Monday, June 14, 2010
Brenda Kunneman, has a supernatural ability for you to believe that everything that the Bible
SID: My guest has a supernatural gift that will absolutely convince you that there is an awesome
power of God just waiting to be released from deep within you. Learn how you too can access
that supernatural power.
It’s Supernatural.
SID: Hello. Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world where it’s naturally supernatural. My guest,
Brenda Kunneman, has a supernatural ability for you to believe that everything that the Bible
says you are is really true, and to just draw that out of you. In fact, Brenda, were you a
cheerleader? Because you have that capacity of drawing people out and getting them to really
BRENDA: You know God has put something in my heart that I want everybody to be able to
partake of and everybody to be able to be supernatural. Everybody has, you know, we’re made in
the image of God, are we not? And everything that we know about God from the Book of
Genesis all the way to the Book of Revelation, He is supernatural. We see the Red Sea turned up
on its side. We see the plagues of Egypt. We see all kinds of supernatural happenings through the
SID: But it wasn’t always that way with you. I’m going to take you back as a young person.
You’re raised in a Bible-believing home.
SID: But it’s kind of like part of the Bible was left out, the supernatural part, and especially
speaking in supernatural languages. But what I find amazing is God obviously wanted you to
understand this because, were you a military brat?
BRENDA: Yes I was. I was.
SID: That’s what I thought.
BRENDA: My father was in the military. Now we moved all around and my parents were
Christians. They loved the Lord. But there was that little piece, like you said, that was missing
and in my Christian experience I was hungry. I said, “You know, there has to be more.” I got
kind of tired of knowing a God that was a concept and a God that was on paper. I wanted to
know a God that I felt. I want to feel Him.
SID: May I be candid with you?
SID: I don’t understand how Bible believers cannot believe in the supernatural or if they do and
they’re not moving in it be very frustrated, and that’s where you were.
BRENDA: That’s right.
SID: But how in the world did your father, who was against things like speaking in supernatural
languages, how in the world did it happen to him?
BRENDA: Well as a teenager I went to my mother one day, and I said, “Mother, now what is
this thing about supernatural languages, this thing, this Holy Spirit?” She says, “Well you know,
there are some people that believe in that, but we don’t do that.” And the funny thing was in the
military you move around all the time. We moved from station to station, and there was always
that one person that worked with my father that spoke in supernatural languages. They were real
spiritually empowered people, and I got hungry for that. Well we kind of went through that. See,
when you live powerless Christianity or you live concept Christianity there isn’t any real
presence that empowers you to be victorious, to overcome your problems, to deal with difficulty.
There’s so many people that they’re trying to connect with God but it’s like there’s no gas in the
car. And so we were at a time where we were just waning from any relationship with God. And I
thin in desperation my father went to a gentleman that he worked with and began to talk to him
about the Holy Spirit. And this man said, “I’ve been waiting for you to ask.” And he absolutely,
he prayed with him. He was filled with the Holy Spirit, spoke in a supernatural language, and
from that moment on I knew that’s for me. And I said, “God, I’m gonna get that.” And for the
first time, Sid, in all of my experience in Christianity I felt, now here’s the key, I felt God. That’s
what, I mean, come on, let’s face it, is that not what people are hungry for? They want to feel the
presence of God. They want to feel His power. They want to feel that electricity of God. I
remember when the Holy Spirit first came in to me fully. I was baptized in the Holy Spirit. My
stomach would jump up and down. For the first time I felt like an electricity jolt of God. I knew.
And I didn’t understand it all at the time.
SID: Now you told me that you literally would go to sleep at night praying in supernatural
languages and wake up praying in supernatural.
BRENDA: I could not get enough of this new supernatural power because, for the first time, I
felt something real. I discovered a God that wants to heal people. You know, people want a
power that’s bigger than themselves. But God has always been supernatural. And the thing of it
is that’s so incredible about God His supernatural wants to help you. He wants to heal you. He
wants to help you with your financial situation and give you a real tangible power to do that.
SID: Speaking of power, 1999, Brenda is praying in this supernatural language, which the Bible
says charges up, builds up your spirit so you can walk in the same power that the Messiah
walked in. And so one night your father is critically ill. He’s in the hospital. Was he dying?
BRENDA: He was really dying. He had renal failure. He had a complication with diverticulitis.
