Thursday, April 29, 2010
August 3, 1979, Howard Pittman, a Baptist minister for 35 years, died while on the operating table during surgery
Rev. Howard Pittman
On August 3, 1979, Howard Pittman, a Baptist minister for 35 years, died while on the operating table during surgery and had a near-death experience. After angels showed him the second and third heavens, he was taken before the very throne of God where he was given a message to share with the world.
The following is an excerpt reprinted by permission from his booklet, Placebo, which documents his amazing near-death experience. You can purchase his audio tapes and booklets at the Lake Hamilton Bible Camp store.
A note from Kevin Williams, the webmaster: The illustrations on this web page are from Howard Pittman's booklet "Placebo". I added a little bit of color to them to enhance their appearance. These illustrations depict entities which Pittman labels as "demons." Pittman observed these entities while in a realm he calls the "second heaven" - a realm that exists in the same space as the physical realm but cannot be seen. I also added more of his amazing experience while in this "second heaven" and while on his way to the "third heaven" - the Christian heaven which is also termed the "third heaven" in the Bible by Paul (See 2 Corinthians 12:2-4). Because of Pittman is a fundamentalist minister, the description of his NDE is filled with Christian terminology - just as anyone would reasonably expect. And this is a big reason why I find his testimony very interesting when compared to NDEs by people who are less religious and would perhaps use different terminology. In this respect, what he labels as "demons", I would prefer to use "discarnate human souls." Such entities have been observed in many other NDE testimonials (such as George Ritchie and Howard Storm) behaving in the same manner that we would traditionally think of as "demons". Also, concerning his use of the term "second heaven," I would prefer to use the term "earthbound realm." Howard Pittman's NDE is certainly one of the most profound that I have ever read. This web page is an excerpt of only a fraction of the entire material he has written about concerning his NDE. However, I would caution people who are not used to Christian terminology to understand that Pittman's testimony can also be described using non-Christian terminology.
Webster's Dictionary defines "placebo" as "a medication prescribed more for the mental relief of a patient than for the actual effect on his disorder, or something tending to soothe."
The doctors tell us that if we know we are being treated with a placebo, it does not work. In our minds we must think that it is a real medication and has the strength or power to heal. If the patient believes this, then the treatment has been known to work wonders in many cases that otherwise could not have been treated. Placebo treatment is, in fact, nothing of substance, but in the mind of the patient it is real. In order for this kind of treatment to work, the doctor must convince the patient of the work of the medication.
My friend, I declare unto you that this is the exact "treatment" that most "mouth-professing" Christians are using today. The doctor administering this "medication" is Satan himself. He gives the "patent" a sugar-coated religion, a shallow experience, and whispers half-truths into his ears. He then tells the "patient" that it is real and that it is all the "patent" needs. The "patent", having been taken in by Satan, believes this and goes on his merry way declaring to all that he has been born again, his salvation is real, and this experience is all that he needs. Doctor Satan will allow his "patient" to continue to go to church and will allow him to take part in any church, that is, singing, leading in prayer, teaching Sunday School, and even preaching. He will allow the "patient" to make any kind of statement in connection with his "mouth-professing" religion, even to the point of the saving power of Jesus. Yes, he will allow the "patient" to do all and say all with one exception. That exception is that the "patient" will not be allowed to live the life that he confesses with his mouth ...
Chapter 5: Preparation
In the year 1978, I retired from the New Orleans Police Department and moved my family to a sixty-one acre farm I Mississippi. Around August 7, 1979 I was suddenly stuck with a grave and disastrous illness. The night before the tragedy I went to bed as usual �On awakening that morning I was slightly nauseated and skipped breakfast. My wife asked me if was not going to eat. I replied that I had to hurry to keep my appointment with some folks who I hoped would support my candidacy for sheriff with campaign contributions. I was unaware that God had also made an appointment for me that day. Let me remind you that the Bible says that it is appointed once unto man to die and, without warning, my appointment came. Like a flash of lightning, the main trunk artery in my body cavity ruptured causing a devastating, sudden, blood loss �So at midnight they carried me into ICU and at 6:00 a.m. the following morning, my vital life signs failed again. The chief physician came out of ICU and told my wife, �It is something else.� They took me into surgery where they worked on me for an additional seven hours ...
[For the sake of brevity, a large amount of Pittman's description of his Emergency Room experience is not reprinted here. Read his book for the full description.]
Somewhere in that period of time when the physicians were working on me, I came to myself and realized that I was dying �Knowing that only God could give me back my life and that only God could change this appointed time to die, I prayed a strange prayer. My prayer was that God would allow me to appear before His throne and pleaded for an extension of my physical life. In any other time and place this sort of prayer would be unusual, however, all of this was planned by God to ultimately serve His purpose. The thought to pray such a prayer was instilled in my mind by the Holy Spirit ...
Chapter 7: The Grand Tour
What happens next is so incredible that some people find it hard to believe. May I say at the outset that I know the difference between dreams, visions, and a real experience. May I also point out that if you do not believe in Satan and demons as being real, individual beings, then you do yourself and the Kingdom of God a great disservice. It stands to reason that you cannot understand or even withstand an enemy if you do not believe he is real.
At the moment I resisted Satan, he fled from me. The angels were there and they took my spirit from my body. These angels were present all the time that Satan tempted me although I did not know it because I was still in the flesh. The angels did not attempt to help me until I had resisted Satan with my own will. The only help I had was the supernatural revelation from the Holy Spirit that the voice I was hearing belonged to Satan and not to God. Whether or not to obey that voice was my choice.
When the angels lifted my spirit from my body, they carried me immediately to the Second Heaven. We did not have to leave that hospital room in order to enter the Second Heaven. We entered there in that same room where my body was, just by passing through a dimension wall. It is a wall which flesh cannot pass through, only spirit.
For you the reader, to understand what was happening, you must understand the separation of the spirit from the flesh. To know how this works, we must know how we, ourselves, are made. The Bible states that we, as humans beings are made in the image of God. To understand this, we must know what God is. The Bible states three immutable things about God: 1st God is Spirit, 2nd God is invisible and 3rd God is immortal. If we are made in His image, then we are spirit, we are invisible, and we are immortal. Therefore, when we look into a mirror we do not see our real selves. We see only the body, or earthen vessel, in which we live. Since we are all made in the image of God, we would all be mirror images of one another without our earthly, physical bodies. Therefore, we were given a soul to separate us from one another to make us an individual.
The animals in this world also have a soul. The only difference between their souls and ours is that our soul belongs to the spirit. Their souls belongs to the body. When their body perishes, their souls perishes with it. When our body perishes, the soul remains with the spirit. When the spirit was lifted from my body, my soul came with it. I suppose the simplest way to identify the soul would be to say that it is one's personality. The entire time I was away from my body I remained an individual, that is, I retained my own personality. I retained all my faculties. In fact, they were greatly enhanced.
As we moved through that dimension wall into the Second Heaven, I found myself in an entirely different world, far different from anything I had ever imagined. This world was a place occupied by spirit beings as vast in number as the sands of the seashore. These beings were demons [devils], or fallen angels, and were in thousands of different shapes and forms. Even those in similar shapes and forms were contrasted by diverse coloring. Many of the demons were in human shapes or forms and many were in forms similar to animals familiar to our present world. Others were in shapes and forms too hideous to imagine. Some of the forms were so morbid and revolting that I was almost to the point of nausea.
When I first arrived in the Second Heaven, I knew immediately in what direction I must go to reach the Third Heaven where God was. I don't know how I knew that, but I did. I also knew that if I was going to get my prayer answered, I was going to have to appear before God the Father in the Third Heaven. I was aware that I was traveling in that spirit world under the protection of the Holy Spirit, and that the angels who were escorting me were also moving about under the protection of the Holy Spirit. It might seem strange to you, the reader, that the angels needed the protection of the Holy Spirit, but remember where we were, the Second Heaven. The Second Heaven is the place where Satan presently has his throne located. Satan is not yet in Hell although Hell is to be his final destiny.
All the spirits in that world were aware of our presence and were aware of the Holy Spirit's protection over us. To give you an idea as to why that protection was necessary, let me give a Bible reference to the power of Satan as demonstrated in the Second Heaven. The tenth chapter of the book of Daniel tells about God sending one of His angels to deliver a message to Daniel. Because of the importance of that message, Satan did not want it delivered. In order for the angel sent from God in the Third Heaven to reach Daniel, he had to pass through the Second Heaven. Satan sent one of his princes, or one of his archangels, to stop the angel. The angel had to fight and could not get through alone so he had to call for reinforcements. God had to send one of His prices, or the archangel, to help the messenger and even this took twenty�one days. After the angel delivered the message, he reminded Daniel that he, the angel, would have to fight his way back through the Second Heaven.
As we moved about there in that world, I was greatly disappointed that my escort did not take me in the direction of the Third Heaven where God was. Instead, we moved in the opposite direction. As we moved from place to place in that world, I learned many things about demons.
I did things differently in the spirit realm than what we do here in the physical world. For instance, we do not communicate with our mouths and ears, but rather, we communicated with our minds. It was like projecting our words on thought waves and receiving the answer the same way. Although I could still think to myself without projecting, I discovered that this really did not benefit me because the angels could read my mind.
I could hear different sounds in that world, but I did not hear with my ears. I heard with my mind, but I was still able to �hear� those sounds. When we traveled, we traveled mostly at what I call the �speed of thought.� When we traveled at the �speed of thought,� there was no sensation of movement. The angel would say where we were going and we were there. There were other times when we did not travel in that manner, and I was very much aware of movement while traveling. One of those times when I was aware of movement was when they brought me back into the physical world and allowed me to see the demons working here. We moved about here somewhat like floating on a cloud. Still, I had the sensation of movement.
