14 Do not worship any other god, for YAWAH, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God.
15 "Be careful not to make a treaty with those who live in the land; for when they prostitute themselves to their gods and sacrifice to them, they will invite you and you will eat their sacrifices.
4 So Moses chiseled out two stone tablets like the first ones and went up Mount Sinai early in the morning, as the LORD had commanded him; and he carried the two stone tablets in his hands.
5 Then the LORD came down in the cloud and stood there with him and proclaimed his name, the LORD.
6 And he passed in front of Moses, proclaiming, "The LORD, the LORD, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness,
7 maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin.
Yet he does not leave the guilty unpunished; he punishes the children and their children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation."
Alvin Glombowski and maureen Barledge
15 "You shall not steal.
16 "You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.
will steal and rob you..
Protection of Property
1 "If a man steals an ox or a sheep and slaughters it or sells it, he must pay back five head of cattle for the ox and four sheep for the sheep.
2 "If a thief is caught breaking in and is struck so that he dies, the defender is not guilty of bloodshed; 3 but if it happens [a] after sunrise, he is guilty of bloodshed.
"A thief must certainly make restitution, but if he has nothing, he must be sold to pay for his theft.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Saturday, March 21, 2009
"And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall
(Compiled by Rev. Stephen L. Testa)
"And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall
make you free." —Jesus in John 8:32
Notice:--These dates are in many cases approximate. Many of these heresies had been current in the Church years before, but only when they were officially adopted by a Church council and proclaimed by the pope as dogma of faith, did they become binding on Catholics.
And doctrine to be true must conform to the Word of God. "To the law and to the testimony; if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them." (Isaiah 8:20)
At the Reformation in the 16th Century these heresies were repudiated as having no part in the Religion of Jesus as taught in the New Testament.
Heresy Date
OF ALL THE HUMAN TRADITIONS taught and practiced by the Roman Catholic Church, which are contrary to the Bible, the most ancient are the prayers for the dead and the sign of the Cross.
Both began 300 years after Christ.
Wax Candles introduced in church.
about 320
Veneration of angels and dead saints. 375
The Mass, as a daily celebration, adopted. 394
The worship of Mary, the mother of Jesus, and the use of the term, "Mother of God", as applied to her, originated in the Council of Ephesus 431
Priests began to dress differently from the laity 500
Extreme Unction 526
The doctrine of Purgatory was first established by Gregory the Great 593
The Latin language, as the language of prayer and worship in churches, was also imposed by Pope Gregory I. 600 years after Christ
The Word of God forbids praying and teaching in an unknown tongue. (1st Corinthians 14:9). 600
The Bible teaches that we pray to God alone. In the primitive church never were prayers directed to Mary, or to dead saints. This practice began in the Roman Church
(Matthew 11:28; Luke 1:46; Acts 10:25-26; 14:14-18) 600
The Papacy is of pagan origin. The title of pope or universal bishop, was first given to the bishop of Rome by the wicked emperor Phocas
This he did to spite Bishop Ciriacus of Constantinople, who had justly excommunicated him for his having caused the assassination of his predecessor emperor Mauritius. Gregory 1, then bishop of Rome, refused the title, but his successor, Boniface III, first assumed title "pope."
Jesus did not appoint Peter to the headship of the apostles and forbade any such notion. (Luke 22:24-26; Ephesians 1:22-23; Colossians 1:18; 1st Corinthians 3:11).
Note: Nor is there any mention in Scripture, nor in history, that Peter ever was in Rome, much less that he was pope there for 25 years; Clement, 3rd bishop of Rome, remarks that "there is no real 1st century evidence that Peter ever was in Rome." 610
The kissing of the Pope's feet
It had been a pagan custom to kiss the feet of emperors. The Word of God forbids such practices.
(Read Acts 10:25-26; Revelation 19:10; 22:9). 709
The Temporal power of the Popes
When Pepin, the usurper of the throne of France, descended into Italy, called by Pope Stephen II, to war against the Italian Lombards, he defeated them and gave the city of Rome and surrounding territory to the pope.
Jesus expressly forbade such a thing, and He himself refused worldly kingship. (Read Matthew 4:8-9; 20:25-26; John 18:38).
Worship of the cross, images and relics was authorized
This was by order of Dowager Empress Irene of Constantinople, who first caused to pluck the eyes of her own son, Constantine VI, and then called a church council at the request of Hadrian I, pope of Rome at that time.
Such practice is called simply IDOLATRY in the Bible, and is severely condemned. (Read Exodus 20:4; 3:17; Deuteronomy 27:15; Psalm 115).
Holy Water, mixed with a pinch of salt and blessed by the priest, was authorized 850
The veneration of St. Joseph began 890
The baptism of bells was instituted by Pope John XIV 965
Canonization of dead saints, first by Pope John XV
Every believer and follower of Christ is called saint in the Bible. (Read Romans 1:7; 1st Colossians 1:2). 995
Fasting on Fridays and during Lent were imposed
Imposed by popes said to be interested in the commerce of fish.
(Bull, or permit to eat meat), some authorities say, began in the year 700. This is against the plain teaching of the Bible.
(Read Matthew 15:10; 1st Corinthians 10:25; 1st Timothy 4:1-3). 998
The Mass was developed gradually as a sacrifice; attendance made obligatory in the 11th century.
The Bible teaches that the sacrifice of Christ was offered once and for all, and is not to be repeated, but only commemorated in the Lord's Supper. (Read Hebrews 7:27; 9:26-28; 10:10-14).
The celibacy of the priesthood was decreed by Pope Hildebrand, Boniface VII
Jesus imposed no such rule, nor did any of the apostles. On the contrary, St. Peter was a married man, and St. Paul says that bishops were to have wife and children. (Read 1st Timothy 3:2,5, and 12; Matthew 8:14-15). 1079
The Rosary, or prayer beads was introduced by Peter the Hermit, in the year 1090. Copied from Hindus and Mohammedans
The counting of prayers is a pagan practice and is expressly condemned by Christ. (Matthew 6:5-13). 1090
The Inquisition of heretics was instituted by the Council of Verona in the year 1184. Jesus never taught the use of force to spread His religion 1184
The sale of Indulgences, commonly regarded as a purchase of forgiveness and a permit to indulge in sin.
Christianity, as taught in the Bible, condemns such a traffic and it was the protest against this traffic that brought on the Protestant Reformation in the 16th century.
The dogma of Transubstantiation was decreed by Pope Innocent III, in the year
By this doctrine the priest pretends to perform a daily miracle by changing a wafer into the body of Christ, and then he pretends to eat Him alive in the presence of his people during Mass. The Bible condemns such absurdities; for the Lord's Supper is simply a memorial of the sacrifice of Christ. The spiritual presence of Christ is implied in the Lord's Supper. (Read Luke 22:19-20; John 6:35; 1st Corinthians 11:26). 1215
Confession of sin to the priest at least once a year was instituted by Pope Innocent III., in the Lateran Council
The Bible commands us to confess our sins direct to God. (Read Psalm 51:1-10; Luke 7:48; 15:21; 1st John 1:8-9). 1215
The adoration of the wafer (Host), was decreed by Pope Honorius
So the Roman Church worships a God made by human hands. This is plain idolatry and absolutely contrary to the spirit of the Gospel. (Read John 4:24). 1220
The Bible forbidden to laymen and placed in the Index of forbidden books by the Council of Valencia
Jesus commanded that the Scriptures should be read by all. (John 5:39; 1st Timothy 3:15-17). 1229
The Scapular was invented by Simon Stock, and English monk
It is a piece of brown cloth, with the picture of the Virgin and supposed to contain supernatural virtue to protect from all dangers those who wear it on naked skin. This is fetishism. 1287
The Roman Church forbade the cup to the laity, by instituting the communion of one kind in the Council of Constance
The Bible commands us to celebrate the Lord's Supper with unleavened bread and the fruit of the vine. (Read Matthew 26:27; 1st Corinthians 11:26-29). 1414
The doctrine of Purgatory was proclaimed as a dogma of faith by Council of Florence
There is not one word in the Bible that would teach the purgatory of priests. The blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth us from all sins. (Read 1st John 1:7-9; 2:1-2; John 5:24; Romans 8:1). 1439
The doctrine of 7 Sacraments affirmed
The Bible says that Christ instituted only two ordinances, Baptism and the Lord's Supper. (Read Matthew 28:19-20; 26:26-28). 1439
The Ave Maria, part of the last
It was completed 50 years afterward and finally approved by Pope Sixtus V, at the end of the 16th century. 1508
The Council of Trent, held in the year 1545, declared that Tradition is of equal authority with the Bible
By tradition is meant human teachings. The Pharisees believed the same way, and Jesus bitterly condemned them, for by teaching human tradition, they nullified the commandments of God. (Read Mark 7:7-13; Colossians 2:8; Revelation 22:18). 1545
The apocryphal books were added to the Bible also by the Council of Trent
These books were not recognized as canonical by the Jewish Church. (See Revelation 22:8-9). 1546
The Creed of Pope Pius IV was imposed as the official creed 1560 years after Christ and the apostles
True Christians retain the Holy Scriptures as their creed. Hence their creed is 1500 years older than the creed of Roman Catholics. (Read Galatians 1:8). 1560
The Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary was proclaimed by Pope Pius IX
The Bible states that all men, with the sole exception of Christ, are sinners. Mary herself had need of a Savior. (Read Romans 3:23; 5:12; Psalm 51:5; Luke 1:30,46,47). 1834
In the year 1870 after Christ, Pope Pius IX proclaimed the dogma of Papal Infallibility
This is a blasphemy and the sign of the apostasy and of the antichrist predicted by St. Paul. (Read 2nd Thessalonians 2:2-12; Revelation 17:1-9; 13:5-8,18).
