Wednesday, August 19, 2009
where will Uuu go when u DIE??
what lies do u like to believe..??
the roman catholic church.. has been pedelling .. i version to make u.. ?? Hmmm
Main Entry: 3ped·al
Pronunciation: \ˈpe-dəl\
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): ped·aled also ped·alled; ped·al·ing also ped·al·ling \ˈpe-dəl-iŋ, ˈped-liŋ\
Date: 1883
intransitive verb
1 : to ride a bicycle
2 : to use or work a pedal
transitive verb
: to work the pedals of
Learn more about "pedalling" and related topics at
See a map of "pedalling" in the Visual Thesaurus
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Vatican Archives Reveal Bible Was Once Banned Book Here's an article I think you'll find interesting.
From time-to-time, we receive email from Roman Catholics challenging our statement that their Church historically forbid its members access to the Bible. Hopefully, the article below should leave no question as to the nature and scope of the abuse.
Vatican Archives Reveal Bible Was Once Banned Book
By Jude Webber
ROME, Jan 22, 1998 (Reuters) - The Vatican permitted scrutiny of one of the most notorious periods in Roman Catholic Church history on Thursday when it opened the archives of the department once known as the Inquisition. Scholars now will be able to study cases such as that of the astronomer Galileo, condemned by the Inquisition for claiming the earth revolved round the sun, and Giordano Bruno, a monk burnt for heresy in 1600 in Rome's Campo dei Fiori square.
Vatican officials say the secret files, dating between 1542 and 1902, will yield precious few juicy secrets -- the Church officially rehabilitated Galileo in 1992, for example. But the archives do contain some surprises. Opened on Thursday alongside the Inquisition archives was the infamous Index of Forbidden Books, which Roman Catholics were forbidden to read or possess on pain of excommunication. They showed that even the Bible was once on the blacklist. Translations of the holy book ended up on the bonfires along with other "heretical'' works because the Church, whose official language was Latin, was suspicious of allowing the faithful access to sacred texts without ecclesiastical guidance.
Protestants, who split from Roman Catholics during the Reformation in the 16th and 17th centuries, were allowed to read holy works directly. The Index of Forbidden Books and all excommunications relating to it were officially abolished in 1966 [only 3 years prior to I becoming a Christian!]. The Inquisition itself was established by Pope Gregory IX in 1233 as a special court to help curb the influence of heresy. It escalated as Church officials began to count on civil authorities to fine, imprison and even torture heretics. It reached its height in the 16th century to counter the Reformation. The department later became the Holy Office and its successor now is called the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, which controls the orthodoxy of Catholic teaching. Its head, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, declared the archives open at a special conference and recalled how the move stemmed from a letter written to Pope John Paul some 18 years ago by Carlo Ginzburg, a Jewish-born, atheist professor in Los Angeles.
I am sure that opening our archives will respond not just to the legitimate aspirations of scholars but also the Church's firm intention to serve man helping him to understand himself by reading without prejudice his own history, Ratzinger said.
Cardinal Achille Silvestrini, a senior Vatican figure, told La Repubblica newspaper this month that although the archives contained attention grabbing cases such as Giordano Bruno, there was also a wealth of information from the Reformation, through to the Enlightenment, French Revolution and the 20th century.
To be able to consult an unexplored source will be a real treat for scholars,'' he said.
One Vatican official, Father Pagano, was one of few figures allowed into the archives when he was sent, on the Pope's orders of to collect the documentation referring to the Galileo case. He told the Italian newspaper La Stampa last week that the archives of the Inquisition and Index, housed in two rooms, had suffered badly down the centuries and were now ``modest.'' Pagano said the Church had a tradition of burning many of the most delicate heresy files and the Inquisition's archive was almost entirely burned on Pope Paul IV's death in 1559.