Make no mistake about demons for they are very real. The Bible makes more statements about demons than it does about angels and it points out in Luke 10:18 that demons are evil. Mark 5:8,9 indicates how numerous they are and Matthew 10:1 shows that they are unclean. Matthew 12:21-30 states that they are under the command of Satan and Matthew 8:29 shows that they can possess humans.
In the demon world, there is a division of power much like a military structured chain command with rank and order. Certain demons carry the title of prince, which is always the demon in charge of a principality. A principality is a territory, an area, a place or a group that may range in size from as large as a nation to as small as a person. When Satan assigns a prince a task, the prince is given the authority to act in the name of Satan and use whatever means necessary or available to him to accomplish his task.
When we started the tour of the Second Heaven, the angels began by showing me the different types of demons. Each demon was revealed to me in a form that indicated his area of expertise, and I soon discovered that there is no such thing as a �general practitioner� in all the demon world. They have only one area of expertise which they do very well.
Chapter 8: Demons
As each type of demon was pointed out to me, I quickly discovered a social order, or rank, that existed among them. Those at the top of that order were revealed in forms similar to humans. As we moved down the order, or rank, I saw demons in shapes or forms that looked like half�animal and half�human. I saw demons in forms resembling animals we know in this present world and I saw demons in forms and shapes so revoltingly morbid that you cannot possibly imagine them.
At the very top of the order were the warring demons which were the �cream� of Satan's �crop.� They moved about the Second Heaven and event his present, physical world at will always traveling in groups, never alone. Wherever they went, all other demons moved out of their way. These warring demons were revealed to me in human form. They looked like humans with the exception that they were giants. Appearing to be about eight feet tall, they were rugged and handsomely constructed, somewhat like giant athletes. All of the warring demons were colored bronze. They were giant, bronze soldiers. All of the other demons seemed to be subject to them.
The second most powerful type demon was also revealed to me in human form and these demons looked like ordinary people. All of those possessing this area of expertise seemed to group together at about the second place of command. Chief among this group was the demon of greed and contained within this same group were demons of hate, lust, strife, and a few others.
The third most powerful type and group of demons were revealed to me in mixed shapes and forms. Some had human form while others had half�human and half�animal forms. Others resembled animals in their forms. These demons possessed skills in the dark arts area such as witchcraft and other related areas. Also among this group were demons of fear and the demons of self�destruction as well as those demons which are expert in mimicking departed human spirits [familiar spirits] and in manifesting themselves to the physical world as ghosts.
When we got down to the fourth group, or order, all the demons of this rank were revealed in forms other than human. Some had forms like known animals while others had unknown forms. In this group were the demons of murder, brutality, sadism, and others related to carnage.
As we moved even further down the order toward the end of the chain of command, all the demons were revealed in horrible and morbid forms. Some were so revolting that their appearance produced nausea. They are so despised by their own companions that they always seem to be lurking off to themselves while in the Second Heaven and even while in this physical world. They do not associate with the other demons except in the line of their duty.
There was another group of demons that I was able to see, but I do not recall much of their ability. It was purposely taken away from me as I was not permitted to learn or retain too much memory about them. I don't even know where they rank in order and their form was not revealed to me. I am not sure of their entire area of expertise, however, I am vaguely aware of their powerful hold on the flesh. It seems that this mysterious group of demons work differently from all other demons and are used in only special cases and special situations of which I do not clearly understand. As I stated, I was not permitted to retain too much in my memory about this particular group of demons. I was only permitted to retain that portion which I am now reporting to you and this, in itself, is very vague.
I'm also aware that these particular demons are harder to deal with than any of the rest. It seems their great strength rests in their ability to remain anonymous in their work in the human being. Among this group is the one that is able to manifest himself as a form of epilepsy in the human. I am not sure but I seem to recall that some other demons in some of the other groups also have the ability to mimic epilepsy. I do not know if demons cause epilepsy, per se, but I do recall very vividly that they can mimic this condition in human beings.
At one time during this tour of the Second Heaven, I watched the demons within their own related group and I experienced an awful feeling. It was an overwhelming, oppressive, and morbid feeling. This feeling came to me shortly after I had entered the Second Heaven and I wondered what was causing it. It was at this time that I learned that the angel could read my mind because my guardian angel said to me, �That feeling you are wondering about is caused by the fact that there is no love in this world.� The angel was telling me that in this Second Heaven there is not one bit of love! Wow! Can you imagine all of those demons serving a master they don't love and the master ruling over beings that he doesn't love? Worse than that, these companions are working together for an eternity and they do not even love each other.
I started reflecting on what our physical world, called the First Heaven, would be like without love. If God had not introduced His love her in our world, then we would be living in a no�love atmosphere like the Second Heaven. By God giving us His love, we are able to return that love and then love one another. Can you imagine what it would be like in your own home or your community it was totally void of love?
When I was made aware of the fact that no love existed among the demons, I wondered even more about their motivation and zeal. What makes them work so hard? What makes them carry out orders so rapidly? They don't love one another, yet they carry out these orders so quickly and with such zeal that any military organization on Earth would be proud to have such loyal and obedient employees. I wonder if their motivation could have anything to do with the judgment and sentence that awaits them. It seems that since their first rebellion ages ago while in the Third Heaven, they have reached a place in their existence where they can no longer rebel. Whatever it is that motivates them seems to excel in their very being while they, in turn, are expressing their fury upon the flesh. It may just be that the only enjoyment of their entire existence is to create misery for the flesh. Even though I was permitted to go among them and watch them while they worked, many things were not explained fully or made clear to me. Some of the things that I saw in entirely, I was not permitted to retain in my memory. I knew the high order of the demons resented my presence and would have withstood me had I not been under the protection of the Holy Spirit. One of the warring demons came right up to me and leered into my face, but I did not flinch for I was not afraid. I knew it would not be me with whom he would have to contend but, instead, it would be He who brought me, the Holy Spirit. The demons in the middle order seemed to totally ignore me and went about their existence as if I were not there. Those of the lower order seemed to display slight fear of me or fear of the angel that was escorting me, however, the higher order of demons had no fear of me or the angel.
My escort informed me that he wanted me to see a demon in the process of actually possessing a human being. At this point in the trip, I was escorted back through the dimension wall separating the Second Heaven from the physical world. When we came back into this world, we were in the same hospital with my body but in a different room. The room appeared to be an employee's lounge. I saw tables, chairs, dishes with food, and in the room were a young man and a young lady facing each other while laughing and talking. It was obvious that they could not see nor the angels, yet I was so close to them I could almost reach out and touch them. I could hear and understand every word they said. They thought they were alone and as they laughed and talked, they were unaware of the horrible creature standing between them. This demon was so horrible in the appearance of his shape and form that I recognized him immediately to be from the lower group, the perverted group. The angels, the demons, and I were in the spirit in that room and were aware of everything that was happening. Those in the flesh were only aware of themselves for they could not see or hear us even though we were back in this physical world. Since we were in the spirit, we still communicated with our minds.
I was not really paying close attention to the words the two were speaking. My entire attention was focused upon the demon. He was a most horrible looking thing, reminding me of an over�grown, stuffed, slimy, green frog all out of shape and proportion. He moved slowly up into the face of the man then, suddenly, like a puff of smoke, he seemed to disappear into the face of the an just as if he went through the pores of his skin. When the demon had entered the man, the angels said, �Now it's done.� The angel then proceeded to tell me how it was that this man was possessed. He stated, �The demon made himself desirable and attractive to the human.� The angel then pointed out to me that mankind has a sovereign will, all his own, beyond which the demons cannot come. He also pointed out to me that the angels could not come beyond that sovereign will of man. God, Himself, will not violate that will. We are made in the image of God, therefore, we were given, like God, a sovereign will, the right to choose our destiny. I was not permitted to retain all that I learned along these lines. [Not Pittman's comment but mine �kissed a frog (demon), got a prince (demon)� people ought to watch what they say� book of Revelation � frog demons will be loosed� in the last days. I have found that many of the things we say in slang, have been set up by the demons as actual things� if you knew and understood you would never say them again� such things like �he's just a little devil,� and there are many others we say that need to be stopped immediately as Christians! Also, holy angels never, never, never enter ever human beings�]
I faintly recall that there is another process under certain given circumstances whereby demons may possess or be allowed to enter small children. It seems as though those demons from that mysterious group are the ones that are allowed to do this. From what I recall about this, it is only under the most unusual circumstances that this can happen. According to what the angels told me, over ninety percent of all cases of demon activity in human beings is restricted to those humans who are at or over the age of accountability.
During the course of this talk the angel was giving me, he pointed out that all of God's children have been given power over all demons and can cast them out, however, this power is based on the faith of the Christian. It will only work when the Christian knows without a doubt what he is doing. There are certain Christians who have received a special gift in this area. They are those who have been called specifically by the Holy Spirit to a deliverance ministry and in almost every case, those called to a deliverance ministry have also received the gift of discernment. When one is commanding demons, it is most important to know what spirit one is dealing with. In those rare cases where children are possessed [not so rare anymore folks� a number of children are possessed today because of the opened doors to the enemy.], it takes a special effort and divine insight in each case to deliver them. Such a case was reported in the Bible in Matthew 17:14-21. All Christians potentially have the ability to command demons.
My escort told me that they wanted me to see demon activity in the outside world. I was then escorted outside the hospital directly through the brick wall into the streets of that city. I was amazed as I watched all the activity of the humans in the physical world. Going about their daily pursuit, they were completely unaware that they were being stalked by beings from the spirit world. I was totally flabbergasted as I watched and horrified as I saw the demons in all shapes and forms as they moved at will among the humans.
