and reach out to them to pull them from the fire. Stand firm in the Faith and don't allow false heresies from the past and present leaven your faith away from a pure and true faith in Jesus Christ."
John Bevere - Unbiblical Teachings by Sandy Simpson, 11/08/02
Some unbiblical and heretical teachings of John Bevere.
YWAM: The Facts About Their Headlong Dive Into Apostasy by Sandy Simpson, 12/7/02
YWAM has been slipping into apostasy for years. I and many others have tried to help them back to orthodoxy, written letters to their leaders, all without success. It has been made plain to us and others that they have completely bought into every aspect of the New Apostolic Reformation and are now very visible and vocal proponents of the C. Peter Wagner "gospel".
Marriage: A Biblical Illustration Of Salvation by Sandy Simpson, 1/26/03
Marriage is used as a metaphor of our relationship to God many times in the Bible. Let's look at the picture God wants His people to see about their relationship to Him, and His relationship to them.
What Constitutes "Saving Faith"? by Sandy Simpson, 1/30/03
There are many who claim to be saved today. Ultimately only God knows who is saved (eternal security) and we can have assurance of salvation through a commitment to holding on to faith (conditional security). But what constitutes a saving faith?
The New Emails by Sandy Simpson, 2/21/03
Read about the new arguments being used in our emails.
Chalk Up Another False Prophecy By Benny Hinn by Sandy Simpson, 3/7/03
Benny Hinn's failed prophecy of 3/3/3.
An Open Letter to the National Association of Evangelicals - Re: The Election of Ted Haggard as President of the NAE by Sandy Simpson & Mike Oppenheimer, ACT & Let Us Reason Ministries, 3/27/03
This open letter details facts that the NAE membership may have overlooked in their election of Haggard. The letter shows Ted Haggard's promotion of ecumenical unity between orthodox Pentecostals, charismatics, the UPC cult, the Third Wave, and the Word-Faith movement. It shows a false prophesy he just made. It highlights his evangelistic methodology and unbiblical spiritual warfare techniques. Most importantly, it shows how this election fits in perfectly with the plans of the International Coalition of Apostles under C. Peter Wagner to take over leadership in Christendom.
An Answer To Ted Haggard - Response To Ted Haggard's Email Rebuttal To Our Open Letter To The NAE by Sandy Simpson & Mike Oppenheimer, ACT & Let Us Reason Ministries, 4/23/03
This article is a response to an email we received from Ted Haggard on April 7, 2003. Haggard was responding to our Open Letter To The NAE. Keep in mind that Ted Haggard did not want us to use the word "official response" but graciously gave us permission to use his comments. The reason we asked if his email to us was an official response to our open letter was because we wanted to find out if he stood behind what he claimed in his emails to us. We did this so that we would be able to give a thoughtful response and not expect him to take some other position after the fact. This letter is not meant to be disrespectful. Our intent is to be honest in our position and response.
Ted Haggard Quickly Uses His New Presidency In The NAE - To Advance Policies For Evanglelicals On Islam by Sandy Simpson, 5/10/03
We warned the Church about the effect that the International Coalition of Apostles will have on Christendom recently in our an Open Letter to the National Association of Evangelicals - Re: The Election of Ted Haggard as President of the NAE by Sandy Simpson & Mike Oppenheimer, ACT & Let Us Reason Ministries, 3/27/03 and An Answer To Ted Haggard - Response To Ted Haggard's Email Rebuttal To Our Open Letter To The NAE by Sandy Simpson & Mike Oppenheimer, ACT & Let Us Reason Ministries, 4/23/03. We believe that the seriousness of doctrinal issues regarding the International Coalition Of Apostles (ICA) and the assertions of Ted Haggard with regard to his involvement present a threat to the integrity of the truths of the written Word of God and to the Gospel message.
Study In Jude by Sandy Simpson, 5/14/03
This six part series is an in depth study of Jude and how his warnings and admonitions to the Church are even more crucial today.
o Lesson 1 - Vs. 1-4
o Lesson 2 - Vs. 5-10
o Lesson 3 - Vs. 11
o Lesson 4 - Vs. 12-15
o Lesson 5 - Vs. 16-19
o Lesson 6 - Vs. 20-25
The Role Of Women In The Church by Sandy Simpson, 7/03
If men were exercising true biblical authority over their daughters and wives in love, the debate over the role of women in the Church would not be such an issue. If women today were submissive to their husbands, we would not have many of the problems we have today in the Church.
Admit, Commit & Submit by Sandy Simpson, 7/03
A study in the difference between the biblical Gospel and what is being preached in many churches today.
Benny Hinn's Response To Dateline NBCby Sandy Simpson, 1/11/03
There is no need to go into the history of Benny Hinn because he has been around what seems like forever and has been investigated enough times so that most people know quite a bit about him. An excellent resource on the history of Benny Hinn is available from Personal Freedom Outreach in a book called "The Confusing World Of Benny Hinn". Hinn has been investigated by two major secular news shows, and by some Christian news media as well. Most recently he was investigated by Dateline NBC in a show that aired December 27, 2002. All of these shows showed evidence that Benny Hinn has been scaming people for their money with false healing claims that he cannot prove. He was asked on all these shows to provide medical proof of the miracles he and his follower claim to be experiencing, but to date not one shred of definitive evidence has been provided by the ministry. Hinn did provide evidence, but when it was investigated the claims turned out to be claims without medical justification. Quite contrary to Hinn's claims, a number of people have died who Hinn proclaimed healed.
C&MA Endorses the Word of Faith Movement by Sandy Simpson, 9/30/03
I have a great admiration for both A.B. Simpson and Christian and Missionary Alliance for their work for the Lord up to the present time. This is why I am writing this article because I believe that Jonathan Graf, Director of Prayer Mobilization for C&MA is attempting to indoctrinate that organization with false teachings from the Word-Faith movement.
New Online Book! 50 Ways To FAIL As A Cross-Cultural Missionary! by Sandy Simpson, 11/03
This excellent new book is now available online. It is a great resource for missions and churches helping to bring new missionaries through orientation. I'm still looking for someone to illustrate the book for me. I have great cartoons in mind. Now also available in eBook format. Only $8. Click on the button below to order. This book, 50 Ways To FAIL As A Cross-Cultural Missionary!, is in Adobe PDF (.pdf) format and will be delivered in a WinZip (.zip) file. Simply unzip it and read it with Adobe Reader.
Many Deceivers Have Gone Out - A Study In 2 John by Sandy Simpson, 11/15/03
A study of the admonishment by John to not allow deceivers into our house or even greet them.
Benny Hinn Promotes The Rebuilding Of The Temple In Jerusalem by Sandy Simpson, 11/19/03
We received this letter from Bud Press on a program that aired November 18, 2003 where Benny Hinn was in Jerusalem with a Rabbi Chaim Richman.
Naming Names - A Study In 3 John by Sandy Simpson, 11/29/03
A study in humility, support for ministry and naming names.
Rick Warren Connections - especially to the ecumenical Third Wave New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) and "Positive Thinking" Movement compiled by Sandy Simpson, 1/04
God Doesn't Want Your Sacrifices - He Wants Your Obedience! by Sandy Simpson, 2/9/04
1 Samuel 15:22 But Samuel replied: "Does the LORD delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the voice of the LORD? To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams.
The New "How To" Christianity - Helpful Tools Or Dangerous Weapons? by Sandy Simpson, 8/00, revised 3/04
"... the goal of Christian mission is not success, but faithful witness; not power, but proclamation; not technique, but truth; not method, but message." - Michael Horton, Power Religion, Moody Press, pg. 15
The Profit-Driven Church by Sandy Simpson, 3/5/04
The Purpose-Driven Church, Purpose-Driven Life and every other "purpose-driven" program that Rick Warren of Saddleback Church is selling to the Christian masses at the moment has an underlying agenda that is hardly highlighted by the Church or Christians. The church growth strategies that seem to work equally well for Christians, Mormons, Jews, Catholics and any other religion1 have a solid "profit-driven" motive built into the programs. If you meet the "felt needs" of people, they will come. And when they come they bring their checkbooks with them.
A Call For Repentance! - a debrief on the "A Call For Accountability" and "The Orlando Statement" which was brought to consensus among Third Wave, New Apostolic Reformation false apostles and false prophets by Sandy Simpson, 3/9/04
A group of the International Coalition of Apostles (ICA), which was organized by "super apostle" C. Peter Wagner and other "apostles and prophets" with the express goal of bringing the entire apostate "Church" under their leadership, recently agreed upon the following "A Call For Accountability". It is laudable that they are attempting to address unethical and immoral practices in Third Wave churches under their "authority", but you cannot address the symptom if you don't deal with the root of the problem. The root is the sin of apostasy from the truth.
Ted Haggard Invites Robert Schuller As NAE Speaker reported by The Calvary Contender, Jerry Huffman-Editor, April 2004-with comment by Sandy Simpson
SCHULLER AN N.A.E. SPEAKER-Robert Schuller spoke at the National Association of Evangelicals' annual meeting last month (2/04 BB). He received a standing ovation.
It's "Glory Dust" And "Manna" In The Apostate Church by Sandy Simpson, 3/30/04
Well, here we go again. On we find a report as of 1/15/03 of "Revival, Gold & Manna". This report is backed up with no facts, pictures, or documentation ... just more unverified stories by those who want to entice others into their "love feasts" (Jude 1:12). Let's look at some of the "facts" of this report so we can dispel this "myth" biblically and get back to reality.
Entertainment-style Christianity vs. Interactive-style Christianity by Sandy Simpson, 5/04
Today, in a majority of churches, we see the result of the seeker-friendly, "purpose-driven", church growth, Third Wave, New Apostolic Reformation methods and teachings and their product I am calling "Entertainment-style Christianity" (EST). But EST churches are not only missing out on the cutting edge of true Christianity, but are heading down the road to apostasy.
