Tuesday, December 6, 2011
REMEMBER the “New Age” is about the same “Old Age” demonic spirits that promote THEIR LYING TEACHINGS as “alternatives” to humanity, instead of the Most High God’s Truth as revealed to us in the Bible. THERE ARE LOTS OF VIDEOS AND LINKS BELOW THAT EXPOSE HOW THESE SPIRITS OF DARKNESS ARE WORKING TO DECEIVE PEOPLE TODAY… even within churches! Not all that is said to be caused by the Holy Spirit is… and that is why we need to test the “fruits” of the spirits and see if they lead souls to deep commitment to Christ as saviour… or away on other tangents and religious entertainment.
1 Timothy 4:1… “Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils”
Not long after received the Holy Spirit, over 30 years ago, I had a vision of an old cathedral like this but I was looking down from above. There was no roof and inside was all the pews and religious paraphenalia that some people think they need to have so they can go “to” church. Over it was written…
THE COUNTERFEIT CHURCH… is everything done in “Jesus’ name”… but subtly replacing Him in importance, so that people follow, trust and love something else as their “religion” or way of being saved… but not the Lord Himself as their personal savior! Their faith is in a visible man made thing or the fantasy of rituals and traditions as if they matter at all. For instance “identifying” oneself as an “Anglican”, “Mormon”, “Roman Catholic” or “Baptist” as if that gets one to Heaven… or doing “Christian Yoga” or being in the “Church Choir”. Real Christians honor and cultivate the importance of Jesus Christ / Yeshua as our Lord and Savior, the Truth of the Bible, genuine Worship of God and the Loving Presence of the Holy Spirit. God knows those who are His precious sheep and lambs.
The falling away and apostasy can happen in some of the modern churches as easily as in old ones. Do humans ever change? Most denominations / groups are probably a mixture of true and false believers but woe if the leadership is in sin or are deceivers. Committed witches and Satanists DO infiltrate churches and stand in the pulpits and work on the committees. An Australian Archbishop admitted “the smoke of Satanism is in the Vatican and it rises very high”. They can quote scriptures as well as Satan did to Christ! Churches can be set up to function as an organization without God’s blessing or approval… and even fool many people, but a form of Godliness is not the real thing! We must discern where Satan is always at work to undermine, attack and destroy the faith and unity of true believers and their assembling together. For this reason we must know, love and pray for each other.
The COUNTERFEIT is the look alike… or the replacement or alternative… the anti-Christ spirit of error against the Spirit of Truth, the HERESY teachings of men and devils, emphasis on buildings, rituals, special clothing and traditions rather than receiving the indwelling Holy Spirit which sets a soul free from all that. It’s the Jezebel hierarchy system or CULT leader control, mixing in pagan religions and their style of meditation and music, idol worship, apparitions, stigmata, fake miracles and counterfeit Gifts of the Holy Spirit which are just emotional or paranormal phenomena like ecstatic, head shaking prophecy, jerking and twitches, TELEPORTATION or appearances of gold dust, feathers and jewels, magikal alchemy of teeth and crucifixes changing to gold… and physical MANIFESTATIONS like laughing, growling, staggering, shape shifting and rolling on the floor (out of control behaviour may be a release of supressed emotions and trauma or may really be a Kundalini TRANCE demon possession or even getting deliverance from it! Don’t let anyone touch your forehead. The safest way of living out one’s Faith in Jesus the Messiah is in developing personal, humble quietness, meekness and simplicity… with one’s own soul power and mind submitted under our spirit in union with the Holy Spirit. This is the New Covenant Way of being “In Him” as our first love and walking in the Light and guidance of the Holy Spirit. This is all one needs. Live, speak and dress modestly. As the Apostle John said…Keep yourself pure. Note that one of the Fruit of the Spirit is “self control”… to be able to possess ones vessel in holiness and no be out of control! Galations 5)
THE MAIN OBJECTIVE OF SATAN IS TO STEAL A FAITHFUL SOUL’S LOVE AND SPIRITUAL UNION WITH JESUS CHRIST ABOVE AS HIS HOLY BRIDE… (by distractions, infatuations, confusion, condemnation, soul r-a-p-e by trusted ministers or friends, lying deception in the mind, relaxation or trance type music, attraction to look at or join alternative religions or the New Age)…CAUSING HIM OR HER TO FALL DOWN TO THE LEVEL OF THE ELEMENTAL SPIRITS OF THIS WORLD AND TO LOSE THEIR REWARD IN THE WORLD TO COME
DO YOU KNOW WHAT AN APOSTATE CHURCH LOOKS AND FEELS LIKE? WHAT HERESIES, FADS AND NEW BIBLE VERSIONS THEY TEACH? Below are some videos that show how subtly the NEW AGE SPIRITUAL DECEPTION is working in different forms to infiltrate, influence and lead Christians AWAY from their Beloved Lord. (by wolves in sheep’s clothing) Those who lead others away from Biblical Truth, hardly even mention SIN and Jesus Christ as the ONLY WAY TO GOD, while exalting the wonders of “meditation”, “contemplation”, “angels”, “prosperity”, “faith” and “miracles” as things we need to lead us to God… when it’s Jesus / Yeshua Himself who leads us to God! It’s meditating and contemplating on Him that brings Revelation Life, Spiritual Food and Strength! He does miracles when His Spirit moves but so does the occult /demonic realm … especially in hypnotic settings where the leader commands attention on his or her every word and wave of their hand!