Many Bible students see the number of the beast (Rev. 13:18), 666 in the Roman letters of the Pope's title: "VICARIVS FILII DEI." -- V-5, I-1; C-100, I-1; V-S, I-1; L-50, I-1; I-1; D-500, I-l — Total, 666. 1870
Pope Plus X, in the year 1907, condemned together with "Modernism", all the discoveries of modern science which are not approved by the Church
Pius IX had done the same thing in the Syllabus of 1864. 1907
In the year 1930 Pius XI, condemned the Public Schools 1930
In the year 1931 the same pope Pius XI, reaffirmed the doctrine that Mary is "the Mother of God"
This doctrine was first invented by the Council of Ephesus in the year 431. This is a heresy contrary by Mary's own words. (Read Luke 1:46-49; John 2: l-5). 1931
In the year 1950 the last dogma was proclaimed by Pope Pius XII, the Assumption of the Virgin Mary 1950
What will be the next invention? The Roman Church says it never changes; yet, it has done nothing else but invent new doctrines which are contrary to the Bible, and has practiced rites and ceremonies taken bodily from paganism. Some scholar has found that 75% of the rites and ceremonies of the Roman Church are of pagan origin.
Note:-- Cardinal Newman, in his book, "The Development of the Christian Religion," admits that ... "Temples, incense, oil lamps, votive offerings, holy water, holidays and season of devotions, processions, blessing of fields, sacerdotal vestments, the tonsure (of priests and monks and nuns), images ... are all of pagan origin..." (Page 359).
HERESIES are those doctrines and practices which are contrary to the Bible.
They are also called "human traditions" or "doctrines of men". Both Peter and Paul predicted and warned that in the later times "false teachers" would rise within the Church and bring in "damnable heresies" and "doctrines of devils".
(Read 2nd Peter 2:1-3, and 1st Timothy 3:2-5). Jesus rebuked the Pharisees, for they transgressed the commandments of God by keeping their traditions. "in vain," He said, "they worship me by keeping for doctrines the commandments of men" (Matthew 15:3,9).
The real heretics therefore, are the Roman Catholics and the true orthodox are the Evangelical Christians.
BRETHREN! The Word of God commands us to get out of Babylon, saying: "Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues." (Revelation 18:4). All true Christians will remain faithful to the religion of Christ as taught in the Bible, and heed the warning of the Apostle Paul, who said: "But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other Gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed." (Galatians 1:8).
Tract# B-305 Order From:
1911 34th St., E. L. Bynum, Pastor
P.O. Box 3100, Lubbock, Texas 79452
Roman Catholic Religion education bible training
It is amazing 2 find that an instutution Holy Cross Brothers in South Bend IN. Does NOT have the ability to teach and instruct the students at Boysville of Michigan, in the actual application of the Scripture in the Bible..
they seem to conscrate on the minor issues..
1. believe in transsubstation
2. the Scraments.. will give U grace..
3. the Pope is always right (1869) rule.
4. the Roman Catholic Church is the true church..
5. go to MASS on Sunday.. (or it's a mortal sin)
There is NO bigger HOAX on planet earth than the Roman Catholic Church!
Oh how I wish I could get people to wake up to the truth.
I don't even call the Roman Catholic organization a "church"...it is a RELIGION of manmade traditions and lies of the devil.
It certainly is NOT a Biblical New Testament church.
Let me clarify right from the very start that I do NOT hate anyone. I love the Pope and all Catholics just as I do all people (I really do).
I love them with God's love.
I love them enough to risk being unpopular by telling them the truth of God's Word. Though I may not like someone, I am still commanded in the Bible to love them.
I have no intentions to be unkind to anyone, I simply want to preach the TRUTH of God's Word. Undoubtedly, many people will be offended because the truth always offends those who are living in sin and darkness.
Just as Jesus Christ my Saviour, I am more willing to be divided over truth than to be united by error.
I cannot compromise because the Bible does not compromise. God said what He meant and meant what He said.
Many of the foundational doctrines of Roman Catholicism are NOT found anywhere in the Bible.
It is evil to reject the plain teachings of Scripture in exchange for the traditions of men.
When i went to BIBLE COLLEGE.. as instructed by the HOLY SPIRIT..to these schools
I west sent to , Jimmy swaggert's, Henneth Hagen, Oral Robnerts,in oregon , MULtama bible college, Larry Huch.. Christian leadership college, Norvel Hays college, and Christ for the nations.. and a few others..
by the time i did a few months at Swaggert's Bible college .. i knew more scripture and understanding ,.. than .. any of the Roman Catholics in the family..
BUT the amazing thing.. is i met
and it is still true..
ya ... Boysville of Michigan , and Thomas More high.. were clueless..
So U really have to deucate yourself..
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By the time U figure out the Roman Catholic educational system if .. PERVERTED..
U will did and go to HELL... or just maybe perk-a-tory.. cheers !!!
Hell's fall from fashion indicates how key portions of Christian theology have been influenced by a secular society that stresses individualism over authority and the human psyche over moral absolutes. The rise of psychology, the philosophy of existentialism and the consumer culture have all dumped buckets of water on hell.
The tendency to downplay damnation has grown in recent years as nondenominational ministries, with their focus on everyday issues such as child-rearing and career success, have proliferated and loyalty to churches has deteriorated.
"It's just too negative," said Bruce Shelley, a senior professor of church history at the Denver Theological Seminary. "Churches are under enormous pressure to be consumer-oriented. Churches today feel the need to be appealing rather than demanding."
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
boysville of michigan...their teachings are but rules taught by men.
Mark 7:7-9 (New International Version)
7 They worship me in vain;
their teachings are but rules taught by men.'
8 You have let go of the commands of God
and are holding on to the traditions of men."
9 And he said to them:
"You have a fine way of setting aside the commands of God in order to observe[b]
your own traditions!
.... U ... R... gona have to serve...some one.. psalms...23:23
23 Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding.
7 They worship me in vain;
their teachings are but rules taught by men.'
8 You have let go of the commands of God
and are holding on to the traditions of men."
9 And he said to them:
"You have a fine way of setting aside the commands of God in order to observe[b]
your own traditions!
.... U ... R... gona have to serve...some one.. psalms...23:23
23 Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding.
(What is Lust) ROMAN CATHOLIC TRAINING at Boysville of Michigan
(Remember do not masterbate!!) that is a Roman Catholic MOrtal SIN)
Mark 7:8 (New International Version)
8 You have let go of the commands of YAHWAH God and are holding on to the traditions of men."
Don't listen to Roman Catholic BULL-SHIT !!
Leviticus 18 (New King James Version)
Leviticus 18
Laws of Sexual Morality
1 Then the LORD spoke to Moses, saying,
2 “Speak to the children of Israel, and say to them: ‘I am the YAWAH your God.
3 According to the doings of the land of Egypt, where you dwelt, you shall not do; and according to the doings of the land of Canaan, where I am bringing you, you shall not do; nor shall you walk in their ordinances.
4 You shall observe My judgments and keep My ordinances, to walk in them: I am the LORD YAWAH your God.
5 You shall therefore keep My statutes and My judgments, which if a man does, he shall live by them: I am the LORD.
6 ‘None of you shall approach anyone who is near of kin to him, to uncover his nakedness: I am the LORD.
7 The nakedness of your father or the nakedness of your mother you shall not uncover. She is your mother; you shall not uncover her nakedness.
8 The nakedness of your father’s wife you shall not uncover; it is your father’s nakedness.
9 The nakedness of your sister, the daughter of your father, or the daughter of your mother, whether born at home or elsewhere, their nakedness you shall not uncover.
10 The nakedness of your son’s daughter or your daughter’s daughter, their nakedness you shall not uncover; for theirs is your own nakedness.
11 The nakedness of your father’s wife’s daughter, begotten by your father—she is your sister—you shall not uncover her nakedness.
12 You shall not uncover the nakedness of your father’s sister; she is near of kin to your father.
13 You shall not uncover the nakedness of your mother’s sister, for she is near of kin to your mother.
14 You shall not uncover the nakedness of your father’s brother. You shall not approach his wife; she is your aunt.
15 You shall not uncover the nakedness of your daughter-in-law—she is your son’s wife—you shall not uncover her nakedness.
16 You shall not uncover the nakedness of your brother’s wife; it is your brother’s nakedness.
17 You shall not uncover the nakedness of a woman and her daughter, nor shall you take her son’s daughter or her daughter’s daughter, to uncover her nakedness. They are near of kin to her. It is wickedness.
18 Nor shall you take a woman as a rival to her sister, to uncover her nakedness while the other is alive.
19 ‘Also you shall not approach a woman to uncover her nakedness as long as she is in her customary impurity.
20 Moreover you shall not lie carnally with your neighbor’s wife, to defile yourself with her.
21 And you shall not let any of your descendants pass through the fire to Molech, nor shall you profane the name of your God: I am the LORD.
22 You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination.
23 Nor shall you mate with any animal, to defile yourself with it. Nor shall any woman stand before an animal to mate with it. It is perversion.
24 ‘Do not defile yourselves with any of these things; for by all these the nations are defiled, which I am casting out before you.
25 For the land is defiled; therefore I visit the punishment of its iniquity upon it, and the land vomits out its inhabitants.
26 You shall therefore keep My statutes and My judgments, and shall not commit any of these abominations, either any of your own nation or any stranger who dwells among you
27 (for all these abominations the men of the land have done, who were before you, and thus the land is defiled),
28 lest the land vomit you out also when you defile it, as it vomited out the nations that were before you.
29 For whoever commits any of these abominations, the persons who commit them shall be cut off from among their people.
Excommunication is a religious censure used to deprive or suspend membership in a religious community. The word literally means putting [someone] out of ...
30 ‘Therefore you shall keep My ordinance, so that you do not commit any of these abominable customs which were committed before you, and that you do not defile yourselves by them: I am the LORD YAHWAH your God.’”
Mark 7:8 (New International Version)
8 You have let go of the commands of YAHWAH God and are holding on to the traditions of men."
Don't listen to Roman Catholic BULL-SHIT !!
Leviticus 18 (New King James Version)
Leviticus 18
Laws of Sexual Morality
1 Then the LORD spoke to Moses, saying,
2 “Speak to the children of Israel, and say to them: ‘I am the YAWAH your God.
3 According to the doings of the land of Egypt, where you dwelt, you shall not do; and according to the doings of the land of Canaan, where I am bringing you, you shall not do; nor shall you walk in their ordinances.
4 You shall observe My judgments and keep My ordinances, to walk in them: I am the LORD YAWAH your God.
5 You shall therefore keep My statutes and My judgments, which if a man does, he shall live by them: I am the LORD.
6 ‘None of you shall approach anyone who is near of kin to him, to uncover his nakedness: I am the LORD.