Let's Take A Look At The "Judge Not" Argument For A Moment! by Sandy Simpson, 6/3/04
It's very interesting to me how Christians are quick, these days, to pull out the old "judge not lest you be judged" excuse when they are angry at you for warning people away from their favorite false teachers and false prophets by name. They come down on those who test the spirits (1 Jn. 4:1), discern truth from error (Phil. 1:9-11, Prov. 3:21) and judge rightly (Jn. 7:24) when those are ways in which God has told us we ARE to judge. They use the "judge not" ploy to make themselves look like they are holier-than-thou and above the fray, and in so doing they are already in violation of Matt. 7:1 because they are judging those they say are being judgmental hypocritically. But think about the ways in which we all tend to judge in a whole variety of unbiblical ways every day.
The Overseer - A Study In Titus 1:6-11 by Sandy Simpson, 6/25/04
There once was a shepherd who loved his flock of sheep. He fed them and watered them. He bathed them and tended to their hurts. The only trouble is he did not build a protected fence around their home. He had a habit of going to sleep at night leaving no one to guard them. They had always been safe in the past, but one night wolves came. In the morning when he woke up many of the sheep were missing or dead. That day he built a fence and made sure there was always someone there to guard the sheep at night.
Francis Frangipane - Another Good Example Of The False Latter Rain Teaching On The Transferable Anointing by Sandy Simpson, 6/30/04
Elijah List sends out heretical Latter Rain teachings all over the world daily in their newsletters. So it is no surprise to see Francis Frangipane, a long time Latter Rain heretic, featured in their newsletter. The Latter Rain teaches that there is a transferable impartation of the "anointing" that can be transferred "by" the laying on of hands "by" the will of man, usually though slain in the spirit. As I have written before, this is heresy. This teaching denies the Triune nature of God, that He is One sovereign God eternally existing in three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. When you claim you can transfer an impartation or anointing of the Holy Spirit by human hands by the will of men, you effectively deny both the Deity and personality of the Holy Spirit. You deny the Deity by claiming you have the power to transfer the Holy Spirit at will, and you deny the person of the Holy Spirit by treating Him like some kind of "force" or "power" seperate from His person. These ideas are New Age ideas wrapped up in a Christian wrapper. Slain in the spirit and the transferable anointing are nowhere taught or demonstrated by the Apostles, prophets or Jesus Christ Himself.
It's Finally Here!
This one-of-a-kind series is a comprehensive report on the New Apostolic Reformation available on 6-DVDs or 2-VHS extended play videos. It features commentary by Bill Randles, Arnold Fruchtenbaum, Jacob Prasch, Mike Oppenheimer, Jewel Grewe, Jackie Alnor, Orrel Steinkamp, Philip Powell, Gary Gilley, Greg Robertson, Dave Hunt, Sandy Simpson and others.
Go here for ordering details!
New Companion Book!
The companion book to this series is now available. It has additional quotes and some updated information. This is the script of the DVD plus additional commentary from Sandy Simpson and quotes from articles by people like Dr. Orrel Steinkamp and Gary Gilley. The commentary sections of the video series by the other participants are not in the book, but there are many more quotes available than in the video series. Good reference material. This book is also available on CD-ROM in Adobe Acrobat .pdf format.
Go here for ordering details.
Seeds, Soil & Fruit by Sandy Simpson, 9/19/04
Some seeds have been genetically altered. Something has been added to the seed to produce a certain result. What has been added is indoctrination, brainwashing, diaprax, false prophecy, false apostolic edicts, false anointings. These additives produce seeds that will, in turn, grow bad trees, producing bad fruit, which in turn produce more bad seeds as the process renews itself over and over again.
The New Panentheistic "God" Of Christendom by Sandy Simpson, 9/25/04
There is a new "God" being promoted in the Third Wave, New Apostolic Reformation and Word of Faith movements whose teachers are regularly seen on TBN, Daystar, SkyAngel, CBN and other "Christian" TV networks. Some of those teachers even have, what would be considered, a fairly typical statement of faith or doctrinal statement they endorse. But by what they teach they end up promoting a false unbiblical view of God, especially through their actions and experiences. The whole phenomenon of "slain in the spirit" and all the antics that go with it are brainwashing an entire generation of Christians to put their faith in another Jesus, another Spirit, another Gospel. This new "Jesus" and "Holy Spirit" is clearly pantheistic or panentheistic in nature. Though some of these teachers would claim to be believing in the God who is One God in Three Persons, by what they teach they deny the very revealed character of God from Scripture.
Synergy by Sandy Simpson, 9/29/04
Synergy is a concept being adapted and taught today as a major tenet of the Third Wave, New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) movement. Dutch Sheets was one of the first to introduce this concept to that movement back in the National School of the Prophets - Mobilizing the Prophetic Office Conference at Ted Haggard's New Life Church in Colorado Springs, CO on May 12, 2002.
Richard Twiss Connections by Sandy Simpson, 10/1/04
Richard Twiss is spreading the doctrines of the New Apostolic Reformation and is endorsed by them. He claims that the Great Spirit of the Indians is the Holy Spirit of the Bible, and endorses ministries who make this same claim. He endorses and promoted books by people like Daniel Kikawa that present information as fact when it is proven myth. He continues to teach that the Great Spirit is the Holy Spirit by wearing the cultural items associated with the Great Spirit, even though it is a historical fact that the Great Spirit is a pantheistic god that required blood rituals and human sacrifice. Richard Twiss claims that what he is doing is not syncretism, when it is the very definition of syncretism.
Jack Deere's View On Prophecy by Sandy Simpson, 10/2/04
Jack Deere's understanding of the gift of prophecy reflects the twisted teachings of the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) of which he has been a part since the days of John Wimber, Paul Cain and C. Peter Wagner in the early formation of the Vineyard and Toronto Blessing movements.
False Prophecies Of The New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) by Sandy Simpson, 10/03/04
There is so much false prophecy in the NAR that it I could do an entire web site devoted to that issue alone. If you want to see the daily parade of false prophecies emanating from the NAR, subscribe to the Elijah List. It means nothing to these false apostles and false prophets to say things in the name of the Lord that not only do not come to pass, but would never come to pass because they are unbiblical and ridiculous.
ADDENDUM - "The New Apostolic Reformation - What is it and where it is going?" by Sandy Simpson, 10/7/04
This is some information that has come in since the release of the DVD series above. This information further confirms the information on the series.
False Apostles! - The False Apostles Of the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) by Sandy Simpson, 10/13/04
The NAR proponants claim to be foundational Apostles to the modern church. This claim is exactly what Paul warned the Church about regarding false apostles. False apostles are identified as those who claim they are equal with the the foundational Apostles. The NAR proponants go even further. They claim to be GREATER than the original Apostles.
The Duties Of Christian Leadership by Sandy Simpson, 1/12/05
Christians, and especially Christian leadership, are called to be salt and light in a dark world.
True Vine, True Fruit -- False Vine, False Fruit by Sandy Simpson, 2/2/05
There is one true Vine, that is Jesus Christ. Those attached to this Vine, who have a connected relationship to the Vine through obedience, will be branches that bear true fruit.
Maturity Training by Sandy Simpson, 01/05
At the core of maturity in Christ is the issue of training to be able to distinguish between good and evil, right and wrong. But in today’s churches this issue has not only been downplayed, but actually swept aside.
Unity Of The Faith & Maturity by Sandy Simpson, 02/05
Those who are mature in Christ are those who are reaching unity in the Faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God. Those who are not mature strive for ecumenical or interfaith unity thinking that they are growing in the Lord, and it is usually a point of pride to them. But they have mistaken what Paul was talking about. Unity in the Faith is talking about coming to a common understanding and practice of the core truths of the Faith as taught to us in the Bible through Jesus Christ and the Apostles.
"But they have a good doctrinal statement!" by Sandy Simpson, 2/26/05
Why do people have discernment about the FACT of eggs, yet apparently so few have discernment about the FACTS of the Bible?
There Are 3 Types Of Predictive "Prophecy" That Can Come True Sometimes - There Is Only 1 Type Of Predictive Prophecy That Comes True All The Time! by Sandy Simpson, 3/05
Prophecy is a broad term. In the Bible it is often defined as preaching, teaching, exhorting, etc. Prophecy in modern times has come to mean almost exclusively the prediction of future events. But this is only one aspect of prophecy as defined in the Word.
The Biblical Definition Of Worship by Sandy Simpson, 3/05
In many churches around the world the concept of "worship" has been redefined and narrowed to mean the time when Christians come together to sing songs, raise their hands, dance around, and get all excited about the Lord together in church. For most of the younger postmodernist relativistic generation the concept of "worship" has become a thing you do once or twice a week to absolve yourself of guilt. The more you can work yourself into a state of bliss in feeling like you are really achieving a state of "worship" by letting yourself go in the music and rhythm of the "worship" time, the more you can justify what you are doing the rest of the week when you are not "worshipping" God. This "worship" then becomes an excuse and justification process whereby Christians can rid themselves of the guilt of not obeying the Lord in their lives. This is not to say that true worship is not done in the time now called "worship". It can be a time of worship, but worship without obedience is no worship at all.
Vinod K. Isaac of Jasmine Computers Hosts A Pro "Benny Hinn" Web Site (The site belongs to his sister who is not revealing her name!) by Sandy Simpson, 3/05
There is a web site on the Internet, and there are others, that attempt to vindicate Benny Hinn's false prophecies, false teachings, necromancy and other unbiblical things he is doing. Recently the author of this site, the sister of Vinod K. Isaac, initiated an email exchange with me. Vinod, her brother, owns a computer outfit in Chicago called "Jasmin Computers" and is apparently hosting her web page on his computer site. Unlike most Christian web sites, including ours, who are up front about who we are, his sister has never revealed her name on her site and there is no way to contact her other than an email form. It wasn't until she wrote me, claiming to be Benny Hinn by signing her emails "BH" and using his name as her email address at that I made the connection between her and her web site. She accused me in her emails of not giving the facts about Benny Hinn, in fact calling me a liar and a deceiver. I cannot reprint her emails here because it is a violation of ethics concerning private and protected by copyright law. Those who wish to reprint private emails are duty bound by common copyright laws to ask permission of the author to do so, which we do on our site. In response to her invective and accusations, I sent her a number of links to articles about Benny Hinn. Her subsequent responses showed that she had not read the articles I sent her. I then began to attach the full length articles to her emails, which had grown to a number of emails per day, hoping she might accidentally see them. I gave her Hinn's false prophecies. She just kept coming back with rhetoric about how I didn't know what I was talking about. She indicated she would not read the articles I sent. She finally told me she had decided to put up a page trying to prove I was wrong with my name on it, stating that I was a deceiver. So I believe it is time to bring this to public attention. I do not want to throw any traffic her way because the DITC site has thousands of hits per week. But I feel I do need to address her ridiculous assertions and mishandling of Scripture to try to defend a proven heretic and false prophet, Benny Hinn. Following is a refutation of her "facts" about what I have on my site, and about Hinn point by point. This is not rocket science, folks. What "BH2" has on this new web page, which is an abbreviation of her email address and how we will refer to her in the following, is quotes exactly from her site in Red. My rebuttal is in Blue. So here goes ...