While I learned about demons not being able to work in a person's life against their will, I also learned the angels cannot do it either. Each born again Christian has a guardian angel and before that Christian's life is over, it might take a whole host of angels to keep him. I learned that guardian angels fight for us, but they cannot fight in the area of our will. The fighting they do is sort of like protecting our �blind� side. They oppose the demons when the demons come against us outside the area of our will. They cannot oppose the demons when the demons come against us through our own will. Remember, we are made in the image of God, like God, we have a sovereign will.
I learned that the demons will fight the angels if they must, but they prefer not to do so. They find that it is easier and safer to destroy us through our own will where the angels are unable to interfere, rather than go outside our will where they would have to fight angels personally. Because of this, the demons have developed great skills in the area of deception. They move through our lives by deceit and trickery and keep us totally unaware of their activity.
I was made aware of the fact that not all demons are in the Second Heaven. There are some demons so awesome that they are reserved in chains in Hell, however, Satan and his army of demons are not in Hell, presently. Neither do they want to be there. I was not permitted to look into Hell, nor was I permitted to view the chained demons. I do know that these demons who are chained went beyond the limitations of their domain.
God in His wisdom has allowed Satan and his demons certain bounds or limitations within which they may work. They may not go beyond those limitations established by the Lord, however, those demons who are chained in Hell did just that. Because they went beyond the restrictions established by the Lord, they are now chained in Hell.
The Bible points out this fact in many places, especially in the book of Jude. Any time Satan goes beyond those bounds, he must receive permission from God. In the case o f Job, he was granted the permission, but in Peter's case he was not granted permission. The demons who work in children under the age of accountability are allowed to do so only after obtaining this special permission. [I might add that a �legal� door was opened by certain sin or sins that gave the demon/s a right in the first place� ] It was not made plain to me what sort of circumstances must be present for God to grant permission, although it was made clear that in certain circumstances permission is granted. However, permission to work in children under the age of accountability is rarely granted. [Look around since he got this, things have changed folks, Satanic doors have been opened� more by parents.] The majority of the time Satan is denied this special permission, but in these last days we can expect a substantial increase I demonic activity, not only in adults but in children as well. This increase in demonic activity is what the Lord warned us about in Mark 13:22 when He spoke of the incredible miracles that false prophets would perform in the last days. It is difficult to understand why the Lord would allow demons to work through children�
The demons that are reserved in chains did not obtain permission for their activity which violated the restrictions established by our Lord. Their illegal deeds are recorded in Genesis 6:2-5. Because they did not obtain permission, they received immediate punishment. Specific punishment for the devil and his demons is scheduled for the end�time and is recorded in Revelation 20:1-3. As you well know, the lake of fire was created for the devil and his demons as their eternal fate.
In this age we must be on guard for Satan's fiery darts of deception and temptation that are allowed within the limitations of the Lord's permissive will. There is a time limit set by the Lord in which demons may work, but that time period has not yet been fulfilled. As Christians we are able to have them �bound� under the authority of Jesus, however, this is NOT permanent. We can NOT cast them into HELL for only God can do this. That is why it is very important for someone who has just been delivered to be properly instructed I remaining in the Lord's will lest they become afflicted again. A Christian CAN cast out demons from a lost person, but unless that person gets saved and abides in the Lord's will, there will be the possibility of the demons returning. [See Matthew 12:43-45].
Demons are real, individual, spirit beings and they are the ones manipulating all the evil in the world today. This was shown to me while I was in the spirit world traveling through the street of a city and watching in horror as the demons went about their task of corrupting humans.
Although humans are spirit beings, we are confined to physical bodies. The great spiritual warfare that rages today is between the �spirit of man� and the �spiritual forces� of evil directed by Satan which are contending for control and manipulation of our fleshly, physical bodies. Our spirits fight by faith and through our sovereign will; while the devil and his [fallen] angels fight through deceit, cunning, trickery, and temptation. You must make no mistake about this war or the weapons involved because the scriptures are plain and empathic on both. I actually saw these demons contend for control of that human body.
It may seem to you that mankind is vastly over�powered by these spirits because these spirits are able to see and hear everything we think, say, and do; while we are totally unable to perceive any of their activities. It is very difficult to fight an enemy you cannot see, hear, and feel, but as long as you trust the Lord, you have nothing to fear. At times, even the strongest Christian may doubt their existence and activities, thus making it easier for them. However, man was not left defenseless. Being made in the image of God, man, like God, has a sovereign will and no spirit can violate that will without the permission of the person himself. Because of this, these demons have developed great skills in deception. The basic principle of their operations is to make something evil as desirable, beautiful, and non�threatening as possible so that the person being tempted will lower his guard and accept whatever it is that is being used to cause SIN. Once someone is deceived, it becomes easier for the deception to remain. In the case of possession, it becomes easier for the demon to maintain his control.
Another great defense man has is the guardian angel. The guardian angel is not assigned to all mankind, but only to those who are �saved and belong to God.� Remember, just like the demons the guardian angel cannot violate the will of any man which is why most of his activity is reserved to protecting that individual outside his sovereign will. Man's greatest weapon, however, is the Word of God. In his description of the weapons used in our spiritual warfare, Paul insists the Word of God [Ephesians 6:11-18] as the only offensive weapon mankind has. Although vastly outnumbered by these beings [thousands to one individual], man is adequately prepared for battle. Because of a sovereign will, guardian angels, and the Word of God, man has superior defense and is much more potent in the battle for his soul than the demons.
Therefore, I say to everyone � if you are serious in your commitment to fight this war and win, fear not! Your commander�in�chief, teacher, healer and sustainer � the Holy Spirit � will NEVER leave you NOR forsake you.
Chapter 9: The Way Home
When the angels decided that I had seen enough of the demons at work in this physical world, I was taken back into the Second Heaven just by passing through the dividing, dimension wall. Once back inside the Second Heaven, my escort guided me in the direction of the Third Heaven and I was happy at last. After all, this was where I had wanted to go all the time. Even at this stage, my physical life was still my primary concern.
Suddenly we came to a most beautiful place. I know that I've already reported how terrible that the Second Heaven was, so you can imagine how surprising it was to find anything beautiful over there. God would not allow me to retain the memory of why this place was so beautiful. I do remember that it was the most beautiful place I'd ever seen. This place looked like a tunnel, a roadway, a valley or some sort of highway. It had a most brilliant light all its own and was completely surrounded with an invisible shield. I knew that the invisible shield was the protection of the Holy Spirit.
Walking in this tunnel, or along that roadway, or valley, or whatever, was what appeared to be human beings. I asked my escort who they were. He told me, �They are saints going home.� These were the departed spirits of Christians who had died on Earth and they were going home. Each of these saints was accompanied by at least one guardian angel and some had a whole host of angels with them. I wondered why some saints were accompanied by only one angel and others had many. I was watching as the saints passed through the way that all saints must take to go home. Here it was, the passageway from Earth to the Third Heaven. I found that only �authorized� spirits were allowed in that tunnel. No demon was permitted there.
When my escort had finished explaining to me about the homeward trip of the saints. I started into the tunnel. The angel stopped me and told me that we had to travel alongside the tunnel and not inside of it. I traveled, therefore parallel with but outside the tunnel where the saints were. While we were traveling here alongside the tunnel, we did not move at the �speed of thought.� Instead, we traveled as it floating on a cloud. In other words, there was no cloud but the mode of traveling felt as if I were floating on a cloud.
I could see the saints at all times moving along inside the tunnel. They were in the form and shape of humans, yet I could not detect any race, age, or sex. They were all clothed alike with the garments appearing to be made up of two pieces. There was a blouse or shirt and a pair of slacks. The color of the garments was a pastel, baby blue with one of the garment pieces being a shade lighter than the other piece. The blue was so light that it was almost white. I realize that these saints I was viewing had not yet received their glorified body because that must wait until the first resurrection.
At first I was disappointed that I was not permitted to travel in the tunnel with the saints, but the disappointment was eased when I was told that we were going to the same place they were going. After all, I knew that if my physical life was going to be extended, I would have to appear before God. Even now, my physical life was still the uppermost thing to me.
As we traveled along, I noticed all around me that the demons were beginning to drop behind. The Gates came into view and the closer we got to those Gates, the farther behind fell the demons. When we arrived before the Gates there were no demons in view. Although the Gates of the Third Heaven opened out into the Second Heaven, no demon could come close.
Instead of allowing me to enter, the angel stationed me before the Gates, slightly to one side. He instructed me to stay there and watch as the saints were permitted to enter into Heaven. As the saints were allowed into Heaven, I noticed a strange thing. They were permitted to enter only one at a time. No two were permitted to enter those Gates at the same time. I wondered about this but it was never explained to me. I've studied about this often since I have returned and now I think I know why. I believe this is a tribute or a salute to the individual. After all, that individual made the choice with his own sovereign will. Remember, it had been pointed out to me specifically that we, as images of the Living God, possess a sovereign will through which we have the right to choose our own destiny.