His bowel had exploded and it had been leaking in his cavity for about six months, and his body
began to shut down. He was on a hundred percent oxygen, kidney malfunction, liver
malfunction. All of his organs were completely infected. And the doctors pretty much said, “We
don’t know if he’s gonna live.” And so we prayed, and I think we just paced the hospital floor up
and down just seeking and calling out to God. And I knew how to draw on the power within me,
because I knew when I had the Holy Spirit I had seen so many supernatural occurrences with
God before, and so I went back to that. And one night I was in the hotel room and I was praying,
and I began to pray in the spirit, pray in supernatural languages. I said, “God, I don’t know
anything else to pull on, but I know you’re supernatural. I know that I have that supernatural
power in me. I’ve seen it operate. I’ve seen it manifest.” And I prayed, and all of a sudden it was
like I was transported into the hospital room. It was as real as I could ever remember. And Sid,
let me just interject this. This is what God wants to do with every person that wants the Holy
Spirit. This isn’t just because I’m special or you’re special, or we’re doing a TV program. It’s for
every person to have in their own life, their loved ones, their relatives. And I was transported
instantly into the hospital room and I saw Jesus, and he walked into my father’s room. Now if
you’ve been in a hospital with someone critically ill, here he’s laying there. His body has blown
up three times its normal size. The doctors are giving him no chance to live. He’s convulsing.
And I remember I said, “Lord, I need you now.” And Jesus walked in. Now I know, Sid, this was
because I’ve learned how to pull out the supernatural that God has put in me that Jesus came in.
SID: But if you had not been praying in supernatural languages, do you know in Romans 8 it
says, “All things work together for good to those that love God.” But just before the verse before
that says, “If you’re praying in groanings and utterances that you...” That’s speaking in
supernatural languages. If pray in supernatural languages all things work together for good.
We’ll be back in just a moment. I want to find out what happened to her dad who was dying, that
Jesus walked into his hospital room. Don’t go away.
We’ll be right back to It’s Supernatural.
We now return to It’s Supernatural.
SID: Hello. Sid Roth here with Brenda Kunneman. And just before we went to break we
found out that Brenda learned the doorway into the supernatural. Praying in supernatural
languages she got to a point where she had a vision. It sort of reminds me of Paul, whether in the
body or out of the body, I don’t even know. I just know that my dad was dying in the hospital
room and I was there, and I saw Jesus. What else did you see?
BRENDA: Well he walked into the room and there were two angels, one on his right, one on his
left, and he walked over to where my father was laying out in a coma. He walked over to the tray
that’s normally used for the food for the patient. Of course, it was covered with medical records.
Now keeping in my mind my father’s medical records, it was in a three-inch binder like this.
There was paper stacked at least three or four inches deep all over that. It was huge. I mean, how
daunting this was. Jesus walked in the room. He said nothing. Didn’t really look at me or
anything. He just walked over to that table. He turned around and pointed his back towards the
table, almost as if he was turning his back on my father, and the angels stayed on either side.
They turned around, too.
SID: There were how many angels?
BRENDA: Two angels, one on his right, one on his left. Jesus turned around, put his back
directly in front of the medical records. The angels reached up. There were two little gold clips
on his robe or tunic, or whatever you want to call it, and they released the clips, and his tunic fell
down. He was uncovered from his top to his waist and his back, Sid, was covered with scars.
Well we know what Isaiah 53:4 and 5 says. It says, “That the chastisement of our peace was
upon him and with his stripes we are healed.” And at that moment I broke down and I knew my
father was healed. Jesus was telling me that my stripes paid for his healing. My stripes are
pointed at these medical records. And the moment that happened, now all of a sudden I was back
out of that vision, out of that moment, and from that point on my father immediately began to
improve, and within about two weeks was sitting up and literally eating popsicles.
SID: Now one of the things that I loved when you teach, things happen. Things happen. I mean,
people just literally believe they can do what you can do.
BRENDA: That’s right.
SID: And they should believe that.
BRENDA: That’s right.
SID: Because the fact is God says His promises are for whosoever, and they’re all of His
promises are yes, and so be it. So Brenda, you compare the spirit of God to a river.
SID: Tell me a little bit why.
BRENDA: Well you know, Jesus said it. He said it in John 7:37 and 38. He said that, “He that
believes on me out of his belly,” out of HIS belly. Now I like to emphasize “his belly”. That’s
our own spirit that the river of God comes from, you know, the same God that created the
universe, the same God that put the stars in the sky and said, “Light be” is wanting to live from
within us and pour out. Now notice Jesus said this. He said, “It’s rivers”, plural, “of living
water.” So that means there’s a river for healing. That means there’s a river for financial
blessing. There’s a river for emotional problems. In fact, Sid, I really feel right now God is doing
something with people with emotional problems. Can we pray for that for just a moment so
SID: Yes. Look at--
BRENDA: I feel like you’re sitting out there listening to this, and God is saying that you have
been, you’re dealing with schizophrenia, depression, bi-polar disorders. There are people sitting
out there today, you’re dealing with all sorts of emotional imbalances that God is wanting to deal
with right now by the supernatural anointing. Now here’s the key. All you have to do is believe
that. If you are a Christian today, maybe you’re not a Christian, you know, all you have to so is
just simply say, “Jesus, come into my heart. Be the Lord of my life. I just commit myself to you.