Learn To Love Jesus Christ! by Sandy Simpson, March 2005
Is learning to love yourself really what people need to learn? Is this how a Christian should accurately explain the human condition? Is the problem with people that they don't love themselves enough or that they only love themselves? Is loving yourself the answer to your needs in life? After reading Rick Warren's first contract column called "Learn To Love Yourself!" for Ladies Home Journal (LHJ), it struck me that it is a perfect example of why churches should definitely NOT be using his materials.
What We Need Is A Reverse Paradigm Shift! by Sandy Simpson, 3/30/05
I'm going to warn you now. I am going to let you in on some information tonight that is going to radically change your world view. You are likely going to experience the beginnings of a reverse paradigm shift and after tonight there will be no way to go back the way you came. You will be faced with choices that you may never have known you had. You will be faced with a new way of looking at things that is going to cause you to rethink everything that is being taught in the Emerging Latter Rain churches. It is going to be radical because the basis for this message doesn't come from Jesus Christ visiting my room last night bodily, but from His holy written Word. So buckle down your seat belts, you're likely in for a bumpy ride!
Should Biblical Churches Be Christocentric? by Sandy Simpson, 4/1/05
Should biblical Christian churches be Christ-centered (Christocentric)? Should the doctrines of the Father (Patriology) and the Holy Spirit (Pnematology) also be equally emphasized? Can a church be Patriocentric or Pnemacentric and be biblical?
Study In Ephesians by Sandy Simpson, 4/05
This is a ten part study in Ephesians. Click on the following links to go to a particular study:
(1) Predestination And The Baptism Of The Holy Spirit
Ephesians 1:1-14
(2) Jesus Christ Rules & The Problem Of Sin And Salvation
Ephesians 1:15– 2:10
(3) A Building Of Peace
Ephesians 2:11-22
(4) A Mystery Revealed
Ephesians 3:1-13
(5) The Prayer & The Calling
Ephesians 3:14-4:10
(6) Why Were The Grace Gifts Of Servant Leadership Given?
Ephesians 4:11-13
(7) Put On The New Self
Ephesians 4:17-32
(8) Don’t Be Deceived
Ephesians 5:1-20
(9) Submission & Love
Ephesians 5:21-6:9
(10) Put On The Armor
Ephesians 6:10-23
Smack Dab In The Middle Of The Apostasy
"Evangelicals" Fawn Over The Pope At His Death by Sandy Simpson, 4/7/05
The Roman Catholic Church, headed by the popes, have long taught against at least two of the "central doctrines of the Christian Faith". That "Evangelical" leaders would endorse the pope, glorify him, say he is a saint, and laud him to the world is a testament of just how far into apostasy the Evangelical churches have fallen.
A Call To The Nations? by Sandy Simpson, 4/28/05
Unbiblical teachings by the organizers and participants of this conference including Richard Twiss, Daniel Kikawa, Aloha Ke Akua and YWAM.
Let's "Talkstory"! by Sandy Simpson, 5/7/05
Two stories to illustrate and correct the false teachings of "A Call To All Nations" speakers including Don Richardson, John Dawson, Richard Twiss and Daniel Kikawa with regard to there being worship of the true God in hundreds of cultures from the beginning.
Regarding The Accuracy Of Oral Traditions - With Reference To Daniel Kikawa's Book "Perpetuated In Righteousness"by Sandy Simpson, 5/10/05
The accuracy of oral tradition is, in a word, "inaccurate". God calls oral tradition "fables", and I dare say that if we were able to trace back most oral traditions today, as God sees them from an eternal perspective, we would see the mutations, changes and fabrications involved in modern mythology.
The Testimony Of Heneri Opukaha'ia - regarding the state of religion and society in Hawaii before the Gospel - A Rebuttal To Daniel Kikawa's Book "Perpetuated In Righteousness" by Sandy Simpson, 5/17/05
This article is a reminder of what Hawaii was like before the Gospel was preached. This is the account of a very important eyewitness. It is an unfortunate fact that often, by the third generation of Christians in any given area of the world, important information has begun to be lost and forgotten. This is clearly evident in the writings of people like Daniel Kikawa. The stark facts, of Hawaiian culture and religion before the Gospel was preached in Hawaii, are made evident by the testimony of a man without whom the peoples of Hawaii would never have had the opportunity to hear the Gospel message and would still be living in the sins of their ancestors.
The Agenda & Teaching Of The New Apostolic Reformation with forward by Sandy Simpson, 5/23/05
I am posting the transcript of this conference in the hope that those who want to know what is going on in the churches across the world today will be able to understand the agenda of the New Apostolic Reformation. This agenda runs through thousands of agencies and web sites. It is what is driving the Transformations movement, the global prayer movement, and thousands of other churches and organizations. What Christians need to realize is that they need to make a choice now. A majority of Christian churches have already succumbed to this Dominionist agenda foisted on the churches by false apostles driven by false prophecies from false prophets. Wagner is talking about the government of the church, under the leadership of the new foundational restored "apostles", OVERTHROWING the governments of the world. A spirit is indeed saying something to the churches, but since this is based on false prophecy rather than the written Word, you can begin to understand that this is not of the Holy Spirit speaking. If this agenda that C. Peter Wagner is proposing and is about to pull off is not "the woman who rides the beast" I don't know what is!
The Responsibilities Of A Good Shepherd by Sandy Simpson, 5/20/05
Those who are called to be servant under shepherds in the body of Christ must take that responsibility seriously. There are far too many who claim to be called to servant leadership, but demonstrate clearly that they are not qualified to be shepherds according to God's criteria. We need to be feeding the lambs and the sheep, bringing them to good pasture lands and water, grooming and clipping them, delivering new lambs, leading them and teaching them to stay together, going off after the wandering lost ones, and protecting the sheep in the field and in the fold.
Brand New Bible Study DVD Series!
This video study series is taken from the Discernment Toolkit book but includes a lot of footage of false teachers and false prophets. It will help you and/or your group learn how to test, discern and judge teaching and prophecy that is out there today in a very practical way. It covers the core doctrines, how we can use them to test, and examples on the DVD that can be paused for discussion. This series also includes a teacher guide and links to resources on the web. This 3-DVD series is available now! Go here for ordering details!
New Age/Eastern Mysticism In The Churches by Sandy Simpson, 9/18/05
Within my lifetime there has been a monumental change in the churches. In the last few decades New Age Eastern Mysticism and Gnosticism has entered a majority of Christian churches. It entered very slowly, like a frog in a pot. When the pot is slowly brought to a boil with a live frog in the pot it has been observed that he will not jump out because he does not feel the changes in temperature until he is boiled to death. The "slow boil" of New Age brainwashing in the churches started a long time ago, but even in the last 20 years or so the changes are stark. None of the New Age practices I will mention could be found in most churches at that time, and would have been soundly dismissed as unbiblical and heretical. Many will ask, "Where has the New Age entered the churches?" All you have to do is think about it a little and you will see that many churches have adopted New Age teachings and ideas and "Christianized" them, when none of them are biblical.
ADDENDUM to "An Answer To Ted Haggard"by Sandy Simpson, 9/19/05
I do not want to belabor this issue, but in the pursuit of truth I must update you on a few current developments in this story. Please refer to the original articles here: An Open Letter to the National Association of Evangelicals - Re: The Election of Ted Haggard as President of the NAE by Sandy Simpson & Mike Oppenheimer, ACT & Let Us Reason Ministries, 3/27/03. An Answer To Ted Haggard - Response To Ted Haggard's Email Rebuttal To Our Open Letter To The NAE by Sandy Simpson & Mike Oppenheimer, ACT & Let Us Reason Ministries, 4/23/03. Ted Haggard is apparently still telling people he has no formal association with the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) and it's International Coalition Of Apostles (ICA). He recently reiterated this assertion on a radio program called "Issues, Etc." on 9/13/05. You can watch the Windows Media version of this interview here or access the MP3 audio here. The "Issues, Etc." site is located here.
Philippians Study by Sandy Simpson, 10/01/05
Ten study series on the book of Philippians!
Warning—Beware Of “High School Of The Pacific” In Hawaii! by Sandy Simpson, 10/16/05
High School of the Pacific (HSP) located in Kealukekua, HI is yet another in the many enterprises of the Unification Church whose “Messiah” is Sun Myung Moon.
Three Fallacies Of Third Wave Spiritual Warfare Teachings by Sandy Simpson, 10/19/05
A recent Third Wave newsletter illustrates the ridiculous and erroneous nature of New Apostolic "spiritual warfare" teachings.
Explain Or Explain Away? by Sandy Simpson, 10/25/05
A proper balance of Biblical teaching, as demonstrated by the Apostles, is to both explain God's Word (good hermeneutics, exegesis) and to explain away false teachings of any particular passage (polemics and/or apologetics).
Why The LDS/Mormon Church Will NEVER Be Part Of The Body Of Christ by Sandy Simpson, 10/26/05
An answer to the efforts of people like Greg Johnson (Standing Together), Richard Mouw (Fuller Theological Seminary), Craig Hazen (Biola University), Ravi Zacharias (RZIM) and many others who are attempting to forge some kind of "Evangelicals And Mormons Together" alliance out of thin air.