7 The nakedness of your father or the nakedness of your mother you shall not uncover. She is your mother; you shall not uncover her nakedness.
8 The nakedness of your father’s wife you shall not uncover; it is your father’s nakedness.
9 The nakedness of your sister, the daughter of your father, or the daughter of your mother, whether born at home or elsewhere, their nakedness you shall not uncover.
10 The nakedness of your son’s daughter or your daughter’s daughter, their nakedness you shall not uncover; for theirs is your own nakedness.
11 The nakedness of your father’s wife’s daughter, begotten by your father—she is your sister—you shall not uncover her nakedness.
12 You shall not uncover the nakedness of your father’s sister; she is near of kin to your father.
13 You shall not uncover the nakedness of your mother’s sister, for she is near of kin to your mother.
14 You shall not uncover the nakedness of your father’s brother. You shall not approach his wife; she is your aunt.
15 You shall not uncover the nakedness of your daughter-in-law—she is your son’s wife—you shall not uncover her nakedness.
16 You shall not uncover the nakedness of your brother’s wife; it is your brother’s nakedness.
17 You shall not uncover the nakedness of a woman and her daughter, nor shall you take her son’s daughter or her daughter’s daughter, to uncover her nakedness. They are near of kin to her. It is wickedness.
18 Nor shall you take a woman as a rival to her sister, to uncover her nakedness while the other is alive.
19 ‘Also you shall not approach a woman to uncover her nakedness as long as she is in her customary impurity.
20 Moreover you shall not lie carnally with your neighbor’s wife, to defile yourself with her.
21 And you shall not let any of your descendants pass through the fire to Molech, nor shall you profane the name of your God: I am the LORD.
22 You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination.
23 Nor shall you mate with any animal, to defile yourself with it. Nor shall any woman stand before an animal to mate with it. It is perversion.
24 ‘Do not defile yourselves with any of these things; for by all these the nations are defiled, which I am casting out before you.
25 For the land is defiled; therefore I visit the punishment of its iniquity upon it, and the land vomits out its inhabitants.
26 You shall therefore keep My statutes and My judgments, and shall not commit any of these abominations, either any of your own nation or any stranger who dwells among you
27 (for all these abominations the men of the land have done, who were before you, and thus the land is defiled),
28 lest the land vomit you out also when you defile it, as it vomited out the nations that were before you.
29 For whoever commits any of these abominations, the persons who commit them shall be cut off from among their people.
Excommunication is a religious censure used to deprive or suspend membership in a religious community. The word literally means putting [someone] out of ...
30 ‘Therefore you shall keep My ordinance, so that you do not commit any of these abominable customs which were committed before you, and that you do not defile yourselves by them: I am the LORD YAHWAH your God.’”
Monday, March 16, 2009
reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine.
2 Timothy 4
1 I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom;
2 Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine.
3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their
own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
4And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
All scripture is given by inspiration of Yahwah God
2 Timothy 3:16 (King James Version)
16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine,
for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine,
for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
Can the blind lead the blind? Will they not both fall into the ditch?
Luke 6:39 (New King James Version)
39 And He spoke a parable to them:
“Can the blind lead the blind? Will they not both fall into the ditch?
Received your email but was unable to download the pictures Glad to hear from you Hope you had success in finding the courses at Eternal Life If you decide to order I have explanation to the answers.
2 Timothy 3:7 (New International Version)
7 always learning but never able to acknowledge the truth.
You should have not problem reading the material and answering the questions.
Now you know what I do. I was wondering how you got into my email because I have a spam blocker but it does not stop gmail I guess
I am learning something new all the time.
God Bless Al
2 Timothy 3:6-8 (New International Version)
6 They are the kind who worm their way into homes and gain control over weak-willed women, who are loaded down with sins and are swayed by all kinds of evil desires,
7 always learning but never able to acknowledge the truth.
8 Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so also these men oppose the truth—men of depraved minds, who, as far as the faith is concerned, are rejected.
Matthew 15:14 (Amplified Bible)
14 Let them alone and disregard them; they are blind guides and teachers.
And if a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a ditch.
hello, so do U know any one who can actually perceive , familar spirits and the Holy Spirit .. ? as i have been able 2..
as i was talking to some one i went to school with at St.Joan of arc..
as i told her i was looking forward to the Confermation ceremony in the 4th grade .. because i thought every one would get baptised in the Holy Ghost..
but alas... nothing happened to the other children.. i could still perceive the spirit..
and eveyone was.. still spiritually dead..
just like in 1969.. when U , maureen, and myself.. went thru the class.."life in the spirit" ..
they layed hands on us.. and "nothing happened"..
O'boy... what a thrilling example of Roman Catholic teaching and training..
BUT .. a few years later .. at Western Michigan University..i got to know REv. Louis Miller in benton harbor.. a Spiritualist..
I obsurved the familar spirits..manafest.. BUT .. U alvin Glombowski and maureen.. couldn't tell the difference.. because U R spiritually .. BLIND AND DEAD..
and when i went to fatama, and Mejorgoria. I watched the MARY familar spirit manafest.. and U Alvin Glomowski and Maureen Barledge..
Didn't see or observe .. nothing.. this is because U are Spiritualll DEAD..
and Do not have the HOLY SPIRIT.. that Jesus talked about in John ..
26 "When the Counselor comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father, he will testify about me.
The Vine and the Branches
1"I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. 2He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes[a] so that it will be even more fruitful.
and 30+ years... later in detroit.. at ST Margrets of Scotland.. i assisted .. in the training.. there..
and i was the only one who knew the scripture basis and the anointing to demenstrate .. and illustrate how and why it works.. but that is because i had been praying in tongues for about 7 years for about 2 hours a day.. and could illustrate the applications..
years before this ,.. as i was explaining the scriptures.. 2 my mother in the back yard.. as the Holy Spirit manafested upon us..
i couldn't speak in english.. so i could demenstrate how toungs and interperation worked..
(this also happened when i was at a 7th day aventist church with bill geib)
interesting that alvin glombowski.. preaches and teaches,,. that it is "psyco-Babble"
BibleGateway.com - Passage Lookup: Matthew 16:5-12;Mark 8:14-21 ...
6 And Jesus said unto them, Take heed and beware of the leaven of the ... 12 Then understood they that he bade them not beware of the leaven of bread, ...
(beware =of the leaven of Alvin Glombowski)
When i brought her to a CHRISTian church.. a church that believed in the spiritual manafestation.. it was "funny" because when she went up to the "prayer line"
the spiritual ANOINTING came upon her and she was "layed out for the rest of the service.. and i had to carry her to the car..
she kept saying .. wow .. i feel "drunk"
eventually she got the "clue" that she had been attending a DEAD church ..
and YAHWAH God.. really had given me instructions to .. get training and instruction at different bible training colleges across the land..
because people who don't know nothing .. can't teach you anything....
or as one of my teachers "norvel Hays " said..
EMPTY hands are layed on EMPTY heads.. and nothing happens..!
YouTube - Man of Destiny
YouTube - Man of Destiny
2 min 41 sec - Dec 16, 2007 -
Man of Destiny. Hello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Adobe's Flash Player. Get the latest Flash player. ...
www.youtube.com/watch?v=CQaugoLG8Ag -
2 min 41 sec - Dec 16, 2007 -
Man of Destiny. Hello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Adobe's Flash Player. Get the latest Flash player. ...
www.youtube.com/watch?v=CQaugoLG8Ag -
6 And Jesus said unto them, Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees.
7 And they reasoned among themselves, saying, We took no bread.
8 And Jesus perceiving it said, O ye of little faith, why reason ye among yourselves, because ye have no bread?
Jesus cautions against the doctrine of the Alvin Glombowski.
Christ speaks of spiritual things under a similitude, and the disciples misunderstand him of carnal things.
He took it ill that they should think him as thoughtful about bread as they were; that they should be so little acquainted with his way of preaching. Then understood they what he meant.
Christ teaches by the Spirit of wisdom in the heart, opening the understanding to the Spirit of revelation in the word. (Mt 16:13-20)
39 And He spoke a parable to them:
“Can the blind lead the blind? Will they not both fall into the ditch?
Received your email but was unable to download the pictures Glad to hear from you Hope you had success in finding the courses at Eternal Life If you decide to order I have explanation to the answers.
2 Timothy 3:7 (New International Version)
7 always learning but never able to acknowledge the truth.
You should have not problem reading the material and answering the questions.
Now you know what I do. I was wondering how you got into my email because I have a spam blocker but it does not stop gmail I guess
I am learning something new all the time.
God Bless Al
2 Timothy 3:6-8 (New International Version)
6 They are the kind who worm their way into homes and gain control over weak-willed women, who are loaded down with sins and are swayed by all kinds of evil desires,
7 always learning but never able to acknowledge the truth.
8 Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so also these men oppose the truth—men of depraved minds, who, as far as the faith is concerned, are rejected.
Matthew 15:14 (Amplified Bible)
14 Let them alone and disregard them; they are blind guides and teachers.
And if a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a ditch.
hello, so do U know any one who can actually perceive , familar spirits and the Holy Spirit .. ? as i have been able 2..
as i was talking to some one i went to school with at St.Joan of arc..
as i told her i was looking forward to the Confermation ceremony in the 4th grade .. because i thought every one would get baptised in the Holy Ghost..
but alas... nothing happened to the other children.. i could still perceive the spirit..
and eveyone was.. still spiritually dead..
just like in 1969.. when U , maureen, and myself.. went thru the class.."life in the spirit" ..
they layed hands on us.. and "nothing happened"..
O'boy... what a thrilling example of Roman Catholic teaching and training..
BUT .. a few years later .. at Western Michigan University..i got to know REv. Louis Miller in benton harbor.. a Spiritualist..
I obsurved the familar spirits..manafest.. BUT .. U alvin Glombowski and maureen.. couldn't tell the difference.. because U R spiritually .. BLIND AND DEAD..
and when i went to fatama, and Mejorgoria. I watched the MARY familar spirit manafest.. and U Alvin Glomowski and Maureen Barledge..