Forgive my sins. I want to make you Lord.” But maybe you are a Christian and you’re still
struggling saying, “You know, God, I’ve kind of lost track with that power.” Well you know
what? If the Holy Spirit is in you all you need to do is prime the pump a little bit with some faith.
And so I want to encourage you right now just to stretch your faith with me at the screen. And I
just decree over you in the name Jesus the Messiah, I decree over you right now by the power of
God that your mind comes in order. Now right there. You feel that, don’t you? You feel the
power of God right there. I feel it so strong as I’m sitting here looking at this camera, that right
now in the name of Jesus bi-polar disorders, you come in line. Depression, you come in line. In
Jesus’ name I stretch the power of God to every emotional imbalance, every emotional struggle,
every mental problem, schizophrenia, personality disorders. I break the power of that right now. I
feel like there’s somebody out there. You said, “I think I’m losing my mind. I’m losing control.”
And I say to you right now, no you’re not losing control. There’s a river of anointing being
extended to you right now in the spirit. You grab a hold of that in Jesus’ mighty name. And I call
you delivered. I break the power of evil over you and I say the supernatural power of God goes
into you right now. Right now just receive that by faith in Jesus’ name.
SID: You know, Brenda, as you just started speaking I heard so clearly about you, you that have
BRENDA: Yes, yes.
SID: Alzheimer’s is being reversed right now.
BRENDA: That’s right, yes.
SID: And pain of any kind, like pain in your neck, in your back, hip.
SID: Anywhere, fingers, anywhere. The spirit of pain is bound in Yeshua’s name. That’s
Hebrew for Jesus. And it’s gone in Jesus’ name. You know what I want to hear about when we
come back from the break, I thought it was so amazing. You were speaking one time for a large
group and you spoke in supernatural language. Her whole message before she went into the
auditorium, she spoke her whole, I mean, were you really like--
BRENDA: I preach in it.
SID: You are preaching in supernatural languages.
SID: Then she gets out and does the message. And wait until you hear what happens. Don’t go
away. We’ll be right back after this word.
We’ll be right back to It’s Supernatural.
We now return to It’s Supernatural.
SID: Hello. Sid Roth here with Brenda Kunneman. And just before the break we found out,
now I’ve heard about people praying before a meeting. But what Brenda was instructed to do
was to preach her message in a supernatural language just as if the audience was there. Then she
goes into the meeting and what happens, Brenda?
BRENDA: Well of course I do this more than once now. But on this first occasion the Lord
instructed me to do this, and we went out in that meeting that time, and there were, I don’t know,
maybe three, four, 5,000 people. I’m not real good with numbers, but a big crowd. And healing,
the power of God just broke out. It was almost like it went beyond me. It was like there was
nothing I could do to control it. Called some people up for healing. The place went wild. People
were jumping out of wheelchairs. And I received that day a supernatural strength. I literally
prayed and God as my witness for about 4,000 people individually that day. That is super human.
SID: I’m glad it was you and not me.
BRENDA: It was super human. But it took that, tapping into that river, that power of God that,
listen, every person can do, every person who has the Holy Spirit can do, that will affect
everyday life, affected them in supernatural ways.
SID: Do you see an increase of the supernatural occurring?
BRENDA: Yes. One of the things that the Lord told me is that we’re coming into a time where
there’s gonna be supernatural protection, protection from accidents, protection from injuries,
protection from potential robbers or burglars and attackers. There is going to be times when
people are literally going to see angels come on their defense to protect them from would-be
tragedy. And so the Lord spoke in my spirit during times of prayer. And I just want to encourage
those that are out there. God, you believe the Lord for supernatural protection right now, because
this is the prophetic thing that is upon the nation. And the Lord also told me that, Sid, we’re
going to come into times where people are going to have more dreams. The spirit of God spoke
to me at night in a dream and said, “Get ready. It’s the season of dreams.” People are going to
start having dreams that they’re going to wake up and go, “Wow, I have the answer. I know what
to do.” People are going to begin to have dreams about situations that are going to be warnings
from God. And listen, it’s going to come on political leaders right now.
SID: Really? Listen, I would hate to be President of the United States with the complex
problems that are going on in the world today. Could you picture President Barak Obama having
a dream of what to do?