Warren-Driven or Bible-Obedient? by Sandy Simpson, 11/2/05
Is your church Warren-Driven or Bible-Obedient? Use this comparison chart to see which direction your church is going?
The Emerging/Emergent Church - and their use of "diaprax" by Sandy Simpson, 11/28/05
The concept of the Emerging Church, as advertised worldwide in books, the web and on TV by the likes of Brian Mclaren, Leonard Sweet, Richard Foster, Dan Kimball, Rick Warren, Ken Blanchard and a whole host of others, seeks to cater to the postmodern mindset while using diaprax to achieve its goals. The Hegelian Dialectic is used in concert with praxis (known as “diaprax”) to brainwash an entire generation into creating a new hybrid Christianity. This new religion is full of Eastern mysticism and Gnosticism, while systematically redefining the teachings of Jesus Christ, the Apostles and Prophets within a subjectivist, existentialist worldview.
Ding Dong, Ding Dong, Wake Up Leonard Sweet!
by Sandy Simpson, 11/27/05
This article will expose Leonord Sweet as a postmodernist who apparently is so caught up in his postmodern paradigm shift that he is unable to think clearly at all, let alone teach. On his The Double Ring Video by Leonard Sweet, Sweet's SoulCafe, 1998, Vol. 3 which I have transcribed here in totality, you can hear the bell toll twice announcing the demise of Christianity falling headlong into a global apostate end times false religion.
Satan, The First Postmodernist by Sandy Simpson, 12/1/05
This is an article written after giving further thought to the definition of "postmodernism" given by the likes of postmodernist Leonard Sweet and other Emerging Church promoters.
"Every man did that which was right in his own eyes." by Sandy Simpson, 1/1/06
This article is a warning to all those who think they can rewrite Christianity in their own image. Think again!
ACT Letter To The Fiji Times About Benny Hinn
by Sandy Simpson, 1/3/05, Fiji Times Online, Voice of the People, Letters to the Editor, January 3, 2006
This invitation to Hinn is facilitated by a church coalition that is simply trying to further the "transformations" agenda to remake the world into the image of the false apostles and false prophets of the New Apostolic Reformation.
Dominionism Exposed compiled by Sandy Simpson, 2/2/06
Kingdom-Dominion, or 'Restoration' theology has risen to popular acceptance in the last thirty years or so, gaining confidence and strength with time and developing its doctrine as it progressed.
Brain McLaren: A Prime Example Of Diaprax by Sandy Simpson, 2/16/06
I have written in a previous article called The Emerging/Emergent Church - and their use of "diaprax" briefly detailing the use of the Hegelian Dialectic and praxis (diaprax) by New Apostolic and Emerging Church leaders. What I want to show in this article is a perfect example of diaprax in the teachings of Brian McLaren, a main leader in the Emerging Church. If you want to read the entire transcript of “An New Kind Of Christian – Part 1”, a video teaching by Brian McLaren, you can access it here. I also urge you to watch the video for yourself which is available online here. When you watch be aware of the intentional and even unintentional uses of brainwashing techniques. I will only quote certain parts of McLaren’s teachings to emphasize the use of diaprax as well as other false teachings.
11 Reasons To Reject The Teachings Of The Indigenous People's Movement by Sandy Simpson, 3/4/06
When you mythologize religion and ignore the clear teachings of the Bible, as above, in order to make people feel better about themselves and their cultures, you are effectively preaching another gospel. Don't have time for this 24 page article? Try the shortened 16 page version here.
Peter Popoff - Back To His Old Tricks! by Sandy Simpson, 3/17/06
I received a letter from Peter Popoff. I did not sign up for his address list, but apparently he got my name and address from somewhere. This infamous televangelist, in the past, was found to be guilty of wearing an earpiece so that his accomplices in his sound booth could feed him personal information on people in his audience while he was claiming to get personal messages directly from God. This letter proves that, not only is he back as a regular on TV, he is also back to his old tricks.
An Endrun Around Rom. 1 And Acts 17 - A Gameplan of YWAM by Sandy Simpson, 3/4/06
Daniel Kikawa, formerly with YWAM and now with his own organization called Aloha Ke Akua, and Danny Lehmann, Director of YWAM Honolulu have repeatedly pulled Romans 1 and Acts 17 from their contexts in order to promote IPM ideology. I have yet to hear them, or any other leader in the IPM for that matter, teach these Scriptures in context. Yanking Scriptures out of context is one of the first marks of false teaching.
More False "First Nations" Teachings - On Genesis 11:1-9 (Babel) & Acts 17:18-34 (Mars Hill) by Sandy Simpson, 5/4/06
This article is written to expose another false teaching based on a misinterpretation of Scripture, namely the Genesis 11:1-9 account of the tower of Babel.
Critical Missiological Issue!
This DVD video series features Mike Oppenheimer and Sandy Simpson and their in depth research regarding the First Nations Movement and World Christian Gatherings of Indigenous Peoples. This is an issue that pastors and missionaries need to be informed of because it goes to the core of evangelism and preaching the Gospel.
Go here for ordering details!
Nimrod & Babel compiled by Sandy Simpson, 5/8/06
This article is written to clarify the issue of Babel that is taught unbiblically by the First Nations Movement leadership. In this article we will look exclusively at Nimrod and his kingdom, Babel. We will compare what the Bible teaches about him and what it teaches about the coming Antichrist and his short-lived kingdom.
Colossians Study by Sandy Simpson, 5/06
More John Bevere Quotes by Sandy Simpson, 5/25/06
More unbiblical and heretical teachings of John Bevere.
WCGIP Davao Event Planned To Redeem The "Cross" by Sandy Simpson, 6/23/06
The following from the current Wiconi "Smoke Signals" Newsletter is a perfect example of why Christians everywhere need to get the word out for indigenous churches to avoid this Indigenous People's movement. This kind of teaching and demonstration is not a good witness to the world.
IPM False Teaching About The Names Of God by Sandy Simpson, 6/24/06
Danny Lehmann, YWAM Director in Honolulu and pastor at Calvary Chapel Komo Mai was on the Calvary Chapel KLHT radio station again on Friday, June 23, 2006 with another argument to try to shore up the false doctrines that he and others of the IPM, including Don Richardson, Richard Twiss, Daniel Kikawa, have been teaching. Their claim is that God has many names in many cultures and can be legitimately worshipped by those names. Lehmann argues that the proof of this idea comes from the fact that in the Bible God has many "names".
"Blasphemizing" The Bible by Sandy Simpson, 7/26/06
The reason for this article is to detail how some of these Bible societies are mistranslating the Bible, using the names of false gods and substituting them for the One True God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God of Israel, the "I AM", YHWH, Jehovah. In doing this they are following the agenda of the WCGIP Leadership endorsed by Don Richardson and John Dawson of YWAM, and headed by people like Daniel Kikawa of Aloha Ke Akua, Richard Twiss of Wiconi International, Terry LeBlanc of World Vision Canada, and many other indigenous leaders.
Can Rick Warren Change The World? by Sandy Simpson, 8/21/06
With the recent rash (and I use that word physically) of Rick Warren appearances all over the TV networks, touted as the man who is going to save the planet, I have finally reached my maximum saturation point. I just want to address one statement that Warren made on Fox, though I could go into his appearnaces and what he taught in ultimate detail as I have in the past. But this one statement is more than enough to illustrate that Rick Warren is trying to change the world thought his use of diaprax and his INCREDIBLE lack of discernment.
A Study In 1 John by Sandy Simpson
World Christian Gathering on Indigenous Peoples (WCGIP) Report & Analysis - Davao & Kiruna by Sandy Simpson, 10/1/06
I urge anyone reading this article to also read the other articles in the WCGIP section of the DITC web site. It will help you understand the width and breadth of false teaching in this movement. This article contains quotes from the last two WCGIP events. What is amazing to me is that the word "Gospel" and "evangelism" (or "evangelization ... two different terms) are being used freely by the leadership and participants of this movement when it is clear they have little or no understanding of those terms from a biblical standpoint. You cannot claim you are reaching people with the Gospel while, at the same time, teaching that God has been redeeming the Gentile pagan nations (such as we all were) through the stars, their cultures and their religions long before the Gospel ever was preached. That is a clear denial of the biblical statements that Gentiles did not know God. Gentiles did not have salvation, they were not worshipping God, nor did they have hope before they heard the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, no matter what Terry LeBlanc, Richard Twiss, Daniel Kikawa and his friends claim.
... and all liars ... by Sandy Simpson, 11/05/06
There is a lesson for all true believers in recent events. Have nothing to do with deeds of darkness perpetrated by false brothers. Reject heresy. Mark and avoid false teachers.
Rick Warren "Explains" Himself by Sandy Simpson, 11/25/06
It is forutnate when people like Rick Warren try to "explain" their actions and words. It gives us a very clear glimpse into their character.
Statement Regarding The Global Summit on AIDS at Saddleback by Sandy Simpson, 12/06/06
This is just my brief statement on the Summit held by Rick Warren at his Saddleback church.