As the saints were being admitted, I was wondering why I was not being allowed to do what I came to do. I was so impatient to get my request before God that I missed the whole point of what I saw. This point was so important that the Holy Spirit told me Himself. I watched the fifty saints enter Heaven but the point I missed was the time frame involved. It was explained to me that at the same time those fifty saints died on Earth, 1,950 other humans also died; or only 50 out of 2000 made it into Heaven. That other 1,950 were not there. Where were they? That was only 2 � percent going to Heaven! Ninety seven point five percent did not make it! Is that representative of the entire would today? If so, 97 and � percent of the population of this world today is not ready to meet God. The sad part, my friend, is that is exactly representative of this Laodicean Church Age in which we live today. We are now in the time when the great majority of church goers are only �mouth�professors� and not �heart�possessors.�
At the outset, I stated that I would not try to convince anyone of anything I said. However, I would like to offer as evidence the parable of the sower as told by Jesus in the thirteenth chapter of the book of Matthew. If you read this chapter closely, you will notice that three out of every four people who heard the gospel preached, turned it down. That is seventy�five percent anyway you look at it. I am talking about three out of every four people who bothered to hear the gospel, turned it down! The sad part about this is the overwhelming majority of the people that did turn the gospel down, do not know that they have turned it down! They have bought a lie of Satan and have been deceived. They have been led to believe something that is not the truth and they been fooled by Satan into rejecting the gospel! Place the seventy�five percent who turned down the gospel with those in the world who made no pretense of hearing the truth and you have the overwhelming ninety seven and one-half percent of the population today!
As I contemplate this fact. I now understand the Lord's disgust with the Laodicean�type Church. I also clearly understand the verses of scripture in Matthew 7:22-23 that describes how many people will stand before the Throne at the Judgment pleading. �Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in they Name? And in thy Name cast out devils? And in thy name done many wonderful works?� only to have the Lord process to them, �I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity��
Chapter 10: The Rude Awakening
My escort told me to stand to one side of the Gates and present my case. He assured me that God would hear and answer my request. As I stood before the Gates, the sense of joy, happiness, and contentment radiated out from Heaven. I could feel the warmth it produced and as I stood there to plead my case. I could feel the awesome power of God. No being could possibly appear before Him, even separated by a gate as I was, without experiencing this awesome power, might and majesty. At first I had a sense of fear, sort of guilt feeling that is always produced in me when I believe I have imposed on others. In my mind's eye I could just visualize a busy God who was annoyed with me for taking Him away from important things. Then, just as suddenly as this feeling came, it passed. I then found strength or boldness in my belief that I had served my God faithfully for many years. To me, I was convinced that this request of mine would be a snap!
Boldly I came before the throne and started out by reminding God what a great life of love, worship, and sacrifice I had lived for Him. I told Him of all the works I had done reminding Him that I was now in trouble and only He could help by granting me an extension on my physical life. God was totally silent while I spoke. When I had completed my request, I heard the real, audible voice of God as He answered me.
The voice I heard was not like the sweet voice that Satan had used to trick me before in the valley. You could put together the noise of all the storms, volcanoes, tornadoes, and hurricanes and they could in no way imitate what I heard. The sound of His voice was in no way like the sweet voice I talked about earlier. The sound of His voice came down on me from over the Gates even before the words hit me. The tone of His anger knocked me on my face as God proceeded to tell me just what kind of life I had really lived. He told me what He really thought of me and even others who did as I had. He pointed out that my faith was DEAD, that my works were NOT ACCEPTABLE, and that I had labored in VAIN. He told me that it was an abomination for me to live such a life and then dare call it a life of worship. Furthermore, He said to those who do it, they are in danger of experiencing His everlasting wrath. As God dealt with me, He displayed His wrath to me. Notice, it was not His everlasting wrath. He did say there are some who will experience His everlasting wrath.
I could not believe He was talking to me in this manner! I had served Him for years! I thought I had lived a life pleasing to Him! As He was enumerating my wrongs, I was sure He had me confused with someone else. There was no strength left in me to even move, let alone protest, yet I was panicking within myself. No way He could be talking about me! All of these years I thought I was doing those works for God! Now He was telling me that what I did, I did for myself. Even as I preached and testified about the saving grace of Jesus Christ, I was doing that only for myself in order that my conscience might be soothed. In essence, my first love and first works were for myself. After MY needs and wants were met or satisfied, in order to soothe my conscience I would set out to do the Lord's work. This made my priorities out of order and unacceptable. Actually, I had become my own false God.
He makes it plain in His teachings that He is a jealous God and will have no other gods before Him; flesh, stone, blood, or whatever. He will have no other gods before Him. God told me that He would not accept this kind of worship in the day of the Pharisees and He certainly was not about to accept it now in this the Laodicean Church Age. He put it to me as plain as words and actions could make it. In order for our works to be acceptable, we must work according to His command in Matthew 6:33 which empathically states, �But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these other things shall be added to you.� As God told me about my true motives, the verse of scripture in Matthew 16:24-26 and Luke 14:26-33 became so clear to me. In Matthew 16 it states, �Then said Jesus unto His disciples, If any man will come after me, let him DENY himself and take up his cross, and follow me, for whosoever shall save his life shall lose it; and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.� In Luke 14 beginning with verse 26 it is stated, �If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and HIS OWN life also, he cannot be my disciple. And whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after me, cannot be my disciple. For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it?� In verse 23 of this same chapter Jesus makes the following statement which is the cornerstone of the two portions of scripture previously stated: �So likewise, whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not ALL that he hath, he cannot be my disciple.�
Only now as I was here before Him being chastised did those two portions of scripture become crystal clear to me as to their true meaning. As God told me about my TRUE MOTIVES, I could see plainly for the first time how MY WORKS were DEAD. Because God was displaying His wrath toward me, I could not stand nor could I speak. No strength was left within me as I was nothing more than a wet rag lying there writhing in agony. It indeed, was fortunate for me that this was not God's everlasting wrath, only temporary wrath. However, at this time I did not know this was only temporary.
It needs to be stated that at no time while God was chastising me did He say I was not saved nor did He say that my name was not in the Lamb's Book of Life. He never mentioned salvation to me at all but only spoke about the works produced through my life. He told me the type of life I lived was an unacceptable life for a true Christian. As He spoke to me of my dead works, he indicated that there are some people who are not saved but think they are. These people will experience His everlasting wrath. He also made it plain to me that there are others of His children who will find themselves in my present condition on Judgment Day. This revealed to me the true meaning of 1 Corinthians 3:15 which states, �If any man's works shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire.�
The first time I started to enter the Third Heaven, the angel stopped me. At that time he did not tell me I could not enter. He only said that if I went in I could not come out again and that I would have to remain there until God brought me back with Him. Notice that I made the choice not to enter Heaven but to have my physical life restored. I was unaware that I had made that choice at that particular time. I thought I had been living in the Lord's will and I was not thinking in terms of unfinished work. My choice was based entirely on SELFISH MOTIVES.
There are no words that can describe the pain I endured as God's wrath was upon me for this life of so�called service. The agony was beyond the scope of the imagination and the remorse that I felt produced a very heavy burden similar to a physical weight pinning me down or an enormous stone crushing me. Growing weaker and weaker, my mind was frantically racing in an effort to grasp what the Lord was telling me while recalling each actual incident. God leaves no room for error and that includes whatever is in our minds.
The surprise was so overwhelming in its magnitude that it rendered me senseless. My strength left me immediately, just as though I had been hit by a bolt of lightning. Even if God would have ceased and allowed me to speak on word of protest, I would not have been able to do so. I had absolutely no strength whatsoever to utter anything or to project my idea. In my mind I was constantly DENYING the wrong in my life while acknowledging the fact that I had committed them. My conscience was asleep but my mind was NOT.
Slowly, it all began to be absorbed by me. Remember how the Bible tells us to have no other gods before us? I had thought that the Most High God was the only God of my life, but I was not fulfilling that part of scripture which tells us that if we allow anything to come between us and the Lord, (whatever it may be) it becomes our �God.� I realized that each day of my life was devoted only to MYSELF! My whole life I was preoccupied with MY needs FIRST and THEN I was concerned with what the Lord wanted. The money to help the church, the poor, or anything else was secondary because I was my OWN �god.� Naturally, the devil was contented with allowing me to remain in that condition because as long as I was in that condition, I was of no use to the Lord and His kingdom.
I allowed this to occur because I was really indifferent to the things of the Lord. It was too uncomfortable to change and I was convinced I could remain as I was without having to really DO anything (such as following the Lord's commandment about DENYING myself and picking up my cross daily to follow HIM.) For this reason, my life was wasted and amounted to absolutely nothing in the Lord's eyes.
I hope that you understand what it is that I am saying because it is the whole point of this chapter. The fact is we must prove we are really Christians by first examining our motives behind each deed in our lives, and then repenting and recommitting ourselves to follow the Lord daily. When we decide to serve Him FIRST, this decision must be followed by ACTION or it will be as useless as if we did not decide to do so in the first place.
Chapter 11: My Real Father
When God was through with me the interview was over as suddenly as one would turn off a faucet. I was not allowed to linger or even reflect on what God said. The angels immediately carried me away as if I were as wet rag having no strength in myself. Totally annihilated, I could not even gather my thoughts.
The angels carried me back through the Second Heaven, through the dimension wall, and into the hospital room where my body was lying. It was not until I reached the bed upon which my body lay did I regain my composure. As I regained my composure, I vehemently protested, �No! No!� I told the angels, �God did not answer me! He did not say yes or no to my request! Please, oh please, take me back!� I pleaded with the angels.
God is a God of order and He never does anything haphazardly. Since all of this entire experience had been planned by God, the angels complied with my request to take me back. God was dealing with me gently and tenderly through His great LOVE knowing what was necessary for me to experience in order for me to have the scales fall off my eyes.
During the time God was displaying His wrath toward me, I thought this wrath was terrible and painful. I found out later that it was nothing compared to the pain the lost will experience when they receive His everlasting wrath.