Didn't see or observe .. nothing.. this is because U are Spiritualll DEAD..
and Do not have the HOLY SPIRIT.. that Jesus talked about in John ..
26 "When the Counselor comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father, he will testify about me.
The Vine and the Branches
1"I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. 2He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes[a] so that it will be even more fruitful.
and 30+ years... later in detroit.. at ST Margrets of Scotland.. i assisted .. in the training.. there..
and i was the only one who knew the scripture basis and the anointing to demenstrate .. and illustrate how and why it works.. but that is because i had been praying in tongues for about 7 years for about 2 hours a day.. and could illustrate the applications..
years before this ,.. as i was explaining the scriptures.. 2 my mother in the back yard.. as the Holy Spirit manafested upon us..
i couldn't speak in english.. so i could demenstrate how toungs and interperation worked..
(this also happened when i was at a 7th day aventist church with bill geib)
interesting that alvin glombowski.. preaches and teaches,,. that it is "psyco-Babble"
BibleGateway.com - Passage Lookup: Matthew 16:5-12;Mark 8:14-21 ...
6 And Jesus said unto them, Take heed and beware of the leaven of the ... 12 Then understood they that he bade them not beware of the leaven of bread, ...
(beware =of the leaven of Alvin Glombowski)
When i brought her to a CHRISTian church.. a church that believed in the spiritual manafestation.. it was "funny" because when she went up to the "prayer line"
the spiritual ANOINTING came upon her and she was "layed out for the rest of the service.. and i had to carry her to the car..
she kept saying .. wow .. i feel "drunk"
eventually she got the "clue" that she had been attending a DEAD church ..
and YAHWAH God.. really had given me instructions to .. get training and instruction at different bible training colleges across the land..
because people who don't know nothing .. can't teach you anything....
or as one of my teachers "norvel Hays " said..
EMPTY hands are layed on EMPTY heads.. and nothing happens..!
YouTube - Man of Destiny
YouTube - Man of Destiny
2 min 41 sec - Dec 16, 2007 -
Man of Destiny. Hello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Adobe's Flash Player. Get the latest Flash player. ...
www.youtube.com/watch?v=CQaugoLG8Ag -
2 min 41 sec - Dec 16, 2007 -
Man of Destiny. Hello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Adobe's Flash Player. Get the latest Flash player. ...
www.youtube.com/watch?v=CQaugoLG8Ag -
6 And Jesus said unto them, Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees.
7 And they reasoned among themselves, saying, We took no bread.
8 And Jesus perceiving it said, O ye of little faith, why reason ye among yourselves, because ye have no bread?
Jesus cautions against the doctrine of the Alvin Glombowski.
Christ speaks of spiritual things under a similitude, and the disciples misunderstand him of carnal things.
He took it ill that they should think him as thoughtful about bread as they were; that they should be so little acquainted with his way of preaching. Then understood they what he meant.
Christ teaches by the Spirit of wisdom in the heart, opening the understanding to the Spirit of revelation in the word. (Mt 16:13-20)
John Paul II died ..for him to be made a saint. .. O'boy a NEW DEVIL TO PRAY 2
Pope Benedict XVI has begun the process of beatifying his predecessor John Paul II, the first step to sainthood.
"The cause for the beatification of John Paul II is open," the new Roman Catholic leader told priests meeting at Rome's Basilica of St John in Lateran.
The Pope waived the usual rules which require a five-year wait before the Church begins to make someone a saint.
John Paul II died on 2 April, leading to widespread calls from Catholics worldwide for him to be made a saint.
making saints and encourging IDOLARTY..
Celebrazioni a Roma
Fuori di Roma*
N. Santi
Basilica Vaticana,
20 giugno 1982
- Crispino da Viterbo (1668-1750), religioso, O.F.M. Cappuccino
Piazza San Pietro,
10 ottobre 1982
- Massimiliano Maria Kolbe (1894-1941), sacerdote, martire, O.F.M. Conventuale
Basilica Vaticana,
31 ottobre 1982
- Marguerite Bourgeoys (1620-1700), fondatrice delle Suore della Congregazione di Notre-Dame
- Jeanne Delanoue (1666-1736), fondatrice della Congregazione di S. Anna della Provvidenza
Piazza San Pietro,
16 ottobre 1983
- Leopoldo da Castelnovo (Bodgan Mandić) (1866-1942), O.F.M. Cappuccino
Basilica Vaticana
11 marzo 1984
- Paola Frassinetti (1809-1882), vergine, fondatrice della Congregazione delle Suore di S. Dorotea
Seoul (Repubblica di Corea-Daehan Minguk), 6 maggio 1984
- Andrea Kim Taegon (1821-1846), primo sacerdote cattolico della Corea e 102 martiri coreani
Basilica Vaticana,
21 ottobre 1984
- Miguel Febres Cordero (1854-1910), religioso, dell'Istituto dei Fratelli delle Scuole Cristiane
Piazza San Pietro,
13 aprile 1986
- Francesco Antonio Fasani (1681-1742), sacerdote professo, O.F.M. Conventuale
Basilica Vaticana,
12 ottobre 1986
- Giuseppe Maria Tomasi (1649-1713), Cardinale, dell'Ordine dei Chierici Regolari Teatini
Piazza San Pietro,
18 ottobre 1987
- Lorenzo Ruiz († 1637), laico
- Domenico Ibáñez de Erquicia (1589-1633), O.P.
- Giacomo Kyushei Gorobioye Tomonaga († 1633), O.P. e 13 compagni filippini, martiri del Giappone
Piazza San Pietro,
25 ottobre 1987
- Giuseppe Moscati (1880-1927), laico
Asunción (República del Paraguay), 16 maggio 1988
- Roque González de Santa Cruz (1576-1628)
- Alonso Rodríguez e Juan de Castillo (†1628), S.I., martiri
Messina (Italia),
11 giugno 1988
- Eustochia Smeralda Calafato (1434-1485), vergine, clarissa dell'Ordine di S. Francesco
Piazza San Pietro,
19 giugno 1988
- Andrea Dung-Lac († 1839), presbitero
- Tommaso Tran Van Thien († 1838), seminarista
- Emanuele Le Van Phung († 1859), laico
- Girolamo Hermosilla († 1861), Vescovo del Vietnam Orientale, O.P.Vescovo O.P.
- Valentino Berrio Ochoa (†1861), Vescovo del Tonchino Centrale, O.P. e altri 6 Vescovi
- Giovanni Teofano Vénard (†1861), presbitero M.E.P. e 105 compagni, martiri del Vietnam (†1745-1862)
Basilica Vaticana,
3 luglio 1988
- Simón de Rojas (1552-1624), O.SS.
- Rose-Philippine Duchesne (1769-1852), religiosa, della Società del Sacro Cuore
Piazza San Pietro,
2 ottobre 1988
- Maddalena di Canossa (1774-1835), vergine, fondatrice della Famiglia Canossiana Figli e Figlie della Carità
Basilica Vaticana,
11 dicembre 1988
- María Rosa Molas y Vallvé (1815-1876), religiosa, delle Suore di Nostra Signora della Consolazione
Basilica Vaticana,
9 aprile 1989
- Clelia Barbieri (1847-1870), fondatrice della Congregazione delle Suore Minime dell'Addolorata
Basilica Vaticana,
1 novembre 1989
- Gaspare Bertoni (1777-1853), presbitero, fondatore della Congregazione delle Stimmate di Nostro Signore Gesù Cristo
- Riccardo (Erminio Filippo) Pampuri (1897-1930), O.H.
Basilica Vaticana,
12 novembre 1989
- Agnese di Boemia (1211-1282), religiosa, dell'Ordine di S. Chiara
- Alberto Adamo Chmielowski (1845-1916), fondatore dei Frati e delle Suore del Terz'Ordine di S. Francesco, Servi dei Poveri
Basilica Vaticana,
10 dicembre 1989
- Muziano Maria (Luigi Giuseppe) Wiaux (1841-1917), F.S.C.
Basilica Vaticana,
9 dicembre 1990
- Marie Marguerite d'Youville (1701-1771), fondatrice della Congregazione delle Suore della Carità di Montréal, "Suore Grigie"
Basilica Vaticana,
17 novembre 1991
- Raffaele (Giuseppe) Kalinowski (1835-1907), O.C.D.
Basilica Vaticana,
31 maggio 1992
- Claudio La Colombière (1641-1682), S.J.
Santo Domingo (República Dominicana), 11 ottobre 1992
- Ezechiele Moreno y Díaz (1848-1906), Vescovo di Pasto, O.A.R.