Updated! (1) Indigenous People Issues - A Warning About The World Christian Gathering Of Indigenous People by Sandy Simpson, Pacific Waves Newsletter, 5/02
Updated! (4) Let's "Talkstory"! by Sandy Simpson, 5/7/05
Updated! (6) Regarding The Accuracy Of Oral Traditions - With Reference To Daniel Kikawa's Book "Perpetuated In Righteousness" by Sandy Simpson, 5/10/05
Updated! (7) The Testimony Of Heneri Opukaha'ia - regarding the state of religion and society in Hawaii before the Gospel - A Rebuttal To Daniel Kikawa's Book "Perpetuated In Righteousness" by Sandy Simpson, 5/17/05
Updated! (9) 11 Reasons To Reject The Teachings Of The Indigenous People's Movementby Sandy Simpson, 3/4/06
Updated! (11) An Endrun Around Rom. 1 And Acts 17 - A Gameplan of YWAM by Sandy Simpson, 3/4/06
Updated! (13) More False "First Nations" Teachings - On Genesis 11:1-9 (Babel) & Acts 17:18-34 (Mars Hill) by Sandy Simpson, 5/4/06
Updated! (14) Nimrod & Babel compiled by Sandy Simpson, 5/8/06
Updated! (15) IPM False Teaching About The Names Of God by Sandy Simpson, 6/24/06
Updated! (16) "Blasphemizing" The Bible by Sandy Simpson, 7/26/06
Updated! (24) World Christian Gathering on Indigenous People (WCGIP) Report & Analysis - Davao & Kiruna by Sandy Simpson, 10/1/06
Purpose Driven Hip-Hop? from an email update from Youth Alive Victoria, commentary by Sandy Simpson, 4/20/07
I received this email update from Youth Alive Victoria. In a previous article I showed how Youth Alive promoted the Third Wave in concerts worldwide. I also showed how they promote the use of Alpha Course. Youth Alive continues down the road to apostasy by promoting "Purpose Driven Hip-Hop". This shows the influence of Rick Warren's books in their organization. IT also shows they very much support YWAM which is aa adherant and promoter of the New Apostolic Reformation. It is my hope the parents will take this as a warning and not send their kids to be infleunce by Youth Alive!
The Letter To Laodicea Is A Warning To The TRUE Church Today by Sandy Simpson, 4/30/07
Much has been made of this passage, using it to point out what is happening today in the apostate churches around the world. It is true that they believe they are rich in spiritual things when they are very poor. It can be applied in one sense to the Word of Faith movement. It is true that the "River" movement of Latter Rain teachings do think they are hot when actually they are cold. But this letter to the end times church of Laodicea is actually talking to biblical Christians who are born again. The apostate movements of the Latter Rain, Third Wave, Toronto "Blessing", Vineyard, Brownsville "Outpouring", Word of Faith, New Apostolic Reformation, World Gathering on Indigenous People, Manifest Sons of God, Seeker Friendly, Church Growth, Emerging Church and many others have already had their lampstands removed (Rev. 2:5) because of their apostasy and have already been spit out of the Lord's mouth (Rev. 3:16).
The New Prophets And Apostles and Superstition by Sandy Simpson, 5/22/07
False prophets have always been known and identified as using divination and augury to try to set dates for certain events. The dates they set, though they hold festivals to celebrate them, never produce the results they predict. Their superstitious behavior and their adherence to these mythologies are one way to identify them as false prophets.
"River Flush USA" Event To Precede 7/7/7 "The Call--Nashville" reported by Sandy Simpson, 6/5/07
The Wagners, Chuck Pierce, Jim & Faith Chosa, et al have "prepared the way" so to speak by conducting an occultic event called, "River Flush, USA" where they used Native American and New Age shamanistic techniques to conduct deliverance of the midwestern and southern continental US's river systems, which they claim are being used as a "vast network and communications base for the 'prince of the power of the air' and for the second heaven principalities to legally link into the earth."
Dominionism: The New Christian Fascism? - Is it ultimately that different from Islamic Fascism?by Sandy Simpson, 6/29/07
One of the lies those who follow heretics are believing today is the lie of Dominionism. This false theology gets believers to focus their attention on what God has NOT ordained. Then they are swept away in the pantheistic mysticism that has taken up residence in many churches, relying on their feelings to guide them. At that point they are already following the enemy and don't even know it. If they would search the Scriptures daily they would know they are a tool of the enemy. But rather than repent they continue down the path of heresy, carrying out the ridiculous edicts of false apostles, the false prophecies of self-proclaimed "prophets", and passing along the fables false teachers make up daily to tickle the ears of their followers until their consciences are branded with a hot iron and they can no longer discern truth from error. At that point they have given in to delusion. When God allowed Pharaoh many chances to repent and he hardened his heart, God finally hardened it for him. God will do the same when He ultimately sends a great delusion on those who no longer have a love of the truth. These deluded ones will end up being the same Fascists as their counterparts in Islam.
Pre Millennial And Post Millennial Doctrines Do Not Mix by Sandy Simpson, 7/13/07
Many Christians today (having allowed themselves to be diapraxed by false teachers on TV, in books, in seminars and on tape) have begun to accept a mixture of Pre Mil and Post Mil doctrines. Many claim they still hold to a Pre Trib Rapture (or another Pre Mil scenario) and at the same time would claim that Christians are in a great end times revival, that "Transformation" is taking place all over the world, and that our mandate is to retake dominion over the whole world including its businesses, social agendas and political arenas (a Post Mil scenario). But what many "Christians" today do not realize is: the mixture they have accepted is oxymoronic.
Updated! Transformations or Re-Transformation - A Paradigm Shift For Evangelism by Concerned Christians, 7/02 - This link has been broken for some time. This article is by Mike Oppenheimer and Sandy Simpson.
Universalism in the World has Permeated the Church by Sandy Simpson, 10/12/07
We deal with these old heresies brought forward to modernity, these ideas that all men have have a relationship with God that will cause them to be able to avoid judgement in our book on the teachings of the World Gathering on Indigenous People movement called “Idolatry In Their Hearts”. The idea that all men who worship a “god” are worshipping the true God, YHWH, has bubbled up to the very top of our societies and religions, and even Christendoom, and should sound a warning alarm to true Biblical Christianity. Instead, as usual in our day, most Christians are asleep at the wheel while Universalists claim that you can pray to a “god” like Allah and be praying to the true Trinue God, YHWH. I also dealt with the fact that Allah is not YHWH, both in our book and in the article “Is Allah The Same As YHWH?”. Yet just recently George Bush, a professing Christian, who has obviously been led astray by false teachers and his heretical counselors like T.D. Jakes and Ted Haggard, came out with these statements in an interview.
John Piper – Giving “license for immorality” while claiming he is not? by Sandy Simpson, 10/27/07
Not one word about Christians confessing or repenting of sin in Gutsy Guilt by John Piper. Yes Christians still sin (1 John 1:8). But the point in any true biblical exegesis of this subject is that Christians no longer practice sin (1 John 3:9) but rather practice righteousness (1 John 3:7). Those practicing sin better test themselves to see if they are in the Faith (2 Cor. 13:5). We as believers have the sacrifice of Christ for sin but we must still confess our sins and He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness (which was spoken in reference to Christians) (1 John 1:9). This article is a perfect example of what Jude calls giving Christians a “license for immorality” and illustrates why 5-Point Calivinists are deceiving believers on issues like continued sexual immorality.
Paula White's Incredible False Teaching by Sandy Simpson, 10/31/07
Paula White made the following statement on TBN on 10/30/07 from a women's convention in Orlando, FL. "Anyone who tells you to deny your self is from Satan."
Lessons In Forgiveness by Sandy Simpson, 12/12/07
A topical Bible study on the subject of forgivenss.
"Hold Firmly Till The End" by Sandy Simpson, 1/10/08
The Bible is repleat with examples of both those believers who stood firmly to the end, and those that did not. There is nothing sadder than to observe a believer in his or her twilight years wander away from the faith after having served the Lord.
New Bible Study CD!
Bible Studies in Discernment contains the studies in the New Testament by Sandy & Juanita Simpson covering many issues of apologetics and discernment. Go here for more information or click on the "Add To Cart" below. The price is $10. per cd plus s/h.
Deliverance! - A Biblical Guide To Freedom From "Another Spirit" - The Possible Consequence Of The Unbiblical Practice Of "Slain In The Spirit" by Sandy Simpson, 2/08
The cases are legion. Let's look at John (a psuedonym) as one case in thousands that I read through the years in the emails sent to my site.
Personal "Prophecy" In The Bible? by Sandy Simpson, 2/08
The reason for this article is my contention that the modern day "prophetic movement", better known as the Latter Rain, Third Wave or New Apostolic Reformation, is promoting and practicing divination (personal prophecy) rather than what the Bible defines as true prophecy.
Baha’i & YWAM's "Indigenous People's Movement" (IPM) - Comparison Chart by Sandy Simpson, 3/6/08 - You will notice a very close comparison in this chart between false religion and so-called "Christian" leaders.
Islamic Teachings That Prove Their Religion Is False compiled by Sandy Simpson, 4/1/08
This article presents documented proof that Mohammed was a false teacher and a false prophet ... thus the Qur'an and other Islamic holy writings by Mohammed and his followers are based are false. More evidence that the "god" Allah they worship is a false god. Their false religion is based on a false prophet, false scriptures and a false god.
Through the years I have been presented with many opportunities to forgive. Sometimes the situation was so severe that it took me some time to forgive and start the process of healing for myself, and eventually for others. I learned that a Christian needs to forgive other people even if they have not repented of their sins. That can be really hard if we let it be hard. But if we give our burdens over to the Lord, He will carry them and that frees us up to treat other people with love, compassion, and be in the right frame of mind and heart to set them up for reconciliation with Jesus Christ. That does not mean we tolerate their sin. We simply forgive them for what they have done to us, whether perceived or real, and move on to looking for ways to redeem them. We can then present to them the “truth in love” even when we have to rebuke them.
Go here for ordering information.
The Gospel Entrusted To The Saints by Sandy Simpson, March 31, 2008
We have a precious Gospel message to share with others. It is the Good News that saved us and brought us peace. We now have the hope of eternal life with Christ when before we were hopeless (Eph. 2:12). This new life should and will motivate us to share that Good News with everyone. But sometimes true saints lapse into a lukewarmness of complacency (Rev. 3:16). I have done that myself at times. It is time for the remnant, those who have not joined the Apostasy, to reach out to the world with the truth and love of the Gospel message of Jesus Christ. But we must adhere to the teachings of Jesus Christ and the Apostles to be effective.
Updated! Islamic Teachings That Prove Their Religion Is False compiled by Sandy Simpson, 4/1/08
This article presents documented proof that Mohammed was a false teacher and a false prophet ... thus the Qur'an and other Islamic holy writings by Mohammed and his followers are based are false. More evidence that the "god" Allah they worship is a false god. Their false religion is based on a false prophet, false scriptures and a false god.