While in route back to the Third Heaven, I was beside myself trying to come up with a logical reason or legitimate basis on which to plead my case. God had already told me that my life had been a failure, therefore, I could not offer my past life as evidence of my intentions to serve Him. Somehow or another, the thought of Hezekiah came to my mind. When God sent word for him to put his house in order, he cried and prayed and God heard him. God extended his life for fifteen years. I remembered from my studies about him that Hezekiah was the �good�old�boy� type, similar to me. I remembered how he had good intentions in his heart but how he had trouble translating out those intentions into everyday living. Since this seemed to be the same kind of trouble I had in my life, I concluded that God dealt with Hezekiah based on the intentions of his heart. Because of this assumption, I concluded this reasoning would be the basis of my plea.
Upon my arrival back before the third heaven, I was brought to the same place from which I had previously pleaded my case. Not nearly so bold this time, I remembered how God's wrath had floored me beforehand. Nevertheless, I had asked God for a favor and God had not answered. Wanting his answer no matter what it was, I timidly started pleading my case again.
This time God did not knock me down but let me talk. God did not talk to me in anger but started out answering me in a tone of pity. Before it was all over, God was speaking in sorrow.
Opening my plea by quoting scriptures to God, I began by telling him all about Hezekiah. I told God that I figured out that Hezekiah was the "good-old-boy" type, that the intentions of his heart were pure, but he seemed to be unable to translate out those intentions into everyday living. Here I was, an insignificant nothing and the smallest creature in all his universe, bartering words with this great and awesome God who had created it all.
I said, "Father, if You will grant this request, I promise you I will do better the next time."
The Lord answered me thusly, "Howard Pittman, you have promised before." God did not have to say another word. There they were, all the promises I had made to a holy God in my past entire life. Not one of them remained whole. Somehow, someway, I had managed to break them all. With nothing left to say, no words in all my vocabulary, nowhere to go, I fell on my knees before him. All I could say was "Amen" to my own condemnation. I knew that if at that moment God would banish me into the pits of hell, it would be just to say "amen" to my own condemnation.
At that moment God did not demand justice but showed me mercy. The scales fell from my eyes and my soul was suddenly filled with light. That powerful, awesome, all-consuming God was now not evident. There on that throne dealing with me was my REAL Father. God was no longer a distant God, but a real, genuine Father. The realization of his being my true Father and my best friend came to me for the first time in my life. The wonderful relationship I had enjoyed with my physical father and the wonderful love we shared for each other was suddenly brought to mind yet magnified a thousand fold. For now I was with my real Father, the one who loved me so much that God left all of his creation to deal with me, the prodigal son.
For the first time in my life, I saw in my mind's eye who God really is. For the first time I met God as God truly is, my real Father, my very best friend. As the realization of who God is flooded my soul, great and painful sorrow also came. Sorrow came when I realized that through disobedience I had hurt my Father. This realization and sorrow produced actual pain which was not just a guilt feeling but actual pain similar to what one would experience in the flesh when one sustains a physical injury. At this point in time, God started dealing with me in sorrow and no longer did the tone of his voice express pity. Instead, the sound was of genuine sorrow. I suddenly realized that God was hurting too. God was hurting because I was hurting. Being a true and just God as God is, God had to allow me to suffer the pain and God could not lift it from me. Although God had to allow me to suffer the pain, God would not allow me to suffer it alone. God the most High, the most Supreme, the Creator of all, the Father of all would not let me suffer alone.
By this time I suddenly realized that my physical life was not so important after all. What I was really concerned about now was what my Father wanted. His will had suddenly become the first thing of my life and my physical life was no longer important. This is when God gave me back my physical life. Only when I reached a place that my life did not mean anything to me, did God give it back to me. Now that the prodigal son had returned, the Father could talk at last. God could tell me what my trip to heaven was all about and that God had a message God wanted me to tell people on Earth.
Chapter 12: Wake Up!
I now repeat for you point by point the entire five point message that God gave me to deliver to this world today.
Point Number 1: For those who call themselves Christians, this is the Laodicean Church Age in which we live. A high majority of so-called Christians are, in fact, living a deceived life. They talk Jesus and play church, but do not live it. They claim to be Christians and then live like the devil. They have bought the great lie from Satan who tells them that they are alright. He tells them that it is alright to go to church on Sunday and attend mid-week services but as far as the rest of the time is concerned, they are to get all they can out of life. As far as their Christian life is concerned, they believe they are comfortable and have need of nothing and as a result, they are only lukewarm Christians if Christians at all.
Point Number 2: Satan is a personal devil.
Point Number 3: To the whole world, this is Noah's second day. As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the days of the coming of the son of man. Humans took no thought of what Noah was saying nor did humans believe that anything was about to change. Humanity could see the storm clouds over the horizon, but yet did not believe the rain was imminent. Notice the close parallel today. Humanity can see all the signs of the last days, yet humanity does not believe that anything will change. He does not believe in the impending coming of our Lord and he does not prepare to meet God."
Point Number 4: For those who claim to be Christians, they are supposed to be ambassadors for Christ here on Earth. One cannot have any true witness or power in his life unless that one lives his Christian faith at all times, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. To be a true Christian one must live it, not just talk it. To honor God with your lips and not your heart is not acceptable. Those who accept the responsibility of teaching, preaching, or any leadership role have much for which to answer.
Point Number 5: God is now in the process of recruiting an army with which God will shake this old world one more time. By working through his soldiers, God will produce great miracles that will shake the established hierarchy of the so-called organized religion that is in this world today. These soldiers that God is now recruiting will demonstrate the power of God to a greater extent than did the disciples in the Pentecostal age. Now the recruitment has begun in earnest because God is about to perform the great miracles through his army that God promised us God would do in the Bible. John the Baptist brought the spirit of Elijah into this world and he did not even know he had it. John denied it, but Jesus confessed that it was so. The purpose of that spirit was to make straight the paths of the coming of the Lord.
"The Alpha and Omega, the Cause of all the universe's existence was hurting because a mere Earth child was hurting. Oh, what Love! What Understanding! It was so far beyond anything a mere Earthling can understand. Oh how precious just one, little, insignificant Earth child is to that Great God" –
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Robin Harfouche became involved in the psychic realm, she was aided by a spirit guide
Guest: Robin Harfouche
March 15-21, 2010 - Show 1687
As Robin Harfouche became involved in the psychic realm, she was aided by a spirit guide that opened doors to success in Hollywood.
But when a bizarre incident left Robin crippled -- perhaps for life -- she called to her spirit guide only to find a chilling silence. Hear about Robin’s amazing story, as well as her recent visitation to Heaven.
SID: Shirley Maclaine’s manager was grooming my guest to be a Hollywood superstar and a
leading spokeswoman for the New Age religion. When she wanted out New Age spirits tried to
kill her.
Can ancient secrets of the supernatural be rediscovered? Do angels exist? Is there life after
death? Are healing miracles real? Can you get supernatural help from another dimension? Has
the future been written in advance? Sid Roth has spent 30 years researching the strange world of
the supernatural. Join Sid on this edition of It’s Supernatural.
SID: Hello. Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world where it’s naturally supernatural. My guest,
Robin Harfouche, was trained as an infant to be a leader in the New Age religion. She didn’t
even know what the word “new age” was. But at age five you were able to tell what people were
thinking. Did you think this was strange or did you think this was normal?
ROBIN: Well I was told by my parents actually that, you know, I was an unusual child, and I
knew from about four years old that I had been gifted with what my mom called “the veil”. My
great-grandmother was into witchcraft and so they prey down on the generations that there would
be a child born with the veil, which is ESP, extrasensory perception.
SID: Well you know what I find interesting, on one side of your family there were witches, but
on the other side there were Pentecostal Christians. So it was almost like a tug of war--
SID: --that was going on your life. I’ll bet you suffered the repercussion of that tug of war.
ROBIN: I really had no idea, of course, that that was going on. That was an invisible war going
on. I didn’t know about it. But I thought that what I had been given or born with was a special
gift from God and that that was what my heart was filled with, was being able to express that,
help people with that.
SID: Okay. So let’s fast forward. You’re 18 and you have an encounter with, I don’t know, I
know it was a spirit, but I don’t know what you thought it was. But tell me about it.
ROBIN: Well I was 18. I was going to a university to get a major in writing, and I was walking
down the street in the middle of the day and I heard a whistle behind me, and I turned around and
I saw probably a 9- to 13-foot tall, it looked like an angel. And it spoke to me and I could tell no
one else could hear it. And it told me that it had been watching me since I was born and that I
was chosen to be a mouthpiece or a prophet for a new religion called the New Age. And so from
then, you know, I was completely led by this spirit guide.
SID: And you were led to become a dancer, and you actually got on a top television show. Tell
me what that was.
ROBIN: Solid Gold.
SID: You became a dancer but in a supernatural fashion. Someone that gets there has been
training their whole life, but this spirit guide was kind of grooming you to be a top star. And then
you’re at a friend’s house. Get this, she’s at a friend’s house and she gets a phone call and what
did this man say to you?
ROBIN: Well it was really odd. I was at my girlfriend’s house and I get this, she got the call
actually, and the man asked for me. So I get on the phone and he said, “Your name was on the
top of my phone sheet to call today.” And it just had my name and it said “dancer/actress”. And
he said, “Who are you and how did you get on my list, because nobody gets on my list.” Because
he was a major Grammy-award winner producer/director. And so I said, “Well I don’t know how
you got my number. I don’t even know how you knew I was here. I don’t know how that number
got there.” And then he paused and he said, “I really think it’s God. We need to meet.” And so I
went to his office immediately.
SID: Okay. And he had this long meeting with you and then he hooks you up with an agent that
was Marilyn’s Monroe’s agent and Dean Martin’s agent, and Michael Jackson. And, I mean, and
you were ready to explode as a superstar. But he sees a spirit with you. What does he say?