Benny Hinn is very proficient at this but what good does it do? He said on TV “I place a CURSE on anyone who speaks against this ministry!” His voice growled. This is not normal! What does that tell you? He wanted to be a show man as a child. What does that tell you? He has lied and given false prophecies but people love him and come back for more. Is he self deceived with power and money? He says he isn’t aware what he is doing on stage when the “spirit” takes him over. He waves his arms or jacket and knocks people back as they run towards him for a “blessings”. Is this how Peter and Paul ministered to people? I HAVE seen martial artists do this… knocking people back at a distance with a “force” they have developed. Beware. How much do you need this? Peer pressure and auto suggestion to be involved and act in expected ways, are very strong “forces” that create group dynamics by “soul power” and or, by demonic forces. The need for entertainment is a great deception that leads to a greta let down afterwards unless one keeps on getting more… as in an addiction. How many Christians are getting “burnt out” , dissillusioned and bored by all this by now? Come back to the mystery of your own personal faith and the reality of receiving the Holy Spirit to dwell within you. One needs nothing else.
Yes, Faith pleases God and He heals in many different ways… but there are videos on YouTube showing many brocken hearted people who have been sick and needing prayer and a miracle at Benny Hinn or Kenneth Copeland meetings… AREN’T ALLOWED to make it to the stage and spotlight. Only those who have ALREADY been healed or are easy ones to work on get to go up on stage because the “healers” don’t want to look like failures. If all else fails they manually push people over! SAY “God IS moving!” if it appears as if God is NOT moving. (Read Watchman Nee’s book “Soul Power” about the soul energy created in big meetings)
It can be a form of spiritual idolatry to admire and clap religious leaders and many are sucked into giving them their hard earned $money$. Some poor, gullible, sick people have gone broke thinking they will get a healing miracle if they donate enough. Benny and Copeland drip in Gold and expensive cars and planes. They dress and dine in luxury and stay in Penthouses. They are religious con artist /hypocrites par excellence… paying staff to count their endless cheques that come in with desperate prayer requests. It is like a mass produced religious business. Why don’t they walk through hospitals and give the power of God freely if they really have it? No it’s a show for an audience. Amazing what people will believe and follow. They will jump through hoops at the click of their fingers.
Does the LORD GOD heal at these sorts of meetings? Certainly, in response to people’s own faith and the hundreds or thousands or real Christians who are there and praying for miracles to happen.
TO SEE THE SPIRITS OF TRUTH AND ERROR AT WORK… simply compare teachings and lifestyles with Biblical scripture and what Lord Yeshua would say if He were here now… or even Apostle Paul… according to the Hebrew prophetic mindset... not the Roman, Hindu, Buddhist and New Ager’s worldviews which are not from the God of Israel. Big difference and a sure way to hell with all the other millions who have been deceived by religious spirits. What comes from the Holy Spirit as our Teacher and Guide into all truth will glorify Our Lord Jesus Christ / Yeshua the Messiah. BEWARE and be very careful of your soul. Who are you trusting?
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