Sunday, December 25, 2011

self deception training with patrick miron / alvin glombowski

No perversion is more perfect than to think it is our worst behavior that gets us our wealth and economic standing..

To borrow a phrase from the commercial world of free enterprise

“you get what you pay for.”

To use a phrase from writ that even better defines the outcome of the trend toward the antichrist spirit, check out what the Apostle Paul had to say about it. “And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,

And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:” (2Th 2:9-11)

How convenient is the latest trend among Christians reported by pollster and writer George Barna. Reports are that many are now giving up not only faith in Christ as the one and only way but the belief in a literal satanic personality the Bible refers to as the ‘god of this world.’ Just in time for the big push toward Armageddon and acceptance of every backward trend civilization can conger.

In America we have grown tired of our prophets and we set aside their warnings that no amount of tinkering with the market, the economy or health care concerns can offset the damage that is being done by America’s obsession with sex, pop culture and interests that can only be driven by the oncoming spirit of anti-christ.

No nation in history ever fell into conflict with God over its economy, it was always their morality. The two are inextricably linked but that may be deeper prophetic utterance than most can bear.

The prophet Jeremiah warned the ancient Israelites for an entire generation that their idolatry, prurient interests and preoccupation with material things would be their demise. In one of his final warnings to them as a few of them tried to escape from the Babylonian (Iraq) King Nebuchadnezzar they protested his prophecies with the retort that they had it pretty good while they were doing all the things Jeremiah said they shouldn’t be doing. (Jeremiah 44:1f)

They actually could not believe that God would take away all their goodies for what they were doing but associated their behavior with their former economic good fortunate.

The very end of their nationhood was dismissed as some sort of bad luck, poor planning, relentless enemies or economic misfortune. Sound familiar?

No perversion is more perfect than to think it is our worst behavior that gets us our wealth and economic standing.

The Bible is replete with warnings that only God can bless a nation with wealth and prosperity and only God can take it all away

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