ROBIN: Well the manager that this director/producer hooked me up with, when I went into his
office the director told me, you know, if he gives you five minutes, you know, that’s incredible
because he’s like a power man, you know, in Hollywood. And I was in there three and half
hours. And when we began to speak he said, “You have this spirit guide.” And I said yes. And by
this time the spirit guide had revealed itself to me as Marilyn Monroe.
SID: I bet it was that same spirit that was connected with the Marilyn Monroe.
ROBIN: Well he was her manager.
SID: Right.
ROBIN: So he was the vice president of the largest theatrical agency in the world.
SID: But then he progresses with mentoring in the new age--
SID: --because he wants you to be a spokeswoman for this new religion.
SID: He sent you to a place called, like a place where you learn how to channel. That’s where
you have a spirit come inside of you and the spirit speaks through you. But you saw something
awful. What did you see?
ROBIN: Well, you know, he also managed Shirley Maclaine and she was like kind of a mentor
to me. And so they said, you need to go to Mill Valley. There will be 24 psychics there and there
will be one woman who has, you know, channels, a spiritual teacher and you need to go there to
be trained to channel. And this lady walked in. She looked completely normal, you know, like
somebody who next door would make you brownies, you know, a really sweet looking lady. And
when she began to speak a deep guttural male voice came out. Now up until that point through
everything I had studied, you know, Edgar Cayce and all the different clairvoyants and things
like that, I had never encountered anything like that, and so to me, it freaked me out.
SID: I understand.
ROBIN: It reminded of like “The Exorcist” or something like that. And so I just got so
frightened. I went back to Hollywood and I went in and told my manager, “Look, you know, I’m
cool with the dancing, acting and singing, but I’m not gonna do this new age deal.”
SID: And what did he say?
ROBIN: He said, “Well you have to do it.” He said, “You have no choice, you know, that’s
what your destiny is. You know, you have to be able to teach this and so you have to learn to do
SID: Listen, I can imagine her being upset over seeing something take control over another
woman to the point where the voice is. Robin would have lost who she was. She could not do it
and she turned him down, and when she did the spirits tried to take her life. Be right back after
this word.
We’ll be right back to It’s Supernatural.
We now return to It’s Supernatural.
SID: Hello. Sid Roth here with Robin Harfouche, and Robin has been groomed from a very
young age to be a reader of the New Age religion, her manager, in fact, the manager of Shirley
Maclaine. So she goes to a special school in teaching on how to channel where a spirit guide
comes into her. She sees a woman speaking with a man’s voice. She gets freaked out. She
realizes she’s going to lose total control of whoever she is, and she doesn’t want this. She breaks
from this manager. She goes to work as a waitress at Sonny Bono’s restaurant and, if I
understood right, you heard like a voice direct you to go by a door. Explain that.
ROBIN: Yeah. Well I was in Sonny Bono’s restaurant when it was in Hollywood. And I had
gone to this table and there were some famous actors there and they knew who I was. They knew
I was a dancer. And so they made some kind of remarks to me, and I was upset about it. So I
went in the kitchen and I told this other sweet girl, I said, “You bring the drinks to the table
‘cause I don’t want to do it.” And I was leaning against the wall and I heard my spirit guide say,
“Are you gonna let over on you, you know, you can’t let this happen. You have to be
confrontive. You have to be aggressive.” So I just ran from the kitchen to the bar area. And when
I took the drink tray out of this girl’s hands, which kind of startled her, this 150-pound utility
door stuck on its hinges on the bottom, 25 feet high, came down and hit me in the back of the
skull. And that was the last thing I remember. And, I don’t know, six weeks later I woke up in
Cedar Sinai Hospital in L.A.
SID: Okay. What was the prognosis for you?
ROBIN: After months of therapy and rehab I was in a wheelchair. I was told by 23 doctors that I
would never walk again, that I would live my life in a wheelchair. I mean, it was just death, you
SID: You’re a dancer. You’re ready to bust into Johnny Carson. You were gonna be on his
show, I believe.
ROBIN: Yeah.
SID: It’s all ready to happen for you, and now you’re confined to a wheelchair. You’ll never be
able to function as a dancer or anything like that. So you’re really in despair and she decides to
take her life, and she gets a phone call. Robin, it’s almost like a movie.
ROBIN: I know. I know. But I was in my apartment and a lot of people know where the
Hollywood sign is ‘cause they show it all the time. My apartment was right down from that, and
then three blocks straight down from my apartment there was Hollywood Presbyterian Church.
It’s a very large church. And I got this phone call from a friend of mine who was a Jewish guy
who had gotten born again at the Presbyterian Church. But he was a bass player in a rock and roll
band called The Knack, and they had a hit, and I was dating the drummer at that time, even
though, you know, I’m in a wheelchair. But I had been six months in the wheelchair. And so I
had decide that day that I would take an overdose of drugs and just go to sleep because I didn’t
believe, you know, I just thought life ended. And so he called me and he said, “Will you go to
church with me tonight?” And it’s so weird, Sid, because, I’m like the last person you would ask
to go to church.
SID: But not only, forget that. You were ready to commit suicide. What do you want to go to
church for? Why did you go? Why, why, why?
ROBIN: I don’t know. I really don’t know. I mean, I think it’s like what you said, that on one
side of my family there were people that were praying for me that knew God and on the other
side there were people that were praying for me that were on the dark side.
SID: Okay. Really supernaturally, it’s a long story. You’ll find out later more about that. She
gets to this church and what happened?
ROBIN: Well, you know, I got to the church. I left my wheelchair back at the apartment. It was
like I was kind of in this supernatural bubble. And these people saw me. So they helped me and
they literally, you know, carried me into the sanctuary. And when I got just to the doors of the
sanctuary I felt like a power come all over my body. And then I got super hot. I had just started
dripping wet. And then I started crying from somewhere, you know, like super deep that I didn’t
even know existed, you know. And they sat me down in the meeting. And my friend, you know,
he’s such a great guy, but he had never seen anybody touched or gone through that kind of a
thing, he said, “Robin, are you in terrible pain? Do you want me to take you home?” And I
couldn’t even speak, you know. And so when they called for the preacher, which I had never
been a church in my life. So the preacher said, “Do you want to know God and that Jesus is the
way to God?” I knew that that was why I had been brought there because my whole life I had
been looking for God. And I had studied everything trying to find Him. But I had a revelation in
my heart that Jesus is God. And so they helped me up towards the front and the preacher that was
there who was team-ministering along with Christian Harfouche, he just went like that, like
waved at me, and he said, “Jesus is healing you.” And I fell backwards onto the ground. And this
woman came and wrapped her arms around me because I was crying and shaking, and I was
dripping wet, and this fire kind of heat was all over me. I had nothing experienced anything like
that. I had never seen anything like that. I wasn’t scared, but this woman grabbed me, put her
arms around me and kind of rocked me gently back and forth, and she, “It’s okay, baby. It’s just
Jesus. Just let him do what he’s gonna do. You’re gonna be all right.” She just stayed with that.
And about 45 minutes later I got up off the ground. Now I had been in pain 24 hours a day and
my body above my waist didn’t move. I was like an arthritic victim. Everything was stuck.
Instantaneously, there no pain in my body. You know, I was on a lot of medication that day. I
was instantaneously straight, which the doctors said could have killed me, you know, that kind of
going from being on all this medication to being on nothing. And then I knew that Jesus was
God. I knew that I had been used for 28 years of my life. I knew that everything that I thought
was God, thought would help people, thought would make you more positive about life and all
that was just a counterfeit, you know, an illusion of the reality.
SID: You know what’s so wonderful? Someone that has experienced that side which they
thought was God, they thought was good, and then found out they were deceived, and then had
an encounter with God. I mean, 23 doctors said she’d never walk again. She was going to
commit suicide. There was no hope. And all the pain was gone and she’s able to be carried in to
the church and walk out on her own totally healed. She ends up marrying that preacher and
moves in the supernatural power of God like few people I know. Don’t go away. We’ll be right
back after this word.
We’ll be right back to It’s Supernatural.
We now return to It’s Supernatural.
SID: Hello. Sid Roth here with Robin Harfouche. Well Robin was groomed from an infant to
be a leader of the New Age. They called it a religion, the New Age religion. Sort of like Shirley
Maclaine was a spokeswoman, Robin was being groomed by the manager of Shirley Maclaine to
be a spokeswoman for the New Age. But when she said no, the spirits tried to kill her and she, on
the worst day of her life, after she was confined to a wheelchair and the doctors said there was no
hope for her, she went to this church. She had an experience with the Lord, walked in a lifetime
cripple. She would spend the rest of her life in that wheelchair, and walked out totally normal.
Married the preacher, as she likes to say. And one day after she had been mentored for a while,
and discipled and learned the difference between the counterfeit power and the real thing, I like
the real McCoy, I like the real thing, she had a vision. Her husband comes into the room. And
what did your husband Christian see?
ROBIN: Well it was like a cloud. You know, it’s like really intense, like a cloud you’d see in the
sky if you’re flying an airplane. You couldn’t see through it. He couldn’t see through it. And I
was caught up in a vision.
SID: And he sat down and started just like a scribe writing down what you were reporting.
SID: Where were you taken?
ROBIN: Well I was caught up to Heaven and but somehow I was able to speak what I was
saying even though I was there. I mean, it was Heaven underneath my feet, Heaven all around
me, Heaven in front of me.
SID: I mean, the experience you have is so amazing. It’s breathtaking, literally. But according to
my notes, this was in, what year did this occur?
ROBIN: I was healed in ’85 and I was taken to Heaven in ’86.