Basilica Vaticana,
21 marzo 1993
- Claudine Thévenet (1774-1837), vergine, fondatrice della Congregazione delle Religiose di Gesù-Maria
- Teresa de Jesús "de los Andes" (Juana Enriqueta Josefina de los Sagragos Corazones Fernández Solar) (1900-1920), vergine, Carmelitana Scalza
Madrid (Reino de España), 16 giugno 1993
- Enrique de Ossó y Cervelló (1840-1896), presbitero, fondatore delle Suore della Società di S. Teresa di Gesù
Rīga (Latvijas Republika-Lettonia), 8 settembre 1993
- Meinhard (1134/36-1196), primo Vescovo della Livonia, oggi Lettonia (ripristino del culto)
Olomouc (Česká republika), 21 maggio 1995
- Giovanni Sarkander (1576-1620), presbitero, martire
- Zdislava di Lembert (1220-1252), laica e madre di famiglia, del Terz'Ordine di S. Domenico
Košice (Slovenská republika), 2 luglio 1995
Martiri di Košice († 1619)
- Marco Krizevcanin (1588-1619)
- Stefano Pongracz (1582-1619) e Melchiorre Grodziecki (1584-1619), presbiteri, S.I., martiri di Košice
Basilica Vaticana,
3 dicembre 1995
- Charles Joseph Eugène de Mazenod (1782-1861), Vescovo di Marsiglia, fondatore della Congregazione dei Missionari Oblati di Maria Immacolata
Piazza San Pietro,
2 giugno 1996
- Jean Gabriel Perboyre (1802-1840), presbitero e martire, della Congregazione della Missione
- Egidio Maria di S. Giuseppe Francesco Antonio Postillo (1729-1812), religioso, dell’Ordine dei Frati Minori
- Juan Grande Román (1546-1600), religioso, dell’Ordine Ospedaliero di S. Giovanni di Dio
Kraków (Rzeczpospolita Polska), 8 giugno 1997
- Edwige regina di Polonia (1374-1399)
Krosno (Rzeczpospolita Polska), 10 giugno 1997
- Giovanni da Dukla (1414-1484), presbitero
Piazza San Pietro
11 ottobre 1998
- Teresa Benedetta della Croce (Edith Stein) (1891-1942), religiosa professa Carmelitana Scalza, martire
Piazza San Pietro
18 aprile 1999
- Marcellin Joseph Benoît Champagnat (1789-1840), presbitero, della Società di Maria, fondatore dell’Istituto dei Piccoli Fratelli di Maria (Fratelli Maristi delle scuole)
- Giovanni Calabria (1873-1954), presbitero, fondatore delle Congregazioni dei Poveri Servi e delle Povere Serve della Divina Provvidenza
- Agostina Livia Pietrantoni (1864-1894), vergine della Congregazione delle Suore della Carità di S. Giovanna Antida Thouret
Nowy Sącz (Rzeczpospolita Polska), 16 giugno 1999
- Cunegonda (Kinga) (1224-1292), regina di Polonia
Basilica Vaticana,
21 novembre 1999
- Inocencio de la Inmaculada (Manuel Canoura Arnau) (1887-1934), presbitero, della Congregazione della Passione di Gesù Cristo
- Cirilo Bertrán (José Sanz Tejedor) (1888-1934) e 8 compagni, religiosi dell’Istituto dei Fratelli delle Scuole Cristiane, martiri
- Benedetto (Angelo Ercole) Menni (1841-1914), presbitero, dell’Ordine Ospedaliero di S. Giovanni di Dio, fondatore delle Suore Ospedaliere del Sacro Cuore di Gesù
- Tommaso da Cori (1655-1729), presbitero, dell’Ordine dei Frati Minori
Piazza San Pietro,
30 aprile 2000
- Maria Faustyna (Elena) Kowalska (1905-1938), vergine delle Suore della Beata Vergine Maria della Misericordia
Piazza San Pietro,
21 maggio 2000
- Cristóbal Magallanes Jara (1869-1927), presbitero e 24 compagni, presbiteri e laici, martiri
- José María de Yermo y Parres (1851-1904), presbitero, fondatore della Congregazione delle Serve del Sacro Cuore di Gesù e dei Poveri
- María de Jesús Sacramentado (María Natividad) Venegas de la Torre (1868-1959), vergine, fondatrice della Congregazione delle Figlie del Sacro Cuore di Gesù
Piazza San Pietro,
1° ottobre 2000
- Agostino Zhao Rong (1746 c.-1815), presbitero e 119 compagni († 1648-1930), martiri in Cina
- María Josefa del Corazón de Jesús Sancho de Guerra (1842-1912), vergine, fondatrice dell'Istituto delle Serve di Gesù della Carità
- Katharine Drexel (1858-1955), vergine, fondatrice della Congregazione delle Suore del SS. Sacramento per gli indiani e la gente di colore
- Giuseppina Bakhita (1869-1947), vergine, dell'Istituto delle Figlie della Carità, Canossiane
Piazza San Pietro,
10 giugno 2001
- Luigi Scrosoppi (1804-1884), presbitero, dell’Oratorio di San Filippo Neri, fondatore della Congregazione delle Suore della Provvidenza di S. Gaetano Thiene
- Agostino Roscelli (1818-1902), presbitero, fondatore della Congregazione delle Suore dell’Immacolata di Genova
- Bernardo da Corleone (Filippo Latino) (1605-1667), religioso, dell’Ordine dei Frati Minori Cappuccini
- Teresa Eustochio Verzeri (1801-1852), vergine, fondatrice dell’Istituto delle Figlie del Sacro Cuore di Gesù
- Rafqa (Boutroussyeh) Pietra Choboq Ar-Rayès (1832-1914), vergine, religiosa dell’Ordine Libanese Maronita
Piazza San Pietro,
25 novembre 2001
- Giuseppe Marello (1844-1895), Vescovo di Aqui, fondatore della Congregazione degli Oblati di S. Giuseppe
- Paula Montal Fornés de San José de Calasanz (1799-1889), vergine, fondatrice dell’Istituto delle Figlie di Maria Religiose delle Scuole Pie
- Léonie Françoise de Sales Aviat (1844-1914), vergine, fondatrice della Congregazione delle Suore Oblate di S. Francesco di Sales
- Maria Crescentia Höss (1682-1744), vergine, religiosa del Terz’Ordine di S. Francesco
Piazza San Pietro,
19 maggio 2002
- Alonso de Orozco (1500-1591), presbitero, dell’Ordine di S. Agostino, O.S.A.
- Ignazio da Santhià (Lorenzo Maurizio) (1686-1770), presbitero, dell’Ordine dei Frati Minori Cappuccini
- Umile da Bisignano (Luca Antonio) (1582-1637), religioso, dell’Ordine dei Frati Minori
- Paulína do Coroção Agonizante de Jesus (Amábile Lúcia Visintainer) (1865-1942), vergine, fondatrice della Congregazione delle Piccole Suore dell'Immacolata Concezione
- Benedetta Cambiagio Frassinello (1791-1858), religiosa, fondatrice dell’Istituto delle Suore Benedettine della Providenza
Piazza San Pietro,
16 giugno 2002
- Pio da Pietrelcina (Francesco Forgione) (1887-1968), presbitero, dell’Ordine dei Frati Minori Cappuccini
La Nueva Guatemala de la Asunción (República de Guatemala), 30 luglio 2002
- Pedro de San José Betancurt (1887-1968), laico del Terz'Ordine di S. Francesco, fondatore dei Fratelli Betlemiti e delle Suore Betlemite
Ciudad de México (Estados Unidos Mexicanos), 31 luglio 2002
- Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin (1474-1548), laico
Piazza San Pietro, 6 ottobre 2002
Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer (1902-1975), presbitero, fondatore dell’Opus Dei
469 Madrid (Reino de España), 4 maggio 2003 - Pedro Poveda Castroverde (1874-1936), sacerdote diocesano, martire, fondatore dell’Istituzione Teresiana, martire
- José María Rubio y Peralta (1864-1929), sacerdote professo, della Compagnia di Gesù
- Genoveva Torres (1870-1956), vergine, fondatrice della Congregazione delle Suore del Sacro Cuore di Gesù e dei Santi Angeli (dette Angeliche)
- Ángela de la Cruz Cruz (María de los Ángeles Guerrero González) (1846-1932), vergine, fondatrice della Compagnia della Croce
- María Maravillas de Jesús, (María Maravillas Pidal y Chico de Guzman) (1891-1974), vergine, Carmelita Scalza
36 473 Piazza San Pietro, 18 maggio 2003 - Jósef Sebastian Pelczar (1842-1924), Vescovo di Przemyśl, fondatore della Congregazione delle Ancelle del Sacro Cuore di Gesù
- Maria Urszula (Julia) Ledóchowska (1865-1939), vergine, fondatrice delle Suore Orsoline del Sacro Cuore di Gesù Agonizzante
- Maria de Mattias (1805-1866), vergine, fondatrice della Congregazione delle Suore Adoratrici del Sangue di Cristo
- Virginia Centurione ved. Bracelli (1587-1651), laica, fondatrice delle Suore di Nostra Signora del Rifugio in Monte Calvario e delle Suore Figlie di Nostra Signora al Monte Calvario
37 476 Piazza San Pietro, 5 ottobre 2003 - Daniele Comboni (1831-1881), Vescovo dell’Africa Centrale, fondatore della Congregazione dei Missionari Comboniani del Cuore di Gesù e delle Suore Missionarie Comboniane Pie Madri della Nigrizia
- Arnold Janssen (1837-1909), presbitero, fondatore della Società del Verbo Divino, della Congregazione delle Suore Missionarie Serve dello Spirito Santo e della Congregazione delle Suore Serve dello Spirito Santo dell’Adorazione Perpetua
- Josef Freinademetz (1852-1908), presbitero, della Società del Verbo Divino
38 482 Piazza San Pietro, 16 maggio 2004 - Luigi Orione (1872-1940), presbitero, fondatore della Piccola Opera della Divina Provvidenza e della Congregazione delle Piccole Suore Missionarie della Carità
- Annibale Maria Di Francia (1851-1927), presbitero, fondatore delle Congregazioni dei Padri Rogazionisti del Cuore di Gesù e delle Suore del Divino Zelo
- Josep Manyanet y Vives (1833-1901), presbitero, fondatore delle Congregazioni dei Figli della Sacra Famiglia Gesù, Maria e Giuseppe e delle Missionarie Figlie della Sacra Famiglia di Nazareth
- Nimatullah (Youssef) Kassab Al-Hardini (1808-1858), presbitero, dell’Ordine Libanese Maronita
- Paola Elisabetta Cerioli (Costanza Cerioli) (1816-1865), religiosa, fondatrice dell’Istituto delle Suore della Sacra Famiglia e della Congregazione della Sacra Famiglia di Bergamo
- Gianna Beretta Molla (1922-1962), madre di famiglia
52 celebrazioni;
38 in Vaticano;
14 fuori sede;
482 Santi
Pope Benedict XVI has begun the process of beatifying his predecessor John Paul II, the first step to sainthood.
"The cause for the beatification of John Paul II is open," the new Roman Catholic leader told priests meeting at Rome's Basilica of St John in Lateran.
The Pope waived the usual rules which require a five-year wait before the Church begins to make someone a saint.
John Paul II died on 2 April, leading to widespread calls from Catholics worldwide for him to be made a saint.
making saints and encourging IDOLARTY..