The documents were hauled off to Paris under Napoleon's rule in 1810 and Pagano said more than 2,000 volumes were burned. Some fell in rivers during transit, others were sold for paper or became mixed up with other files. The Vatican said the archives now held around 4,500 volumes, of which only a small part referred to heresy trials. The rest detail theological controversies and spiritual questions.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Let them DIE.. and go to PURK-A--TORY
Geee where is your compassion?...
wait a minute... don't you want to get started ... in purgatory ????
and start paying for those SINS..???!!!!!
You are Sharing in the Mission
puke the truth
An Essential Roman Catholic DoctrineThough there is no biblical basis for purgatory, there is a strong philosophical need for it in Roman Catholic theology.
The Church views salvation as the ... - Cached - Similar
Our challenge is further complicated by our inability to maintain our
previous income levels due to the increase of retiring brothers,
some of whom continued to teach or minister in other ways into their 70’s,
as well as the dramatic decrease of younger members joining us.
Newsletter of the Midwest Province of the Brothers of Holy Cross
If life teaches us anything, it clearly teaches us we are meant to be in relationship with and work together with others.
Ya it teaches.. nice flowery.. words... that feel the emoitional ego.. self..
We have learned how this works during those times when a spirit of teamwork has been experienced.
Knowing we are not alone in trying to accomplish something worthwhile makes all the difference about how much commitment we decide to put into something.
There is a new energy when there is a confirmation that what we are about is something
others believe in the same as we do.
The roster of our contributors over the past year, listed in this newsletter,
gives evidence that these generous benefactors recognize the positive influence
the brothers have made in their lives and those of others, as well as
the needs the brothers now have because of their past unselfish generosity.
The truth of the matter is, our past generosity has put us in a most difficult
Let them go to Puratory...
For other senses of the word "Purgatory", see Purgatory (disambiguation).
Main article: Intermediate state
See also: Limbo, Heaven, Sheol, Hades in Christianity, and Hell in Christianity
Gustave Doré: illustration for Dante's Purgatorio, Canto 24Purgatory is the condition or process of purification in which the souls of those who die in a state of grace are made ready for Heaven.
This is an idea that has ancient roots and is well-attested in early Christian literature, while the conception of purgatory as a geographically situated place is largely the achievement of medieval Christian piety and imagination.[1]
The notion of purgatory is associated particularly with the Latin Rite of the Catholic Church (in the Eastern sui juris churches or rites it is a doctrine, though often without using the name "Purgatory"); Anglo-Catholic Anglicans generally also hold to the belief.
John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, believed in an intermediate state between death and the final judgment and in the possibility of "continuing to grow in holiness there", but Methodism does not officially affirm his belief and denies the possibility of helping by prayer any who may be in that state.
[2] The Eastern Orthodox Churches believe in the possibility of a change of situation for the souls of the dead through the prayers of the living and the offering of the Divine Liturgy,
[3] and many Orthodox, especially among ascetics, hope and pray for a general apocatastasis.
[4] A similar belief in at least the possibility of a final salvation for all is held by Mormonism.
[5] Judaism also believes in the possibility of after-death purification
[6] and may even use the word "purgatory" to present its understanding of the meaning of Gehenna.
[7] However, the concept of soul "purification" may be explicitly denied in these other faith traditions.
The word "purgatory" has come to refer also to a wide range of historical and modern conceptions of postmortem suffering short of everlasting damnation,[1] and is used, in a non-specific sense, to mean any place or condition of suffering or torment, especially one that is temporary.[8
As you know through personal experience, health care costs have
risen 70% since the year 2000, according to the National Coalition of Health
Our challenge is further complicated by our inability to maintain our
previous income levels due to the increase of retiring brothers, some of
whom continued to teach or minister in other ways into their 70’s, as well
as the dramatic decrease of younger members joining us.
While we are taking several initiatives such as certifying our health care facility for Medicare and Medicaid, thus reducing costs, we still find ourselves struggling to cover our health care expenses.
With the many challenges we are facing as an aging community, we continue
to believe in our mission to be “men with hope to bring to others.”