Continually Updated! The ElijahList - The biggest distributor of false prophecies in cyberspace compiled by Sandy Simpson, 4/08
This is a sampling of false prophecies by many false prophets that have been distributed by ElijahList.
Is Anyone Else Tired Of The Diaprax Of False Teachers ... Or Is It Just Me? by Sandy Simpson, 6/2/08
The dialectic and praxis (diaprax) is being used by most false teachers today as a main form of commuication and teaching. In order to bring in their grandiose unbiblical plans and get people to follow them, they have to vilify the old. In doing so, with more and more churches and Christians following their schemes, they are actually destroying the work of the Church and missions instead of helping the situation. What was not a squeaky wheel is now being oiled with the super glue of false teaching. If the churches have been ineffective and even some Biblical ones have been at times, then Warren's ideas are not helping but will grind the churches to a halt by focusing their attention on social and political concenrs rather than the Gospel. This is all part of the Dominionist mandate, not part of our mandate as true Christians. Sadly instead of the churches becoming more effective we are witnessing the demise of the churches that follow the leadership of people like Warren ... which make Christ's words even more poignant and heartrending: Lu 18:8 I tell you, he will see that they get justice, and quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?
Why False Teachers Have So Many Followers
by Sandy Simpson, 7/28/08
The reason why false teachers, who deny one or more of the core doctrines of the Faith, gain so many followers is that they are saying what the world wants to hear.
When The Ends AND The Means Are Unjustifiable by Sandy Simpson, 8/30/08
The ends of the Third Wave are why the means are so unjustifiable.
Two Lessons From Jonah by Sandy Simpson, 11/24/08
We just finished as study in the book of Jonah in our Bible study groups. As we studied through that true story I became aware of an application for Church leaders today.
A Study In 1 John by Sandy Simpson
From Church To Emerging Church
The issue of the Emerging Church and it's introduction into many churches and mission organizations has reached a critical point. Many do not undersand what is being leavened into churches by the EC leadership. Many would be shocked to know their belief systems involve Universalism, New Age, defense of postmodernism, Interfaithism, and many other false doctrines. In order to reach out to this generation the EC leadership is proposing a whole new "map" to deal with what they perceive is a lack of understanding on the part of the churches on how to communicate. EC proponants believe the "scripture" for today is evolving and must change in order to reach postmoderns. Go here for ordering details!
Emerging Church Quotes compled by Sandy Simpson, 12/08
Quotes by Emerging Church leaders.
True Revival by Sandy Simpson, 1/2/09
We have been treated to many years of counterfeit revivals by way of Toronto, Brownsville, Lakeland led by many false teachers like John Arnott, John Kilpatrick, Todd Bentley, Benny Hinn, Rodney Howard-Browne, C. Peter Wagner, John Wimber and hundreds of others. The Latter Rain ideas of revival are not based on what the Bible teaches is true revival at all. They teach that revival can be staged and planned when brought to town by those who carry a transferable anointing. I have dealt with the issue of a transferable anointing in a number of other articles proving there is no such thing according to the Bible. The Holy Spirit is the One who brings revival, not according to the enthusiasm and orchestrations of man ... not by the will of men. Revival can only as a result of true repentance and forgiveness.
Allelon: Unity in the Church or Unity with the World? by Sandy Simpson, 12/08
The EC promoted and taught by groups like Allelon is full of the teachings of false teachers who have introduced ideas and practices that are not Biblical.
The Fallacious Arguments of Neo-Universalists
by Sandy Simpson, 1/4/09
The new Universalists are not as vocal about their Universalism ideas but are far more deadly to the Church as they are not rejected like classic Universalists were decades ago. The new Universalists would include Emerging Church leaders like Brian McLaren, Leonard Sweet, Spencer Burke, Alan Jones and others like Wycliffe, Society of Biblical Literature, World Christian Gathering of Indigenous Peoples, Richard Twiss, Daniel Kikawa, Terry LeBlanc, Rick Warren, Henry Nowen, YWAM, Tony Campolo, Robert Schuller, George Otis Jr., and even Billy Graham.
Letter To Billy Graham by Sandy Simpson, Deception In The Church, 8/27/00 - No Answer From BGEA yet!
"I am writing this letter to you to ask you to respond to a number of statements you have made, some very recently, that are of concern to the body of Christ." Addendum: read this response, not to my letter, but to a recent letter to BGEA in 2009.
The Zeitgeist Movement by Sandy Simpson, 3/10/09
Lest you think that the US and the rest of the world are NOT headed for global governance, let me tell you about one of a number of organizations promoting Globalism and save the planet. The Zeitgeist Movement has been sponsoring "ZDay" events since 2008. They have already sponsored "over 365 events in 63 nations so far." They teach that there is no government but the earth.
The Global Coherence Initiative by Sandy Simpson, 3/17/09
On the heels of my discovery of The Zeitgeist Movement I was alerted to another global movement called The Global Coherence Initiative while listening to George Nori (a radio show that is a laugh a minute though intended to be serious). My first thought was: you have to be "coherant" in order to understand that this is the opposite of cohearnce ... it is incoherence, incongruity ... nonsense. If those who buy into these things would become coherant they would learn a thing or two. Any group of people who think that that science will be able to "observe changes in the earth’s magnetic field and test the hypothesis that the earth’s field is affected by mass human emotion, positive or negative" have got a collective serious screw loose.
Testing Music In The Church - Part 2 by Sandy Simpson, 3/18/09
For my previous article on testing music in the churches, go here. Since the first article I wrote on testing music in the churches there have been developments in Christian music that are even more alarming.
The Ugly Side Of Diaprax by Sandy Simpson, 4/10/09
There has been a concerted effort by the false teachers from many movements inside the church such as Word of Faith, New Apostolic Reformation (NAR)/Latter Rain, World Gathering on Indigenous People and Emerging Church among others to diaprax people into thinking that the church has been ineffective until they came along with their new and improved ideas on how to take over the world. This is always a feature of the Hegelian Dialectical process put into action by praxis, thus diaprax. In order to form a new paradigm or worldview the leadership of these movements must villify orthodox Biblical Christianity. Let's look at some of those statements.
Updated! The Emerging Church - Introducing Heresies by Sandy Simpson, 4/20/09
But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them—bringing swift destruction on themselves. (2 Pet. 2:1)
“Emerging Theology” Is An Oxymoron by Sandy Simpson, 5/8/09
There was no theology presented in this lecture, per se. The overriding theme was that the EC wants to help Christians “find God in the world” and for them to “look like Jesus”. Sounds good but what does that mean? Does that mean going back to Roman Catholic liturgy and the Eucharist which Middendorf promotes? Does it mean incorporating mystical and New Age practices into the churches? Does that look like Jesus? I think not.
“Christians” Who Try To Poke Holes In Sola Scriptura by Sandy Simpson, 5/18/09
There are a number of the leadership of the Emerging Church (EC) who do not believe that the Bible is the highest authority for the Christian faith. Most do not believe that the Bible is inerrant in the original manuscripts and many do not acknowledge that the Bible is our highest revelation. Yet this is a core doctrine over which true believers and false brethren must separate.
1 Corinthians Study by Sandy Simpson
2 Corinthians Study by Sandy Simpson
False Teachers ... REVISITED! by Sandy Simpson. ACT, 9/03/09
I often receive requests to present updated false teachings and false prophecies by the myriad of heretics out there. We do try to keep up with all the latest. But I have to remind people that those we have exposed as false on our site have not repented of what they have already done in the past, which is why they are still on our site. So what they are doing now has no relevance as to whether or not they are now to be considered a true Biblical teacher. If and when they repent, that is renounce their false teachings and false prophecies, make restitution to those they have deceived, and begin to teach sound Biblical doctrine we will give you that information. As of now NONE of the people we have exposed have repented of their Latter Rain, Word of Faith teachings, heretical practices or their false prophecies. But in the interest of helping you to respond to a person who inquires by saying: "Those articles are old and you need newer materials" well, here is some newer stuff you can add to the pile. For you and me this really makes no difference, but for those who are living in deception perhaps it might demolish one of their arguments against the truth. I will only deal with quotes from 2007 through 2009 in this article. I will not go into detailed analysis of these newer quotes in order to save space, but will present a short comment and link you elsewhere for the detailed report, if there is one.
The Intention Experiment - Wrong intentions? by Sandy Simpson, 9/23/09
The real purpose behind the Intention Experiment is to fool people into thinking they are little gods, as is the ascertion of Brown and Taggart, and to get them there through introducing them to, what amounts to, transcendental meditation and the Zeitgeist, the spirit of the air, the devil (Eph. 2:2). It is leading to the moment of the fruition of this idea, when it has fully diapraxed enough people, when the AntiChrist will use this to make is look like humanity can get together and cause there to be peace on earth through their thoughts. He will tell them that they are all "gods" collectively, him being the best manifestation of god, and they will believe him. But then he will force people to worship him, thus proving that he is possessed by the false god who fell from heaven (Rev. 13:14-18).
Comments on the Rick Warren LETTER/VIDEO STATEMENT TO UGANDAN CHURCH LEADERS by Sandy Simpson, 12/11/09
Though some of the provisions of the anti-homosexuality bill are unjust and should be removed we have to understand that HIV/AIDS is a huge problem there and is being propagated and spread by homosexual behaviors as well as other methods. Uganda is trying to find ways to protect their society against this deadly sexual disease. Warren states that we all have "the freedom to make moral choices and our right to free expression are gifts endowed by God.". This statement comes from his erroneous teaching on "gifts". He has taught repeatedly on this subject in his "Purpose" series and often confuses natural gifts with spiritual ones. Do we have the right to make choices that cause others to die of AIDS? If the "free expression" of homosexuality is a "gift endowed by God" then why does God prohibit it in Scripture? We are not just free to do anything we want as people created by God. There are laws against murder, and infecting others with HIV/AIDS should be prosecuted just as any other act of murder is. If you knowingly give someone poison and they die will you not be tried for that crime? I have often stated that false faith healers like Benny Hinn ought to be indicted for claiming they have healed people from AIDS when he has not even checked out to see if it is true. If you don't believe me get our video series on Benny Hinn and see for yourself:
Journey Into Wholeness or Journey Into Worldliness? - A comment on "40 Days of Reflection & Growth" (Spiritual Formation) being taught at Trevecca Nazarene University by Sandy Simpson, 12/15/09
The bottom line is that this EC type of questionnaire gets the student to look within themselves for the answer instead of to the written Word. This can only lead to more confusion and will certainly not lead to spiritual formation.