Celebrazioni a Roma
Fuori di Roma*
N. Santi
Basilica Vaticana,
20 giugno 1982
- Crispino da Viterbo (1668-1750), religioso, O.F.M. Cappuccino
Piazza San Pietro,
10 ottobre 1982
- Massimiliano Maria Kolbe (1894-1941), sacerdote, martire, O.F.M. Conventuale
Basilica Vaticana,
31 ottobre 1982
- Marguerite Bourgeoys (1620-1700), fondatrice delle Suore della Congregazione di Notre-Dame
- Jeanne Delanoue (1666-1736), fondatrice della Congregazione di S. Anna della Provvidenza
Piazza San Pietro,
16 ottobre 1983
- Leopoldo da Castelnovo (Bodgan Mandić) (1866-1942), O.F.M. Cappuccino
Basilica Vaticana
11 marzo 1984
- Paola Frassinetti (1809-1882), vergine, fondatrice della Congregazione delle Suore di S. Dorotea
Seoul (Repubblica di Corea-Daehan Minguk), 6 maggio 1984
- Andrea Kim Taegon (1821-1846), primo sacerdote cattolico della Corea e 102 martiri coreani
Basilica Vaticana,
21 ottobre 1984
- Miguel Febres Cordero (1854-1910), religioso, dell'Istituto dei Fratelli delle Scuole Cristiane
Piazza San Pietro,
13 aprile 1986
- Francesco Antonio Fasani (1681-1742), sacerdote professo, O.F.M. Conventuale
Basilica Vaticana,
12 ottobre 1986
- Giuseppe Maria Tomasi (1649-1713), Cardinale, dell'Ordine dei Chierici Regolari Teatini
Piazza San Pietro,
18 ottobre 1987
- Lorenzo Ruiz († 1637), laico
- Domenico Ibáñez de Erquicia (1589-1633), O.P.
- Giacomo Kyushei Gorobioye Tomonaga († 1633), O.P. e 13 compagni filippini, martiri del Giappone
Piazza San Pietro,
25 ottobre 1987
- Giuseppe Moscati (1880-1927), laico
Asunción (República del Paraguay), 16 maggio 1988
- Roque González de Santa Cruz (1576-1628)
- Alonso Rodríguez e Juan de Castillo (†1628), S.I., martiri
Messina (Italia),
11 giugno 1988
- Eustochia Smeralda Calafato (1434-1485), vergine, clarissa dell'Ordine di S. Francesco
Piazza San Pietro,
19 giugno 1988
- Andrea Dung-Lac († 1839), presbitero
- Tommaso Tran Van Thien († 1838), seminarista
- Emanuele Le Van Phung († 1859), laico
- Girolamo Hermosilla († 1861), Vescovo del Vietnam Orientale, O.P.Vescovo O.P.
- Valentino Berrio Ochoa (†1861), Vescovo del Tonchino Centrale, O.P. e altri 6 Vescovi
- Giovanni Teofano Vénard (†1861), presbitero M.E.P. e 105 compagni, martiri del Vietnam (†1745-1862)
Basilica Vaticana,
3 luglio 1988
- Simón de Rojas (1552-1624), O.SS.
- Rose-Philippine Duchesne (1769-1852), religiosa, della Società del Sacro Cuore
Piazza San Pietro,
2 ottobre 1988
- Maddalena di Canossa (1774-1835), vergine, fondatrice della Famiglia Canossiana Figli e Figlie della Carità
Basilica Vaticana,
11 dicembre 1988
- María Rosa Molas y Vallvé (1815-1876), religiosa, delle Suore di Nostra Signora della Consolazione
Basilica Vaticana,
9 aprile 1989
- Clelia Barbieri (1847-1870), fondatrice della Congregazione delle Suore Minime dell'Addolorata
Basilica Vaticana,
1 novembre 1989
- Gaspare Bertoni (1777-1853), presbitero, fondatore della Congregazione delle Stimmate di Nostro Signore Gesù Cristo
- Riccardo (Erminio Filippo) Pampuri (1897-1930), O.H.
Basilica Vaticana,
12 novembre 1989
- Agnese di Boemia (1211-1282), religiosa, dell'Ordine di S. Chiara
- Alberto Adamo Chmielowski (1845-1916), fondatore dei Frati e delle Suore del Terz'Ordine di S. Francesco, Servi dei Poveri
Basilica Vaticana,
10 dicembre 1989
- Muziano Maria (Luigi Giuseppe) Wiaux (1841-1917), F.S.C.
Basilica Vaticana,
9 dicembre 1990
- Marie Marguerite d'Youville (1701-1771), fondatrice della Congregazione delle Suore della Carità di Montréal, "Suore Grigie"
Basilica Vaticana,
17 novembre 1991
- Raffaele (Giuseppe) Kalinowski (1835-1907), O.C.D.
Basilica Vaticana,
31 maggio 1992
- Claudio La Colombière (1641-1682), S.J.
Santo Domingo (República Dominicana), 11 ottobre 1992
- Ezechiele Moreno y Díaz (1848-1906), Vescovo di Pasto, O.A.R.
Basilica Vaticana,
21 marzo 1993
- Claudine Thévenet (1774-1837), vergine, fondatrice della Congregazione delle Religiose di Gesù-Maria
- Teresa de Jesús "de los Andes" (Juana Enriqueta Josefina de los Sagragos Corazones Fernández Solar) (1900-1920), vergine, Carmelitana Scalza
Madrid (Reino de España), 16 giugno 1993
- Enrique de Ossó y Cervelló (1840-1896), presbitero, fondatore delle Suore della Società di S. Teresa di Gesù
Rīga (Latvijas Republika-Lettonia), 8 settembre 1993
- Meinhard (1134/36-1196), primo Vescovo della Livonia, oggi Lettonia (ripristino del culto)
Olomouc (Česká republika), 21 maggio 1995
- Giovanni Sarkander (1576-1620), presbitero, martire
- Zdislava di Lembert (1220-1252), laica e madre di famiglia, del Terz'Ordine di S. Domenico
Košice (Slovenská republika), 2 luglio 1995
Martiri di Košice († 1619)
- Marco Krizevcanin (1588-1619)
- Stefano Pongracz (1582-1619) e Melchiorre Grodziecki (1584-1619), presbiteri, S.I., martiri di Košice
Basilica Vaticana,
3 dicembre 1995
- Charles Joseph Eugène de Mazenod (1782-1861), Vescovo di Marsiglia, fondatore della Congregazione dei Missionari Oblati di Maria Immacolata
Piazza San Pietro,
2 giugno 1996
- Jean Gabriel Perboyre (1802-1840), presbitero e martire, della Congregazione della Missione
- Egidio Maria di S. Giuseppe Francesco Antonio Postillo (1729-1812), religioso, dell’Ordine dei Frati Minori
- Juan Grande Román (1546-1600), religioso, dell’Ordine Ospedaliero di S. Giovanni di Dio
Kraków (Rzeczpospolita Polska), 8 giugno 1997
- Edwige regina di Polonia (1374-1399)
Krosno (Rzeczpospolita Polska), 10 giugno 1997
- Giovanni da Dukla (1414-1484), presbitero
Piazza San Pietro
11 ottobre 1998
- Teresa Benedetta della Croce (Edith Stein) (1891-1942), religiosa professa Carmelitana Scalza, martire
Piazza San Pietro
18 aprile 1999
- Marcellin Joseph Benoît Champagnat (1789-1840), presbitero, della Società di Maria, fondatore dell’Istituto dei Piccoli Fratelli di Maria (Fratelli Maristi delle scuole)
- Giovanni Calabria (1873-1954), presbitero, fondatore delle Congregazioni dei Poveri Servi e delle Povere Serve della Divina Provvidenza
- Agostina Livia Pietrantoni (1864-1894), vergine della Congregazione delle Suore della Carità di S. Giovanna Antida Thouret
Nowy Sącz (Rzeczpospolita Polska), 16 giugno 1999
- Cunegonda (Kinga) (1224-1292), regina di Polonia
Basilica Vaticana,
21 novembre 1999
- Inocencio de la Inmaculada (Manuel Canoura Arnau) (1887-1934), presbitero, della Congregazione della Passione di Gesù Cristo
- Cirilo Bertrán (José Sanz Tejedor) (1888-1934) e 8 compagni, religiosi dell’Istituto dei Fratelli delle Scuole Cristiane, martiri
- Benedetto (Angelo Ercole) Menni (1841-1914), presbitero, dell’Ordine Ospedaliero di S. Giovanni di Dio, fondatore delle Suore Ospedaliere del Sacro Cuore di Gesù
- Tommaso da Cori (1655-1729), presbitero, dell’Ordine dei Frati Minori
Piazza San Pietro,
30 aprile 2000
- Maria Faustyna (Elena) Kowalska (1905-1938), vergine delle Suore della Beata Vergine Maria della Misericordia
Piazza San Pietro,
21 maggio 2000
- Cristóbal Magallanes Jara (1869-1927), presbitero e 24 compagni, presbiteri e laici, martiri
- José María de Yermo y Parres (1851-1904), presbitero, fondatore della Congregazione delle Serve del Sacro Cuore di Gesù e dei Poveri
- María de Jesús Sacramentado (María Natividad) Venegas de la Torre (1868-1959), vergine, fondatrice della Congregazione delle Figlie del Sacro Cuore di Gesù
Piazza San Pietro,
1° ottobre 2000
- Agostino Zhao Rong (1746 c.-1815), presbitero e 119 compagni († 1648-1930), martiri in Cina
- María Josefa del Corazón de Jesús Sancho de Guerra (1842-1912), vergine, fondatrice dell'Istituto delle Serve di Gesù della Carità
- Katharine Drexel (1858-1955), vergine, fondatrice della Congregazione delle Suore del SS. Sacramento per gli indiani e la gente di colore
- Giuseppina Bakhita (1869-1947), vergine, dell'Istituto delle Figlie della Carità, Canossiane
Piazza San Pietro,
10 giugno 2001
- Luigi Scrosoppi (1804-1884), presbitero, dell’Oratorio di San Filippo Neri, fondatore della Congregazione delle Suore della Provvidenza di S. Gaetano Thiene
- Agostino Roscelli (1818-1902), presbitero, fondatore della Congregazione delle Suore dell’Immacolata di Genova
- Bernardo da Corleone (Filippo Latino) (1605-1667), religioso, dell’Ordine dei Frati Minori Cappuccini
- Teresa Eustochio Verzeri (1801-1852), vergine, fondatrice dell’Istituto delle Figlie del Sacro Cuore di Gesù
- Rafqa (Boutroussyeh) Pietra Choboq Ar-Rayès (1832-1914), vergine, religiosa dell’Ordine Libanese Maronita
Piazza San Pietro,
25 novembre 2001
- Giuseppe Marello (1844-1895), Vescovo di Aqui, fondatore della Congregazione degli Oblati di S. Giuseppe
- Paula Montal Fornés de San José de Calasanz (1799-1889), vergine, fondatrice dell’Istituto delle Figlie di Maria Religiose delle Scuole Pie
- Léonie Françoise de Sales Aviat (1844-1914), vergine, fondatrice della Congregazione delle Suore Oblate di S. Francesco di Sales
- Maria Crescentia Höss (1682-1744), vergine, religiosa del Terz’Ordine di S. Francesco
Piazza San Pietro,
19 maggio 2002
- Alonso de Orozco (1500-1591), presbitero, dell’Ordine di S. Agostino, O.S.A.