We are committed to play a significant role in the lives of others as we did for
many of you.
Your support of us is a way of helping us keep our mission
alive, and for that, we are most grateful.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
CLOWNS in Boysville..of Michigan. robert .. fill--it--more
If honest sincerity embodied in radiant friendliness is the name of the game in life, Br. Bob Fillmore has mastered both the rules and the technique.
Among the thousands of students who have benefited from his pastoral teaching over the years, “Br. Bob,” as he’s universally known, is accorded the utmost respect, yet approached without diffidence. His friendly, open manner is obvious, whatever he engages in, be it teaching religion in the classroom, prefecting in corridor or dormitory, driving a school bus, cheering for a school’s athletic teams, facilitating a student retreat, or counseling someone who is experiencing difficulty, Br. Bob is intensely person-oriented. Whoever has his attention has one hundred percent of it.
Born in Barberton, Ohio, Br. Bob attended schools in that city and in Akron, joining the Holy Cross Brothers in 1958 after graduating from high school. His first assignment after completing university studies was to Sacred Heart Military Academy in Watertown, Wisconsin.
His stay there was only a semester, however, as he was needed on the faculty of Boysville of Michigan in Macon, Michigan.
He arrived in the fall of 1962 and spent seven years there teaching, counseling, prefecting and handling the endless variety of duties a boarding high school program requires, in the process maturing effectively in every area of his life and ministry.
and running a mighty fine... cafeteria ???
The folks at Cafeteria have honed a surefire formula: amped-up comfort food plus an unquestionably hip Chelsea setting, times 24 hours a day ...
ya oh ya... one other thing this "PRODUCED"
LOTS... of SHIT !!!!! but it was goooood food..!!!
Education ... was SECOND... TO ALLLL...
when you graduate from boysville and thomas more high..
you have to go to a junior college to try to catch up!!
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Monday, August 3, 2009
who do you believe???
The Gospel of Matthew 23:1-12
August 1 & 2, 2009
The Text: Matthew 23:1-12.
Jesus' target throughout this chapter is the scribes and Pharisees,
representing the whole of the religious leadership of Jesus' day
(this would include the Herodians, the priests, and the Sadducees).
As the self-appointed leaders of all religious matters of law and practice, they must bear the blame for a nation which has spiritually lost its way.
Their hypocrisy relates to their approach to religious life,
all the while thinking they were doing the will of God. Did they love God? (Noooo not really)
Their religion consisted of externals and never-ending
,A detail to man-made rules and regulations while failing to discern God's priorities.
Did they love their neighbor? (Nooo not really)
— Mail LI
l< today's passage, the target is the scribes and Pharisees.
They enjoyed popular respect and authority as the experts in understanding and applying Old Testament law.
Jesus' criticism is not on the role they purport to fulfill, but on the way they fulfill it.
Two specific charges are developed:
1) their lack of consideration for the problems their teaching generates for ordinary people (verse 4);
2) their concern for appearances and reputation (verses 5-7). The latter charge takes up the rest of the paragraph (verses 8-12).
I. Matthew 23:1-4.
Jesus' first charge against the religious leaders —
their lack of consideration for the problems their teaching generated for ordinary people.
Matthew 23:1-2.
The chair of Moses is a figurative expression for teaching with an authority derived from Moses.
Matthew 23:3.
Jesus might have meant t[iit the teaching of the scribes and Pharisees was to be followed when it was correct, but this might have been a cynical statement for rhetorical effect.
Maybe, "Follow their teaching if you must, but be sure not to follow their example."
Their behavior basically annulled their Mosaic authority.
o Jesus had already clashed with their teaching on the Sabbath (12:1-14), on purity (15:1-20), on marriage and divorce (19:3-9), and purely on general terms (16:6-12).
Ø Matthew 23:4.
By saying and not doing they imposed rules on people but gave no help in following these rules.