BRENDA: I believe that because right now we’ve got, if we have a praying people, cannot God
in this season of dreams that we’re in speak to political leaders and then the church people, the
Christians were right there to interpret those dreams. And I believe we’re in a time when world
leaders are going to call on God because of the dreams that are coming into their life right now.
SID: Now because Brenda has been causing her spirit to be edified, and in Greek that means
“built up” by praying in supernatural languages, many times almost non-stop, some of the most
outstanding supernatural things are happening. Like for instance, sometimes you will see or hear
something about an individual. Give me an example.
BRENDA: It happens all the time in meetings. I can be looking out in a crowd of people and the
light of God will come over somebody, or I’ll call people up maybe just to pray for a group of
people that’s dealing with maybe a problem.
SID: Do you ever hear a specific name when you’re speaking?
BRENDA: Absolutely. I have one story. I was in Guatemala, one of the most awesome,
touching stories, and I was doing a women’s conference. Now here’s the thing. I said, “The Lord
says He wants to minister to somebody, and your name is Angel. Either it’s your nickname or
your real name.” Now this is a women’s conference. It’s all women. And a man comes up. Now
this man was working in the parking lot, just a servant around the church, helping the meeting to
go off, and he just happened to be walking through the auditorium at that time and heard his
name called. He came to the front and God ministered some powerful things about his future. At
the same time, a woman came up and she says, and she was standing there, and I thought, well
her name is Angel. I’ll get to her in just a minute. And after I got done ministering to him I
paused and I said, “God says there’s somebody that’s come to this meeting and you didn’t know
if you should come, but your baby was at home sick, and your family criticized you and said,
‘You can’t go. Your baby is home sick.’” But you came here believing for a miracle for your
child. And this woman was in the front and she says, “That’s me. That’s me.” And she says,
“The funny thing is my baby, her name is Angel. I left her at home on the ICU. She was born
prematurely. She’s in the ICU right now. The doctors didn’t know if she would live, and I came
here anyway, the criticism of my friends and my family believing for a miracle.” The spirit of
God, see this is what this supernatural power within does, the spirit of God came up in me and
said, “Woman, go home. Your child is healed from this hour.” And before she even got home the
family called and said, “You’re not gonna believe it. The doctors took the baby off the tubes. The
baby is well. The baby is strong. The baby is breathing on its own.” And Sid, I believe that we
are in a season right now in the church when God is wanting to manifest that level of power on
every believer.
SID: I believe that God wants you to be so filled with the Holy Spirit that you are going to
actually speak in a supernatural language. Brenda, would you pray for them?
BRENDA: Yes. In fact, let’s do this. Why don’t we pray. Can we pray in supernatural languages
for the people? Let’s do that.
SID: Yeah. And you pray with us right now as we’re praying, okay?
BRENDA: Let’s do that. So right now just say, “Holy Spirit, I receive you and I expect to pray
in supernatural languages.”
SID: Holy Spirit, I receive you and I expect to pray in supernatural languages.
BRENDA: Now just move your mouth and move your tongues [foreign language]
SID: [foreign language] You can sing your language. [chanting]
BRENDA: [foreign language] Now let me encourage you. If you would just begin to work that,
it may just come out a little bit simple and maybe just a few syllables. But keep practicing that.
Keep doing that. The more you do it, the stronger it’s becoming in your heart and in your life.
God is on you. The power of God is on you and I know you’re going to begin to walk in the
greatest supernatural occurrences of God that you have ever experienced. I experienced it. The
people can experience it, the supernaturals for every person that has the Holy Spirit. Miracles.
We’re in the season and we need it, Sid, more than ever. We need the miraculous of God. We’re
not going to be able to weather these times without it. And so people need to step into it. It’s not
even optional now. You’re at a point where you need to say, “God,” you know, I may not
understand it all. When I first got filled with the Holy Spirit I didn’t understand it all. But you
know what? I just plunged into the river. And you’re going to need that supernatural power to get
through some of the financial turmoil that we’re coming into in the world. You know, we can see
that happening. There’s uncertainty. There’s fear in the world. There’s new diseases that they’re
reporting everyday. You need that supernatural .There might not be somebody there to help you.
You might be alone in your living room feeling, “God, I don’t even know where to turn.”
There’s a supernatural power, Sid, that’s there for every person.
SID: Well you heard what Brenda prophesied. There’s going to be such a dramatic increase of
the supernatural and the choice is yours. Do you want to be involved in that increase? I hear you
saying, “Yes, Sid.” Of course you want to be involved in that increase. So I urge you, if you pray
in supernatural languages do it more than you’ve ever done it before. And if you haven’t yet,
don’t give up. You only lose by giving up. Don’t give up.
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