- Ignazio da Santhià (Lorenzo Maurizio) (1686-1770), presbitero, dell’Ordine dei Frati Minori Cappuccini
- Umile da Bisignano (Luca Antonio) (1582-1637), religioso, dell’Ordine dei Frati Minori
- Paulína do Coroção Agonizante de Jesus (Amábile Lúcia Visintainer) (1865-1942), vergine, fondatrice della Congregazione delle Piccole Suore dell'Immacolata Concezione
- Benedetta Cambiagio Frassinello (1791-1858), religiosa, fondatrice dell’Istituto delle Suore Benedettine della Providenza
Piazza San Pietro,
16 giugno 2002
- Pio da Pietrelcina (Francesco Forgione) (1887-1968), presbitero, dell’Ordine dei Frati Minori Cappuccini
La Nueva Guatemala de la Asunción (República de Guatemala), 30 luglio 2002
- Pedro de San José Betancurt (1887-1968), laico del Terz'Ordine di S. Francesco, fondatore dei Fratelli Betlemiti e delle Suore Betlemite
Ciudad de México (Estados Unidos Mexicanos), 31 luglio 2002
- Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin (1474-1548), laico
Piazza San Pietro, 6 ottobre 2002
Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer (1902-1975), presbitero, fondatore dell’Opus Dei
469 Madrid (Reino de España), 4 maggio 2003 - Pedro Poveda Castroverde (1874-1936), sacerdote diocesano, martire, fondatore dell’Istituzione Teresiana, martire
- José María Rubio y Peralta (1864-1929), sacerdote professo, della Compagnia di Gesù
- Genoveva Torres (1870-1956), vergine, fondatrice della Congregazione delle Suore del Sacro Cuore di Gesù e dei Santi Angeli (dette Angeliche)
- Ángela de la Cruz Cruz (María de los Ángeles Guerrero González) (1846-1932), vergine, fondatrice della Compagnia della Croce
- María Maravillas de Jesús, (María Maravillas Pidal y Chico de Guzman) (1891-1974), vergine, Carmelita Scalza
36 473 Piazza San Pietro, 18 maggio 2003 - Jósef Sebastian Pelczar (1842-1924), Vescovo di Przemyśl, fondatore della Congregazione delle Ancelle del Sacro Cuore di Gesù
- Maria Urszula (Julia) Ledóchowska (1865-1939), vergine, fondatrice delle Suore Orsoline del Sacro Cuore di Gesù Agonizzante
- Maria de Mattias (1805-1866), vergine, fondatrice della Congregazione delle Suore Adoratrici del Sangue di Cristo
- Virginia Centurione ved. Bracelli (1587-1651), laica, fondatrice delle Suore di Nostra Signora del Rifugio in Monte Calvario e delle Suore Figlie di Nostra Signora al Monte Calvario
37 476 Piazza San Pietro, 5 ottobre 2003 - Daniele Comboni (1831-1881), Vescovo dell’Africa Centrale, fondatore della Congregazione dei Missionari Comboniani del Cuore di Gesù e delle Suore Missionarie Comboniane Pie Madri della Nigrizia
- Arnold Janssen (1837-1909), presbitero, fondatore della Società del Verbo Divino, della Congregazione delle Suore Missionarie Serve dello Spirito Santo e della Congregazione delle Suore Serve dello Spirito Santo dell’Adorazione Perpetua
- Josef Freinademetz (1852-1908), presbitero, della Società del Verbo Divino
38 482 Piazza San Pietro, 16 maggio 2004 - Luigi Orione (1872-1940), presbitero, fondatore della Piccola Opera della Divina Provvidenza e della Congregazione delle Piccole Suore Missionarie della Carità
- Annibale Maria Di Francia (1851-1927), presbitero, fondatore delle Congregazioni dei Padri Rogazionisti del Cuore di Gesù e delle Suore del Divino Zelo
- Josep Manyanet y Vives (1833-1901), presbitero, fondatore delle Congregazioni dei Figli della Sacra Famiglia Gesù, Maria e Giuseppe e delle Missionarie Figlie della Sacra Famiglia di Nazareth
- Nimatullah (Youssef) Kassab Al-Hardini (1808-1858), presbitero, dell’Ordine Libanese Maronita
- Paola Elisabetta Cerioli (Costanza Cerioli) (1816-1865), religiosa, fondatrice dell’Istituto delle Suore della Sacra Famiglia e della Congregazione della Sacra Famiglia di Bergamo
- Gianna Beretta Molla (1922-1962), madre di famiglia
52 celebrazioni;
38 in Vaticano;
14 fuori sede;
482 Santi
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
thomas more high school boysville.. it's LUST !!!!
It was considered a "game" at the holy cross brothers.. Roman Catholic Training center..
for the punk kids at the clinton school.. to .. spread lies about other students..
the kids .. liked to call people gay, or homo.. and liked to start stories.. that they were "seen at the sheep farm" .. because it is funny to sex-ually.. slander people..
brother lenard.. was a was a guy that made fun .. of students.. and his solution.. for .. desiring to "masterbate"
was 2 suggest to pray the "ROSARY"... and this didn't even work for the brothers of holy cross..
so guess what it didn't work for the students either.. BUT is was an answer !!!
this was also true with Alvin Glombowski..
he believed the lies a former boysville student.. that had a girl friend..
and he spread the word that the friend ship with her.. was
L U S T !!!!!! L U S T !!!!
... but it wasn't ..
but alvin glombowski.. liked to believe LIES.. that supported his wanting.. to believe the WORST...
when he was corrected .. and was told "no it wasn't " who is your wittness ?
he argued and said yes it was .., no it wasn't .. yes it was.. no it wasn't ..
well i guess no 1 can tell alvin glombowski anything.. !!
and alvin glombowski "AGREED" YES THAT'S RIGHT ... no 1 can tell him anything..
well on this point... i we all agree.. with another deceived roman catholic..
16 If a false witness rise up against any man to testify against him that which is wrong;
17 Then both the men, between whom the controversy is, shall stand before the LORD, before the priests and the judges, which shall be in those days;
18 And the judges shall make diligent inquisition: and, behold, if the witness be a false witness, and hath testified falsely against his brother;
19 Then shall ye do unto him, as he had thought to have done unto his brother:
so shalt thou put the evil away from among you.
Yah,... alvin glombowski... should be EXCUMMINATED..
instead .. he said ..3 hail mary's and 4 OUR father's..
hooo we... that is quite the pennance
i bet .. he learned his lesson..(NOT)
is repentance of sins as well as the proper name of the Catholic and Orthodox Christian Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation/Confession.
The word penance derives from Old French and Latin poenitentia, both of which derive from the same root meaning repentance, the desire to be forgiven; (in English see (contrition)).
Penance and repentance, similar in their derivation and original sense, have come to symbolize conflicting views of the essence of repentance, arising from the controversy as to the respective merits of "faith" and "good works."
Word derivations occur in many languages.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Right or Wrong.. dO.... u ...REALLY believe JESUS ?
It is amazing how the wrong teaching.. have been taught in the roman catholic church.. not only wrong .. but half truth.. that prevent .. the HOLY Spirit .. which is the spirit of truth.. at least that is what JESUS called the spirit of YAHWAH..
John 14:15-21 (New International Version)
Jesus Promises the Holy Spirit
15" If you love me, you will obey what I command.
16And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever—
17 the Spirit of truth.
The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be[a] in you. 18I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.
19 Before long, the world will not see me anymore, but you will see me. Because I live, you also will live.
20 On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you. 21 Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me. He who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love him and show myself to him."
SO u REALLY BELIEVE .. jesUs... MAYBE ... NOT...
25Jesus answered, "I did tell you, but you do not believe. The miracles I do in my Father's name speak for me,
26 but you do not believe because you are not my sheep.
27 My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.
28 I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand.
29 My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all[d]; no one can snatch them out of my Father's hand.
30 I and the Father are one."
Alvin Glombowski... believes what ever a Roman Catholic bishop , cardinal, or pope (1869) says...because like most people in the last 400 years... they are spiritually dead..
' he projected a deceptive cleverness and exuded a delusive demeanor of humble servitude '
Yet, today I am ashamed to think that in all of those years when I performed numerous charitable works, attended mass seven days a week (sometimes twice on Sunday), observed and promoted the teachings of the Catholic church, I never knew Jesus personally. Had I died, I would have perished forever. Only when I repented and trusted Him ALONE as my Saviour and Lord was I truly and eternally saved!
Are you aware that in Matt. 12:36, in fact the twelfth New Testament prophecy in this first Gospel, every idle word either said in anger or jest, will be accountable on the Day of Judgement.
So I have to ask myself what about every superfluous sentence and word that every author moulds and tries to fashion into literary darts for his reader's approval? Will this count as well
on that fateful day yet to come to each of us?
With this thought in mind, I suggest that the saying 'brief is best' should apply and remembering the sower in Matt.13:39 when his seeds where thrown, fell mainly on to unprepared ground. My words I hope will not share such a fate, at least I hope not.
For fourteen years, I was the co-ordinator for the Justice and Peace in the Deanery, Vice Chairman of the Deanery Pastoral Council, occasional speaker for the presentation of Papal Encyclicals, regular mass reader, was commissioned by the diocese to author a book about my Church (which is still in print), was a member of the liturgy committee and was also part of the Churches Together, which involved ecumenism and inter-faith.