This is in sharp contrast to Jesus (11:28-30).
Those who followed the scribes and Pharisees found themselves "toiling and heavily loaded",
struggling under the weight of a ridiculously expanded legal code which enslaved rather than liberated those who tried to follow it.
Galatians 5:1,
It was for freedom that christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke *slavery.
II. Matthew 23:5-7.
Jesus' second charge was their concern for appearances and reputation.
The hypocrites'
religious practices were designed to win approval of people rather than that of God.
Ø Phylacteries — see Deuteronomy 6:8, 11:18 c2 3‘,
Ø Fringes — see Numbers 15:38-39, Deuteronomy 22:12 f()Ie`O \71(-
Matthew 23:8-12.
Jesus' instruction to us.
All of us are prone to pride, to seek man's approval and not God's.
Those who would follow Jesus must remember to humble themselves.
Matthew 23:8.
Jesus' followers are to avoid titles as a means to personal honor.
The concern for status, which is accepted in secular society, ought not to characterize those who follow Jesus.
This is a problem today as it was in Jesus' day.
It does not take much thought to see excessive religious honor given to academic ("doctor") or ecclesiastical position ("bishop, apostle, pastor, father").
Matthew 23:9.
Another familial term to go with "brothers" here is "father", another title open to abuse. Here we should remember Jesus' emphasis on the disciples' relationship with God as the one "heavenly Father".
The term 'father' is not to be used thoughtlessly of other people —
except of course in its literal sense.
Ephesians 3:14-15,
For this reason I bow my knees before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth derives its name.
Matthew 23:10,
The third title is "leader", or "instructor."
This was a common term for teacher, leader, mentor, or guide.
It means, "one who shows the way." For the Christian, only Jesus is truly able to fulfill that role.
(Ex: divorce, child rearing, financial stewardship, all of life's issues).
Jesus is using these titles to tell us that nothing and no one is to obscure your view of Him, hinder your following Him, or stand between you and Him.
J.C. Ryle, "There is a tendency in the human mind to run into extremes: if we do not regard the office of the minister with idolatrous veneration, we are apt to treat it with indecent contempt. Against both these extremes we have need to be on our guard."
I Thessalonians 5:12-13,
But we request of you, brethren, that you appreciate those who diligently labor among you, and have charge over you in the Lord and give you instruction, and that you esteem them very highly in love because of their work.
Live in peace with one another.
Hebrews 13:17,
Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they keep watch over your souls as those who will give an account.
Let them do this with joy and not with grief, for this would be unprofitable for you.)
Matthew 23:11-12.
The grace that should distinguish every Christian is humility.
If you want to be great in the Kingdom of Heaven — or if you want to be in the Kingdom at all —
you must aim at a different mark than that of the Pharisees.
See John 13:1-17
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Special Education at Boysville of Michigan
thomas more high school education
the brother of the un-holy cross .. really were a bunch of retarded..
roman catholics..scriptually... ignorant !! and spiritually dead
it was a goog thing that boysville of michigan.. was classified as a "Special Education" school...
ya there were the traditional.. 4 groups of.. students..
1. the jocks..
2.. the dopers.. and smokers..
3. the drinkers..
4.. the nerds
the amazing .. thing about the UN-holy brothers of holy cross..
they didn';t have a clue how to "MENTOR" THE NEXT GENERATION..
this is the failure.. the the false verson.. of the Roman Catholic Church..
roman catholics..scriptually... ignorant !! and spiritually dead
it was a goog thing that boysville of michigan.. was classified as a "Special Education" school...
ya there were the traditional.. 4 groups of.. students..
1. the jocks..
2.. the dopers.. and smokers..
3. the drinkers..
4.. the nerds
the amazing .. thing about the UN-holy brothers of holy cross..
they didn';t have a clue how to "MENTOR" THE NEXT GENERATION..
this is the failure.. the the false verson.. of the Roman Catholic Church..
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