Part 1 - Journey Into Wholeness or Journey Into Worldliness? - A comment on "40 Days of Reflection & Growth" (Spiritual Formation) being taught at Trevecca Nazarene University by Sandy Simpson, 12/15/09
Part 2 - Pragmatic Methodology versus Practical Theology - a comment on "Finding Your Spiritual Gifts" by C. Peter Wagner by Sandy Simpson, 1/18/10
A Whole Lot Of Wishful Thinking These Days
by Sandy Simpson, 2/5/10
In this article I want to detail a number of beliefs people have these days that have no basis in Scripture. I am going to roam all over the map, so to speak, and try to give fairly short answers on a number of topics and also give you useful links to articles that will help you deal with any particular issue. It is truly amazing how many false ideas people cling to without giving a thought to what the Bible has to say on the subject.
Discernment Is Essential by Sandy Simpson, 8/29/10
I want to offer a concrete suggestion on how to stem the tide of leaven coming into the churches. I do this in light of criticism often leveled at discernment ministries that they are only interesting in criticizing. Though we as believers are to use discernment and be critical of false teaching, comparing everything to the ultimate authority in the life of the believer, the written Word, you will find that most discernment and apologetics ministries do a very good job of offering both Biblical true teaching and practical suggestions on how to implement it. What I am going to suggest to you is something some churches are doing but I would like to see every church do ...
Does Daniel 10 really support the teaching of territorial spirits and spiritual mapping? by Sandy Simpson, 11/15/10
You cannot have the teaching of spiritual mapping without the concept of territorial demons, and you cannot have the idea of territorial demons without Daniel 10. This is the "go to" story that those who teach spiritual mapping always "go to". But does this story really support the idea of territorial spirits? The answer is no. If you read the commentaries on this passage you will find that, up until the mid seventeen hundreds, the commentators all focused on the human aspect of this story. After that the commentators began to adopt the idea that it is focused on territorial spirits. As usual the older commentators were correct. They did not take a leap of interpretation but rather followed generally accepted rules of hermeneutics.
A Whole Lot Of Wishful Thinking These Days!
by Sandy Simpson
This DVD series is a teaching based on this article.
In this DVD series I want to detail a number of beliefs people have these days that have no basis in Scripture. I am going to roam all over the map, so to speak, and try to give fairly short answers on a number of topics and also give you useful links to articles that will help you deal with any particular issue. It is truly amazing how many false ideas people cling to without giving a thought to what the Bible has to say on the subject.
Only $10. plus s/h. for US. Go here for ordering details.
A Whole Lot Of Wishful Thinking These Days!
DVD - Part 1
Updated! Leonard Sweet Quotes compiled by Sandy Simpson. 3/10
This is a page containing a number of quotes proving Leonard Sweet, probably the leading spokesman promoting Emergent Church, is a false teacher. I will comment in blue about each quote. The issue of Sweet being invited into many churches and Christian universities to speak has become even direr as recently he was invited to speak at a Calvary Chapel conference.
Jeremiah's Prayer by Sandy Simpson, ACT, 4/26/10
I am writing this article as an encouragement to those Christians who use discernment, especially the discernment/apologetics ministries. This passage was an encouragement to me so I would like to pass along what the Lord showed me. Jeremiah's prayer is reflected in our own prayers to the Lord when we find ourselves under heavy attack from the enemy and from his servants.
Are you an under shepherd or hireling? by Sandy Simpson, ACT, 5/9/10
The Bible lays out the definitions of both an overseer (under shepherd) and a hireling. A hireling does not really care about being a watchman, but is more concerned with protecting his reputation, position and income. A true watchman will guard the flock against wolves from within (Acts 20:30) and without (Acts 20:29) no matter the cost to his reputation, position or income. This is a little quiz you can take to see if you are a true Biblical under shepherd as a leader in your church, are becoming a hireling, or are one now.
On Emergent Church leaders calling apologetics and discernment ministries "Online Discernment Ministries" (ODM) by Sandy Simpson, 5/14/10
It does not surprise me at all that prominent Emergent Church (EC) leadership and others associated with that movement would use name calling as a way to try to shut up opposition to their false teachings. This is typical for Christian liberals. Rather than answer to what they have been writing in their books and teaching on in public for years, they resort to name calling. The term they are using lately is ODM meaning online discernment ministries. They use that term in a disparaging way but the term itself shows that they do not know how to do research and are not interested in the facts about many apologetics ministries.
Leonard Sweet and His Quantum Spirituality
Date: September 09, 2010
Host: Ingrid Schlueter, Crosstalk Radio
Guest: Sandy Simpson
Listen: RealAudio | Windows Media | MP3 | Order Tape or CD
How to be "unsaturated" by Sandy Simpson, 9/24/10
I guess you think this is going to be an article about cholesterol or saturated fat. No. This is an article on how to get away from those who use pantheistic terms for the work of the person of the Holy Spirit and claim they can pass the Spirit to you by the laying on of hands!
Regarding the Pre-Trib Rapture argument that the Church is not mentioned after Revelation 4:1 by Sandy Simpson, 10/10/10
I am not going to start a debate on the whether Pre-Trib, Mid-Trib, Pre-Wrath, Post-Trib or other Premillennial Rapture scenarios are Biblically correct. They all have a basis in Scripture. Pre-Tribers, however, sometimes try to come off as if they have a corner on the market of truth. But one of their arguments for a Pre-Trib rapture is not correct. I have heard the argument time and again ... that a proof of a Pre-Trib Rapture is that the "Church" is not mentioned after Revelation 4, therefore proving that since the Church is not mentioned the Church is no longer on earth.
The New Indigenous "Christian" Religion by Sandy Simpson, 10/23/10
Nothing exemplifies the new indigenous "Christian" movement of people like Richard Twiss, Daniel Kikawa, Aloha Ke Akua, YWAM and other proponents so much as the following statement on the home page of the Aloha Ka Akua web site. As Indigenous people, we need to embrace God as ours, and also know that God embraces us as His. . . just as we are. Our goal is to provide indigenous people, missionaries and Christians with information, training and materials that show the true nature of Jesus; that his way is not to be a foreign religion that destroys people groups and their cultures, but one that brings people groups and their cultures to their highest fulfillment. (Aloha Ke Akua, home page as of 10/23/10,
Does Daniel 10 really support the teaching of territorial spirits and spiritual mapping? by Sandy Simpson, 11/15/10
You cannot have the teaching of spiritual mapping without the concept of territorial demons, and you cannot have the idea of territorial demons without Daniel 10. This is the "go to" story that those who teach spiritual mapping always "go to". But does this story really support the idea of territorial spirits? The answer is no. If you read the commentaries on this passage you will find that, up until the mid seventeen hundreds, the commentators all focused on the human aspect of this story. After that the commentators began to adopt the idea that it is focused on territorial spirits. As usual the older commentators were correct. They did not take a leap of interpretation but rather followed generally accepted rules of hermeneutics.
Is anybody else creeped out by all this talk about Obama being "God"? by Sandy Simpson, 11/21/10
Disregarding the fact that calling any man on earth today "God" is blasphemy, this tactic by the liberal media to continually attribute god-like qualities or call Obama "God" or "Messiah" should make many people, especially Christians, very uncomfortable. The latest attempt at making Obama some kind of "god" was in the latest Newsweek of November 22, 2010.
Harold Camping Strikes (Out) Again! by Sandy Simpson, 12/5/10
Imagine my shock when I heard that Harold Camping was up to his former tricks in predicting, using some kind of fancy numerology, that Jesus Christ will return on May 21, 2011. I quickly thought about how I would cancel my plane reservations to speak at a discernment conference. I mean, if Jesus is coming back then there will no longer be a need to expose false teachers because they will have met their demise along with their leader. But then I realized, Camping is himself a false teacher and so I thought I would write this article to use on my speaking trip since I will be talking about his second failed prediction then.
The Emergent Church Teaching On The Trinity "Loving Community" by Sandy Simpson, 12/10/10
There is a fairly new teaching in the Emergent Church (EC) on the Trinity as an example of a "loving community" thereby giving evidence that anyone who names the name of Christ is to be a loving community, in unity with "humanity".
The Truth Behind The Postmodern Emergent Church by Sandy Simpson, 1/7/11
I am quite familiar with what drives the younger generation today because it was what I had to repent of when I was a youth. So I know the desire to try to justify yourself and what you are doing because you want to be able to continue to do those things while assuaging your conscience because so many others are doing them along with you. I attempted some of the same tactics when I had drifted away from the Lord early in my life. But no amount of jury-rigging the truth can change God's absolute truth. The bottom line is that, as believers, we either have to choose to follow the foolishness of men or the wisdom of God. 1Co 3:19 For the wisdom of this world is foolishness in God’s sight. As it is written: "He catches the wise in their craftiness"; {Job 5:13}
The Handkerchief Phenomenon - Addendum To "A Whole Lot Of Wishful Thinking These Days" by Sandy Simpson, 1/24/11
There is a new phenomenon especially among some island churches where handkerchiefs are being handed around a congregation claiming that they have an anointing that can cause people to be healed and other miraculous things happen to them. The problem with this idea is especially evident in two things: (1) that this can and is being considered by many to be Christian magic and (2) that it is being taught as being something that should be a normal part of the Christian experience. It is taught that if you have faith you will believe in touching the handkerchief that you will be healed, freed from demons, or get a special anointing.