Organised religion, I am afraid, carries its own heavy sackcloth of emotional baggage and particular failings - sometimes to an extreme degree. I neither need it, nor seek it.
One of my own dear family members, who in the past had practised with deep conscientiousness, all the articles of his Roman Catholic faith for almost half a century, yet approached the final days of his life in fear of what awaited him.
This would result in him asking complete strangers in the hospital, "There must be a life here after? Mustn't there?" He desperately needed the comfort or a kind reassuring word from a total stranger. Did he find it? I don't know.
Religion, it seemed, had so assiduously failed him in his faltering hour of need. How tragic and how sad for him and his family. Later on, the gloomy prospects of purgatory and all of that cruel religious uncertainty would be debated with me by his dear wife - did I think he was still there? He must be out of there by now, don't you think?
And how inadequate I was then, in offering a comforting reply to her. How I wish I could witness to both of them now, knowing what I do. That simply, you have to get out of religion and into a personal Biblical relationship with the Lord. And that can only be an assenting association with the One who can and does promise to save you for eternity - the Lord Jesus Christ.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
alvin glombowski, former holy cross brother
Welll.. Big alvin glombowski former holy cross brother.. but .. Alll intense Roman Catholic church goer..
Alvin Glomobwski convinced me by demenstration.. that it is OK for him.. and his wife maureen Barledge.. to rob.. cheat swindle and defraud
some one .. I know...out of 2,000 dollars of Gold and Silver.. ..
The Jackson Michigan priest they went too, told them it was OK..
so long as they said "5 hail Maries.. and 5 Our Fathers" for penence
what a deal..!! they didn't return it or replace it..
but it is interesting what the Bible scripture .. says about it..
Exodus 20:15 ESV “You shall not steal.
Ephesians 4:28
Let the thief no longer steal, but rather let him labor, doing honest work with his own hands, so that he may have something to share with anyone in need.
Jeremiah 7:9-11 ESV / 12 helpful votes
Will you steal, murder, commit adultery, swear falsely, make offerings to Baal, and go after other gods that you have not known (mary)
and then come and stand before me in this house, which is called by my name, and say, ‘We are delivered!’—only to go on doing all these abominations?
Has this house (ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH), which is called by my name, become a den of robbers in your eyes? Behold, I myself have seen it, declares the Lord.
Luke 19:8 ESV
And Zacchaeus stood and said to the Lord,
“Behold, Lord, the half of my goods I give to the poor.
And if I have defrauded anyone of anything, I restore it fourfold.”
So if they did this than.. 2,000 now valued at 6,000 thousand dollars times (X) 4 =
they would half to pay a pennence of 24,000 thousand dollars..
well that would be a lesson!!!
they change the WORD OF God.. to something they want..
Go to Jackson Michigan.. and Met.. these perverts !!
See what JESUS ment.. that a BAD TREE produces .. BAD FRUIT !!
It is also OK.. 2 "Bare false wittness against your neighbor" so long as your wife.. goes along with it!!
Matthew 19:18
He said to him, “Which ones?” And Jesus said, “You shall not murder, You shall not commit adultery, You shall not steal, You shall not bear false witness, Helpful
Not Helpful
1 Corinthians 6:9-11
Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God?
Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers,
nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy,
nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.
And such were some of you. (BEFORE THE HOLY SPIRIT)
But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.
Romans 13:9
For the commandments, “You shall not commit adultery, You shall not murder, You shall not steal, You shall not covet,” and any other commandment, are summed up in this word: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”
Proverbs 6
Warnings Against Folly
30 Men do not despise a thief if he steals
to satisfy his hunger when he is starving.
31 Yet if he is caught, he must pay sevenfold,
though it costs him all the wealth of his house.
So.. according to the WORD OF GOD.. alvin Glombowski and Maureen Barledge , has to repay thheir thief.. 7 times the value..
which in todays market.. the 2,000 dollars in gold and silver.. is now worth 6,000 dollars..
and 6,000 (thousand) times 7 is 42,000 .. now this is a pennnence !!
not the BULL SHIT.. of hail mary's..
YA Alvin Glombowski... owes.. 42,000 thousand dollars... for his robbery.. thief.. and embezzlement..
take a clue... READ THE BIBLE...
It surprised me that Alvin Glombowski was telling me that he read some dead guy's book.. and now he is QUALIFIED 2 mentor .. young boys..
he and his wife actually has the character similar as a ROMAN CATHOLIC CHILD MOLESTER AND PETIFILE
and he justifies his behavior.. with denial..
Isaiah 11... tells what will happen if you are baptised in the HOLY SPIRIT>>
but if
you are spirituall deadlike most roman catholics.. you live a lie and live self deceived
2 The Spirit of the LORD will rest on him—
the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding,
the Spirit of counsel and of power,
the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD -
3 and he will delight in the fear of the LORD.
He will not judge by what he sees with his eyes,
or decide by what he hears with his ears;
4 but with righteousness he will judge the needy,
with justice he will give decisions for the poor of the earth.
Midland thieves steal a Bible but toss it into a yard
by Dean Bohn | The Saginaw News
Thursday November 20, 2008, 2:04 PM
MIDLAND -- Thieves stole items from several cars this week, but they discarded one piece of their loot -- a Bible.
Perhaps they came across the Ten Commandments passage stating "Thou shalt not steal" and decided "they didn't want any part of that," said city Police Detective Lt. Gerald J. Ladwig.
A 39-year-old woman living on Westbrier was among a string of callers who complained about thefts, Ladwig said. An officer found her Bible in the front yard of a home down the street.
"Thieves will many times grab armloads of items when they steal from vehicles and go through it later," Ladwig said.
TEACH THE BIBLE..NOT THE whoreLY (holy ) cross brother version of the bible
A Brother Who Sins Against You
15"If your brother sins against you,[b] go and show him his fault, just between the two of you. If he listens to you, you have won your brother over.
16 But if he will not listen, take one or two others along, so that 'every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.'[c]
17 If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church; and if he refuses to listen even to the church, treat him as you would a pagan or a tax collector.
18"I tell you the truth, whatever you bind on earth will be[d]bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be[e] loosed in heaven.
19"Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven.
20 For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them."
old test a ment
15 One witness is not enough to convict a man accused of any crime or offense he may have committed. A matter must be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.
16 If a malicious witness takes the stand to accuse a man of a crime,
17 the two men involved in the dispute must stand in the presence of the LORD before the priests and the judges who are in office at the time.
18 The judges must make a thorough investigation, and if the witness proves to be a liar, giving false testimony against his brother,
19 then do to him as he intended to do to his brother.
You must purge the evil from among you.
20 The rest of the people will hear of this and be afraid, and never again will such an evil thing be done among you.
21 Show no pity: life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot.
Leviticus 19
Various Laws
15 " 'Do not pervert justice; do not show partiality to the poor or favoritism to the great, but judge your neighbor fairly.
16 " 'Do not go about spreading slander among your people.
" 'Do not do anything that endangers your neighbor's life. I am the LORD.
37 " 'Keep all my decrees and all my laws and follow them. I am the LORD.' "
Well, I guess a good example would be God's Ten Commandments verses the "laws of the land", i.e. laws of man, since the Ten Commandments are the highest form of laws that signify God's character.
You see, God says do not make images and idols of worship, to bow down to them. "Man" has statues in their churches and they, in fact, bow to them. (Exodus 20:4, 2 Corinthians 6:16, 1 John 5:21)
God says Remember the Day that I created specifically to give you rest from the labor of the world, to keep it holy and sanctified to me, to rest on it and to spend time with family and to serve people in need. "Man" defiles this Day by working and doing their own things and speaking their own words, they even chose another day of rest, which is totally not biblical, but pagan in origin. No offense, but look it up, its in the history books. (Exodus 20:8-11, Luke 4:16, Luke 6:5, Luke 23:50-56, Acts 13:42-44, Acts 17:2, Acts 18:4)
God says to love and cherish your wife or husband. To never cheat on him/her by commit adultery. Well, in this country, it is actually legal to cheat on your wife or husband. lol, Man's laws at its best!! (Exodus 20:14, Matthew 5:27 & 28, Romans 2:22, Romans 13:9, James 2:11, 2 Peter 2:14)
In regarding to the process of handling these issues, this country had a beautiful system called separation between church and state. This system still exists today but it is crumbling on a daily basis. But in a democracy, a govenrnment must have laws and conditions that are reactive instead of proactive. The problem with that is when men begin to place the laws of man above the laws of God. And this is an ongoing problem that, I belive will never end because of sin. Hope I helped. Later
1 year ago
Hosea 4 6 my people are destroyed from lack of knowledge.
4 "But let no man bring a charge,
let no man accuse another,
for your people are like those
who bring charges against a priest.
5 You stumble day and night,
and the prophets stumble with you.
So I will destroy your mother-
6 my people are destroyed from lack of knowledge.
"Because you have rejected knowledge,
I also reject you as my priests;
because you have ignored the law of your God,
I also will ignore your children.
7 The more the priests increased,
the more they sinned against me;
they exchanged [c] their [d] Glory for something disgraceful.
8 They feed on the sins of my people
and relish their wickedness.
let no man accuse another,
for your people are like those
who bring charges against a priest.
5 You stumble day and night,
and the prophets stumble with you.
So I will destroy your mother-
6 my people are destroyed from lack of knowledge.
"Because you have rejected knowledge,
I also reject you as my priests;
because you have ignored the law of your God,
I also will ignore your children.
7 The more the priests increased,
the more they sinned against me;
they exchanged [c] their [d] Glory for something disgraceful.
8 They feed on the sins of my people
and relish their wickedness.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Surely the Sovereign LORD does nothing
7 Surely the Sovereign LORD does nothing
without revealing his plan
to his servants the prophets.
18 I will repay them double for their wickedness and their sin, because they have defiled my land with the lifeless forms of their vile images and have filled my inheritance with their detestable idols."
19 YAWAH, my strength and my fortress,
my refuge in time of distress,
to you the nations will come
from the ends of the earth and say,
"Our ancestors possessed nothing but false gods,
worthless idols that did them no good.
20 Do people make their own gods?
Yes, but they are not gods!"
21 "Therefore I will teach them—
this time I will teach them
my power and might.
Then they will know
that my name is YAWAH.
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