SID: Okay. You saw something that’s ready to happen now. What did you see?
ROBIN: Jesus took me to this incredibly gigantic, I would say worship center and I saw people
dancing and praising the Lord. And then I saw balconies that went up as high as you could
imagine and people praising the Lord. And then when I stood there Jesus said, “I’m tuning you
in to the worship and prayer of Heaven,” and he said, “in the last revival, the final move of God
because the Lord cares for people to know Him. And the final move of God,” he said, “there will
be times where Earth and Heaven will come together so that worship and that prayer that you
heard will meet the worship and prayer of Earth. And when it comes together there will people
that are in cots that will just get up. There will be people who have amputated limbs that will
grow out, that have been born blind, maybe without eyes and he’ll replace their eyes, because,”
he said, “Satan, the enemy has been able to counterfeit all of my gifts” or all the things that he
gives us that are supernatural up until that move, which will be created. And he said, “You
cannot create. That’s the one thing you cannot do.”
SID: When will this move start?
ROBIN: I believe we’re in the beginnings of it.
SID: Listen, I’m seeing some of these happen in your ministry, for instance, the woman with the
steel rod and the boy that was born deaf and mute, and the woman with the lump. Let’s take a
look at that now.
[begin video]
WOMAN: [crying] Titanium in my back. It’s got six bolts. And so I just can’t move. I can’t
move my back at all.
ROBIN: Every bit of titanium get out of this back! Every bit of battle get out of this ! Every
nerve be restored right now! Stay there. You’re good. I want you to lift your hands up. I want
you to bend forward.
ROBIN: Now in the operation what did they do to your back? Tell us about the titanium?
WOMAN: They put in a six-inch, six-by-two-inch plate curved with three-inch bolts or screws.
So I had six screws and a plate, and it’s gone. It’s gone.
[cheers, applause]
ROBIN: You saw her not able to walk. She didn’t have feeling from her knees down. And now,
how do your legs feel?
WOMAN: This is a little sore on this side.
ROBIN: A little sore, but you can feel it.
WOMAN: I can feel it. I can feel it all.
ROBIN: Say Jesus.
MAN: Jesus.
[cheers, applause]
ROBIN: There’s a woman here and you’ve got a lump. I believe it’s on the left side and it’s
getting bigger and hurting. Go!
WOMAN: [screaming]
ROBIN: Out! Feel. Push hard. Push! I don’t want to make you do this, but some people have
never seen a miracle.
WOMAN: [crying]
ROBIN: I want you to tell me what just happened, baby.
WOMAN: [crying] Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh thank God.
[end video]
SID: I’m just tingling with the Holy Spirit watching those. But Robin, in Heaven, was instructed
by Jesus how to get rid of the spirit of pain. Would you pray right now?
ROBIN: Yes. We have the right in the name of Jesus, which is above every other name, that’s
what the Lord told me in Heaven, I bind the spirit of pain right now off of your body and I
command it to leave you and be gone in the name of Jesus, which is above every other name.
Now what you need to do is you need to begin to move whatever direction you couldn’t move,
go that way and you will find out right now that the Holy Spirit is right where you’re at. There’s
no distance with the realm of the spirit and Jesus has already healed you. And you need to let us
know. You need to speak it out of your mouth
So, what is the Gospel? and what is your "version"
The Apostle Paul warned in the strongest possible terms about the attitude of God toward those who would pervert the gospel of Jesus Christ.
We can understand this, as it cost God his only son, and Jesus a horrible death by crucifixion. He stated:
"But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.
As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed."
Galatians 1:8, 9
So, what is the Gospel?
It will be the purpose of this page to state clearly from the Scripture what the gospel is and what it is not. Much confusion about this matter exists.
There are several "gospels" in the Scripture. In the verses quoted above, Paul says :
"But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.
Yet in Rev 14:6,7 John says, "And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people
(7) Saying with a loud voice,
Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.
Anyone reading the context of that passage would quickly understand that the angel in Rev. 14 is not accursed, yet he has another gospel.
How can this be? Are the scriptures contradictory, or is there something we are not seeing?
The answer can be found in Paul's admonition to young Timothy on the proper and only method of understanding the word of God. He said :
"Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth" (2 Timothy 2:15).
The words "rightly dividing" are critical to our subject.
There are critical and proper divisions in the Scripture that we must observe in order to keep our understanding, not only of the gospel, but of the Bible itself, in proper perspective.
The word "dispensationalist" is a dirty word in many circles, but in reality, any real Christian is a dispensationalist. The word simply means one who recognizes that God has worked differently in the past, and will do so in the future.
There is a marked difference in how God worked in the Old Testament as compared to the New. Even within the New Testament, there was a progression of truth that culminated in the teaching of Paul, the Apostle to the Gentiles.
This concept can be seen clearly in Acts 18:24 - 26:
"And a certain Jew named Apollos, born at Alexandria, an eloquent man, and mighty in the scriptures, came to Ephesus. (
25) This man was instructed in the way of the Lord; and being fervent in the spirit, he spake and taught diligently the things of the Lord,
knowing only the baptism of John.
(26) And he began to speak boldly in the synagogue:
whom when Aquila and Priscilla had heard, they took him unto them,
and expounded unto him the way of God more perfectly.
Apollos loved the Lord, but was short in his knowledge of the progression of truth.
John the Baptist preached the gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven:
Mat 3:1 "In those days came John the Baptist, preaching in the wilderness of Judaea, (2) And saying, Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand."
Jesus himself preached the same:
Mat 4:23 And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people.
One can easily discern that the gospel of the Kingdom, which Christ preached long before his death and resurrection, is not the same as that which Paul calls "my gospel".
Romans 2:16 In the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel.
Romans 16:25 Now to him that is of power to stablish you according to my gospel, and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery, which was kept secret since the world began,
2 Timothy 2:8 Remember that Jesus Christ of the seed of David was raised from the dead according to my gospel:
What is Paul's gospel?
Is it the same as the gospel of the Kingdom?
If not, what is the difference? Let's investigate:
For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received,
how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;
And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures: 1Cor 15:3,4
The above has been called the "gospel in a nutshell".
It is the clearest statement on the gospel in the New Testament.
It is not what we do for God, but rather what He, through Christ, has done for us.
Our responsibility lies only in receiving it with a repentant heart.
John 1:12
But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:
We receive him by faith:
Eph 2:8,9
For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.
In short, a man or woman is saved in this age by simple faith in the substitutionary (in our place) sacrifice of Jesus Christ. We, like the Philippian jailor, have only to:
"Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved . . .". Acts 16:31
That belief takes place when a man or woman repents, in other words, changes his or her mind about themselves and about God. I am wrong and God is right. I am a sinner and He is righteous. I am without real hope; He is everything I need.
Understanding this and admitting my hopelessness,
I receive Jesus Christ simply by believing on Him and in what He did - alone.
No baptism, no sacraments, no good works, I just simply receive the free gift:
Romans 5:15
But not as the offence, so also is the free gift.
For if through the offence of one many be dead, much more the grace of God, and the gift by grace, which is by one man, Jesus Christ, hath abounded unto many.
Romans 5:16
And not as it was by one that sinned, so is the gift: for the judgment was by one to condemnation, but the free gift is of many offences unto justification.
Romans 5:18 Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life.
Some will undoubtedly disagree and say that the angel in Revelation is preaching the same gospel Paul preached, and that all are saved the same way throughout the Bible. To this we would partially agree.
All are saved by the blood of Christ, however all are not saved the same way.
Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord, yet he was required to build something for his salvation.
You are required to build nothing.
However, the difficulty does not cease there.
In Matthew (remember the Kingdom gospel) chapter 24 we find these words:
Matthew 24:13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.
(14) And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.
You are not commanded to endure to the end of anything!!
The verses above have no bearing on you whatsoever as far as your salvation is concerned.
Your salvation is a free gift.
Enduring to the end is not!
The context is the Jewish Kingdom, and since Israel rejected both King and Kingdom, they will be required to endure to the end of a time called "Jacob's trouble":
Alas! for that day is great, so that none is like it: it is even the time of Jacob's trouble; but he shall be saved out of it. (Jer 30:7)
That time is commonly called the "Tribulation", and will last for three and one-half years. The person who endures without compromise, in other words, without taking the mark of the Beast or worshipping his image (Rev 13;15\16), either to the end of the tribulation or the end of his life, will be saved in that time. That is what Jesus taught when he said:
Matthew 10:39
He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.
Matthew 16:25
For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.
Matthew 16:25
The gospel is not the same in every age.
In the Old Testament no one was sealed with the Holy Spirit as a Church Age saint is.
Noah had to build an ark or he would have drowned and gone to hell. Tribulation saints must endure to the end.
YOU must simply put all your trust in the shed blood of Jesus Christ and cease and desist from trying to earn His favor. He offers you a free gift!!
Now to the crux of the whole matter.
1..If the gospel is a free gift for you, can baptism (infant or otherwise) save you?
2...Can the mass contribute?
3...Can good works or church membership?
4...What could you do to add something to what he called finished? Answer - NOTHING!
So what then is this dangerous "other gospel"?
1. It is any other scriptural gospel taken out of its scriptural setting.
a. Gospel of the kingdom - Matthew 24
b. Everlasting gospel - Revelation 14
c. Something that doesn't claim to be a gospel but is touted as one:
Acts 2:37
Now when they heard this, they were pricked in their heart, and said unto Peter and to the rest of the apostles, Men and brethren, what shall we do?
Then Peter said unto them,
Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins,
and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
Please notice in the above two verses no one asked,
"What shall we do TO BE SAVED?"
They had crucified their Messiah - King, and asked "What shall we do.