Good Church Choices by Sandy Simpson, 2003
This page is some recommendations on how to find a good church. What you need to find is a church that not only has orthodox doctrinal statements but teaches, both explicitly and implicitly, in line with the core doctrines of the Faith. These are Bible-believing Christ-centered churches that are balanced in their theology. Be sure to test all churches before you become involved. Here are some tips for finding a good church.
"Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the Faith" by Sandy Simpson, ACT, 3/3/11
2Co 13:5 Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. Do you not realise that Christ Jesus is in you— unless, of course, you fail the test? People who call themselves followers or Christ or "Christians" and claim they are born again must believe certain things. If they do not then they fail the test of faith. They can claim they are born again all they want and "once saved, always saved" but if they fail the test of faith there is no eternal security. Only God knows who will be saved, from beginning to end, because of His foreknowledge and omniscience (Rom. 8:29, 1 Pet. 1:2). God did not make an arbitrary judgment about who would be saved and who would not. His Spirit is given to those He foreknew, when convicted of sin by His Holy Spirit, would choose to believe and commit themselves to Jesus Christ. We are not God and we do not have His omniscience. Therefore we must be sure our belief system is in the right place once our eyes have been opened to the Truth. I am not saying we do not have assurance of salvation, but our assurance comes not only because of His Atonement and promises of salvation but from our continuing in the Faith, which is always the Biblical criteria. Those who would teach must teach according to the whole counsel of God's Word. Let me be clear. There is only one way to salvation. That is by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone. I will deal with a few of those issues following, but it is important to recognize that being saved is not just a matter of believing that Jesus lived, or that He was a man, or simply giving mental ascent to His existence in whatever form. The Bible gives this as the only criteria to be saved: Ac 16:31 31 And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house. (KJV)
Hold On! by Sandy Simpson, 3/7/11
1 Tim. 4:1-2 But the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons, by means of the hypocrisy of liars seared in their own conscience as with a branding iron ... (NASB) If we are to pay attention and obey the written Word we must listen to what the Holy Spirit says. It is not I who wrote the above. I am simply reminding Christians that in the end times some will fall away from the Faith. Clear and simple. This is why the Lord reminds those who claim to be His followers that we need to hold on till the end. The word for "hold on" is katecho meaning hold, hold fast, keep, possess, stay, take, have, make. The Bible tells believers to hold on and keep what they have till the end. But what are we to hold on to?
Signs Of Apostasy In The Church In The End Times by Sandy Simpson, 4/11
There are many signs of the great Apostasy, or falling away (2 Thes. 2:3) indicating we are living in the end times. Mike Oppenheimer presented a number of things in his last sermon on what is going on in the world at large to indicate that we are living in the end times. Mt. 24: 3-14 As Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately. "Tell us," they said, "when will this happen, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?" Jesus answered: "Watch out that no-one deceives you. For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many. You will hear of wars and rumours of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of birth-pains. "Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me. At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come. (NIV) I am going to go through some indications of the Apostasy in the churches as a follow up to the signs of the times in the world. I have told you about many false prophets, false apostles, false teachers and false Christs through the years. But who ever thought that a president of the United States would be considered by many to be the Messiah or God?
General Jerry Boykin and his ties to The Knights of Malta and Rick Joyner - Compiled by Sandy Simpson, 7/21/11
This paper exposes what General Boykin has been doing in Calvary Chapels and his associations. He is Grand Chancellor of the Vatican's Jesuitical "Knights of Malta" (KOM swear fealty to the pope) and is involved with Rick Joyner in MorningStar, which is part of the New Apostolic Reformation. Joyner is a member of the International Coalitions of Apostles under C. Peter Wagner, and soon to be under Chuck Pierce as Wagner is retiring. Joyner is a long time false prophet who was a member of the original Kansas City Prophets who brought the false anointing, false prophecy and false apostleship through the teachings of the Latter Rain into many churches.
Did God Put "Eternity In Their Hearts" or "The World In Their Hearts"? by Sandy Simpson, 8/4/11
In the introduction to Mike Oppenheimer's and my book "Idolatry In Thier Hearts" I exposed the fact that Don Richardson pulled the phrase "Eternity In Thier Hearts" to use as his book title from it's context in Ecc. 3:11. He did this to support his thesis, which actually contradicts the second part of that verse, where it states that man cannot fathom what God has done. Richardson, rather, sets forth what has become the foundation for the false teachings of the WCGIP, YWAM, a number of Bible translation societies and the Emerging Church ... the propostion that all men have always been seeking God and that all Gentile cultures were already worshipping the true God before missionaries came with the Gospel.
Heresy by Proxy by Sherry Neese, 10/1/07
ACT Note: In light of the excuses being made by Calvary Chapel pastors as to their engaging Gen. Jerry Boykin to be the lead speaker at the How To Walk 2011 Conference at Calvary Chapel Honolulu, even though he has been working with a documented false teacher, false prophet, member of the International Coallition of Apostles under C. Peter Wagner, and member of the Knghts of Malta, Rick Joyner, I am reprinting this article as a reminder ... you bring down the cause of Christ when you associate with false teachers and false religionists. Promoters of Dominionism such as Boykin and Joyner are so far off the teachings and examples of the Bible that it isn't even funny. There is no, I repeat, NO evidence or teaching that we are to take over the world now to advance the Kingdom of Christ. The only way we can do help the coming Kingdom is to preach the Gospel which will establish the Kingdom in the spirits of men. Those who truly believe and are born again are then promised to be rulers and judges in Christ's physical Kingdom that will be established at His second coming. Till then we have a job to do and those who teach Dominionism are hurting the cause of Christ. The early church did not try to Christianize Rome (until the third century) and we are not called to Christianize the world. We are to be light and salt but we have absolutely NO mandate to "overthrow" the governments of this world as C. Peter Wager has dictated from his fake position as a "foundational apostle" in the modern church. The fact that Calvary Chapel is now allowing this C. Peter Wagner agenda to be promoted among it's attendees shows that the apostasy is in full swing. They have been warned repeatedly by a number of people by letter, face to face, by phone, by emails and by many articles. But since a certain group has responded in a belligerent way every time they are warned it is time to warn people away from those CC churches participating in this deception that constitutes a falling away from true biblical teaching. Guilt by association? Yes, Calvary Chapel is now guilty of that and in fact is guilty of guilt by cooperation.
A Response To "An Urgent Message From Peter" by Sandy Simpson, 8/20/11
This is my response to the email from C. Peter Wagner attempting to explain why the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) movement is not a cult. From my perspective he digs himself in deeper by showing the lack of substantiation from the Bible for what the NAR promotes. Following you will find the full text of his email and my comments.
A Tale Of Two Kingdoms by Sandy Simpson, 8/31/11
Be careful of those who teach about a "kingdom" that is not the same as what the Bible teaches. There are two kingdoms being taught in many churches today. Teaching about one of the kingdoms is on the decline while the other is being promoted all over the place. I am warning Christians that they need to check out who is using the word "kingdom", the books they have been reading and recommend on building "the kingdom", the people they have been hanging out with at conferences, and what they mean by "the kingdom". Biblical Christians need to understand that many of the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR), Emergent Church, Church Growth, Word of Faith and other related movements are operating under a paradigm shift. Because of that when they use the word "kingdom" they do not have the same biblical concept of that word that biblical Christians do. Whether purposely or under the influence of the Zeitgeist, the "new breed" paradigm shifters use the word "kingdom" in order to lure people into their Dominionist/social gospel worldview. They know that most Christians love to hear about the "kingdom" so they act like they are talking to them in the unity of the Faith. But they are not. This is an old trick of the false teachers and cults. They redefine certain words so that when they talk to biblical Christians they can sound like they are on the same page. For instance, the New Age cult called "Unity" did this years ago with many Christian terms and was able to lure in some people on that basis. Once you lure them in then you slowly brainwash them away from their former understanding of those terms into a new paradigm. The first concept is called Kingdom "Kingdom Now (KN)" and the second we will call "Kingdom Come (KC)". "Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven" (Matt. 6:10). KN claims this prayer is about Kingdom Now. Biblical Christians understand this is referring to the Kingdom being first established in the spirits of born again believers (Col. 1:13) and finally physically established in the Millennial Kingdom of Christ when He returns (1 Cor. 15:24), since the dominion over the earth currently has been temprarily given to the devil (Luke 4:5-8, Eph. 2:2). 1Jo 5:19 We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one.
Defending Apologetics by Sandy Simpson, 9/7/11
Why is it that "Christian" leadership, when documented as having taught false teachings or having done unbiblical things publicly and then those things are exposed publicly, have a conniption fit? They berate those who want to warn them and others not to teach falsely and want you to contact them personally or want to have a private meeting to talk about it. But then if you do contact them personally or have a meeting all you meet with is "attitude" and nothing gets changed. What is the use of that? Why do people who may have been true biblical teachers turned false teachers assume they have the right to air what they do in public but those who refute do not have the same rights?
Episode 43 - November 2011, Sandy Simpson: The New Apostolic Reformation
For such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. – 2Corinthians 11:13 Sandy Simpson, of the Apologetics Coordination Team, joins me to discuss the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR). Sandy runs Deception in the Church, an extensive library of resources on the NAR and related movements and organizations. Sandy does a fantastic job of describing in just an hour a movement that really needs many hours to really understand properly. It is my hope that this episode will inspire people to dig deeper to learn more about the New Apostolic Reformation and the unbiblical practices that go on within the movement. Please check out the show notes and visit the additional resources section. The New Apostolic Reformation is a dangerous movement that is carrying many Christians away from orthodox, Biblical practices. This episode is available to stream or download here.
Sandy Simpson Articles with PowerPoints
This page contains links to PayLoadz where you can purchase and download Sandy Simpson articles and the PowerPoint presentations that go with them. The files are zipped to make them easier to download. Simply double click on the .zip file and if you have WinZip or some other .zip compatible archiver it will open the .zip file where you will find the article(s) and the PowerPoint that goes with them. These are very useful in teaching Bible studies or to use as messages. To order just click on the PayLoadz button below the files you wish to order and after you pay via PayPal you will receive a link where you can download the file(s).
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Bible Studies in Discernment
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