Tuesday, March 9, 2010

it's the Mass part that is hard 2 do

Boysville of Michigan can offer you "OPTIONS"

attend school at Thomas More High.. and we Guarantee a Good lunch !!!

guar·an·tee   /ˌgærənˈti/ Show Spelled [gar-uhn-tee] Show IPA noun, verb,-teed, -tee·ing.

1.a promise or assurance, esp. one in writing, that something is of specified quality, content, benefit, etc., or that it will perform satisfactorily for a given length of time: a money-back guarantee.

2.guaranty (defs. 1, 2).

3.something that assures a particular outcome or condition: Wealth is no guarantee of happiness.

4.a person who gives a guarantee or guaranty; guarantor.

5.a person to whom a guarantee is made.
–verb (used with object)

6.to secure, as by giving or taking security.

7.to make oneself answerable for (something) on behalf of someone else who is primarily responsible: to guarantee the fulfillment of a contract.

8.to undertake to ensure for another, as rights or possessions.

9.to serve as a warrant or guaranty for.

10.to engage to protect or indemnify: to guarantee a person against loss.

11.to engage (to do something).

12.to promise (usually fol. by a clause as object): I guarantee that I'll be there.
Use guarantee in a Sentence
See images of guarantee
Search guarantee on the Web


1670–80; alter. of guaranty

—Related forms

non·guar·an·tee, noun

pre·guar·an·tee, noun, verb (used with object),-teed, -tee·ing.

qua·si-guar·an·teed, adjective

re·guar·an·tee, noun, verb (used with object),-teed, -tee·ing.

su·per·guar·an·tee, noun, verb,-teed, -tee·ing.

un·guar·an·teed, adjective

—Can be confused: guarantee, guaranty, warrantee, warranty

ya won't get any smarter .. but that's OK

this is the TRAINING .. From the Brother's of Holy Cross..

(we ain't all that smart.. )

guar·an·tee   /ˌgærənˈti/ Show Spelled [gar-uhn-tee] Show IPA noun, verb,-teed, -tee·ing.

1.a promise or assurance, esp. one in writing, that something is of specified quality, content, benefit, etc., or that it will perform satisfactorily for a given length of time: a money-back guarantee.

2.guaranty (defs. 1, 2).

3.something that assures a particular outcome or condition: Wealth is no guarantee of happiness.

4.a person who gives a guarantee or guaranty; guarantor.

5.a person to whom a guarantee is made.
–verb (used with object)

6.to secure, as by giving or taking security.

7.to make oneself answerable for (something) on behalf of someone else who is primarily responsible: to guarantee the fulfillment of a contract.

8.to undertake to ensure for another, as rights or possessions.

9.to serve as a warrant or guaranty for.

10.to engage to protect or indemnify: to guarantee a person against loss.

11.to engage (to do something).

12.to promise (usually fol. by a clause as object): I guarantee that I'll be there.
Use guarantee in a Sentence
See images of guarantee
Search guarantee on the Web


1670–80; alter. of guaranty

—Related forms
non·guar·an·tee, noun
pre·guar·an·tee, noun, verb (used with object),-teed, -tee·ing.
qua·si-guar·an·teed, adjective
re·guar·an·tee, noun, verb (used with object),-teed, -tee·ing.
su·per·guar·an·tee, noun, verb,-teed, -tee·ing.
un·guar·an·teed, adjective

—Can be confused: guarantee, guaranty, warrantee, warranty

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