They were answered "Repent and be baptized".
That was an opportunity to repent for crucifying their messiah.
Baptism was a requirement because it was the Kingdom gospel.
(see Matthew 3: 1-6 g'wan, look it up!)
If baptism is a requirement for salvation in this age of grace, Paul surely said a foolish thing in 1 Cor 1:14. There he say's "I thank God that I baptized none of you. . .",
d. Some other plan outside the Scriptures which purport to find a path to heaven.
What have we learned?
There are "other" gospels in the Scripture.
You attempt to follow them and you will wind up in hell.
You cannot endure to the end because you will not be here if you are saved.
If you are not saved - have not trusted Jesus Christ and his completed sacrifice on Calvary - alone,
you might prepare yourself to endure, because if you are here during that horrible time, you will need to give up your life to save it.
If you take the mark, you go to hell.
If you are alive now and have not put your trust in the shed blood of Jesus Christ,
discounting all else,
1...including your religion,
2...baptism, good works, sacraments, candles, hail Mary's, our Fathers, Masses, prayers to the Holy Ghost,
or any other thing you think you can do to commend yourself to God,
it is imperative that you, right now, renounce all allegiance to whatever you are trusting,
and put ALL your trust in Jesus alone.
You can get "baptized" with the "Holy Ghost",
speak in tongues,
witness lying wonders (2 Thess 2:9) ,
but if you are not trusting ONLY in the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ, you are trusting in:
We did not write this page to be mean spirited.
Satan is having a hey-day of confusion when it comes to this critical matter of the gospel.
If you are genuinely concerned about your soul; if you desire to correspond, I promise you we will deal humbly, only with what the word of God says. It is the most critical issue of our time. May God help you to see this clearly.
We can understand this, as it cost God his only son, and Jesus a horrible death by crucifixion. He stated:
"But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.
As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed."
Galatians 1:8, 9
So, what is the Gospel?
It will be the purpose of this page to state clearly from the Scripture what the gospel is and what it is not. Much confusion about this matter exists.
There are several "gospels" in the Scripture. In the verses quoted above, Paul says :
"But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.
Yet in Rev 14:6,7 John says, "And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people
(7) Saying with a loud voice,
Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.
Anyone reading the context of that passage would quickly understand that the angel in Rev. 14 is not accursed, yet he has another gospel.
How can this be? Are the scriptures contradictory, or is there something we are not seeing?
The answer can be found in Paul's admonition to young Timothy on the proper and only method of understanding the word of God. He said :
"Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth" (2 Timothy 2:15).
The words "rightly dividing" are critical to our subject.
There are critical and proper divisions in the Scripture that we must observe in order to keep our understanding, not only of the gospel, but of the Bible itself, in proper perspective.
The word "dispensationalist" is a dirty word in many circles, but in reality, any real Christian is a dispensationalist. The word simply means one who recognizes that God has worked differently in the past, and will do so in the future.
There is a marked difference in how God worked in the Old Testament as compared to the New. Even within the New Testament, there was a progression of truth that culminated in the teaching of Paul, the Apostle to the Gentiles.
This concept can be seen clearly in Acts 18:24 - 26:
"And a certain Jew named Apollos, born at Alexandria, an eloquent man, and mighty in the scriptures, came to Ephesus. (
25) This man was instructed in the way of the Lord; and being fervent in the spirit, he spake and taught diligently the things of the Lord,
knowing only the baptism of John.
(26) And he began to speak boldly in the synagogue:
whom when Aquila and Priscilla had heard, they took him unto them,
and expounded unto him the way of God more perfectly.
Apollos loved the Lord, but was short in his knowledge of the progression of truth.
John the Baptist preached the gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven:
Mat 3:1 "In those days came John the Baptist, preaching in the wilderness of Judaea, (2) And saying, Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand."
Jesus himself preached the same:
Mat 4:23 And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people.
One can easily discern that the gospel of the Kingdom, which Christ preached long before his death and resurrection, is not the same as that which Paul calls "my gospel".
Romans 2:16 In the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel.
Romans 16:25 Now to him that is of power to stablish you according to my gospel, and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery, which was kept secret since the world began,
2 Timothy 2:8 Remember that Jesus Christ of the seed of David was raised from the dead according to my gospel:
What is Paul's gospel?
Is it the same as the gospel of the Kingdom?
If not, what is the difference? Let's investigate:
For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received,
how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;
And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures: 1Cor 15:3,4
The above has been called the "gospel in a nutshell".
It is the clearest statement on the gospel in the New Testament.
It is not what we do for God, but rather what He, through Christ, has done for us.
Our responsibility lies only in receiving it with a repentant heart.
John 1:12
But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:
We receive him by faith:
Eph 2:8,9
For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.
In short, a man or woman is saved in this age by simple faith in the substitutionary (in our place) sacrifice of Jesus Christ. We, like the Philippian jailor, have only to:
"Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved . . .". Acts 16:31
That belief takes place when a man or woman repents, in other words, changes his or her mind about themselves and about God. I am wrong and God is right. I am a sinner and He is righteous. I am without real hope; He is everything I need.
Understanding this and admitting my hopelessness,
I receive Jesus Christ simply by believing on Him and in what He did - alone.
No baptism, no sacraments, no good works, I just simply receive the free gift:
Romans 5:15
But not as the offence, so also is the free gift.
For if through the offence of one many be dead, much more the grace of God, and the gift by grace, which is by one man, Jesus Christ, hath abounded unto many.
Romans 5:16
And not as it was by one that sinned, so is the gift: for the judgment was by one to condemnation, but the free gift is of many offences unto justification.
Romans 5:18 Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life.
Some will undoubtedly disagree and say that the angel in Revelation is preaching the same gospel Paul preached, and that all are saved the same way throughout the Bible. To this we would partially agree.
All are saved by the blood of Christ, however all are not saved the same way.
Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord, yet he was required to build something for his salvation.
You are required to build nothing.
However, the difficulty does not cease there.
In Matthew (remember the Kingdom gospel) chapter 24 we find these words:
Matthew 24:13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.
(14) And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.
You are not commanded to endure to the end of anything!!
The verses above have no bearing on you whatsoever as far as your salvation is concerned.
Your salvation is a free gift.
Enduring to the end is not!
The context is the Jewish Kingdom, and since Israel rejected both King and Kingdom, they will be required to endure to the end of a time called "Jacob's trouble":
Alas! for that day is great, so that none is like it: it is even the time of Jacob's trouble; but he shall be saved out of it. (Jer 30:7)
That time is commonly called the "Tribulation", and will last for three and one-half years. The person who endures without compromise, in other words, without taking the mark of the Beast or worshipping his image (Rev 13;15\16), either to the end of the tribulation or the end of his life, will be saved in that time. That is what Jesus taught when he said:
Matthew 10:39
He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.
Matthew 16:25
For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.
Matthew 16:25
The gospel is not the same in every age.
In the Old Testament no one was sealed with the Holy Spirit as a Church Age saint is.
Noah had to build an ark or he would have drowned and gone to hell. Tribulation saints must endure to the end.
YOU must simply put all your trust in the shed blood of Jesus Christ and cease and desist from trying to earn His favor. He offers you a free gift!!
Now to the crux of the whole matter.
1..If the gospel is a free gift for you, can baptism (infant or otherwise) save you?
2...Can the mass contribute?
3...Can good works or church membership?
4...What could you do to add something to what he called finished? Answer - NOTHING!
So what then is this dangerous "other gospel"?
1. It is any other scriptural gospel taken out of its scriptural setting.
a. Gospel of the kingdom - Matthew 24
b. Everlasting gospel - Revelation 14
c. Something that doesn't claim to be a gospel but is touted as one:
Acts 2:37
Now when they heard this, they were pricked in their heart, and said unto Peter and to the rest of the apostles, Men and brethren, what shall we do?
Then Peter said unto them,
Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins,
and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
Please notice in the above two verses no one asked,
"What shall we do TO BE SAVED?"
They had crucified their Messiah - King, and asked "What shall we do.
They were answered "Repent and be baptized".
That was an opportunity to repent for crucifying their messiah.
Baptism was a requirement because it was the Kingdom gospel.
(see Matthew 3: 1-6 g'wan, look it up!)
If baptism is a requirement for salvation in this age of grace, Paul surely said a foolish thing in 1 Cor 1:14. There he say's "I thank God that I baptized none of you. . .",
d. Some other plan outside the Scriptures which purport to find a path to heaven.
What have we learned?
There are "other" gospels in the Scripture.
You attempt to follow them and you will wind up in hell.
You cannot endure to the end because you will not be here if you are saved.
If you are not saved - have not trusted Jesus Christ and his completed sacrifice on Calvary - alone,
you might prepare yourself to endure, because if you are here during that horrible time, you will need to give up your life to save it.
If you take the mark, you go to hell.
If you are alive now and have not put your trust in the shed blood of Jesus Christ,
discounting all else,
1...including your religion,
2...baptism, good works, sacraments, candles, hail Mary's, our Fathers, Masses, prayers to the Holy Ghost,
or any other thing you think you can do to commend yourself to God,
it is imperative that you, right now, renounce all allegiance to whatever you are trusting,
and put ALL your trust in Jesus alone.
You can get "baptized" with the "Holy Ghost",
speak in tongues,
witness lying wonders (2 Thess 2:9) ,
but if you are not trusting ONLY in the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ, you are trusting in:
We did not write this page to be mean spirited.
Satan is having a hey-day of confusion when it comes to this critical matter of the gospel.
If you are genuinely concerned about your soul; if you desire to correspond, I promise you we will deal humbly, only with what the word of God says. It is the most critical issue of our time. May God help you to see this clearly.
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